67 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic Approach to the Study of Triatomines (Triatominae, Heteroptera) = Abordagem filogenética em Triatomíneos (Triatominae, Heteroptera)

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    Triatomines are insects belonging to the Hemiptera order, Heteroptera suborder, Reduviidae family and Triatominae subfamily. All members of this subfamily are hematophagous. Triatomines evolved from Reduviidae predators and they are probably polyphyletic in origin. The combination of anatomical, physiological and ethological factors observed in this group, as well as the plesiomorphic and apomorphic characters that differentiate the five tribes and fourteen triatomine genera reinforce the polyphiletic hypotesis. However if we consider the five groups of triatomines, the Rhodniini, Cavernicolini, Bolboderini, Linshcosteini and Alberproseniini tribes constitute monophyletic groups, while the Triatomini tribe is considered polyphyletic. The New World is the center of triatomine diversity and seems to be the point of group origin. Of approximately 137 triatomine species, 105 are only found in the Americas. It is now considered that triatomines represent a polyphyletic group defined according to their convergent apomorphic hematophagous characters, which have appeared several times in Reduviidae. This study revises the phylogeny of these vectors of Chagas’ disease, covering such topics as the origin of hematophagy in triatomines and ancestral proposal for the group. Resumo Os triatomíneos são insetos pertencentes à ordem Hemiptera, subordem Heteroptera, família Reduviidae e subfamília Triatominae. Todos os membros desta subfamília são hematófagos. Os triatomíneos surgiram a partir de reduvídeos predadores e provavelmente têm origem polifilética. A combinação dos fatores anatômicos, fisiológicos e etológicos presentes no grupo, bem como os caracteres plésio e apomórficos que diferenciam as cinco tribos e os quatorze gêneros de triatomíneos reforçam a hipótese polifilética. As tribos Rhodniini, Cavernicolini, Bolboderini, Linshcosteini e Alberproseniini constituem grupos monofiléticos, per si, enquanto a tribo Triatomini é considerada polifilética. O Novo Mundo é claramente o centro de diversidade dos triatomíneos e possivelmente é a região de sua origem. Entre as aproximadamente 129 espécies desses insetos, 105 ocorrem somente nas Américas. Atualmente, os triatomíneos são considerados um grupo polifilético, definido com base em seus caracteres apomórficos convergentes relacionados à hematofagia. Acredita-se que este hábito alimentar tenha surgido várias vezes nos Reduviidae durante sua evolução. O presente trabalho faz uma revisão sobre a filogenia destes vetores da Doença de Chagas, aborda tópicos como a origem da hematofagia nos triatomíneos e ancestralidade proposta para o grupo

    The use of biomarkers to study the effects of the mixture of diuron and hexazinone on small and large O. niloticus

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    Pesticides have made possible a safer and plentiful supply of food; however, the ultimate sink for many of these contaminants is the aquatic environment. We analyzed the commercial mixture Velpar K® WG, which is composed of the pesticides diuron (46.8% m/m) and hexazinone (13.2% m/m), as well as inert ingredients (40.0% m/m). The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of the herbicide mixture on Oreochromis niloticus of different sizes. To this end, we analyzed biomarkers in small and large O. niloticus exposed to a mixture of herbicides at 125, 250 and 500 ug L-1 for 72h. EROD increased activity in small fish exposed to the herbicide mixture at 250 and 500 ug L-1. The GST activity and levels of the antioxidant enzymes GPx and CAT remained the same in the treated fish, compared with the control. The level of the antioxidant enzyme SOD measured in the fish gills was changed in animals exposed to the herbicide mixture at 250 ug L-1. MDA analysis did not show lipid peroxidation. The comet assay evidenced widespread DNA damage, but the micronucleus test did not show mutagenicity. Hepatosomatic (HSI) analysis did not indicate any alterations in liver morphology. The biomarkers response in the fish depended on the size of the individuals

