683 research outputs found

    Radial artery pseudoaneurysm after a single arterial puncture for blood-gas analysis: a case report

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    We report a case of a radial artery pseudoaneurysm complicating a single arterial puncture for blood-gas analysis that was treated with excision of pseudoaneurysm and suture of the defect of wall of radial artery. The puncture for continuous blood pressure monitoring and serial blood gas analysis have been reported in critically ill patients, but, to the best of our knowledge, there are no cases reported of pseudoaneurysm after a single arterial puncture for blood-gas analysis. In the reported case we think that the main cause of the pseudoaneurysm onset was an incorrect compression and/or a too much short time of compression of the radial artery after the puncture. Minor sequelae and rare complications may be minimized by careful attention to detail in the performance of such procedures and care of the patient also after a single arterial puncture

    LpL^p Maximal regularity for vector-valued Schr\"{o}dinger operators

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    In this paper we consider the vector-valued Schr\"{o}dinger operator −Δ+V-\Delta + V, where the potential term VV is a matrix-valued function whose entries belong to Lloc1(Rd)L^1_{\rm loc}(\mathbb{R}^d) and, for every x∈Rdx\in\mathbb{R}^d, V(x)V(x) is a symmetric and nonnegative definite matrix, with non positive off-diagonal terms and with eigenvalues comparable each other. For this class of potential terms we obtain maximal inequality in L1(Rd,Rm).L^1(\mathbb{R}^d,\mathbb{R}^m). Assuming further that the minimal eigenvalue of VV belongs to some reverse H\"older class of order q∈(1,∞)∪{∞}q\in(1,\infty)\cup\{\infty\}, we obtain maximal inequality in Lp(Rd,Rm)L^p(\mathbb{R}^d,\mathbb{R}^m), for pp in between 11 and some qq

    The role of Attachment Insecurity in the emergency of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescent with migraine: an empirical study

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    Background: It is widely recognised that there are associations between headache, psychiatric comorbidity and attachment insecurity in both adults and children. The aims of this study were: 1) to compare perceived attachment security and anxiety in children and adolescents with migraine without aura and a healthy control group; 2) to test whether the child’s perceived security of attachment to the mother and the father mediated the association between migraine and anxiety. Methods: One hundred children and adolescents with Migraine without Aura were compared with a control group of 100 children without headache. The Security Scale (measures perceived security of attachments) and the Self-Administered Psychiatric Scales for Children and Adolescents, a measure of anxiety symptoms, were administered to all participants. Results: The clinical group had lower attachment security than the control group and higher scores on all anxiety scales. Anxiety was negatively correlated with attachment. Children’s attachment to their mother mediated the increase in global anxiety in the clinical group. Insecure paternal attachment was associated with greater insecurity in maternal attachment, suggesting that there is a complex pathway from migraine to anxiety symptoms mediated by perceived insecurity of paternal attachment and hence also by perceived insecurity of maternal attachment. Conclusion: These results suggest that insecure parental attachment may exacerbate anxiety in children and adolescents with migraine and point to the importance of multimodal interventions, perhaps taking account of family relationships, for children and adolescents with migraine

    Crystal structure of the stereoregular ethylene-alt-styrene copolymer synthesized with a zirconocene-based catalyst

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    A stereoregular alternating ethylene-styrene copolymer, also stretchable in fiber form, has been obtained with rac-isopropylidenebis( l-indenyl)zirconium dimethyldiamide activated by the methylalumoxane catalytic system. From X-ray diffraction fiber spectra, an isotactic structure has been assigned to this copolymer as well as the previously described stereoregular ethylene-styrene copolymers. The polymer has zigzag planar chain conformation with phenyl groups oriented perpendicularly to the chain axis. The crystallographic symmetry in B2/m. Lattice constants (monoclinic, unique axis c): a = 10.23, b = 15.53, c = 5.12 Angstrom; gamma = 98.6 degrees. The disagreement index for measured reflections is R-1 = 0.10

    Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment (ESWT) enhances the in vitro-induced differentiation of human tendon-derived stem/progenitor cells (hTSPCs)

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    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive and innovative technology for the management of specific tendinopathies. In order to elucidate the ESWT-mediated clinical benefits, human Tendon-derived Stem/Progenitor cells (hTSPCs) explanted from 5 healthy semitendinosus (ST) and 5 ruptured Achilles (AT) tendons were established. While hTSPCs from the two groups showed similar proliferation rates and stem cell surface marker profiles, we found that the clonogenic potential was maintained only in cells derived from healthy donors. Interestingly, ESWT significantly accelerated hTSPCs differentiation, suggesting that the clinical benefits of ESWT may be ascribed to increased efficiency of tendon repair after injury

    Preliminary observations about white shark's (Carcharodon carcharias) discriminatory patterns during surface predatory activity and type of approach

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    The aim of the present study was to gather information on the behaviour of great white shark Carcharodon carcharias during surface predatory activities. According to the present results, vision plays an important role in feeding patterns and appears correlated to weather conditions

