8 research outputs found

    Programa de prevención del abuso y la dependencia del teléfono móvil en población adolescente

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    El teléfono móvil posee una serie de características que lo hacen especialmente atractivo para los adolescentes ya que satisface toda una serie de necesidades propias de esta edad: influye en el proceso de socialización, les proporciona autonomía respecto del control paterno; favorece el establecimiento y mantenimiento de relaciones interpersonales; facilita el proceso de adquisición de la identidad personal y es una fuente de ocio más. Todo ello favorece el uso, e incluso el abuso y la dependencia, de una herramienta que en un principio no es perjudicial en sí misma pero que, dadas las características de este grupo de edad, puede llegar a generarles problemas. Los principales objetivos fueron: • Describir el patrón de uso habitual del móvil • Desarrollar y validar un programa de prevención del abuso y la dependencia del teléfono móvil (PrevTec 3.1). • Analizar algunas variables que pueden actuar como factores de riesgo en el inicio y mantenimiento del uso excesivo y/o inadecuado del teléfono móvil. • Establecer las bases a seguir para el posterior desarrollo de un protocolo de intervención de la adicción al teléfono móvil. Participaron en el estudio 2.632 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y Bachillerato de la Comunidad de Valencia de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 18 años (49,55% mujeres y 50,45% varones). En la primera fase del estudio se pasó una encuesta sobre el uso del teléfono móvil a 1.944 adolescentes y a partir de los resultados obtenidos desarrollamos y validamos el programa de prevención del abuso y la dependencia del teléfono móvil con 688 sujetos. El programa de prevención consta de un libro-guía y un DVD autoejecutable con las sesiones y el material necesario para llevarlas a cabo. En total está diseñado para implementarse en tres sesiones de 50 minutos cada una de ellas. Dichas sesiones se aplicaron semanalmente de forma consecutiva, en horario de tutorías, por un técnico especialista en adicciones formado en la implementación del programa. En las tres sesiones se trabaja con diversos materiales audiovisuales y se realizan una serie de actividades sobre la información proporcionada. El programa tienen por objetivo: a) informar de las características del abuso y dependencia del móvil, b) sensibilizar de la problemática en cuestión y c) promover pautas adaptativas del uso del móvil. En la primera y en la última sesión se pasa un breve cuestionario con el fin de evaluar el impacto del programa. Los resultados muestran que el uso excesivo del teléfono móvil les acarrea toda una serie de problemas. La edad, el sexo y los estados emocionales negativos juegan un papel importante en el inicio y mantenimiento del abuso y la dependencia del móvil. Asimismo, el programa de prevención del abuso y la dependencia del teléfono móvil ha mostrado ser eficaz a la hora de disminuir el uso del dispositivo. La adolescencia es un periodo especialmente sensible para desarrollo del abuso y la dependencia del teléfono móvil, por lo que es necesario desarrollar programas de prevención y tratamiento específicos que atiendan a las características propias de este grupo de edad.The mobile phone causes real fascination on children and adolescents, while its undoubted usefulness in the interpersonal level, the social pressure to use and the particular vulnerability of this age, encourages its overuse that often leads to abuse and even dependence, a device that is not harmful in itself but, due to the special characteristics of this age, can generate a whole series of problems in various areas of the subject's life. The main objectives of this thesis were: • Describe the typical usage pattern of mobile phone. • Develop and validate a program of prevention of abuse and dependence on mobile phone (PrevTec 3.1). • Analyze some variables that may act as risk factors in the initiation and maintenance of excessive and/or inadequate of the mobile phone. • Establish the mail leads to develop an intervention protocol for mobile phone addiction. On the study participated 2.632 Mandatory Secondary Education students (ESO) from the Community of Valencia aged between 12 and 18 (49.55% female and 50.45% males). In the first phase of the study ran a survey on mobile phone use on 1.944 adolescents, and from the results obtained we developed and validated the prevention program with the remaining 688 subjects. The results show that excessive or inappropriate use of mobile phones to adolescents brings them a variety of problems. Age, sex and negative emotional states play an important role in the initiation and maintenance of abuse and dependence on mobile phone. Furthermore, the prevention program abuse and dependence of the mobile phone has proved to be effective in decreasing the use of mobile phones. Adolescence is a particularly sensitive period for development of abuse and dependence on mobile phone, making it necessary to develop prevention and treatment programs that attend the specific characteristics of this age group

