62 research outputs found

    Desarrollo profesional del profesorado centrado en el uso de rutinas de diseño y prácticas colaborativas con TIC en Educación Primaria

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    La presente tesis doctoral trata de profundizar en las necesidades de desarrollo profesional docente que emanan de contextos educativos donde las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) tienen cada vez mayor presencia. A través de una aproximación cualitativa apoyada en el estudio de casos, en este trabajo se analizan los diseños y prácticas docentes con TIC de una comunidad de maestros/as de Educación Primaria. A través del proceso de investigación desarrollado, se han identificado un conjunto de rutinas o patrones pedagógicos que pueden ser considerados elementos o estrategias útiles para promover la reflexión del profesorado del profesorado en torno a sus prácticas, favoreciendo de esta manera, los procesos de innovación.Departamento de Pedagogí

    Initial teaching experience. A case study in the subject «New technologies applied to education»

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    En numerosas ocasiones no prestamos la atención que merece al proceso que una persona experimenta al iniciarse en el complejo mundo de la docencia. Cada etapa educativa tiene unas características bien definidas que condicionarán el trabajo y la adaptación del docente novel, en un proceso que no siempre es fácil. El presente artículo analiza la incorporación a la enseñanza de un profesor novel en la asignatura de Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación (NNTT), en la Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Valladolid (UVa). Para ello, hemos puesto en práctica un proceso de investigación interpretativo, siguiendo los principios del análisis cualitativo con estudio de casos (Stake, 1998) durante el curso académico 2007-2008. Las distintas peculiaridades teórico-prácticas del diseño de la asignatura se asientan en los principios establecidos dentro del campo del Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) (Koschman, 1996) como mediador de procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que a su vez, se apoyan en una metodología participativa basada en el Inquiry based Learning (IBL) (Bruce, 2000). Ante este diseño innovador, compartido a su vez por otros tres docentes en el seno de una comunidad de práctica educativa, hemos analizado el proceso de formación tecnológico-educativo llevado a cabo por este docente. A su vez, el análisis de esta experiencia nos ha ayudado a profundizar en la comprensión del tipo de competencias que los docentes noveles necesitan en diseños educativos como éste, en el proceso de convergencia propuesto por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES).Sometimes, we do not pay enough attention to the process experienced by a novice teacher when he plunges into the complex world of teaching. Each educational stage possesses some well-defined features which would influence the work and the adaptation of the novice teacher, everything immersed in a process which is not always easy. This paper analyzes the incorporation of a novice teacher into the teaching of an undergraduate course on Information and Communication Technologies to preservice teachers at the Faculty of Education and Social Work of the University of Valladolid. For that purpose, we have established an interpretative research process, following a Case Study approach (Stake, 1998) during the current academic year (2007-2008). The different theoretical and practical foundations of the curricular design of the course are based on the principles of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning field (CSCL) (Koschman, 1996). As a well as in the ones promoted by Inquiry based Learning approach (IBL) (Bruce, 2000).Collaboration and technology are understood as mediators between teaching and learning processes. Through this innovative design— shared by a community of practice formed by other three teachers as well—, we have analysed both the technological and educative training process performed by this novice teacher. Moreover, the analysis of this experience has helped us to deepen in the understanding of the kind of competences which novice teachers require in curricular designs similar to this one within the European Convergence Process proposed by the European Space of Higher Education (ESHE)

    Innovating in a 4th course of Chemical Engineering: A Bolognese Recipe

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    In this article we analyze a case study conducted within a pilot innovation experience in an undergraduate course on Chemical Engineering. The study was developed during three years, 2005/06, 2006/07 y 2007/08, at the University of Valladolid (Spain). The main goal of this work is to show evidence to better understand the methodological changes promoted by the aforementioned pilot experience, as well as to reflect on whether or not this sort of innovations help to reach EHEA thorny demands. The methodological innovation carried out in the course was based on active learning methods, such as Project-based Learning, and the study of real cases from multiple perspectives and subjects

    Analysis of competences in an environment CSCL: contributions of an experience using a Jigsaw