    Spontaneous Fluctuations in Posterior α-Band EEG Activity Reflect Variability in Excitability of Human Visual Areas

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    Neural activity fluctuates dynamically with time, and these changes have been reported to be of behavioral significance, despite occurring spontaneously. Through electroencephalography (EEG), fluctuations in α-band (8-14 Hz) activity have been identified over posterior sites that covary on a trial-by-trial basis with whether an upcoming visual stimulus will be detected or not. These fluctuations are thought to index the momentary state of visual cortex excitability. Here, we tested this hypothesis by directly exciting human visual cortex via transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to induce illusory visual percepts (phosphenes) in blindfolded participants, while simultaneously recording EEG. We found that identical TMS-stimuli evoked a percept (P-yes) or not (P-no) depending on prestimulus α-activity. Low prestimulus α-band power resulted in TMS reliably inducing phosphenes (P-yes trials), whereas high prestimulus α-values led the same TMS-stimuli failing to evoke a visual percept (P-no trials). Additional analyses indicated that the perceptually relevant fluctuations in α-activity/visual cortex excitability were spatially specific and occurred on a subsecond time scale in a recurrent pattern. Our data directly link momentary levels of posterior α-band activity to distinct states of visual cortex excitability, and suggest that their spontaneous fluctuation constitutes a visual operation mode that is activated automatically even without retinal inpu

    Immunohistochemical expression and distribution of orexin, orphanin and leptin in the major salivary glands of some mammals

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    Abstract: The aim of the study was to assess the involvement of apoptotic factors, cytokeratins and metalloproteinase- 9 in the histogenesis of both Epithelialized Gingival Lesions (EGL) and Periapical Lesions (PAL). 55 consecutive patients, 30 with PAL and 25 with EGL, were selected for the study after clinical and radiological examinations. The PAL patients had severe periapical lesions and tooth decay with exposure of the pulp chamber. All PAL and EGL biopsies were surgically extracted, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, and processed for routine light microscopy. Ten biopsies of each category were processed for immunohistochemistry (IHC). Serial paraffin sections were stained by IHC with appropriate antibodies to detect cytokeratins (CKs) 1, 5, 8, 10 and 14, caspase-3 and -9, metalloproteinase-9, and for PCNA and TUNEL assays. Both PAL and EGL showed a high expression of the cytokeratin 1, 5 and 8 with higher expression in EGL. Moreover, CK10 was markedly less intense expressed in EGL compared to PAL, while CK14 was almost three times stronger expressed in EGL. The expression of caspase-3 and -9 was stronger in PAL compared to EGL, however, the difference was only significant for caspase-9. In PAL apoptosis detected by TUNNEL method and the expression of MMP-9 were higher than in EGL, whereas PCNA was significantly more expressed in EGL. The results clearly suggest that both lesions have exclusively an epithelial origin and that epithelial proliferation was correlated with the degree of apoptosis in both entities. PAL and EGL presented mostly similar cytokeratin expression except for CK10 and CK14, though with marked differences in the distribution and intensity of IHC reactions. Finally, the degradation of extracellular matrix in both lesions could be partially attributed to the strong presence of MMP-9. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2012, Vol. 50, No. 4, 497–503)The aim of the study was to determine by immunochemistry the expression of leptin, orexin A and orphanin FQ in the major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular and sublingual) of rat, sheep and cow. These peptides, originally synthesized in central nervous system, adipose tissue and peripheral tissues including gastrointestinal tract, play an orexigenic (orphanin and orexin) or anorexigenic (leptin) roles in the intricate neuronal network appointed to the control of nutritional homeostasis. Peptide-specific immunoreactivity was present in the studied salivary glands with various intensities in different species, in the ductal epithelium, sometimes in the acinar epithelium, and in nervous trunks spread in connective tissue stroma. The obtained data show that salivary glands present an unexpected source of orexigenic and anorexigenic peptides which with their autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine mechanisms of action may participate in the control of salivary gland function

    Spatiotemporal patterns of distribution of large predatory sharks in Calabria (central Mediterranean, southern Italy)

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    During the 2000-2009, a survey study on the spatiotemporal patterns of distribution of large predatory sharks was carried out in the Calabria region. A total of 12 species were recorded and among them the blue shark Prionace glauca and the bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus were the most common ones. Also of interest was the frequency of species such as Carcharodon carcharias, Sphyrna zygaena and Cetorhinus maximus. 57% of all reported records derived from the Tyrrhenian side of the region and 43% on the Ionian side. A significant relationship between season of the year versus number of records was found, but this could be related to the small number of observers that were active during the winter months. The presence of Sphyrna lewini is reported for the study area; this species was previously recorded only in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea. This paper also provides evidence of the second and first documented accounts of white shark predation upon Tursiops truncatus and Stenella coeruleoalba, respectively, in the Mediterranean Sea. The recover ing of Ionian Sphyrna zygaena populations and the declining of Lamna nasus populations were also noted
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