897 research outputs found

    Angiogenesis: the VE-cadherin switch.

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    International audienceBecause angiogenesis is a key step in a number of pathologic processes, including tumor growth and atherosclerosis, many research studies have investigated the regulatory signals active at various stages of vascular invasion. The differential activities of the endothelial junction protein vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin reflect the versatile behavior of endothelial cells between vascular quiescence and angiogenesis. VE-cadherin function and signaling are deeply modified in proliferating cells, and this conversion is accompanied by phosphorylation of the protein on tyrosine residues and enhanced transcription of its gene. Recent advances in the complex interplay between protein tyrosine kinases and phosphatases regulating VE-cadherin phosphorylation and function are discussed in this review

    Les occupations du Nord-Cotentin

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    Les prospections conduites au cours de l’année ont permis la découverte de sites inédits pour une part et ont apporté des compléments pour des sites déjà identifiés pour une autre part. En premier lieu, il s’agit d’un petit complexe de fontaines aménagées sur la commune de Digulleville qui a été observé pour la première fois en 1983, lors du repérage du tracé du Hague-Dike. Malgré les diverses enquêtes aucun résultat probant n’en est sorti. Si ce n’est que la plupart des parcelles environnant..

    Omonville-la-Rogue – Fort de Led-Heu

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    Le bâtiment (30 m de longueur sur 5 m de largeur) situé à l’intérieur de l’enceinte du fort supérieur, figure sur un plan de 1695 « Plan de la fosse d’Aumonville, prez le Cap de la Hague avec les sondes de basse mer ». Il est divisé en 5 parties égales. Sur le côté nord-ouest figure un autre petit bâtiment attenant et, dans la partie nord-est, il est mentionné un bâtiment non fermé divisé en deux parties égales. Les sondages ont permis de mettre au jour, sur le territoire du conservatoire du ..

    Analysis of subsequent publication of scientific orally presented abstracts of the French National Congress of Radiology. Part II: Focus on the French abstracts

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    AbstractAimTo evaluate the publication rate of scientific abstracts that were presented orally at the 2008, 2009, and 2010 annual meetings of the French Society of Radiology by French radiologists, and to perform a French regional analysis.Material and methodsOrally presented abstracts were identified by examining online abstract books of the 2008, 2009, and 2010 annual meetings of the French Society of Radiology, and cross-checked by reviewing the paper version of abstracts for the same period. Only abstracts from French teams were selected. The administrative region of submission was noted for each abstract and for each region the total population, the number of active radiologists, the number of active members of the French Society of Radiology and the number of academic radiologists were noted. Imaging subspecialties were also noted.Results625 abstracts were identified resulting in 268 publications (publication rate: 43%). The median number of presentations and publications per region was 18 (range: 1–255) and 7 (range: 0–101), respectively. The ratio per million inhabitants was 7.5 and 3 respectively. The median number of presentations and publications per 100 active radiologists (respectively members of the FSR) was 7 and 3 (respectively 10 and 4). The median number of presentations and publications per academic radiologist were 2.6, and 1.2, respectively. The regional variations for each indicator were high (40–180%). Three subspecialties had a publication rate of more than 50%: thoracic imaging (58%), abdominal imaging (52%), and genitourinary imaging (51%).ConclusionThe publication rate of orally presented French scientific abstracts was high, with important variations according to the regions of origin and imaging subspecialties

    Women in radiology: gender diversity is not a metric-it is a tool for excellence.

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    Women in Focus: Be Inspired was a unique programme held at the 2019 European Congress of Radiology that was structured to address a range of topics related to gender and healthcare, including leadership, mentoring and the generational progression of women in medicine. In most countries, women constitute substantially fewer than half of radiologists in academia or private practice despite frequently accounting for at least half of medical school enrolees. Furthermore, the proportion of women decreases at higher academic ranks and levels of leadership, a phenomenon which has been referred to as a "leaky pipeline". Gender diversity in the radiologic workplace, including in academic and leadership positions, is important for the present and future success of the field. It is a tool for excellence that helps to optimize patient care and research; moreover, it is essential to overcome the current shortage of radiologists. This article reviews the current state of gender diversity in academic and leadership positions in radiology internationally and explores a wide range of potential reasons for gender disparities, including the lack of role models and mentorship, unconscious bias and generational changes in attitudes about the desirability of leadership positions. Strategies for both individuals and institutions to proactively increase the representation of women in academic and leadership positions are suggested. KEY POINTS: • Gender-diverse teams perform better. Thus, gender diversity throughout the radiologic workplace, including in leadership positions, is important for the current and future success of the field. • Though women now make up roughly half of medical students, they remain underrepresented among radiology trainees, faculty and leaders. • Factors leading to the gender gap in academia and leadership positions in Radiology include a lack of role models and mentors, unconscious biases, other societal barriers and generational changes