    Ellas, ellos y su móvil: Uso, abuso (¿y dependencia?) del teléfono móvil en la adolescencia

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    El móvil tiene una serie de atributos que lo hacen singularmente atractivo a los adolescentes: autonomía respecto de los padres, optimización de la comunicación con las amistades, o ampliación y mantenimiento de las relaciones interpersonales. Como teléfono no solamente es un instrumento para hablar en la distancia, que es lo que etimológicamente significa, sino que dispone de un amplio elenco de funciones relacionadas con las innovaciones tecnológicas que son extraordinariamente atractivas para los jóvenes. Esta multifuncionalidad, añadido al hecho de la significación que adquiere para los adolescentes puede explicar no sólo la fascinación que provoca en ellos, sino el hecho de que chicas y chicos utilicen el móvil de distinta manera, y puede que con diferente frecuencia.Se realizó una encuesta con 2.486 adolescentes, entre 12 y 18 años, en la que se analizaron los principales parámetros de uso del móvil. Los objetivos principales fueron tanto la descripción del patrón de uso habitual del móvil por parte de los adolescentes, como el análisis de las diferencias de género en algunos aspectos esenciales, tales como el consumo, actitudes hacia el móvil, o funciones que se llevan a cabo, obteniéndose diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre mujeres y hombres en los principales parámetros del uso del móvil, funciones y actitudes hacia el mismo. Se comentan los resultados y se discuten las implicaciones

    Age and living situation as key factors in understanding changes in alcohol use during COVID-19 confinement

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate and characterize changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 confinement in a sample of Spanish adults, analyzing their age and living situation as defining life cycle variables. (2) Method: Data from 3779 individuals were collected through a set of online surveys. AUDIT-C was used to measure the frequency of consumption, the average daily consumption, intensive consumption, risky consumption, and Standard Drink Units. (3) Results: Although alcohol consumption during confinement showed a significant general decline, age revealed important differences, with the decline being more pronounced in adults from 18 to 29 years old. The living situation also showed significant differences. The largest decreases in alcohol consumption were found in those who lived with their parents or other relatives, whereas those who lived alone or with a partner even increased their level of consumption. In addition, the data show a significant interaction between these two variables and gender. (4) Conclusions: Age and cohabitation processes are key factors in understanding the life situation of each individual during confinement and, consequently, in explaining consumption patterns. The results obtained provide interesting recommendations for designing prevention policies in both normal and crisis circumstances, emphasizing the need to understand alcohol use from a psychosocial perspectiveValencian International University [PII2020_05]S


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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónUso problemático de Internet, sintomatología depresiva e ideación suicida en universitarios durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. Antecedentes: el objetivo fue estimar la tasa de PIU en universitarios españoles durante el confinamiento, considerando sexo y edad, y analizar su relación con depresión e ideación suicida. Método: participaron 921 estudiantes universitarios (55% mujeres) de 18 a 30 años (M = 24.8 años; SD = 3). Resultados: los resultados mostraron que el 21% presentaron PIU; 25.1% depresión moderada; 2.1% depresión severa; y 6.6% ideación suicida. El grupo de 18 a 21 años presentó la mayor tasa de PIU (37.8%). Se observó una correlación positiva entre PIU y depresión (r = .38; p < .001), con una puntuación media significativamente mayor en el PHQ-9 (t(241.813) = -8.21; p < .001; d = .78) en universitarios con PIU (M = 9.8; SD = 5.1) frente a los que no la tienen (M = 6.4; SD = 4.1). La tasa de depresión severa fue seis veces mayor (χ2(3) = 73.25; p < .001) en los universitarios con PIU (6.2%) en comparación con los que no tenían PIU (0.8%). El 3.6% de los universitarios con PIU presentó ideación suicida. Conclusiones: estos hallazgos establecen la asociación entre PIU y depresión e ideación suicida en población universitaria, brindando aportes novedosos para las políticas de prevención.ES

