4 research outputs found

    An谩lisis del ciclo de vida del producto BioMultiusos detergente l铆quido en la empresa Probionar S.A.S

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    Se realiz贸 el an谩lisis del ciclo de vida (ACV) del producto BioMultiusos, en la empresa Probionar S.A.S, ubicada en el municipio de Buesaco, en el departamento de Nari帽o (Colombia). El consumo de productos de aseo y limpieza en la actualidad ha ido en aumento, generando consigo un desgaste en la calidad de recursos como el agua. Debido a distintos componentes perjudiciales, como: f贸sforo, nitr贸geno, aceites, lej铆a, y compuestos 谩cidos, contenidos en los detergentes convencionales..

    An谩lisis del ciclo de vida del producto BioMultiusos detergente l铆quido en la empresa Probionar S.A.S

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    Se realiz贸 el an谩lisis del ciclo de vida (ACV) del producto BioMultiusos, en la empresa Probionar S.A.S, ubicada en el municipio de Buesaco, en el departamento de Nari帽o (Colombia). El consumo de productos de aseo y limpieza en la actualidad ha ido en aumento, generando consigo un desgaste en la calidad de recursos como el agua. Debido a distintos componentes perjudiciales, como: f贸sforo, nitr贸geno, aceites, lej铆a, y compuestos 谩cidos, contenidos en los detergentes convencionales..

    Comparative life cycle assessment for the manufacture of bio-detergents.

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    The increasing consumption of cleaning products deteriorates water resources due to harmful components such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) compounds, oils, bleach, and acids, typical compounds in traditional detergents. The use of biodegradable detergents as an environmentally friendly alternative has been proposed in different regions. In Colombia, resolution 1770/2018 sets a minimum biodegradability rate of 60% for the surfactants present in liquid detergents, which would reduce to a similar extent the impacts on water after their use. However, the environmental impacts of the supply chain of these detergents and their raw materials have not been evaluated so far. This study presents an environmental life cycle assessment of petroleum-based liquid detergents and a comparison to traditional solid detergents, based on the ISO 14040 standard and the ReCiPe-2016 impacts assessment method. A novel bio-detergent containing anionic plant-based surfactants was proposed in this analysis. The impacts of packaging and the distribution of the product to consumers were also considered. Raw materials contributed to 91% of the total of 314聽g of CO eq generated per liter of liquid detergent, where the production of fatty alcohol sulfate and PET packaging shared 78.8% and 12.2% of the total impact, respectively. It was also determined that 5.4 L of water are consumed and 0.09聽g of P eq and 0.1聽g of N eq are emitted per liter of detergent. This liquid detergent presented better environmental performance than traditional detergents in all the impact categories, except for the fossil resource scarcity category. The evaluated detergent would significantly mitigate the generation of negative effects on ecosystems. Moreover, the substitution of PET for HDPE packaging could reduce the impacts on freshwater eutrophication by 10%, although the carbon footprint can slightly increase, which could be compensated due to its higher recyclability rate. In contrast, the proposed bio-detergent would not have significant benefits and would negatively affect water consumption and land use in its supply chain

    Desarrollo de un desinfectante a partir de aceites esenciales de Or茅gano de monte y Romero

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    The aim of this study was to develop a disinfectant from essential oils of Mount oregano and Rosemary to control E. coli and S.aureus, bacteria present in the food industry. For this purpose, an extraction of oils was performed and its composition was evaluated by means of a gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer. The antimicrobial activity was established with the minimum inhibitory concentration, by means of macrosolutions composed of oil and water, and from these the disinfectant was formulated. As results, it was found that the two oils have antimicrobial compounds such as Timol and 2-Bornanone, the CMIs obtained for the formulation of the disinfectant were of a ratio 1:8 and 1:16 of oregano and rosemary respectively. In conclusion, the essential oils studied have inhibitory potential and by unifying them, their compounds are enhanced, obtaining inhibition halos up to 18.2 mm in diameter.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo, el desarrollo de un desinfectante a partir de aceites esenciales de Or茅gano de monte y Romero para el control de E. coli y S.aureus, bacterias聽 comunes聽 en聽 alimentos que se consumen a diario. Para ello, se realiz贸 una extracci贸n de aceites, empleando la t茅cnica de arrastre de vapor, y se evalu贸 su composici贸n mediante cromatograf铆a de gases acoplada a un espectr贸metro de masas. La actividad antimicrobiana se estableci贸 con la concentraci贸n m铆nima inhibitoria (CMI), mediante macro-diluciones compuestas de aceite y agua. A partir de estas se formul贸 el desinfectante. Como resultados, se encontr贸 que los dos aceites cuentan con compuestos antimicrobianos como Timol y 2-Bornanone, las CMI obtenidas para la formulaci贸n fueron:聽 1:8 y 1:16 de or茅gano y romero. En conclusi贸n, los aceites esenciales, tienen potencial inhibitorio y al unificarlos, sus compuestos se potencian, obteniendo halos de inhibici贸n de hasta 18,2 mm de di谩metro. The aim of this study was to develop a disinfectant from essential oils of Mount oregano and Rosemary to control E. coli and S.aureus, bacteria present in the food industry. For this purpose, an extraction of oils was performed and its composition was evaluated by means of a gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer. The antimicrobial activity was established with the minimum inhibitory concentration, by means of macrosolutions composed of oil and water, and from these the disinfectant was formulated. As results, it was found that the two oils have antimicrobial compounds such as Timol and 2-Bornanone, the CMIs obtained for the formulation of the disinfectant were of a ratio 1:8 and 1:16 of oregano and rosemary respectively. In conclusion, the essential oils studied have inhibitory potential and by unifying them, their compounds are enhanced, obtaining inhibition halos up to 18.2 mm in diameter.