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    El artículo que presentamos analiza los planteamientos metodológicos empleados en la asignatura de Nuevas Tecnologías aplicadas a la Educación en las titulaciones de formación de maestros/as en la Universidad de Valladolid, durante el bienio 2004-2006. La asignatura objeto de estudio basada en los planteamientos del CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) utiliza el Jigsaw cómo metodología innovadora de trabajo en el aula. En nuestra investigación hemos definido a través de un Multicaso de estudio instrumental, de corte etnográfico, qué tipo de competencias genéricas y específicas comunes a todos los perfiles de educadores desarrolla y adquiere el alumnado de la asignatura cuando pone en marcha experiencias de aprendizaje colaborativas apoyadas en Tecnologías de Información y la Comunicación (TICs). En el artículo mostramos el análisis comparativo de algunas de las competencias observadas en el alumnado dentro de un entorno de trabajo CSCL, frente a las competencias que el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior propone que deben formar parte de la formación universitaria de educadores.This article analyses the methodological approach developed in an ICT undergraduate course to preservice students in the college of Education at the University of Valladolid (Spain), for the two year period 2004-2006. The aforementioned course is based on the principles of the CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) research field, by using a collaborative learning floor pattern named Jigsaw. In our research process we have sought to the define the type of generic and specific skills involved in a collaborative scenario supported by technology. To do so, we have defined a set of instrumental case studies comparing the skills observed in our scenario with the ones suggested by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to be part of the university training of preservice teachers

    Possibilities and issues of teachers-researchers in the school. The case of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico

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    Initial training is a fundamental element to promote skills and competencies that allow the development of teachersresearchers in the school. However, to support this practice it is necessary the existence of adequate conditions in the teaching profession, research experiences in pre-service teacher training, and educational policies that promote this profile. Therefore, this research it is aimed at identifying if there is an offer of appropriate scenarios to allow the development of teachers-researchers in four Latin American countries, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. In this regard, we use a qualitative metasynthesis method. We analyze recent studies on the profession´s state and the initial teacher training in Latin America. Likewise, we identify the factors that enable or hinder the development of research activities in educational practice. We find that there are many networks and teaching groups that develop educational research in school, supporting the research practice of the teaching staff that enables the development of teachers-researchers. Also, there are aspects that can hinder this practice, such as the low quality of initial training, precarious working conditions, and insufficient time to carry out research in school.La formación inicial constituye un elemento fundamental para promover habilidades y competencias que permitan la práctica investigadora del docente en la escuela. Aunque para favorecer esta práctica es oportuno que existan condiciones adecuadas en la profesión docente y experiencias de investigación en la formación inicial y permanente que promuevan este perfil. Por ello, analizamos las realidades de 4 países de América Latina: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia y México, para identificar de qué manera se favorece la formación y el desempeño de docentes investigadores. Para esto, hemos realizado una meta-síntesis cualitativa sobre estudios recientes asociados con la profesión y la formación docente en Latinoamérica. A través de la revisión sistemática de la literatura, hemos identificado trabajos previos y experiencias que ponen de manifiesto factores que posibilitan y/o dificultan el desarrollo de actividades investigadoras en la formación y en la profesión docente. Entre los factores que favorecen la formación y desempeño de docentes investigadores encontramos diversas redes y colectivos docentes que desarrollan investigación educativa en la escuela. Como aspectos que dificultan el ejercicio de la investigación en la docencia se encuentran la baja calidad de la formación inicial, las condiciones laborales precarias, así como el tiempo insuficiente para realizar investigación en la escuela, entre otros

