Efikasnost fungicida za tretiranje semena u suzbijanju Tilletia tritici na području severozapadne Bosne


The results of a two-years investigation of the efficacy of fungicides used for seed treatments of the winter wheat variety Zlatka against T. tritici are presented. The following fungicides designed for seed disinfection were used: Dividend 030 FS, Vitavax 200 FF, Raxil 060 FS, Panoctine 350 IS. All of the tested fungicides were found to be highly effective, the top efficacy being archived by Dividend 030 FS, followed by Vitavax 200 FF (99.99%), Raxil 060 FS (99.98%), and Panoctine 350 (99.96%). Such high efficacy shows that it would be desirable to increase the use of these wheat seed disinfectants in North-Western Bosnia. Wheat yields were found to increase 15.5 - 26.3% in 2003 and 15.6 - 28.9% in 2004, compared to control. The differences in yields, in relation to control, were statistically significant, while the effect of fungicide treatments on weight per thousand kernels and hectolitre mass of seeds was not statistically significant.Prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja efikasnosti fungicida za tretiranje semena pšenice pre-ma T. tritici na sorti Zlatka. Ispitivani su sledeći fungicidi (preparati): Dividend 030, Vitavax 20 FF, Raxil 060 FS, Panoctine 350 LS. Svi ispitivani preparati ispoljili su visok stepen efikasnosti prema ovoj gljivi. Najefikasniji je bio preparat Dividend 030FS (100%), zatim Vitavax 20 FF (99.99%), Raxil 060 FS i Panoctine 350 LS (99.96%). Između tretmana fungicidima i prinosa utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike. Zbog visokog stepena efikasnosti ove fungicide bi trebalo koristiti za suzbijanje T. tritici na prostorima severozapadne Bosne. Povećanje prinosa u odnosu na kontrolu u 2003. godini kretalo se u granicama 15.5-26.3%, a u 2004. godini 15.6-28.9%

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