14 research outputs found


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    Nepravilna prehrana u najranijoj dobi faktor je utjecaja na moguću pojavu pretilosti, dijabetesa, ateroskleroze ili bolesti kardiovaskularnog sistema u kasnijoj dobi života. Kako su ova oboljenja postala najveći zdravstveni problem svijeta, a sve su zastupljenija kod mlađih uzrasta, vrlo je važno pratiti stanje uhranjenosti kroz razdoblja intenzivnog rasta i razvoja djece. U tu svrhu koriste se antropometrijske metode koje su pored sagledavanja stanja i prikladnosti procesa rasta i razvoja, važne za procjenu rizika za zdravlje u kasnijoj dobi života. Cilj ovoga rada bio je mjerenjem tjelesne mase (TM) i tjelesne visine (TV) te izračunavanjem indeksa mase tijela (ITM) te percentila indeksa tjelesne mase (%ITM) procijeniti stanje uhranjenosti djece predÅ”kolskog uzrasta koja pohađaju vrtiće u općinama Unsko sanskog kantona (USK-a) (Bosna i Hercegovina), kroz 2 godine istraživanja (2014. i 2015.). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 356 djece u dobi od 2 do 6 godina, od toga 55,4 % dječaka 44,6 % djevojčica. Djevojčice su prosječno rasle neÅ”to viÅ”e (5,25 cm/god.) u odnosu na dječake (4,0 cm/god.), ali rast nije bio praćen odgovarajućim povećanjem tjelesne mase koji je godiÅ”nje prosječno iznosio 2,1 kg za djevojčice i 1,9 kg za dječake i u oba slučaja niži je u odnosu na normalni rast i razvoj. To je rezultiralo visokim udjelom djece u kategorijama pothranjenih ili rizika od pothranjenosti (21,5 %) i zabrinjavajuće niskim udjelom normalno uhranjene djece (45,7 %). Prekomjerno uhranjene i pretile djece bilo je 32,6 % Å”to je niži udio u usporedbi sa zemljama u okruženju, međutim visok je i obavezuje na potrebu stalnog praćenja stanja uhranjenosti i uvođenje preventivnih programa edukacije u predÅ”kolski sistem.Improper nutrition at an early age is an impact factor for the possible occurrence of obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis or cardiovascular diseases in later years. As these diseases have become worldā€™s biggest health problem, and are becoming more prevalent in children, it is very important to monitor the nutritional status during the period of intense growth and development of children. For this purpose, anthropometric methods - which in addition to examining the current situation and the appropriateness of the process of growth and development, are important to assess the risk for health in later years ā€“ are used. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status of preschool children attending kindergartens in the municipalities of Una Sana Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina) during two years of research (2014 and 2015) by measuring their body weight (BW) and height (H), and calculating body mass index (BMI) and body mass index percentage (BMI%). The study included 356 children, aged 2-6 years, of which 55.4% were boys, and 44.6% girls. The girls grew slightly more on average (5.25 cm/yr) than the boys (4.0 cm/yr), but the growth was not accompanied by a corresponding increase in body mass, which averaged 2.1 kg per year for the girls and 1.9 kg for the boys and in both cases was lower than the normal growth and development. This resulted in a high percentage of children in the categories of underweight or risk of malnutrition (21.5%) and in disturbingly low percentage of normal weight children (45.7%). The percentage of overweight and obese children was 32.6%, which is a lower share compared to the neighboring countries. However, it is still high and requires the need for both the constant monitoring of nutritional status and the introduction of preventive education programs in pre-school system


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    Obesity is one of the biggest public health problems in the world today. The reasons for weight gain in humans are found in the interaction of numerous biological, genetic and psychosocial factors. How to deal with this problem is the subject of numerous studies, and based on the still limited knowledge of weight loss methods, it is concluded that there is no method optimally effective for all individuals. It is considered that the individual approach is one of the best, which is why in this case study the individual approach was first used to monitor the diet and lifestyle of the respondent and then based on the identified irregularities, a weight loss program was developed. The respondent kept a diet diary and a record of life habits for 30 days. 12 critical eating habits and several life habits were identified, which were analyzed in great detail in the first phase of the research. The weight loss program was based on gradual changes in established critical habits, three selected days per week, while on other days the respondent could consume what she wanted. The program lasted six months, had freer access, and was without strict restrictions, which contributed to the high motivation of the respondent for weight loss from the beginning to the end. With the continuous supervision of the program mentor and the support of the environment, the respondent is from the category of obesity III degrees (BMI 40.89 kg/m2) reduced body weight by 30 kg, and entered the category of overweight persons (BMI 28.49 kg/m2). A year after the program, she managed to maintain the weight she had achieved. This work confirmed that an individual approach and a gradual change in eating and living habits are effective in the weight loss process