    Initial teacher training gaps in research competencies: a case study

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    Este artículo analiza las percepciones del profesorado universitario y estudiantes de los Grados de Maestro en Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria sobre el desarrollo y adquisición de las habilidades y competencias en investigación planteadas en sus planes de formación inicial. A partir de un estudio de caso realizado en la Universidad de Valladolid y bajo un enfoque eminentemente cualitativo con una aproximación interpretativa se indaga sobre la importancia que le otorgan el profesorado universitario y estudiantes de magisterio al rol de docentes investigadores. Los resultados alcanzados a través de distintas técnicas dan cuenta de que los informantes consideran que la formación recibida en investigación ha sido principalmente teórica con pocas actividades prácticas. La adquisición en habilidades y competencias en investigación no ha sido suficiente para capacitar a los futuros docentes como investigadores. A pesar de las dificultades percibidas, tales como la falta de apoyo administrativo, la falta de tiempo y recursos, los futuros docentes atribuyen a la investigación un rol importante en su práctica educativa. Los resultados obtenidos profundizan en la necesidad de reorientar el currículo y el modelo de formación inicial docente vinculando la teoría y la práctica, señalando la importancia de reformar las políticas educativas hacia un perfil de un docente investigador.This article analyzes the perceptions of teacher educators and student teachers about the development and acquisition of research skills and competences raised in their initial training plans. Based on a case study carried out at the University of Valladolid and under an interpretive approach, the importance of teachers and students to the role of research teachers is also investigated. The results achieved through different techniques show that the informants consider that the training received in research has been largely theoretical with few practical activities. The acquisition of research skills and competencies has not been enough to train future teachers as researchers. The bureaucracy, the lack of time and resources, among other aspects are the main weaknesses perceived by teacher educators and students. In spite of the difficulties encountered they affirm that they would like to carry out research activities in the teaching profession. The results illustrated the need to redirect the curriculum and the model of initial teacher training, link theory and practice, as well as reform education policies in order to promote the profile of a teacher as researcher.Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia) en el marco del “Programa de Apoyo Institucional para la formación en estudios de postgrados y maestrías y doctorado

    Gauging Teachers' Needs with Regard to Technology- Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA) of 21st Century Skills in the Classroom

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    Several trends in society have led to a request towards schools to integrate 21st Century Skills and technology enhanced formative assessment (TEFA) in their curricula. Although there are frameworks defined at an international level, implementation of technology enhanced formative assessment of 21st century skills at school level is seldom. This paper explores the underlying reasons for this hampered implementation by consulting and collaborating with teachers. It provides an overview of these reasons and proposes a collaborative professionalization approach to overcome detected implementation barriers and challenges.We would like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the PREATY Project, that is funded by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme, Project Number 526965-LLP-1-2012-1-GR-COMENIUS-CMP, which has part-funded this work

    Learning analytics in small-scale teacher-led innovations: Ethical and data privacy issues

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    As a further step towards maturity, the field of learning analytics (LA) is working on the definition of frameworks that structure the legal and ethical issues that scholars and practitioners have to take into account when planning and applying LA solutions to their learning contexts. However, current efforts in this direction tend to be focused on institutional higher education approaches. This paper reflects on the need to extend these ethical frameworks to cover other approaches to LA; more concretely, small-scale classroom oriented approaches that aim to support teachers in their practice. This reflection is based on three studies where we applied our teacher-led learning analytics approach in higher education and primary school contexts. We describe the ethical issues that emerged in these learning scenarios, and discuss them according to three dimensions: the overall learning analytics approach, the particular solution to learning analytics adopted, and the educational contexts where the analytics are applied. We see this effort as a first step towards the wider objective of providing a more comprehensive and adapted ethical framework to learning analytics that is able to address the needs of different learning analytics approaches and educational contexts

    Learning Analytics in action: ethics and privacy issues in the classroom

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    The field of learning analytics (LA) is working on the definition of frameworks that structure the legal and ethical issues that stakeholders have to take into account regarding LA solutions. While current efforts in this direction focus on institutional and development aspects, this paper reflects on small-scale classroom oriented approaches that aim at supporting teachers in their practice. This reflection is based on three studies where we applied our teacher-led learning analytics approach in higher education and primary school contexts. We describe the ethical issues that emerged in these learning scenarios, and discuss them according to three dimensions: the overall learning analytics approach, the particular solution to learning analytics adopted, and the educational contexts where the analytics are applied