    Biologic and Genetics Aspects of Chagas Disease at Endemic Areas

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    The etiologic agent of Chagas Disease is the Trypanosoma cruzi, transmitted through blood-sucking insect vectors of the Triatominae subfamily, representing one of the most serious public health concerns in Latin America. There are geographic variations in the prevalence of clinical forms and morbidity of Chagas disease, likely due to genetic variation of the T. cruzi and the host genetic and environmental features. Increasing evidence has supported that inflammatory cytokines and chemokines are responsible for the generation of the inflammatory infiltrate and tissue damage. Moreover, genetic polymorphisms, protein expression levels, and genomic imbalances are associated with disease progression. This paper discusses these key aspects. Large surveys were carried out in Brazil and served as baseline for definition of the control measures adopted. However, Chagas disease is still active, and aspects such as host-parasite interactions, genetic mechanisms of cellular interaction, genetic variability, and tropism need further investigations in the attempt to eradicate the disease

    Taxonomical over splitting in the Rhodnius prolixus (Insecta: Hemiptera: Reduviidae) clade: Are R. taquarussuensis (da Rosa et al., 2017) and R. neglectus (Lent, 1954) the same species?

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    El uso de características sutiles como características de diagnóstico de especies en taxones con una gran similitud morfológica a veces falla en discriminar la variación intraespecífica de las diferencias interespecíficas, lo que lleva a una delimitación incorrecta de la especie. Una evaluación clara de los límites de las especies es particularmente relevante en los organismos vectores de enfermedades para comprender los procesos epidemiológicos y evolutivos que afectan la capacidad de transmisión. Aquí, evaluamos la validez del Rhodnius taquarussuensis recientemente descrito (da Rosa et al., 2017) utilizando cruces interespecíficos y marcadores moleculares. No detectamos diferencias en las tasas de eclosión en cruces interespecíficos entre R. taquarussuensis y R. negligencias (Lent, 1954). Además, los análisis de divergencia genética y delimitación de especies muestran que R. taquarussuensis no es un linaje independiente en el grupo R. prolixus. Estos resultados sugieren que R. taquarussuensis es una forma fenotípica de R. negligenciaus en lugar de una especie distinta. Nos gustaría enfatizar que se necesitan diferentes fuentes de evidencia para delimitar correctamente las especies. Consideramos que este es un paso importante en la comprensión de la propagación y transmisión vectorial de la enfermedad de Chagas.The use of subtle features as species diagnostic traits in taxa with high morphological similarity sometimes fails in discriminating intraspecific variation from interspecific differences, leading to an incorrect species delimitation. A clear assessment of species boundaries is particularly relevant in disease vector organisms in order to understand epidemiological and evolutionary processes that affect transmission capacity. Here, we assess the validity of the recently described Rhodnius taquarussuensis (da Rosa et al., 2017) using interspecific crosses and molecular markers. We did not detect differences in hatching rates in interspecific crosses between R. taquarussuensis and R. neglectus (Lent, 1954). Furthermore, genetic divergence and species delimitation analyses show that R. taquarussuensis is not an independent lineage in the R. prolixus group. These results suggest that R. taquarussuensis is a phenotypic form of R. neglectus instead of a distinct species. We would like to stress that different sources of evidence are needed to correctly delimit species. We consider this is an important step in understanding vectorial Chagas disease spread and transmission

    Taxonomical over splitting in the Rhodnius prolixus (Insecta: Hemiptera: Reduviidae) clade: Are R. Taquarussuensis (da Rosa et al., 2017) and R. Neglectus (Lent, 1954) the same species?

