16 research outputs found

    Mutation in focus: first record of a wild chimeric individual for the subtribe Laeliinae (Orchidaceae).

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    As espécies variegadas são muito apreciadas por sua estética única. Embora frequentemente confundido, variegação e quimerismo são fenômenos distintos. O quimerismo também pode causar variação na cor dos órgãos das plantas, mas é uma tipo de mosaico genético. Informações limitadas estão disponíveis sobre variegação e quimerismo em Orchidaceae. Aqui o é apresentado o primeiro registro de um mutante quimérico foliar selvagem para a subtribo Laeliinae (Orchidaceae). Em julho de 2020, um indivíduo quimérico estéril de Epidendrum cinnabarinum foi encontrado e fotografado em um fragmento de restinga no Área de Proteção Ambiental das Lagoas e Dunas do Abaeté, unidade de conservação do município de Salvador em Salvador. o estado da Bahia, Nordeste do Brasil. O fenótipo da planta é um mosaico de folhas verdes, creme e amarelas listradas em proporções diferentes. As folhas em uma couve são coloridas distintamente, não apenas nas margens, mas também na parte central parte. Os aspectos anatômicos e ecofisiológicos do espécime quimérico precisam ser estudados. A abundância e a persistência da variegação quimérica no indivíduo será monitorada enquanto este fenômeno deve ser mais examinados de perto para a espécie.Variegated species are highly appreciated for their unique aesthetics. Although often confused, variegation and chimerism are distinct phenomena. Chimerism can also cause variation in the color of plant organs, but it is a specific type of genetic mosaic. Limited information is available on variegation and chimerism in Orchidaceae. Here, the first record of a wild foliar chimeric mutant for the subtribe Laeliinae (Orchidaceae) is presented. In July 2020, a sterile chimeric individual of Epidendrum cinnabarinum was found and photographed in a fragment of restinga in the Área de Proteção Ambiental das Lagoas e Dunas do Abaeté, a conservation unit in the municipality of Salvador in the state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil. The plant’s phenotype is a mosaic of green, cream and yellow striped leaves in different proportions. Leaves on one caulome are distinctly colored, not only on the margins, but also in the central portion. Anatomical and ecophysiological aspects of the chimeric specimen need to be studied. The abundance and persistence of the chimeric variegation in the individual will be monitored while this phenomenon should be more closely examined for the species

    Floristic Composition and Community Structure of Epiphytic Angiosperms in an Urban Forest Fragment in the Eastern Amazon

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    Vascular epiphytes are one of the most important forest components, contributing to microclimatic maintenance. These plants find ideal conditions for development in the Amazon due to the spatial heterogeneity and high temperature and humidity typical of this biome. In recent years, the Brazilian Amazon has undergone dramatic changes in its landscape, mainly due to the increase in deforestation and fire rates. We present here the floristic composition and analyze the community structure of epiphytic angiosperms of an urban forest fragment in Eastern Amazon. A total of 71 epiphytic individuals were recorded belonging to eight species and four families. Orchidaceae was the most representative family, corroborating the pattern for surveys of epiphytic diversity in the Neotropical region. Epiphytic species were found on 24 individuals of 10 tree species. The epiphytic importance value (IVe) was low for all species, except for Aechmea tocantina and Rhipsalis baccifera. Cactaceae was the family with the highest IVe. Most epiphytes were found in the crown of trees (83.1%). The diversity index of the fragment was H’ = 1.80 and the equity index was J= 0.87, reflecting the absence of highly dominant species. Conservation of urban forest fragments is necessary for the maintenance of epiphytic flora and ecosystem services

    Orchidaceae en el Parque Natural Municipal da Restinga de Praia do Forte, Bahía, Brasil

