53 research outputs found

    Adatom diffusion in high electric fields

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    Strong electric fields are known to create biased adatom migration on metallic surfaces. We present a Kinetic Monte Carlo model that can simulate adatom migration on a tungsten (W) surface in electric fields. We validate our model by using it to calculate the drift velocity of the adatom at different fields and temperature and comparing the results with experimental data from the literature. We obtain excellent agreement

    Modeller för nanostrukturutvecklingen i Fe-legeringar under bestrÄlning

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    Neutron irradiation induces structural nano-scale changes in steels that in the long term cause degradation of the mechanical properties of the materials. These processes are important to understand to e.g. ensure the integrity of the steel wall of the reactor pressure vessel during the operational life-time of a nuclear power plant. In this thesis, some of the irradiation defects have been studied by using as a model alloy the iron-carbon (Fe-C) system, as iron and carbon are the basic elements in any steel. The interactions between C and vacancy (V) clusters and between C and self-interstitial atom (SIA) clusters have been studied using Molecular Dynamics simulation techniques. This way C-V clusters, such as C2V and CV2, able to trap large SIA clusters, have been identified and characterized. Using Object Kinetic Monte Carlo (OKMC), an model for the radiation-induced nanostructure evolution in Fe-C has been constructed. The model was validated by reproducing experimental data in terms of V and SIA cluster densities and mean sizes from irradiation experiments at low (340 K) and high operational temperature of light water reactors (560 K), as well as reproducing data from post-irradiation annealing up to 780 K. The new model has allowed a deeper understanding of the effect of carbon on the irradiation defect evolution. It was found that the effect of the immobile C-V complexes can be introduced using generic traps for SIA and vacancy clusters. These generic traps have a binding energy that depends on the size of the trapped cluster, which is supported by previously performed atomistic studies. Different trap regimes need to be used at low and high temperatures to account for the different populations of 1/2 and SIA loops at different temperatures, as observed in previous TEM studies. The traps are found to have an important function as nucleation points that promote the growth of larger clusters. The nanostructure evolution model, which is the main result of this thesis, is fully based on physical considerations and only uses a few parameters for calibration. The model is found to be capable of reproducing the experimental trends both at 340 K, 560 K and for annealing up to 700 K; thereby providing insight into the physical mechanisms of importance to determine the type of nanostructural evolution undergone by Fe alloys during irradiation.KĂ€rnenergi har sedan 1950-talet varit bland de viktigaste sĂ€tten att producera elektricitet. År 2010 var 428 kĂ€rnkraftverk i bruk i 30 lĂ€nder och stod för ungefĂ€r 16 % av den globala elektricitetsproduktionen. MĂ„nga av dessa kĂ€rnkraftverk byggdes under perioden 1965-1980 och börjar i dag nĂ„ slutet av deras planerade livslĂ€ngd. För att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att reaktorerna fortsĂ€ttningsvis Ă€r sĂ€kra för anvĂ€ndning pĂ„gĂ„r i dag internationell forskning för att förstĂ„ degraderingsprocesserna av reaktor-stĂ„len: frĂ€mst experimentell forskning, men dĂ„ detta inte alltid Ă€r möjligt eller tillrĂ€ckligt anvĂ€nds Ă€ven datorsimuleringstekniker för att studera materialen frĂ„n atom- till makro-nivĂ„. NeutronstrĂ„lning skapar populationer av nano-defekter i stĂ„l, vilka i ett lĂ„ngt perspektiv degraderar materialets mekaniska egenskaper. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför av yttersta vikt att förstĂ„ de fysikaliska processerna för hur dessa defektpopulationer och dĂ€rmed hur materialets nanostruktur utvecklas under lĂ„ngvarig bestrĂ„lning. I denna avhandling har anvĂ€nts tvĂ„ datorsimuleringstekniker för att studera dessa strĂ„lningsdefekter: Molekyldynamiska simuleringar och Objekt-kinetisk Monte Carlo (OKMC). Med hjĂ€lp av OKMC-tekniken har en modell för hur defektpopulationerna - frĂ€mst vakanskluster och sjĂ€lvinterstitiella atomkluster (SIA-kluster) - utvecklas i en jĂ€rn-kol (Fe-C) legering under bestrĂ„lning motsvarande den som stĂ„lvĂ€ggen i ett reaktortryckkĂ€rl utsĂ€tts för under ca 60 Ă„r i ett typiskt kĂ€rnkraftverk. JĂ€rn och kol Ă€r baselementen i alla typer av stĂ„l och utgör dĂ€rför en viktig modell-legering som mĂ„ste förstĂ„s före mera komplexa stĂ„lsorter kan studeras. Modellen har pĂ„visat den viktiga roll som smĂ„ kol-vakans-komplex spelar genom deras förmĂ„ga att binda rörliga SIA-kluster, vilket Ă€ven förstĂ€rker SIA-klustrens tillvĂ€xt sĂ„ att stora dislokationsslingor uppstĂ„r. Modellen har visat sig framgĂ„ngsrik i att beskriva nanostrukturutvecklingen i Fe-C under bestrĂ„lning vid bĂ„de 70 °C och 300 °C. Den senare temperaturen Ă€r typisk för kommersiella lĂ€ttvattenreaktorer. Modellen klarar Ă€ven av att reproducera glödningsexperiment var det redan bestrĂ„lade Fe-C-materialet hettas lĂ„ngsamt upp frĂ„n 60 °C till ca 500 °C. Modellen har ökat förstĂ„elsen för de fysikaliska processerna som Ă€r viktiga för nanostrukturutvecklingen under bestrĂ„lning

