2,774 research outputs found

    Beak colour dynamically signals changes in fasting status and parasite loads in king penguins

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    This research was funded by the French Polar Institute (IPEV–Research Program 119) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS-INEE). Field logistic support was provided by Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises. Q.S. was funded by a doctoral fellowship from the Ministère Français de l’Education Supérieur et de la Recherche. We thank all over-wintering assistants: Benoit Gineste, Sylvia Pardonnet, Laureline Durand, Emilie Lefol and Hédi Saadaoui for field work and Emilio Rojas for helpful discussion on the analyses. We apologize to our stick insect (Carausius morosus) for bearing with VAV’s inquisitive curiosity during our debates on color ornaments in king penguins. We sincerely thank the editor and 2 anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on a previous version of the paper.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Epidémiologie et génétique humaine de l’ulcère de Buruli

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    Buruli ulcer (BU), caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, is the third most frequent mycobacteriosis worldwide. It has been rapidly emerging in sub-Saharan African countries since 1980. Until now, knowledge of BU epidemiology relied on series of non laboratory-confirmed clinical cases. From 2005-2011, we recruited the current largest cohort of laboratory-confirmed cases (more than 1,200 patients) at the Pobe CDTUB, Benin, to describe the clinical epidemiology of the disease and to explore the genetic architecture of human susceptibility to BU. Typically, patients with BU were children (median age at diagnosis 12 years) presenting with a unique (96%) large (≥15 cm, 36%) ulcerative (66%) lesion of the lower limb (60%). Atypical clinical presentation of BU included osteomyelitis with no identifiable present or past BU skin lesions. The sex ratio of BU widely varied with age, with male patients accounting for 57% of patients aged 15 years and younger, but only 33% of those older than 15 years. Clinical presentation of BU was significantly dependent on age and sex. 9% male patients had BU osteomyelitis, whereas only 4% of female patients did. 1 year after treatment, 22% of patients with follow-up information presented with permanent functional sequelae. Presentation with oedema, osteomyelitis, or large (≥15 cm in diameter), or multifocal lesions was significantly associated with occurrence of permanent functional sequelae (OR 7•64, 95% CI 5•29–11•31) and operationally defines severe BU. When coinfected with HIV, patients had a significantly higher risk to develop severe BU (OR 2.77, IC95% [1.32-6.33]). We explored the genetic architecture of susceptibility to BU in both mendelian and complex genetic frameworks. The most severe case of the disease to have been treated at the Pobe CDTUB belonged to a consanguineous family in which the segregation of the phenotype was indicative of a recessive mendelian genetic defect. Genetic linkage analysis by homozygosity mapping suggested the implication of the beta-defensin locus on chromosome 8 in BU pathogenesis and lead to the identification of a homozygous deletion, which co-segregated perfectly with the disease in the family. In a complex genetics approach, we undertook a genome-wide association study, which involved the genotyping of more than 2 million SNPs (Illumina Omni2.5) in a cohort of 400 cases and 400 exposed controls. We identified many signals of interest. The replication study is ongoing. Understanding BU physiopathology is crucial to the development of efficient vaccines and drugs. Dissection of the genetic control of the infection by M. ulcerans by its human host therefore constitutes an indispensable step.L'ulcère de Buruli (UB), infection à Mycobacterium ulcerans, troisième mycobactériose mondiale, connait une émergence rapide depuis 1980, essentiellement dans les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne. Jusqu’ici, les connaissances épidémiologiques sur l’UB étaient fondées sur des séries de cas cliniques non confirmés par laboratoire. Nous avons constitué la plus grande cohorte de cas confirmés à ce jour rassemblant plus de 1200 patients traités au CDTUB de Pobè au Bénin entre 2005 et 2011, afin de décrire l'épidémiologie clinique de la maladie et d'explorer l’architecture génétique de la susceptibilité à cette maladie. Les patients atteints d’UB sont des enfants (âge médian au diagnostic de 12 ans), présentant une lésion unique (96%), large (plus de 15 cm, 36%), ulcérative (66%) du membre inférieur (60%). Nous rapportons une présentation clinique atypique de l’UB, dans laquelle les patients présentent exclusivement une ostéomyélite à M. ulcerans. Le sex-ratio varie avec l’âge : les garçons sont majoritaires parmi les enfants (57% de patients masculins chez les moins de 15 ans), et les femmes parmi les adultes (33% de patients masculins). La présentation clinique dépend de l’âge et du sexe. 9% des patients masculins ont présenté une ostéomyélite contre 4% des patients féminins. Un an après la fin du traitement, 22% des patients présentent des séquelles fonctionnelles fixées. Une présentation clinique comportant une lésion oedémateuse, osseuse, de grande taille ou plusieurs lésions est significativement associée avec le développement de séquelles fonctionnelles (OR 7.64, IC95% [5.29-11.31]). Les patients coinfectés par le VIH ont un risque significativement plus élevé de développer un UB sévère (OR 2.77, IC95% [1.32-6.33]). Nous avons exploré l’architecture génétique de la susceptibilité à l’UB dans une perspective mendélienne et une perspective complexe. Le cas le plus sévère de la maladie observé dans ce centre appartient à une famille consanguine dans laquelle la ségrégation du phénotype suggère un défaut génétique mendélien récessif. Une analyse de liaison génétique par cartographie d'homozygotie suggère l’implication du locus des béta-défensines sur le chromosome 8 dans la pathogénèse de l'UB, et mène à l’identification d’une délétion homozygote ségrégeant parfaitement avec la maladie. Dans une perspective complexe, une étude d’association pangénomique a été réalisée après génotypage d’une cohorte de 400 cas et 400 témoins exposés sur plus de 2 millions de SNPs par la puce Illumina Omni2.5 et a permis l’identification de nombreux signaux d’intérêt. L’étude de réplication est en cours. La compréhension de la physiopathologie de l'infection à M. ulcerans est cruciale pour générer de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques et vaccinales. La dissection du contrôle génétique de l'infection par l'hôte est en ce sens indispensable

    Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 interacts with regulator of chromosome condensation 1 dynamically throughout the cell cycle

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    The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein which plays an essential role in viral episome replication and segregation, by recruiting the cellular complex of DNA replication onto the origin (oriP) and by tethering the viral DNA onto the mitotic chromosomes. Whereas the mechanisms of viral DNA replication are well documented, those involved in tethering EBNA1 to the cellular chromatin are far from being understood. Here, we have identified Regulator of Chromosome Condensation 1 (RCC1) as a novel cellular partner for EBNA1. RCC1 is the major nuclear guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RanGEF) for the small GTPase Ran enzyme. RCC1, associated with chromatin, is involved in the formation of RanGTP gradients critical for nucleo-cytoplasmic transport, mitotic spindle formation, and nuclear envelope reassembly following mitosis. Using several approaches, we have demonstrated a direct interaction between these two proteins and found that the EBNA1 domains responsible for EBNA1 tethering to the mitotic chromosomes are also involved in the interaction with RCC1. The use of an EBNA1 peptide array confirmed the interaction of RCC1 with these regions and also the importance of the N-terminal region of RCC1 in this interaction. Finally, using confocal microscopy and FRET analysis to follow the dynamics of interaction between the two proteins throughout the cell cycle, we have demonstrated that EBNA1 and RCC1 closely associate on the chromosomes during metaphase, suggesting an essential role for the interaction during this phase, perhaps in tethering EBNA1 to mitotic chromosomes

    Predictive factors of success at the French National Ranking Examination (NRE) : a retrospective study of the student performance from a French medical school

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    Background The national ranking examination (NRE) marks the end of the second cycle (6th university year) of French medical studies and ranks students allowing them to choose their specialty and city of residency. We studied the potential predictive factors of success at the 2015 NRE by students attending a French School of Medicine. Methods From March 2016 to March 2017, a retrospective study of factors associated with the 2015 NRE success was conducted and enrolled 242 students who attended their sixth year at the school of medicine of Reims. Demographic and academic data collected by a home-made survey was studied using univariate and then multivariate analysis by generalized linear regression with a threshold of p <  0.05 deemed significant. Results The factors independently associated with a better ranking at the NRE were the motivation for the preparation of the NRE (gain of 3327 ± 527 places, p <  0.0001); to have participated in the NRE white test organized by la Revue du Praticien in November 2014 (gain of 869 ± 426 places, p <  0.04), to have participated in the NRE white test organized by la conférence Hippocrate in March 2015 (+ 613 places ±297, p <  0.04). The factors independently associated with poor NRE ranking were repeating the first year (loss of 1410 places ±286, p <  0.0001), repeating a year during university course (loss of 1092 places ±385, p <  0.005), attendance of hospital internships in 6th year (loss of 706 places ±298, p <  0.02). Conclusions The student motivation and their white tests completion were significantly associated with success at the NRE. Conversely, repeating a university year during their course and attendance of 6th year hospital internships were associated with a lower ranking

    The Value of Education Between Two African American Male Populations in a Rural Southern Community

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    This study identified perceptions of education by low performing and college track African American males in a rural town in Southern Kentucky. Through the lens of Critical Race Theory and Symbolic Interactionism, the researchers explored how 16 young men value a secondary and postsecondary education. Selected by their administrator at two high schools, the males were identified as college track or low performing. The findings revealed that both groups identify racial relations as a barrier to educational achievement; however, college track males believed education would assist in overcoming racial divides. Additional findings highlight a difference in perception based upon the presence of a male role model, the home environment, and the felt need for survival. Based on the findings, recommendations include model programs and collaborations among societal groups within the young age; a need for male social programs that foster and encourage positivity throughout a young male’s life; and the need for local resources to assist and encourage young African American males to pursue a postsecondary education

    Cytomegalovirus and Tumors: Two Players for One Goal-Immune Escape

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and the human tumor cell share the same objectives: escape the recognition and destruction by the immune system and establish a state of immune tolerance conducive for their development. For early tumor development, the escape of the first lines of defense of the immune surveillance is a critical step which determines survival or destruction. The presence of CMV on the tumor site and its involvement in carcinogenesis as initiator or promoter is increasingly documented. In this article, we highlight the similarity between mechanisms used by tumors and CMV to circumvent the immune defenses and evade from immune surveillance. We suggest that CMV and tumors help one another for their common objective. CMV gets shelter in immunologically poor environment of the tumor cells. In return CMV, by acting directly on the cancer cell and/or on the tumor microenvironment, provides the tumor cell the ways to promote its immune escape and development of immune tolerance