    Les occupations littorales du Nord-Cotentin

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    Date de l'opération : 2007 (PR) Inventeur(s) : Vilgrain-Bazin Gérard (BEN) ; Yvon Jean-Marc Depuis plusieurs années déjà, cette opération a pour but d’alimenter la carte archéologique d’une part et de fournir des informations complémentaires dans le cadre du programme collectif de recherche « Les premiers Hommes en Normandie » (Dominique Cliquet), du programme collectif de recherche « Étude du milieu littoral » (Cyrille Billard) et du programme collectif de recherche « Presqu’île de la Hague ..

    Modifications post-traductionnelles de la VE-cadhérine (des mécanismes moléculaires aux applications cliniques)

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    La fonction de barrière de l'endothélium vasculaire est affectée par des modifications de la cadhérine des cellules endothéliales (VE-cadhérine) telles que la phosphorylation sur tyrosine dans son domaine cytoplasmique et le clivage de son domaine extracellulaire (sVE). Ce travail s'est articulé en deux parties : 1- Etude de ces modifications dans le contexte de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR), et les mécanismes sous-tendus. Ce travail a permis de montrer que la VE-cadhérine est une cible du TNFa, une cytokine essentielle dans la PR, qui induit de la libération de sVE de façon dépendante de l'activité kinase de Src, suggérant l'implication d'un mécanisme de phosphorylation sur tyrosine dans ce processus. De plus, la VE-cadhérine est aussi la cible des protéases de la matrice extracellulaire telles que MMP-2. L'application de ces données fondamentales à la clinique a permis de montrer que sVE était retrouvée dans le sang de patients PR (n=63) et que son taux était corrélé à l'activité de la maladie. Ainsi, le dosage de sVE est d'intérêt dans la prise en charge des patients. 2-Etude de la phosphorylation de la VE-cadhérine dans un contexte d'angiogenèse hormono-régulée au cours du cycle ovarien chez la souris. Les résultats ont montré que le site Y685 de la VE-cadhérine est phosphorylé dans l'ovaire et l'utérus de souris de façon régulée pendant le cycle, ce qui permet de proposer ce modèle physiologique pour étudier la phosphorylation de la VE-cadhérine in vivo. L'analyse de souris knock-in Y685F de la VE-cadhérine (VE-Y685F) a montré que l'absence du site confère une perméabilité accrue dans l'ovaire et l'utérus mais aussi dans les petits capillaires de la peau. De plus, dans deux modèles d'induction d'arthrite, les souris VE-Y685F ont présenté un taux de sVE plus élevé que les contrôles. Au total, sVE et la phosphorylation de la VE-cadhérine ont un vaste champ d'application dans le traitement de la PR ainsi que pour le développement de nouvelles thérapies pouvant s'étendre à d'autres pathologies vasculaires.The vascular endothelium barrier function is influenced by vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin) modifications such as its cytoplasmic tail tyrosine phosphorylation and its ecto-domain cleavage (sVE). The work reported herein was divided into two parts: 1- Study of VE-cadherin modifications and the mechanisms underlying these ones in the rheumatoid arthritis context. This work demonstrated that VE-cadherin is a target of TNFa, a highly important cytokine in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis. We found TNFa to induce sVE shedding in a Src kinase dependent manner, suggesting the involvement of phosphorylation mechanism in this process. In addition, this VE-cadherin cleavage requires matrix metalloproteinase activities such as that of MMP-2. Applying these fundamental data to clinical study showed that sVE was detected in sera of 63 RA patients and its titer was correlated with the disease activity. This finding suggests an obvious interest for assaying sVE in RA therapies. 2- Study of VE-cadherin tyrosine phosphorylation in a context of hormones-regulated angiogenesis during mouse estrous cycle. The results showed VE-cadherin phosphorylation at Y685 that was regulated along mouse estrous cycle allowing to proposing mouse estrous cycle as a physiological model for studying VE-cadherin phosphorylation in vivo. The analysis of VE-cadherin Y685F knock-in mice (VE-Y685F) showed that these mice exhibit a higher vascular permeability in uterus and ovaries and the skin small capillaries compared to wild-type animals. Moreover, VE-Y685F mice presented higher levels of soluble VE-cadherin compared to wild-type counterparts in two induced arthritis model. Altogether, sVE and VE-cadherin phosphorylation present an array of interests for RA therapies as well as developing new therapeutic tools in RA and other vascular diseases.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF
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