12 research outputs found

    Ultra-Wideband Detection of 22 Coherent Radio Bursts on M Dwarfs

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    Coherent radio bursts detected from M dwarfs have some analogy with solar radio bursts, but reach orders of magnitude higher luminosities. These events trace particle acceleration, powered by magnetic reconnection, shock fronts (such as formed by coronal mass ejections, CMEs), and magnetospheric currents, in some cases offering the only window into these processes in stellar atmospheres. We conducted a 58-hour, ultra-wideband survey for coherent radio bursts on 5 active M dwarfs. We used the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to observe simultaneously in three frequency bands covering a subset of 224-482 MHz and 1-6 GHz, achieving the widest fractional bandwidth to date for any observations of stellar radio bursts. We detected 22 bursts across 13 epochs, providing the first large sample of wideband dynamic spectra of stellar coherent radio bursts. The observed bursts have diverse morphology, with durations ranging from seconds to hours, but all share strong (40-100%) circular polarization. No events resemble solar Type II bursts (often associated with CMEs), but we cannot rule out the occurrence of radio-quiet stellar CMEs. The hours-long bursts are all polarized in the sense of the x-mode of the star's large-scale magnetic field, suggesting they are cyclotron maser emission from electrons accelerated in the large-scale field, analogous to auroral processes on ultracool dwarfs. The duty cycle of luminous coherent bursts peaks at 25% at 1-1.4 GHz, declining at lower and higher frequencies, indicating source regions in the low corona. At these frequencies, active M dwarfs should be the most common galactic transient source.Comment: 48 pages, 23 figures. Submitted to Ap

    First Detection of Thermal Radio Emission from Solar-Type Stars with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array

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    We present the first detections of thermal radio emission from the atmospheres of solar-type stars {\tau} Cet, {\eta} Cas A, and 40 Eri A. These stars all resemble the Sun in age and level of magnetic activity, as indicated by X-ray luminosity and chromospheric emission in calcium-II H and K lines. We observed these stars with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array with sensitivities of a few {\mu}Jy at combinations of 10.0, 15.0, and 34.5 GHz. {\tau} Cet, {\eta} Cas A, and 40 Eri A are all detected at 34.5 GHz with signal-to-noise ratios of 6.5, 5.2, and 4.5, respectively. 15.0-GHz upper limits imply a rising spectral index greater than 1.0 for {\tau} Cet and 1.6 for {\eta} Cas A, at the 95% confidence level. The measured 34.5-GHz flux densities correspond to stellar disk-averaged brightness temperatures of roughly 10,000 K, similar to the solar brightness temperature at the same frequency. We explain this emission as optically- thick thermal free-free emission from the chromosphere, with possible contributions from coronal gyroresonance emission above active regions and coronal free-free emission. These and similar quality data on other nearby solar-type stars, when combined with ALMA observations, will enable the construction of temperature profiles of their chromospheres and lower transition regions.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Ultra-wideband Detection of 22 Coherent Radio Bursts on M Dwarfs

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    Coherent radio bursts detected from M dwarfs have some analogy with solar radio bursts but reach orders of magnitude higher luminosities. These events trace particle acceleration, powered by magnetic reconnection, shock fronts (such as those formed by coronal mass ejections (CMEs)), and magnetospheric currents, in some cases offering the only window into these processes in stellar atmospheres. We conducted a 58 hr ultra-wideband survey for coherent radio bursts on five active M dwarfs. We used the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array to observe simultaneously in three frequency bands covering a subset of 224–482 MHz and 1–6 GHz, achieving the widest fractional bandwidth to date for any observations of stellar radio bursts. We detected 22 bursts across 13 epochs, providing the first large sample of wideband dynamic spectra of stellar coherent radio bursts. The observed bursts have diverse morphology, with durations ranging from seconds to hours, but all share strong (40%–100%) circular polarization. No events resemble solar Type II bursts (often associated with CMEs), but we cannot rule out the occurrence of radio-quiet stellar CMEs. The hours-long bursts are all polarized in the sense of the x-mode of the star's large-scale magnetic field, suggesting that they are cyclotron maser emission from electrons accelerated in the large-scale field, analogous to auroral processes on ultracool dwarfs. The duty cycle of luminous coherent bursts peaks at 25% at 1–1.4 GHz, declining at lower and higher frequencies, indicating source regions in the low corona. At these frequencies, active M dwarfs should be the most common galactic transient source

    Meter- to Millimeter Emission from Cool Stellar Systems : Latest Results, Synergies Across the Spectrum, and Outlook for the Next Decade

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    Splinter session summary, to appear in the proceedings of the 20th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (ed. S. J. Wolk)Radio observations of cool stellar systems provide unique information on their magnetic fields, high-energy processes, and chemistry. Buoyed by powerful new instruments (e.g. ALMA, JVLA, LOFAR), advances in related fields (e.g., the Gaia astrometric revolution), and above all a renewed interest in the relevant stellar astrophysics, stellar radio astronomy is experiencing a renaissance. In this splinter session, participants took stock of the present state of stellar radio astronomy to chart a course for the field's future

    Constraining the Physical Properties of Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections with Coronal Dimming: Application to Far Ultraviolet Data of ϵ\epsilon Eridani

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are a prominent contributor to solar system space weather and might have impacted the Sun's early angular momentum evolution. A signal diagnostic of CMEs on the Sun is coronal dimming: a drop in coronal emission, tied to the mass of the CME, that is the direct result of removing emitting plasma from the corona. We present the results of a coronal dimming analysis of Fe XII 1349 A and Fe XXI 1354 A emission from ϵ\epsilon Eridani (ϵ\epsilon Eri), a young K2 dwarf, with archival far-ultraviolet observations by the Hubble Space Telescope's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. Following a flare in February 2015, ϵ\epsilon Eri's Fe XXI emission declined by 81±581\pm5%. Although enticing, a scant 3.8 min of preflare observations allows for the possibility that the Fe XXI decline was the decay of an earlier, unseen flare. Dimming nondetections following each of three prominent flares constrain the possible mass of ejected Fe XII-emitting (1 MK) plasma to less than a few ×1015\times10^{15} g. This implies that CMEs ejecting this much or more 1 MK plasma occur less than a few times per day on ϵ\epsilon Eri. On the Sun, 101510^{15} g CMEs occur once every few days. For ϵ\epsilon Eri, the mass loss rate due to CME-ejected 1 MK plasma could be <0.6<0.6 M˙⊙\dot{M}_\odot, well below the star's estimated 30 M˙⊙\dot{M}_\odot mass loss rate (wind + CMEs). The order-of-magnitude formalism we developed for these mass estimates can be broadly applied to coronal dimming observations of any star.Comment: 27 pages, 22 figures, accepted to Ap

    Stellar Coronal and Wind Models: Impact on Exoplanets

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    Surface magnetism is believed to be the main driver of coronal heating and stellar wind acceleration. Coronae are believed to be formed by plasma confined in closed magnetic coronal loops of the stars, with winds mainly originating in open magnetic field line regions. In this Chapter, we review some basic properties of stellar coronae and winds and present some existing models. In the last part of this Chapter, we discuss the effects of coronal winds on exoplanets.Comment: Chapter published in the "Handbook of Exoplanets", Editors in Chief: Juan Antonio Belmonte and Hans Deeg, Section Editor: Nuccio Lanza. Springer Reference Work


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