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    Obesity is one of the biggest public health problems in the world today. The reasons for weight gain in humans are found in the interaction of numerous biological, genetic and psychosocial factors. How to deal with this problem is the subject of numerous studies, and based on the still limited knowledge of weight loss methods, it is concluded that there is no method optimally effective for all individuals. It is considered that the individual approach is one of the best, which is why in this case study the individual approach was first used to monitor the diet and lifestyle of the respondent and then based on the identified irregularities, a weight loss program was developed. The respondent kept a diet diary and a record of life habits for 30 days. 12 critical eating habits and several life habits were identified, which were analyzed in great detail in the first phase of the research. The weight loss program was based on gradual changes in established critical habits, three selected days per week, while on other days the respondent could consume what she wanted. The program lasted six months, had freer access, and was without strict restrictions, which contributed to the high motivation of the respondent for weight loss from the beginning to the end. With the continuous supervision of the program mentor and the support of the environment, the respondent is from the category of obesity III degrees (BMI 40.89 kg/m2) reduced body weight by 30 kg, and entered the category of overweight persons (BMI 28.49 kg/m2). A year after the program, she managed to maintain the weight she had achieved. This work confirmed that an individual approach and a gradual change in eating and living habits are effective in the weight loss process

    Isoflavone content and antioxidant properties of soybean seeds

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    The isoflavone content and antioxidant properties of five Croatian soybean seed cultivars from two locations were analysed. The content of total and individual isofavones was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. For determination of antioxidant properties scavenging capacity on DPPHÖ¹ radicals has been applied. The total phenolic content, oil and protein content in soybean cultivars were also determined. Significant differences in the content of individual isoflavones were observed within the soybean cultivars. The total phenol content in soybean cultivars ranged from 87.2 to 216.3 mg GAE/100g of soybean. The total isoflavone content in soybean seeds ranged from 80.7 to 213.6 mg/100g of soybean. The most abundant isoflavone in soybean seeds was genistein. There was statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) among two locations in total and individual isoflavone contents. The highest contents of total isoflavones were found in cultivar ā€œos55-95ā€. Conversely, cultivars poor in isoflavones also showed low levels of DPPH-radical scavenging activity

    Effects of fertilization on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot)

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    Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot) is a deciduous fruit shrub from Rosaceae family that does not have a long cultivating tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine the effect of variety, quantity and combination of fertilizers on characteristics of vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of black chokeberry of Nero cultivar, in agro-ecological conditions of the Una-Sana Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The experimental site fertilized with the combination of mineral and organic nitrate fertilizers gave the best results in morphometric characteristics of fruit, yield and vegetative characteristics of growth. Fruits from the control site had the highest values when it comes to the most of the following characteristics: dry matter content, ash, total acidity, vitamin C and total phenolic content. Statistical analyses showed that factors of quantity and the manner of fertilization influence significantly most of examined parameters in this research (P ā‰¤ 0.05)

    Effects of Fertilization on Vegetative Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot)

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    Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot) is a deciduous fruit shrub from Rosaceae family that does not have a long cultivating tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine the effect of variety, quantity and combination of fertilizers on characteristics of vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of black chokeberry of Nero cultivar, in agro - ecological conditions of the Una ā€“ Sana Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The experimental site fertilized with the combination of mineral and organic nitrate fertilizers gave the best results in morphometric characteristics of fruit, yield and vegetative characteristics of growth. Fruits from the control site had the highest values when it comes to the most of the following characteristics: dry matter content, ash, total acidity, vitamin C and total phenolic content. Statistical analyses showed that factors of quantity and the manner of fertilization influence significantly most of examined parameters in this research (P ā‰¤ 0.05)

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    Efikasnost fungicida za tretiranje semena u suzbijanju Tilletia tritici na području severozapadne Bosne

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    The results of a two-years investigation of the efficacy of fungicides used for seed treatments of the winter wheat variety Zlatka against T. tritici are presented. The following fungicides designed for seed disinfection were used: Dividend 030 FS, Vitavax 200 FF, Raxil 060 FS, Panoctine 350 IS. All of the tested fungicides were found to be highly effective, the top efficacy being archived by Dividend 030 FS, followed by Vitavax 200 FF (99.99%), Raxil 060 FS (99.98%), and Panoctine 350 (99.96%). Such high efficacy shows that it would be desirable to increase the use of these wheat seed disinfectants in North-Western Bosnia. Wheat yields were found to increase 15.5 - 26.3% in 2003 and 15.6 - 28.9% in 2004, compared to control. The differences in yields, in relation to control, were statistically significant, while the effect of fungicide treatments on weight per thousand kernels and hectolitre mass of seeds was not statistically significant.Prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja efikasnosti fungicida za tretiranje semena pÅ”enice pre-ma T. tritici na sorti Zlatka. Ispitivani su sledeći fungicidi (preparati): Dividend 030, Vitavax 20 FF, Raxil 060 FS, Panoctine 350 LS. Svi ispitivani preparati ispoljili su visok stepen efikasnosti prema ovoj gljivi. Najefikasniji je bio preparat Dividend 030FS (100%), zatim Vitavax 20 FF (99.99%), Raxil 060 FS i Panoctine 350 LS (99.96%). Između tretmana fungicidima i prinosa utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike. Zbog visokog stepena efikasnosti ove fungicide bi trebalo koristiti za suzbijanje T. tritici na prostorima severozapadne Bosne. Povećanje prinosa u odnosu na kontrolu u 2003. godini kretalo se u granicama 15.5-26.3%, a u 2004. godini 15.6-28.9%