105 research outputs found

    Law in the Liberal Arts - Law and Values – A French View

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    Critique des Droits de l'homme

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    La responsabilidad penal en Santo TomĂĄs.

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    Ante el pedido del organizador del coloquio de aportar a estas discusiones el punto de vista de un historiador del derecho, he elegidoel tema de la responsabilidad penal en la doctrina de Santo Tomås

    Dreams and nightmares of liberal international law: capitalist accumulation, natural rights and state hegemony

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    This article develops a line of theorising the relationship between peace, war and commerce and does so via conceptualising global juridical relations as a site of contestation over questions of economic and social justice. By sketching aspects of a historical interaction between capitalist accumulation, natural rights and state hegemony, the article offers a critical account of the limits of liberal international law, and attempts to recover some ground for thinking about the emancipatory potential of international law more generally

    MacPherson (C.B.) - The political theory of possessive individualism. Hobbes to Locke

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    Villey Michel. MacPherson (C.B.) - The political theory of possessive individualism. Hobbes to Locke. In: Revue française de science politique, 14ᔉ annĂ©e, n°1, 1964. p. 123

    Notas sobre el concepto de propiedad

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    Sumario I. Sobre el concepto moderno de propiedad: 1. El derecho de propiedad moderno como bastiĂłn de la libertad 2. CrĂ­tica II. Acerca de un viejo concepto de propiedad: 1. Sobre la "proprietas" romana 2. CrĂ­tic