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    Background and Aims: Bahia is one of the Brazilian states with the greatest diversity of orchids. Species restricted to microhabitats or forming small populations, being subject to local suppression, have been reported for restingas of the state. The north coast of Bahia has recently been exposed to intense anthropic pressures, including disordered occupation of land and predatory tourism. In order to encourage the adoption of regional conservation strategies, we carried out a survey of the orchid flora in the Parque Natural Municipal da Restinga de Praia do Forte (PNMR Praia do Forte), a fragment of restinga on the north coast of the state. Methods: Field work was conducted monthly from September 2016 to December 2017, and in July 2020 and August 2022, by employing the walking survey method. We consulted collections of the herbaria ALCB, HRB, HUEFS, and RB in person, as well as digital images of type specimens deposited in European herbaria and the Environmental Information Reference Center database. Phenological and distribution data of the species in the phytophysiognomies of PNMR Praia do Forte were mostly obtained in the field. Key results: Orchidaceae is represented by 14 genera and 16 species in the PNMR Praia do Forte, most of which are native to the Neotropics (14 spp., including eight endemic to Brazil), mainly terrestrial (six spp.), occurring exclusively in restinga forest formations (eight spp.). Epistephium williamsii, Gomesa barbata, Oeceoclades maculata, Pachygenium parvum, Polystachya concreta and Prescottia leptostachya (restricted to Bahia state) form small populations (<50 individuals). Conclusions: The orchid flora of the PNMR Praia do Forte, especially the aforementioned species, requires the attention from managers, in order to implement possible management and conservation actions and prevent them from being suppressed locally. We suggest greater surveillance actions in the park and environmental education actions among local residents and tourists.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Bahía es uno de los estados brasileños con mayor diversidad de orquídeas. Para restingas del estado se han reportado especies restringidas a microhábitats o que forman pequeñas poblaciones, estando sujetas a supresión local. La costa norte de Bahía ha estado expuesta recientemente a intensas presiones antrópicas, incluida la ocupación desordenada de la tierra y el turismo depredador. Con el fin de fomentar la adopción de estrategias de conservación regionales, llevamos a cabo un estudio de la flora de orquídeas en el Parque Natural Municipal da Restinga de Praia do Forte (PNMR Praia do Forte), un fragmento de restinga en la costa norte del estado. Métodos: El trabajo de campo se realizó mensualmente desde septiembre 2016 a diciembre 2017, así como en julio 2020 y agosto 2022, empleando el método de caminata libre. Consultamos personalmente las colecciones de los herbarios ALCB, HRB, HUEFS y RB, así como la base de datos del Centro de Referencia de Información Ambiental e imágenes digitales de especímenes tipo depositados en herbarios europeos. Los datos fenológicos y de distribución de las especies en las fitofisonomías del PNMR Praia do Forte se obtuvieron principalmente en el campo. Resultados clave: Orchidaceae está representada por 14 géneros y 16 especies en el PNMR Praia do Forte, en su mayoría nativas del Neotropico (14 spp., incluidas ocho endémicas de Brasil), principalmente terrestres (seis spp.), ocurriendo exclusivamente en formaciones forestales de restinga (ocho spp.). Epistephium williamsii, Gomesa barbata, Oeceoclades maculata, Pachygenium parvum, Polystachya concreta y Prescottia leptostachya (restringida al estado de Bahía) forman poblaciones pequeñas (<50 individuos). Conclusiones: La flora orquidológica del PNMR Praia do Forte, especialmente las especies antes mencionadas, requiere la atención de los gestores, para implementar posibles acciones de manejo y conservación y evitar su supresión local. Sugerimos mayores acciones de vigilancia en el parque y educación ambiental entre residentes locales y turistas

    Distribución espacial de Vanilla bahiana (Orchidaceae) en dos fitofisonomías de restinga. ¿El patrón espacial varía?