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    El uso de características sutiles como características de diagnóstico de especies en taxones con una gran similitud morfológica a veces falla en discriminar la variación intraespecífica de las diferencias interespecíficas, lo que lleva a una delimitación incorrecta de la especie. Una evaluación clara de los límites de las especies es particularmente relevante en los organismos vectores de enfermedades para comprender los procesos epidemiológicos y evolutivos que afectan la capacidad de transmisión. Aquí, evaluamos la validez del Rhodnius taquarussuensis recientemente descrito (da Rosa et al., 2017) utilizando cruces interespecíficos y marcadores moleculares. No detectamos diferencias en las tasas de eclosión en cruces interespecíficos entre R. taquarussuensis y R. negligencias (Lent, 1954). Además, los análisis de divergencia genética y delimitación de especies muestran que R. taquarussuensis no es un linaje independiente en el grupo R. prolixus. Estos resultados sugieren que R. taquarussuensis es una forma fenotípica de R. negligenciaus en lugar de una especie distinta. Nos gustaría enfatizar que se necesitan diferentes fuentes de evidencia para delimitar correctamente las especies. Consideramos que este es un paso importante en la comprensión de la propagación y transmisión vectorial de la enfermedad de Chagas.The use of subtle features as species diagnostic traits in taxa with high morphological similarity sometimes fails in discriminating intraspecific variation from interspecific differences, leading to an incorrect species delimitation. A clear assessment of species boundaries is particularly relevant in disease vector organisms in order to understand epidemiological and evolutionary processes that affect transmission capacity. Here, we assess the validity of the recently described Rhodnius taquarussuensis (da Rosa et al., 2017) using interspecific crosses and molecular markers. We did not detect differences in hatching rates in interspecific crosses between R. taquarussuensis and R. neglectus (Lent, 1954). Furthermore, genetic divergence and species delimitation analyses show that R. taquarussuensis is not an independent lineage in the R. prolixus group. These results suggest that R. taquarussuensis is a phenotypic form of R. neglectus instead of a distinct species. We would like to stress that different sources of evidence are needed to correctly delimit species. We consider this is an important step in understanding vectorial Chagas disease spread and transmission. © 2019 Nascimento et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Heterochromatin patterns in triatomines of the genus Panstrongylus

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    Spermatogenesis was analysed by C-banding in two species of triatomines, Panstrongylus megistus and Fl herreri. Both species revealed interstitial and terminal bands in the autosomes, which is a common pattern in Heteroptera. The terminal bands corroborated the hypothesis that in holocentric chromosomes the heterochromatin is preferentially located at the telomere. The sex chromosomes in FI herreri were totally heterochromatic in spermatogenesis, and in P. megistus the X chromosomes alternated between positive and negative banding

    Acid phosphatase activity in Malpighian tubules of Triatoma infestans Klug

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    Acid phosphatase activity was detected in the Malpighian tubules of the bloodsucking hemipteran, Triatoma infestans. The enzyme activity was especially prominent in the cytoplasmic globules which were assumed to be laminated 'concretions', which occur in the distal cells of the organ. It was also verified in the nuclei and in some cytoplasmic granules (lysosomes) of the proximal cells. The data indicated that lysosomes were involved with the nature or origin of the laminated concretions, but it is still questionable whether acid phosphatase activity exists in the nuclei

    Peroxidase activity in Malpighian tubules of Triatoma infestans Klug

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    Benzidine and diamino benzidine (DAB) oxidation, typically performed by peroxidases, was demonstrated by light and electron microscopy in peroxisomes, mitochondria and membranous structures which occurred in close contact with urate crystals in Malpighian tubules of nymphs and adults of Triatoma infestans. Peroxisomes were predominantly identified in cells of the distal region of the tubules, which is engaged in excretory mechanisms. DAB oxidation in mitochondria, even in the absence of hydrogen peroxide, may indicate the existence of a mitochondrial peroxidase and possibly a cytochrome c peroxidase. The localization of the extracellular membranous structures appeared restricted to the lumen of the proximal region of the tubules and they were assumed to be remnants of endoplasmic reticulum containing peroxidases

    Ultrastructural aspects of acid phosphatase activity in Malpighian tubules of Triatoma infestans Klug

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    Acid phosphatase activity was investigated ultrastructurally in Malpighian tubules of Triatoma infestans. Enzyme activity was demonstrated in laminated 'concretions' (distal cells) and in typical lysosomes, as well as in basal plasmalemma infoldings and basement membranes (especially in distal cells). This activity was assumed to be related to the excretory functions carried out mostly by the distal cells. Heterochromatin-nucleolus functional relationships involving RNA transcription may promote the nuclear reaction verified in the proximal cells and in some distal cells. A lead phosphate precipitate appeared free in the cytoplasm encircling the nuclei and was assumed to be a contamination from the nuclear precipitates