60 research outputs found

    Congenital absence of the pedicles and the neural arch of L2

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    Congenital pedicle abnormalities are rare. Unilateral aplastic and hypoplastic lumbar pedicles have been reported, but these were usually discovered incidentally and did not need surgical treatment. We present a case of absence of both pedicles and the neural arch of L2, with associated kyphoscoliosis with neurological involvement, that needed a two-stage corrective surgery. An L1-L4 fusion was achieved with relief of the symptom

    Síndrome de cauda equina por hernia discal gigante

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    La aparición de forma aguda o rápidamente progresiva de un cuadro de ciatalgia bilateral, con disminución completa de la fuerza de los pies y ocasionalmente del cuádriceps acompañado de retención y/o incontinencia urinaria e hipoestesia en silla de montar debe hacernos sospechar de la existencia de un síndrome de compresión de la cola de caballo, generalmente a causa de una hernia discal. Se trata de una urgencia quirúrgica absoluta en la patología del raquis. La identificación del síndrome por el médico de Urgencias y la confirmación de la lesión mediante resonancia magnética permiten una cirugía mediante descompresión en las primeras 24-48 horas que es el único factor pronóstico en la recuperación de las lesiones neurológicas y urológicas que presentan estos pacientes que, si existe demora en la descompresión, pueden llegar a ser permanentes. Presentamos el caso de un paciente afecto de síndrome de cauda equina agudo por hernia discal gigante visto unos días antes en consulta por lumbalgia mecánica y realizamos una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema.In cases of acute or progressive development in a few hours of bilateral sciatica, severe foot and occasional quadriceps weakness and/or retention or incontinence of urine with perineal hypalgesia or anesthesia, acute compression of the cauda equina should be suspected, which is usually due to a lumbar disc herniation. Cauda equina syndrome requires emergency spinal surgery. To identify and confirm this syndrome by MR, Ismanoatory. Early surgical decompression must be achieved. Decompression within 24-48 hours significantly improves the neurological and urological outcome. We present the case of a patient who had previously been treated for low back pain who developed a cauda equina syndrome a few days later

    Quiste sinovial en articulación interapofisaria lumbar. Una causa infrecuente de lumbociática

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    Los quistes sinoviales de las articulaciones facetarias pueden ser asintomáticos o provocar dolor lumbar, con o sin clínica radicular. Se considera que son secundarios a traumatismos o a degeneración articular, y ocurren con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con espondi lolistesis. El diagnóstico se establece con la tomografía axial computarizada o la resonancia magnética, que mues tran una lesión quísti ca adyacente a la faceta articu lar. Realizamos una revis ión de la literatura y presenta mos un paciente con radiculopatí a S1 izquierda cau sada por un quiste sinovial de la articulación facetaria L5 - S1. El tratamiento fue curativo y consistió en la resección del quiste

    Bone lengthening by physial distraction. An experimental study.

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    Experimental physial distraction was carried out in the distal part of the femur in 45 two-month old lambs in order to study the basic mechanisms of lengthening as well as the viability of the growth cartilage after using this method. The animals were divided into three groups (A, B and C), and each group into three subgroups (1, 2 and 3) according to the rate of distraction used (2 mm/day, 1 mm/day, 0.5 mm/day) and the time of sacrifice. The results obtained show that the basic lengthening mechanisms consists, firstly, in the production of a fracture between the metaphysis and the epiphysis and, secondly, that the lower the distraction speed employed, the greater is the short-term and long-term viability of the growth cartilage. Optimum viability was observed at a distraction rate of 0.5 mm/day. On this basis we conclude that in clinical practice physical distraction could be indicated for children at an early stage of skeletal growth and repeated later provided that the rate of distraction is kept within reasonable limits

    Pure cervical radiculopathy due to spontaneous spinal epidural haematoma (SSEH): report of a case solved conservatively

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    Abstract Introduction: Spontaneous spinal epidural haematoma (SSEH) is widely recognised throughout the literature as a cause of myelopathy, radicular compression being very rarely reported. Surgical management is almost always recommended, especially in the cases of spinal cord compression. Conservative treatment is reported as a curiosity and only in the case of spontaneous improvement. This report presents the particular case of a 64-year-old patient undergoing anticoagulant therapy that had a cervical radiculopathy due to a SSEH confirmed by MRI. The patient improved spontaneously and symptoms were solved with unconventional conservative treatment and without stopping the anticoagulant therapy. Conclusions: Spontaneous epidural haematoma must be kept in mind when patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy have a sudden onset of cervicobrachialgia. Even though most spinal surgeons advocate surgical treatment, a conservative approach may lead to a complete recovery and may be considered as a good option in the case of radicular involvement. Discontinuation of the anticoagulant therapy may not always be needed, especially when the clinical syndrome improves spontaneously

    Empleo de aloinjerto óseo en la reparación quirúrgica de fracturas del platillo tibial