    Atomistic behavior of metal surfaces under high electric fields

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    Combining classical electrodynamics and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we develop a general and rigorous theoretical framework that describes the energetics of metal surfaces under high electric fields. We show that the behavior of a surface atom in the presence of an electric field can be described by the polarization characteristics of the permanent and field-induced charges in its vicinity. We use DFT calculations for the case of a W adatom on a W{110} surface to confirm the predictions of our theory and quantify its system-specific parameters. Our quantitative predictions for the diffusion of W-on-W{110} under field are in good agreement with experimental measurements. This work is a crucial step towards developing atomistic computational models of such systems for long-term simulations.Peer reviewe

    Migration barriers for surface diffusion on a rigid lattice : Challenges and solutions

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    Abstract Atomistic rigid lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo is an efficient method for simulating nano-objects and surfaces at timescales much longer than those accessible by molecular dynamics. A laborious part of constructing any Kinetic Monte Carlo model is, however, to calculate all migration barriers that are needed to give the probabilities for any atom jump event to occur in the simulations. One of the common methods of barrier calculations is Nudged Elastic Band. The number of barriers needed to fully describe simulated systems is typically between hundreds of thousands and millions. Calculations of such a large number of barriers of various processes is far from trivial. In this paper, we will discuss the challenges arising during barriers calculations on a surface and present a systematic and reliable tethering force approach to construct a rigid lattice barrier parameterization of face-centred and body-centred cubic metal lattices. We have produced several different barrier sets for Cu and for Fe that can be used for KMC simulations of processes on arbitrarily rough surfaces. The sets are published as Data in Brief articles and available for the use.Peer reviewe

    Application of artificial neural networks for rigid lattice kinetic Monte Carlo studies of Cu surface diffusion

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    Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) is a powerful method for simulation of diffusion processes in various systems. The accuracy of the method, however, relies on the extent of details used for the parameterization of the model. Migration barriers are often used to describe diffusion on atomic scale, but the full set of these barriers may become easily unmanageable in materials with increased chemical complexity or a large number of defects. This work is a feasibility study for applying a machine learning approach for Cu surface diffusion. We train an artificial neural network on a subset of the large set of 2(26) barriers needed to correctly describe the surface diffusion in Cu. Our KMC simulations using the obtained barrier predictor show sufficient accuracy in modelling processes on the low-index surfaces and display the correct thermodynamical stability of these surfaces.Peer reviewe

    Suitability of Paper-Based Substrates for Printed Electronics

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    Flexible plastic substrates are widely used in printed electronics; however, they cause major climate impacts and pose sustainability challenges. In recent years, paper-based electronics has been studied to increase the recyclability and sustainability of printed electronics. The aim of this paper is to analyze the printability and performance of metal conductor layers on different paper-based substrates using both flexography and screen printing and to compare the achieved performance with that of plastic foils. In addition, the re-pulpability potential of the used paper-based substrates is evaluated. As compared to the common polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate, the layer conductivity on paper-based substrates was found to be improved with both the printing methods without having a large influence on the detail rendering. This means that a certain surface roughness and porosity is needed for the improved ink transfer and optimum ink behavior on the surface of the substrate. In the case of uncoated paper-based substrates, the conductivity and print quality decreased by preventing the formation of the proper and intimate ink-substrate contact during the ink transfer. Finally, the re-pulpability trials together with layer quality analysis detected very good, coated substrate candidates for paper-based printed electronics competing with or even outperforming the print quality on the reference PET foil
