35 research outputs found

    The Prevalence of Reading Difficulties among Children in Scholar Age

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    The study investigates the prevalence of reading difficulties among children in scholar age and analyses the socio-demographic characteristics of learners who presented reading difficulties in central Italy. A sample of 623 students 7-11 aged, was assessed with the Italian MT standardized tests. Information on gender, age, handedness, and other socio-demographic variables were also gathered. The study showed that 11% of learners presented poor comprehension skills. The reading speed difficulties were more common than the reading correctness problems: about 7% of children vs 1% were dyslexics due to slow reading. There were no significant differences regarding gender, age. However, dominant hand and the school location seemed to affect the speed difficulties and the comprehension problems. The analyses showed that attending a school located in a rural area was statistically associated with the reading difficulties. Left-handed children were more likely to be slow decoders and/or poor comprehenders. These findings may be used in the early diagnosis of poor readers. These difficulties often have a chronic progression with substantial psychosocial limitations and psychological stress, so children with reading difficulties should be identified as early as possible

    Proctologic Surgery Prioritization After the Lockdown: Development of a Scoring System

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    Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has shown a very critical impact on surgical procedures all over the world. Italy faced the deepest impact from the beginning of March 2020. Elective operations, screening, and follow-up visits had been suspended giving priority to urgent and oncologic surgery. Patients: An observational study was carried out in the Surgical Coloproctology Unit of the Val Vibrata Hospital on 152 patients awaiting a proctological surgical treatment during the national lockdown. Methods: In order to monitor the health status of patients and reschedule postlockdown surgical activities, patients were interviewed by telephone submitting a questionnaire based upon the judgment of an expert senior clinician. Following the interview, we calculated a severity index for all the proctologic diseases (hemorrhoidal disease, anal fissure, anal sepsis, slow transit or obstructed defecation, incontinence), classifying the patients according to the score. Mean age of patients was 53 (±16) years, and there were 84 males (55.3%) and 68 females (44.7%). In total, 31% of our patients suffered from anal fissure, 28% suffered from hemorrhoidal disease, 14% suffered from anal sepsis, and the remaining patients suffered from benign anorectal diseases to a lesser extent. Results: A total of 137 patients were available and divided into three classes: priority surgery (PS) with 49 patients (36.2%), deferrable surgery (DS) with 25 patients (18.1%), and long-term surgery (L-TS) with 63 patients (45.6%). There was a significant correlation between the perceived health status reported during the interview and the priority class index (Spearman's rho = 0.97, p < 0.001). Differences related to age and sex were not significant (F-test = 0.43, p = 0.653; chi-squared test = 0.693, p = 0.707). 49 patients in class PS needed a prompt surgical treatment, while 24 patients allocated in class DS and 65 patients allocated in class L-TS could wait for a new ride plan for surgery. Conclusion: New tools, such as this simple score obtained during the telephone interview, can be useful for prioritization of patients on the waiting list for surgical coloproctology after the lockdown without further clinical examination and hospital access

    The Relationship between Compulsive Behaviour and Internet Addiction

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    A variety of behavioural and emotional problems among university students is due to Internet Addiction (Alavi et al. 2012, Rusconi et al. 2012). In 2013 a survey is conducted on a sample of 532 students of University of L’Aquila. The purpose is to investigate Internet use patterns and the correlation between Internet Addiction disorder and compulsive behaviour. Two self-administered questionnaires are used: the Internet Addiction Test and the Cognitive Behavioural Assessment 2.0. 517 students show signs of Internet Addiction, which is moderate for 31% of respondents and severe for 1% of them. 5% shows intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. The symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are statistically associated with Internet Addiction (chi² test=23.53, p=0.000). Among young people there is a relationship between compulsive behaviour and Internet Addiction. This relationship has significant effects on treatment of Internet Addiction

    psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology based meditation pneimed training reduces salivary cortisol under basal and stressful conditions in healthy university students results of a randomized controlled study

