2,658 research outputs found

    Determinants of Student Achievements in the Primary Education of Paraguay

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    The idea that schooling scores depend on a combination of family background characteristics, ability and school (institutional) variables is quite clear. Regarding the issue of intergenerational transmission of inequality in the educational system, the most important question would be if and to what extent could a better institutional performance of the school service compensate for problems related to family background. By means of the estimation of a reduced form equation for selected scores, we investigate the impact of institutional performance on scores after controlling for family background and individual characteristics. We do this by using a novel data set and an OLS and quantile regression approach to analyze how heterogeneous the process of score generation can be. By providing integral health solutions, minimizing under-nutrition and providing ideal conditions in the classroom, training teachers can impact positively on low and mean learning outcomes, thus contributing to an improved educational quality and breaking cycles of intergenerational transmission of inequality. Increasing learning outcomes for levels above the median, only strengthens the transmission of inequality. Consequently, the equality approach should focus on trying to improve the worst scores and our results show that this can be reached at a significant level closing teacher training gaps, improving classroom conditions and improving health and nutrition.

    Diseño de un modelo de cálculo para el control de la mano de obra.

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2002.El trabajo que se presenta a continuación propone un análisis que pretende sustancialmente formular un esquema de control de la mano de obra en proyectos constructivos por medio de una hoja electrónica que relaciona los diferentes factores que intervienen en la estimación del valor real del Recurso Humano. Este control se realiza previo a la ejecución de la obra y toma en cuenta variables ambientales, sociales, culturales, económicos y tecnológicos inherentes a cada proyecto. Estos factores regulan la oferta y la demanda por mano de obra, ya que son éstos los que finalmente establece el costo por salarios. Se tiene como punto de partida el presupuesto y el cronograma de actividades. El administrador del proyecto basado en estos datos y en su experiencia debe obtener el valor más cercano al valor de costo real de la actividad con un alto grado de certeza y que redunde en ahorros para la empresa. Para la realización de este diseño se tomó como modelo la experiencia generada en la construcción de una piscina pedagógica

    ¿Porqué nos gustan tanto las películas de los Coen ?

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    Sectorial shifts and inequality: How to relate macroeconomic events to inequality changes

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    This paper presents a way to explore how macroeconomic shifts cause inequality changes. It is based on the backwardness observed in the agricultural sector in rural areas. It shows why highly dualistic economies tend to be more unequal than economies with flexible and integrated labour markets. Assuming that an inter-sectorial wage gap exists, this methodology allows control over the direct impact on inequality changes caused by macroeconomic changes that affects the relative competitiveness between the tradable and non-tradable sectors. The methodology aims to find the wage gap change (in log units) taking place between two points in time, which is not dependent on the distribution of endowments of the employed population (observed and unobserved characteristics). The decomposition methodology here proposed shows to be consistent under few assumptions (log normal distribution of earnings and inter-sectorial stochastic dominance) and was tested using real and simulated data. The procedure supports the conclusions by Devillanova et al. (2010) suggesting a channel through which trade integration can affect the wage inequality in a context of capital-skill complementarity and imperfect mobility of workers. The main conclusion of this paper is that duality is a source of inequality. Therefore, policies oriented to eliminate the systematic backwardness appear to be highly desirable in such economies

    The dynamics of inequality change in a highly dualistic economy: Honduras, 1991-2007

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    We examine the drivers of inequality change in Honduras between 1991-2007, trying to understand why inequality increased in Honduras until 2005, while it was falling in most other Latin American countries. Using annual household surveys, we document first rising inequality between 1991-2005, which is followed by falling inequality thereafter. Using an inequality decomposition technique, we show that the rising inequality between 1991 and 2005 was, for the most part, driven by the dispersion of labour incomes in rural areas. We also show that the extraordinary labour earnings disequalization is mainly the result of a widening wage gap between the tradable and non-tradable sectors and occupations, combined with highly segmented labor markets and poor overall educational progress. The underlying determinants of the divergence between tradable and non-tradable sectors were highly overvalued currencies and poor commodity process for Honduras’ agricultural exports. Between 2005 and 2007, however, the inequality reduction was a result of equalizing trends in labour and non-labour incomes. The commodity boom promoting the tradable sector and remittances (in this order) played a significant role here, with government transfers playing a small supporting role. Since the decline in inequality is largely driven by international factors, we cannot be sure whether the decline in inequality will continue.Inequality, Decomposition, Education, Wages, Honduras, Migration

    Internal migration and its impact on reducing inter-communal disparities in Chile

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    Based on the affirmation that internal migration in Chile has become increasingly less important as an equalizing mechanism for regional disparities, this paper aims to look at the causes of such immobility. The estimation procedure allows for obtaining a non-endogenous potential wage differential which controls for the selectivity process involved in the migration decision (based on observed and unobserved characteristics). This study finds that the productivity differential is the leading factor explaining migration. However, migration not only depends on individual characteristics, but strongly relies on the level of household education. Unfortunately, the initial disadvantages related to the household background determine that the one who faces attractive potential wage differentials is at the same time constrained by its household. The conclusion is that household-related migration costs are a source of inefficiency in labour allocation. Consequently, supporting the infrastructure in the rural economy is not the only way to achieve convergence across the territory. Subsidies aimed to reduce migration costs can be also considered in a framework oriented towards encouraging functional migration flows

    Customer service, strategies to be competitive in the market

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir las estrategias y herramientas Gerenciales que permiten que la cultura de Servicio al Cliente sea un elemento diferenciador para la consolidación y éxito de las corporaciones. Herramientas gerenciales como el análisis de la competencia, evaluación de la calidad del servicio, diseño de estrategias del servicio, educación organizacional y del cliente externo, monitoreo del servicio al cliente, ciclo del servicio y momentos de verdad, todo en un marco de Cultura de Servicio al Cliente como una estrategia permanente y constante en el tiempo.This paper is aimed at descibing with management strategies and tools. That allow customer service culture is diferentiator for the consolidation and success of corporations. Management tools such as competitive analysis evaluation of service quality, strategy desing service organizational education and external, customers, monitoring customer service, the service cycle and moments of truth, all within a frime work of culture customer service as a permanent and constant over time strategy

    Características de la adherencia farmacológica en diabéticos de tres centros de salud de atención primaria Chiclayo 2017

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    Describir las características de la adherencia farmacológica en diabéticos de tres centros de salud de atención primaria Chiclayo 2017. Material y Métodos: Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal, con un muestreo no probabilístico consecutivo en 218 pacientes del C.S José Leonardo Ortiz, C.S Cerropón y C.S El Bosque en Chiclayo 2017. Se aplicó un cuestionario de 18 ítems previamente validados incluidos el Test de Morisky Green y el Test de Batalla. El análisis estadístico fue mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 24 y el programa Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Se solicitó la aprobación por el Comité de Ética en Investigación de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Resultados: Se entrevistaron 218 pacientes. El 35,8% de los participantes (78 pacientes) presentó adherencia farmacológica. El promedio de edad fue de 63,64 + 10.69 años, (rango: 29 a 88 años); 33% oscilan entre 60 y 69 años. 64,2% fueron mujeres. Conclusiones: El nivel de adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes diabéticos fue baja, tres de cada cinco pacientes no eran adherentes al tratamiento antidiabético