4,796 research outputs found

    Reduced expression of the presynaptic co-chaperone cysteine string protein alpha (CSP?) does not exacerbate experimentally-induced ME7 prion disease

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    Infection of mice with the ME7 prion agent results in well-characterised neuropathological changes, which includes vacuolation, neurodegeneration and synaptic degeneration. Presynaptic dysfunction and degeneration is apparent through the progressive reduction in synaptic vesicle proteins and eventual loss of synapses. Cysteine string protein alpha (CSP?), which regulates refolding pathways at the synapse, exhibits an early decline during chronic neurodegeneration implicating it as a mediator of disease mechanisms. CSP? null mice develop a progressive neuronal dysfunction through disruption of the integrity of presynaptic function. In this study, we investigated whether reduced expression of CSP? would exacerbate ME7 prion disease. Wild type (+/+) and heterozygous (+/-) mice, which express about a ?50% reduction in CSP?, were used as a distinct genetic background on which to impose prion disease. +/+ and +/ - mice were inoculated with brain homogenate from either a normal mouse brain (NBH) or from the brain of a mouse which displayed clinical signs of prion disease (ME7). Behavioural tests, western blotting and immunohistochemistry, which resolve key elements of synaptic dysfunction, were used to assess the effect of reduced CSP? on disease. Behavioural tests revealed no change in the progression of disease in ME7-CSP? +/- animals compared to ME7-CSP? +/+ animals. In addition, the accumulation of misfolded PrP(Sc), the diseased associated gliosis or synaptic loss were not different. Thus, the misfolding events that generate synaptic dysfunction and lead to synaptic loss are unlikely to be mediated by a disease associated decrease in the refolding pathways associated with CSP?

    Mechanisms of growth inhibition of primary prostate epithelial cells following gamma irradiation or photodynamic therapy including senscence, necrosis, and autophagy, but not apoptosis

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    In comparison to more differentiated cells, prostate cancer stem-like cells are radioresistant, which could explain radio-recurrent prostate cancer. Improvement of radiotherapeutic efficacy may therefore require combination therapy. We have investigated the consequences of treating primary prostate epithelial cells with gamma irradiation and photodynamic therapy (PDT), both of which act through production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Primary prostate epithelial cells were cultured from patient samples of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer prior to treatment with PDT or gamma irradiation. Cell viability was measured using MTT and alamar blue assay, and cell recovery by colony-forming assays. Immunofluorescence of gamma-H2AX foci was used to quantify DNA damage, and autophagy and apoptosis were assessed using Western blots. Necrosis and senescence were measured by propidium iodide staining and beta-galactosidase staining, respectively. Both PDT and gamma irradiation reduced the colony-forming ability of primary prostate epithelial cells. PDT reduced the viability of all types of cells in the cultures, including stem-like cells and more differentiated cells. PDT induced necrosis and autophagy, whereas gamma irradiation induced senescence, but neither treatment induced apoptosis. PDT and gamma irradiation therefore inhibit cell growth by different mechanisms. We suggest these treatments would be suitable for use in combination as sequential treatments against prostate cancer

    Gallus GBrowse: a unified genomic database for the chicken

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    Gallus GBrowse (http://birdbase.net/cgi-bin/gbrowse/gallus/) provides online access to genomic and other information about the chicken, Gallus gallus. The information provided by this resource includes predicted genes and Gene Ontology (GO) terms, links to Gallus In Situ Hybridization Analysis (GEISHA), Unigene and Reactome, the genomic positions of chicken genetic markers, SNPs and microarray probes, and mappings from turkey, condor and zebra finch DNA and EST sequences to the chicken genome. We also provide a BLAT server (http://birdbase.net/cgi-bin/webBlat) for matching user-provided sequences to the chicken genome. These tools make the Gallus GBrowse server a valuable resource for researchers seeking genomic information regarding the chicken and other avian species

    A library of infectious hepatitis C viruses with engineered mutations in the E2 gene reveals growth-adaptive mutations that modulate interactions with scavenger receptor class B type I

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    While natural hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection results in highly diverse quasispecies of related viruses over time, mutations accumulate more slowly in tissue culture, in part because of the inefficiency of replication in cells. To create a highly diverse population of HCV particles in cell culture and identify novel growth-enhancing mutations, we engineered a library of infectious HCV with all codons represented at most positions in the ectodomain of the E2 gene. We identified many putative growth-adaptive mutations and selected nine highly represented E2 mutants for further study: Q412R, T416R, S449P, T563V, A579R, L619T, V626S, K632T, and L644I. We evaluated these mutants for changes in particle-to-infectious-unit ratio, sensitivity to neutralizing antibody or CD81 large extracellular loop (CD81-LEL) inhibition, entry factor usage, and buoyant density profiles. Q412R, T416R, S449P, T563V, and L619T were neutralized more efficiently by anti-E2 antibodies and T416R, T563V, and L619T by CD81-LEL. Remarkably, all nine variants showed reduced dependence on scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) for infection. This shift from SR-BI usage did not correlate with a change in the buoyant density profiles of the variants, suggesting an altered E2-SR-BI interaction rather than changes in the virus-associated lipoprotein-E2 interaction. Our results demonstrate that residues influencing SR-BI usage are distributed across E2 and support the development of large-scale mutagenesis studies to identify viral variants with unique functional properties. IMPORTANCE Characterizing variant viruses can reveal new information about the life cycle of HCV and the roles played by different viral genes. However, it is difficult to recapitulate high levels of diversity in the laboratory because of limitations in the HCV culture system. To overcome this limitation, we engineered a library of mutations into the E2 gene in the context of an infectious clone of the virus. We used this library of viruses to identify nine mutations that enhance the growth rate of HCV. These growth-enhancing mutations reduced the dependence on a key entry receptor, SR-BI. By generating a highly diverse library of infectious HCV, we mapped regions of the E2 protein that influence a key virus-host interaction and provide proof of principle for the generation of large-scale mutant libraries for the study of pathogens with great sequence variability

    Stable cycling in quasi-linkage equilibrium:fluctuating dynamics under gene conversion and selection

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    Genetic systems with multiple loci can have complex dynamics. For example, mean fitness need not always increase and stable cycling is possible. Here, we study the dynamics of a genetic system inspired by the molecular biology of recognition-dependent double strand breaks and repair as it happens in recombination hotspots. The model shows slow-fast dynamics in which the system converges to the quasi-linkage equilibrium (QLE) manifold. On this manifold, sustained cycling is possible as the dynamics approach a heteroclinic cycle, in which allele frequencies alternate between near extinction and near fixation. We find a closed-form approximation for the QLE manifold and use it to simplify the model. For the simplified model, we can analytically calculate the stability of the heteroclinic cycle. In the discrete-time model the cycle is always stable; in a continuous-time approximation, the cycle is always unstable. This demonstrates that complex dynamics are possible under quasi-linkage equilibrium.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figure
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