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    Abstract Background Meditation represents an effective and safe practice to lower distress and promote well-being. PsychoNeuroEndocrinoImmunology-based Meditation (PNEIMED) is a validated method that can reduce stress-related symptoms and salivary cortisol secretion. To date, few randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have assessed cortisol levels through salivary samples, collected both in the morning phase and during acute mental stress elicitation, in healthy young subjects following brief meditation training. Aim The present study aims to investigate, in healthy young undergraduate students, the effects of a brief PNEIMED training course on HPA axis by measuring salivary cortisol levels. Methods Forty students attending the Faculty of Psychology, without comorbidities and previous experience of meditation, were enrolled in the study. Twenty subjects were randomly assigned to 30 h of PNEIMED training (intervention group, IG), and twenty subjects were randomly assigned to 30 h of academic lessons (control group, CG). Salivary cortisol measures included basal morning (t0 = baseline time, collected 30 min after waking) and under stress-eliciting task values. Cortisol measurement under the stress-eliciting task was provided through the Subtraction Stress Task (SST) at scheduled time intervals (t1 = 5 min pre-SST, t2 = 10 min post-SST, t3 = 30 min = post-SST). Salivary cortisol was measured among all subjects (IG + CG) at the beginning (pre-test) and at the end (post-test, four days later) of the study. Results ANOVA between-group analysis of basal diurnal salivary cortisol showed a significant hormone deflection in the IG at the end of the PNEIMED course (post-test) when compared to the CG (IG post-test 5.64 ± 4.2 vs CG post-test 9.44 ± 4.9; F1,38 = 6.838; p = 0.013). RM-ANOVA within-group analysis for the IG also showed that time and condition effects were statistically significant, with Ftime = 5.438; p = 0.002 and Fcondition = 10.478; p = 0.004, respectively. The IG group presented a significant reduction in basal morning cortisol at the end of the PNEIMED course (post-test) compared to the salivary concentration at baseline (pre-test) (IG pre-test 9.42 ± 6.0 vs IG post-test 5.64 ± 4.2; F1,38 8,354; p = 0.009). RM-ANOVA for the control group showed only the main effect of time (F1,38 = 40.348; p Conclusion Although the low number of subjects enrolled in the study does not allow for definitive conclusions to be drawn, the present findings confirmed the capability of the PNEIMED method to lower stress hormone secretion both at baseline and under acute mental stimulation in a group of young naive practitioners and make a contribution to the existing literature by increasing the number of published RCTs about the topic

    Clostridium difficile outbreak: epidemiological surveillance, infection prevention and control

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    INTRODUCTION: Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is currently considered the most common cause of health care-associated infections. The aim is to describe the trend of CDI in an Italian hospital and to assess the efficacy of the measures adopted to manage the burden. METHODS: we looked at CDI from 2016 to 2018. The incidence rate of CDIs was calculated as the number of new infected persons per month by the overall length of stay (incidence per 10,000 patient-days). Changes in the CDI rate during the period considered were analysed using a joinpoint regression model. RESULTS: thanks to the monitoring activity it was possible to adopt a new protocol, in order to manage CDI: the CDI episodes decreased from 85 in 2017 to 31 in 2018 (63% decrease). The joinpoint regression model was a useful tool to identify an important decrement during 2017, statistically significant (slope=-15.84; p= 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: reports based on routine laboratory data can accurately measure population burden of CDI with limited surveillance resources. This acitivity can help target prevention programs and evaluate their effect

    Where Am I? Searching for the Tangle in the Developmental Topographical Disorientation

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    The Developmental Topographical Disorientation (DTD) is a pathological condition that impairs an individual's ability to orient in space, even in the most familiar environments. It is a lifelong selective condition in individuals without brain damage or without impaired general cognitive functions. Here, we aimed at characterizing 54 individuals with DTD identified in a previous study, aged between 18 and 35 years and assessed through a 4-year-long online survey. To this purpose, we compared them with 54 matched healthy participants. We described the demographics, sense of direction, town knowledge, navigational strategies, left-right confusion as well as agnosic disorders (for landmarks, faces and objects). This novel study attempts to characterize the phenotype of DTD, providing an important contribution to the worldwide definition of a condition that was first described only 13 years ago, but which, considering the growing number of cases complaining of the disorder, deserves continuous and increasing attention

    Stress in Medical Students: PRIMES, an Italian, Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