    Keep Playing or Restart? Questions about the Evaluation of Video Game Addiction from a Systematic Review in the Context of COVID-19

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    This is a systematic review of the impact of COVID-19 confinement on problematic video game use and addiction. The research questions were: (1) What instruments were used to measure problematic gaming and video game addiction in the context of COVID-19; (2) how many studies made comparisons with analogous samples measured at two timepoints (pre-confinement and confinement); and (3) what were the results of these studies in terms of a possible increase of problematic gaming and video game addiction during confinement. The review followed the PRISMA model and used Web of Science and Scopus. Following an initial identification of 99 articles, inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied leaving 31 articles in response to the first two research questions and 6 articles for the third. The results show that a wide variety of instruments were used, with IGDS9-SF and IGD-20 being the most common. A high number of non-validated ad hoc instruments were used. Only six (22.58%) of the 31 studies examined compared pre-confinement measures with measures during confinement. Those studies were inconclusive about the negative impact of confinement on the variables mentioned, with some studies noting an increase in problematic behaviors (n = 4) and others not confirming that (n = 2). The conclusion is a need for more scientific evidence based on validated instruments, consolidation of the concepts related to problematic gaming, and consideration of other theories such as the active user to produce more robust, transferrable findings

    Age and living situation as key factors in understanding changes in alcohol use during COVID-19 confinement

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    (1) The aim of the present study was to evaluate and characterize changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 confinement in a sample of Spanish adults, analyzing their age and living situation as defining life cycle variables. (2) Method: Data from 3779 individuals were collected through a set of online surveys. AUDIT-C was used to measure the frequency of consumption, the average daily consumption, intensive consumption, risky consumption, and Standard Drink Units. (3) Results: Although alcohol consumption during confinement showed a significant general decline, age revealed important differences, with the decline being more pronounced in adults from 18 to 29 years old. The living situation also showed significant differences. The largest decreases in alcohol consumption were found in those who lived with their parents or other relatives, whereas those who lived alone or with a partner even increased their level of consumption. In addition, the data show a significant interaction between these two variables and gender. (4) Conclusions: Age and cohabitation processes are key factors in understanding the life situation of each individual during confinement and, consequently, in explaining consumption patterns. The results obtained provide interesting recommendations for designing prevention policies in both normal and crisis circumstances, emphasizing the need to understand alcohol use from a psychosocial perspective.Universidad Internacional de Valencia | Ref. PII2020_0

    Changes in alcohol consumption pattern based on gender during COVID-19 confinement in Spain

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    The goal of this study was to analyze the prevalence and pattern of alcohol consumption (frequency of consumption, average daily consumption, and risky consumption) before and during confinement due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the adult population and based on gender. (2) Methods: Data from 3779 individuals were collected via a set of online surveys. The AUDIT alcohol consumption questions (AUDIT-C) were used to measure the frequency of consumption, the average daily consumption, intensive consumption, risky consumption, and standard drink units. (3) Results: During confinement, the prevalence of alcohol consumption declined in both males and females, but only intensive consumption showed significant differences, with a greater reduction in males. The number of females who consumed alcohol four or more times per week doubled, whereas the number of males who did so was multiplied by a factor of 1.5; in both females and males, the percentage who presented intensive consumption doubled. The percentage of females with risky consumption was higher than that of males both before and during confinement. In addition to gender, the interaction between age and the employment situation explain consumption before and during confinement. (4) Conclusions: During confinement due to COVID-19, alcohol consumption declined in both sexes, but alcohol-risk consumers increased their frequency of use. The interaction between gender, age, and employment situation was related to these changes. These findings are relevant for guiding public health and health-risk management policies related to alcohol consumption in environmental situations similar to COVID-19.Universidad Internacional de Valencia | Ref. PII2020_0