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    Vanilla bahiana is an orchid restricted to Brazil, extremely ornamental, threatened with extinction and with economic potential. We evaluated the spatial distribution pattern of V. bahiana in shrub and restinga forest formations in a conservation unit in Northeast Brazil. The Morisita’s index of dispersion, the Morisita’s standardized index of dispersion and the TTLQV method were used, and 1920 m2 were sampled, through the demarcation of six transects of 40 × 4 m per phytophysionomy. Each transect was subdivided into 10 plots of 4 × 4 m. In the shrub formation, we observed 49 individuals of V. bahiana and a greater abundance at the edges of the transects (plots 1 and 2). In the restinga forest, we recognized 47 individuals of V. bahiana and a distribution more homogeneous way along the transects. We found an aggregate pattern for the species in the shrub formation and a random pattern in the restinga forest. The different patterns could be explained by differences in luminosity, but they could also be associated with the dispersal of seeds or the presence of fungi of different species. Future studies with spatial distribution in Orchidaceae should be multidisciplinary in order to investigate the main causes of the patterns on local scales. Specifically, understanding the relationships between Vanilla species and mycorrhizal fungi may have positive impacts on the cultivation and commercialization of vanilla.Vanilla bahiana es una orquídea hemiepífita restringida a Brasil, extremadamente ornamental, amenazada de extinción y con potencial económico. Se evaluó el patrón de distribución espacial de V. bahiana en las fitofisionomías arbustiva y de bosque en un fragmento de llanuras costeras (restinga), en una unidad de conservación en el Noreste de Brasil. Para ello, se utilizó el índice de Morisita, el índice de Morisita estandarizado y el método TTLQV, y se muestrearon 1920 m2, a través de la demarcación de seis transectos de 40 × 4 m por fitofisionomía. Cada transecto se subdividió en 10 parcelas de 4 × 4 m. En la formación arbustiva, se observaron 49 individuos of V. bahiana y mayor abundancia en los bordes de los transectos (parcelas 1 y 2). En el bosque de restinga se contaron 47 individuos of V. bahiana, pero distribuidos de manera más homogéna en los transectos. Se encontró un patrón agregado para la especie en la formación arbustiva y un patrón aleatorio en el bosque de restinga. Los diferentes patrones podrían explicarse por las diferencias de luminosidad, pero también podrían estar asociados con la dispersión de semillas o la presencia de hongos de diferentes especies. Futuros estudios con distribución espacial de Orchidaceae deberían ser pluridisciplinares con la finalidad de investigar las causas principales de los patrones en escalas locales. Específicamente, comprender las relaciones entre especies de Vanilla y los hongos micorrícicos puede generar impactos positivos sobre el cultivo y la comercialización de vainilla

    Vanilla karenchristianae (Orchidaceae): notas taxonómicas y primer registro en el Bosque Atlántico brasileño

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    Abstract: Background and Aims: Vanilla is one of the well-known genera of the family Orchidaceae due to the ornamental, medicinal and culinary attributes of some of its taxa. The genus is pantropical and has about 120 species mostly found in the Neotropics. The objective of this study was to report the occurrence of V. karenchristianae in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Methods: We present a morphological description of V. karenchristianae based on the analysis of the newly found population in the state of Bahía, Brazil, and the materials collected in other sites of the country and deposited in herbaria. Also, we provide taxonomical and habitat comments, photographs, and a distribution map of V. karenchristianae in Brazil. Key results: The present record represents the most eastern distribution of V. karenchristianae and is approximately 2380 kilometers far from the nearest locality where the species has been recorded. In Brazil, V. karenchristianae is currently known from the Amazon and Atlantic Forest phytogeographic domains and from only four localities, including the one added here. Conclusions: Further recording efforts are necessary to fully understand the geographical distribution and ecological requirements of V. karenchristianae.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Vanilla es uno de los géneros más conocidos de la familia Orchidaceae debido a los atributos ornamentales, medicinales y culinarios de algunos de sus taxones. El género es pantropical y tiene alrededor de 120 especies que se encuentran principalmente en el Neotrópico. El objetivo de este estudio fue informar la ocurrencia de V. karenchristianae en el bosque Atlántico brasileño. Métodos: Presentamos una descripción morfológica de V. karenchristianae con base en el análisis de la población recién encontrada en el estado de Bahía, Brasil, y en los materiales recolectados en otros sitios del país y depositados en herbarios. Además, proporcionamos comentarios taxonómicos y de hábitat, fotografías y un mapa de distribución de V. karenchristianae en Brasil. Resultados clave: El presente registro representa la distribución más oriental de V. karenchristianae y está aproximadamente a 2380 kilómetros de la localidad más cercana donde se ha registrado la especie. En Brasil, V. karenchristianae es actualmente conocida de los dominios fitogeográficos de Amazonía y Mata Atlántica y de solo cuatro localidades, incluida la que se agrega aquí. Conclusiones: Se necesitan más esfuerzos de registro para comprender completamente la distribución geográfica y los requisitos ecológicos de V. karenchristianae

