59 research outputs found

    Geometrizing the minimal representations of even orthogonal groups

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    Let X be a smooth projective curve. Write Bun_{SO_{2n}} for the moduli stack of SO_{2n}-torsors on X. We give a geometric interpretation of the automorphic function f on Bun_{SO_{2n}} corresponding to the minimal representation. Namely, we construct a perverse sheaf K on Bun_{SO_{2n}} such that f should be equal to the trace of Frobenius of K plus some constant function. We also calculate K explicitely for curves of genus zero and one. The construction of K is based on some explicit geometric formulas for the Fourier coefficients of f on one hand, and on the geometric theta-lifting on the other hand. Our construction makes sense for more general simple algebraic groups, we formulate the corresponding conjectures. They could provide a geometric interpretation of some unipotent automorphic representations in the framework of the geometric Langlands program.Comment: LaTeX2e, 69 pages, final version, to appear in Representation theory (electronic J. of AMS

    A doubling subset of LpL_p for p>2p>2 that is inherently infinite dimensional

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    It is shown that for every p(2,)p\in (2,\infty) there exists a doubling subset of LpL_p that does not admit a bi-Lipschitz embedding into Rk\R^k for any kNk\in \N

    Geometric Weil representation: local field case

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    Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic >2, F=k((t)) and Mp(F) denote the metaplectic extension of Sp_{2d}(F). In this paper we propose a geometric analog of the Weil representation of Mp(F). This is a category of certain perverse sheaves on some stack, on which Mp(F) acts by functors. This construction will be used in math.RT/0701170 (and subsequent publications) for a proof of the geometric Langlands functoriality for some dual reductive pairs.Comment: LaTeX2e, 37 page

    Non commutative Lp spaces without the completely bounded approximation property

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    For any 1\leq p \leq \infty different from 2, we give examples of non-commutative Lp spaces without the completely bounded approximation property. Let F be a non-archimedian local field. If p>4 or p<4/3 and r\geq 3 these examples are the non-commutative Lp-spaces of the von Neumann algebra of lattices in SL_r(F) or in SL_r(\R). For other values of p the examples are the non-commutative Lp-spaces of the von Neumann algebra of lattices in SL_r(F) for r large enough depending on p. We also prove that if r \geq 3 lattices in SL_r(F) or SL_r(\R) do not have the Approximation Property of Haagerup and Kraus. This provides examples of exact C^*-algebras without the operator space approximation property.Comment: v3; Minor corrections according to the referee

    Vertical versus horizontal Poincar\'e inequalities on the Heisenberg group

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    Let =˝\H= be the discrete Heisenberg group, equipped with the left-invariant word metric dW(,)d_W(\cdot,\cdot) associated to the generating set a,b,a1,b1{a,b,a^{-1},b^{-1}}. Letting B_n= {x\in \H: d_W(x,e_\H)\le n} denote the corresponding closed ball of radius nNn\in \N, and writing c=[a,b]=aba1b1c=[a,b]=aba^{-1}b^{-1}, we prove that if (X,X)(X,|\cdot|_X) is a Banach space whose modulus of uniform convexity has power type q[2,)q\in [2,\infty) then there exists K(0,)K\in (0,\infty) such that every f:˝Xf:\H\to X satisfies {multline*} \sum_{k=1}^{n^2}\sum_{x\in B_n}\frac{|f(xc^k)-f(x)|_X^q}{k^{1+q/2}}\le K\sum_{x\in B_{21n}} \Big(|f(xa)-f(x)|^q_X+\|f(xb)-f(x)\|^q_X\Big). {multline*} It follows that for every nNn\in \N the bi-Lipschitz distortion of every f:BnXf:B_n\to X is at least a constant multiple of (logn)1/q(\log n)^{1/q}, an asymptotically optimal estimate as nn\to\infty