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    Cada vez es mayor el número de indicaciones posibles en el uso de aloinjertos en patología osteoarticular. Muchas veces supone una alternativa válida frente al uso de autoinjerto, evitando así la morbilidad que conlleva la extracción del injerto del propio paciente. Presentamos 6 casos de frac tura de platillo tibial externo en las que existía depresión central y hundimiento de la superficie articular (tipo B3 según la clasificación AO) en cuyo tratamiento quirúrgico se ha utilizado el injerto óseo de banco (fragmento de cabeza femoral tallada a medida) para el soporte del platillo tibial deprimido una vez levantado y conseguida la congruencia articular. En todos los casos se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio en cuanto a la función de soporte y a la consolidación sin existir complicaciones per o postoperatorias

    Union after multiple anterior cervical fusion 21 cases followed for 1-6 years

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    With a mean follow-up of 3 (1-6) years, we report on 21 patients who underwent multiple level cervical fusion, using autologous iliac crest grafts. Dissectomies were performed in 14 patients and corpectomies in another 7. Instrumentation was used in all patients with corpectomies and in 2 patients who underwent 2-level and 3-level dissectomies. Non-union occurred in 1 patient at 1 level. Graft displacement requiring reoperation was observed in 2 patients with massive corpectomies, in 1 of them as a consequence of trauma. In both patients complete bony fusion was obtained after reoperation and no other complications were observed. We conclude that the success rate with multiple-level fusion is comparable to that of single-level fusion when adequate fixation is achieve

    Symptomatic Medial Exostosis of the Great Toe Distal Phalanx: A Complication Due to Over-correction Following Akin Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus Repair

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    The authors present the case of a 54-year-old female who developed a painful compression lesion localized to the medial aspect of the base of the distal phalanx of the great toe as a complication of hallux valgus surgery. Preoperative radiographic evaluation of the patient's foot revealed the first ray to be longer than the second, a 12 degrees first intermetatarsal angle, a 33 degrees hallux abductus angle, and an exostosis at the medial aspect of the base of the hallux that was not considered by the surgeon to be important. Correction of the hallux valgus deformity was performed with a combination of scarf and Akin osteotomies, and the intermetatarsal and hallux abductus angles reduced to 2 degrees and 8 degrees , respectively. By 2 months postoperative, the patient was complaining of pain at the medial aspect of the distal phalanx of the hallux associated with shoe pressure. The pain correlated both clinically and radiologically with the exostosis at the base of the distal phalanx, and had become symptomatic only after the hallux had been operatively realigned. At 6 months postoperative, percutaneous exostectomy was undertaken to remove the exostosis. Pain relief was complete, thereafter, and after 2 years of postoperative follow-up the patient remained pain free. The clinical importance of a medial exostosis localized to the base of the distal phalanx of the hallux must be taken into consideration whenever hallux valgus correction is undertaken, and this is particularly important whenever an Akin osteotomy is being considered. Level of Clinical Evidence: 4

    Adhesive capsulitis. Is it possible in childhood?

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    Adhesive capsulitis affecting shoulders has been extensively studied by orthopedic surgeons, but few reports have been published on this condition when it affects other joints (hips, ankles). To our knowledge no pediatric cases have been reported. As its treatment requires prolonged physiotherapy and sometimes manipulation, a correct diagnosis is essential. We would like to emphasize the importance of having this condition in mind when one is regarding a differential diagnosis, also in children

    Infected Vertebroplasty Due to Uncommon Bacteria Solved Surgically: A Rare and Threatening Life Complication of a Common Procedure

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    Case report. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work is to describe a case of infected vertebroplasty due to uncommon bacteria solved surgically with 2 years of follow-up and to discuss 6 other cases found in literature. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Vertebroplasty is a well-known and useful technique for the treatment of painful osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Complications, such as cord or root compression or pulmonary embolisms, are infrequent and are mainly related with the frequent escape of cement throughout the vertebral veins. Infection is even more rare, but when it occurs is difficult to manage and can be a life-threatening complication. METHODS: A 63-year-old-man had a spondylitis of L2 after vertebroplasty. The patient was initially managed with antibiotics without clinical improvement. Surgical treatment by anterior debridement and anterior and posterior stabilization was done. The bacteria isolated from the intraoperative cultures were Serratia marcescens, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Burkholderia cepacia. After surgery, the patient was treated with antibiotics for 3 month. RESULTS: After 2 years of follow-up, the patient was free of pain, without signs of infection, and a correct fusion was achieved. CONCLUSION: When facing an infected vertebroplasty, initial conservative treatment with needle biopsy culture and antibiotic administration are a rational option to start. If this treatment fails, surgical debridement is then indicated in order to remove the infected tissue and the acrylic cement and to stabilize the spine. Although this can be an effective treatment, it could be a difficult and hazardous surgical procedure