    Orchidaceae of the Grumari restinga: floristic and similarity among restingas in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil

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    Orchidaceae is one of the largest and most diverse plant families in the world. The number of floristic studies of this family in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, has increased significantly in recent years. However, only a few such studies have been conducted in areas of restinga vegetation and none of those have examined the similarity, in terms of orchid diversity, among such areas. The present study sought to improve our knowledge of the Orchidaceae diversity occurring in Grumari restinga, as well to compare the diversity of orchids among Grumari and other restinga areas using cluster analysis. We found 15 genera and 19 species. Cluster analysis demonstrated that restingas located on islands are considerably different from those on the mainland, and no relationship was observed between floristic similarity and geographical proximity. As such, the present study shows that each area of restinga hosts different Orchidaceae species, demonstrating the importance of preserving this threatened ecosystem and this plant group

    Copacabana is more than a beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: the orchid flora of Parque Estadual da Chacrinha

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    Orchidaceae is the most diverse botanical family in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with 79 gene-ra and 250 species. Vegetation in Rio de Janeiro is mostly restricted to small fragments of Atlantic Forest, many of which are located within conservation units and act as refuges for flora. Some of the best-known postcards of the city, such as Corcovado and Sugar Loaf mountains, and the Christ the Re-deemer statue, are located within urban conservation units. This work presents the results of a floristic-taxonomic study of Orchidaceae in the Parque Estadual da Chacrinha (PE Chacrinha), a state park located extremely near the famous Copacabana beach in the heart of Rio de Janeiro. Brief morpholo-gical descriptions of the species are provided and an identification key for the orchids of PE Chacrinha is presented, based mainly on vegetative morphological characters. Orchidaceae of PE Chacrinha is represented by thirteen genera and 16 species, most of which restricted to Brazil, seven of them are also endemic to the Atlantic Forest, or South America and occur as terricolous or rupicolous. We highlighted the occurrences of Acianthera limae, Epidendrum ammophilum and Prescottia spiranthophylla, spe-cies that grow exclusively or predominantly on rocky outcrops. With these findings, our goal is to raise awareness among the local population about the importance of conserving the regional flora; stimulate visits to PE Chacrinha and promote the inclusion of this conservation unit in the tourist itinerary of the city of Rio de Janeiro

    Orchidaceae in an Atlantic Forest area: floristics and similarity to other Dense Ombrophilous Forest fragments

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    The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is considered a global hotspot for biodiversity although it is currently threatened and highly fragmented. Orchidaceae in this phytogeographical domain is represented by 148 genera, of which 142 are endemic; Rio de Janeiro State contains approximately one third of all Brazilian orchid species. The Wildlife Protection Zone of the Palmares Environmental Protection Area (ZVS da APA Palmares) is located in the municipality of Paty do Alferes in Rio de Janeiro State and forms a mosaic of Dense Ombrophilous Forest fragments together with other conservation areas in the state. We surveyed Orchidaceae at 12 collection sites between July 2010 and February 2012 and analyzed floristic similarities between the collection sites and between 12 fragments of dense ombrophilous forest in Brazil utilizing PAST software and the Sørensen coefficient. The survey identified 27 genera and 43 species. Low indices of similarity among the areas were observed as well as weak support for grouping the ZVS da APA Palmares with the Serra da Tiririca Mountains. Greater conservation efforts are recommended for remnant fragments of Dense Ombrophilous Forest