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    Medical students (MSs) are healthcare workers and must also cope with education-related stressors. This study aims to assess factors associated with perceived stress in Italian MSs. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 12 Italian medical schools (MSCs) in November 2018. A questionnaire assessed socio-demographic characteristics, habits, opinions about MSC, and concerns about the future. Stress was assessed with the PSS-10. Descriptive and univariable tests were performed. A linear model was fitted to find associations of the PSS-10 score with characteristics. There were 2513 collected questionnaires. Median PSS-10 score was 18 (IQR 11). Median age was 22 (IQR 4) and 61% of the sample was female. Female gender, being part of a sexual minority, poor financial situation, competitive atmosphere, having hobbies, resting, and sleeping hindered by MSC were characteristics associated with higher PSS-10 scores. Current relationship, good family relationship, and no concerns about the future were protective factors. Being part of sexual minorities had greater effects in students not living away from home, while in the other group it was not having satisfying friendships. Medical students suffer higher levels of stress than the general population, and many MSC stressors are associated. Living away from home modifies risk and protective factors, offering the possibility to tailor group-specific interventions

    Quality of Life among Pediatric Neurocognitive, Speech, and Psychomotor Rehabilitation Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study on an Italian Sample

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    Objective: The aim was to estimate the perceived quality of life and its relationship with sociodemographic and professional factors, perception of susceptibility to COVID-19, and stress. Design: It was a longitudinal study. Subjects: Professionals, working in Italian centers for pediatric neurocognitive, speech, and psychomotor rehabilitation. Methods: Participants were interviewed online twice during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. The questionnaire included: (i) The measures of health-related quality of life to perform the Summary Index of Unhealthy Days, (ii) modified items from the “Standard questionnaire on risk perception of an infectious disease outbreak” and (iii) the items of the General Health Questionnaire. Results: One hundred and thirty professionals out of 130 participated in the first interview, while only 50 therapists took part in the second interview (dropout rate: 61%). The Summary Index of Unhealthy Days was 8 days at the first interview, and it decreased to 6 days at the second interview; however, the reduction was not significant (F = 3.22; p = 0.079). The multivariable analysis showed that the rehabilitation providers with moderate or severe stress level were more likely to have a negative perception of the quality of life (ORadj = 7.155; 95% CI: 2.8–18.2), and this result was confirmed at the second interview. Conclusions: Our results showed that in a severe public health emergency, the mental health and quality of life of rehabilitation professionals must be a topic of focus to enhance psychological resilience, to prevent burnout and to reduce rehabilitation errors

    Evaluation of neuropsychological functions in patients with Friedreich ataxia before and after cognitive therapy

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    Friedreich ataxia (FA) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive nervous system damage resulting in severe disability. Cognitive functions and mood disorders in FA have been studied little and with conflicting results. The aim of this study was to investigate cognitive functions and mood disorders in FA subjects and the role of cognitive rehabilitation therapy (sequential treatments) performed during a scheduled study period. The executive functions of 24 subjects with FA were evaluated over one year during three separate periods of in-hospital rehabilitation. The neuropsychological evaluations performed before and after cognitive therapy did not reveal differences in the mean test scores of the MMSE, the Rey 15-item Memorization Test for long-term memory, Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices, the Phonemic Verbal Fluency Test, the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, or the Zung scale. The mean scores of the Stroop color-word interference task and of the Rey 15-item Memorization Test for short-term memory were increased at the final evaluation. This finding of long-lasting stability of neuropsychological test scores is noteworthy, as it suggests that one-year cognitive rehabilitation therapy (sequential treatments) may at least contribute to reducing cognitive decline. A cognitive rehabilitation therapy in addition to the conventional neuromotor rehabilitation treatment may improve the management of subjects with F

    The Prevalence of Reading Difficulties among Children in Scholar Age

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    The study investigates the prevalence of reading difficulties among children in scholar age and analyses the socio-demographic characteristics of learners who presented reading difficulties in central Italy. A sample of 623 students 7-11 aged, was assessed with the Italian MT standardized tests. Information on gender, age, handedness, and other socio-demographic variables were also gathered. The study showed that 11% of learners presented poor comprehension skills. The reading speed difficulties were more common than the reading correctness problems: about 7% of children vs 1% were dyslexics due to slow reading. There were no significant differences regarding gender, age. However, dominant hand and the school location seemed to affect the speed difficulties and the comprehension problems. The analyses showed that attending a school located in a rural area was statistically associated with the reading difficulties. Left-handed children were more likely to be slow decoders and/or poor comprehenders. These findings may be used in the early diagnosis of poor readers. These difficulties often have a chronic progression with substantial psychosocial limitations and psychological stress, so children with reading difficulties should be identified as early as possible