115 research outputs found

    Caracterización fisicoquímica y estabilidad oxidativa de aceites comestibles de semillas de sacha inchi microencapsulados y secados por aspersión

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    The aim of this work was to obtain sacha inchi oil (SIO) microcapsules from two different species, Plukenetia volubilis L. (SIVO) and Plukenetia huayllabambana L. (SIHO), using different biopolymers as wall materials and spray drying technology. The physicochemical characteristics such as encapsulation efficiency, particle size, morphology and oxidative stability were analyzed in order to select the best formulation that could potentially be used as an ingredient in the development of functional food. Bulk SIO and four formulations were tested for each oil ecotype, using different encapsulating agents: maltodextrin (MD), Arabic gum (AG), whey protein concentrate (WPC) and modified starch HI-CAP®-100 (H). Microcapsules made of H presented the highest oxidative stability and encapsulation efficiency compared to AG, AG:MD or AG:MD:WPC formulations.El objetivo de este trabajo fue obtener microcápsulas de dos especies de aceite de sacha inchi (SIO), Plukenetia volubilis L. (SIVO) y Plukenetia huayllabambana L. (SIHO), utilizando diferentes biopolímeros como materiales de pared y la tecnología de secado por aspersión. Se analizaron tanto las características fisicoquímicas como la eficiencia de encapsulación, el tamaño de partícula, la morfología y la estabilidad oxidativa para seleccionar la mejor formulación que podría utilizarse como ingrediente en el desarrollo de alimentos funcionales. Se analizaron los aceites y cuatro formulaciones para cada ecotipo, usando diferentes agentes encapsulantes: maltodextrina (MD), goma Arábiga (AG), concentrado proteico de lactosuero (WPC) y almidón modificado HI-CAP®-100 (H). Las microcápsulas hechas con H presentaron la mayor estabilidad oxidativa y eficiencia de encapsulación en comparación con las formulaciones: AG; AG:MD o AG:MD:WPC

    Physicochemical characterization and oxidative stability of microencapsulated edible sacha inchi seed oil by spray drying

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    The aim of this work was to obtain sacha inchi oil (SIO) microcapsules from two different spe-cies, Plukenetia volubilis L. (SIVO) and Plukenetia huayllabambana L. (SIHO), using different biopolymers as wall materials and spray drying technology. The physicochemical characteristics such as encapsulation effi-ciency, particle size, morphology and oxidative stability were analyzed in order to select the best formulation that could potentially be used as an ingredient in the development of functional food. Bulk SIO and four formu-lations were tested for each oil ecotype, using different encapsulating agents: maltodextrin (MD), Arabic gum (AG), whey protein concentrate (WPC) and modified starch HI-CAP®-100 (H). Microcapsules made of H pre-sented the highest oxidative stability and encapsulation efficiency compared to AG, AG:MD or AG:MD:WPC formulations


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    The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Campylobacter spp in meat and cecum of broilers sold in three illegal abattoirs in Lima, Peru. For this purpose, 90 broilers were selected, collecting 60 samples of body carcasses by the rinse method and 30 samples of cecum. The samples were cultured in mCCDA agar at 42 °C for 48 h under microaerophilic atmosphere, and biochemical tests were used to identify thermotolerant Campylobacter species. The results showed that 16.7% of carcasses were positive, where 60% were C. jejuni and 40% C. coli. In cecum samples, 26.7% were positive to Campylobacter spp, where 72.7% were C. jejuni and 27.2% C. coli.El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la presencia de Campylobacter spp en canales y ciegos de pollos de engorde comercializados en Lima Metropolitana a través de tres centros de beneficio clandestino. Se muestrearon 90 aves, obteniendo 30 muestras de ciego y 60 muestras de enjuagues de canales. Las muestras fueron sembradas directamente en medio selectivo mCCDA, a 42 °C por 48 h en atmósfera microaerofílica y se usaron pruebas bioquímicas para confirmar las especies termotolerantes. El 16.7% de las canales fueron positivas a Campylobacter spp, donde el 60% fue con C. jejuni y 40% con C. coli. Además, el 26.7% de muestras de ciego fueron positivas, siendo el 72.7% a C. jejuni y 27.2% a C. coli

    Meaning of life questionnaire (MLQ) in peruvian undergraduate students: study of its psychometric properties from the perspective of classical test theory (CTT)

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    "Background: The study of the meaning of life is essential since it plays a protective role in the mental health of university students. However, no studies have shown the adequate psychometric functioning of the MLQ in Latin American university students. For this reason, this research aims to evaluate the internal structure using CTT models, obtain evidence of validity based on the relationship with other variables, perform factorial invariance according to gender, and estimate the reliability of the MLQ. Methods: A sample of 581 Peruvian undergraduate students of both sexes (29.5% men and 70.5% women) between the ages of 18 and 35 (M=22.6; SD=3.3) was collected. Along with the MLQ, other instruments were applied to measure satisfaction with life (SWLS), subjective well-being (WBI), and depression (PHQ-9). Results: In the present study was evidenced that the model of two related factors of nine items presents better adjustment indices (RMSEA=.075; SRMR=.059; CFI=.97; TLI=.96) compared to other models. Also, it was shown that the factorial structure of the MLQ is strictly invariant for the group of men and women. It was also shown that the presence of meaning was positively related to satisfaction with life (.63) and well-being (.60) and negatively to depres‑ sion (− .56). In contrast, the search for meaning was not signifcantly related to life satisfaction (− .05) and well-being (− .07); but yes, to depression (.19). Conclusion: It is concluded that the MLQ from the perspective of CTT has shown adequate evidence of reliability and validity. Therefore, it could be used in future studies and evaluation and intervention processes. In addition, the study provides the frst evidence of the psychometric functioning of the scale in university students from Latin America.


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    Se evaluó la capacidad de sanear y detoxificar la carne de llama con macroquistes de Sarcocystis aucheniae a través de los métodos químicos de marinado, ahumado, curado seco y curado húmedo. Además, se incluyó un grupo control positivo (carne sin tratar). Se preparó un lisado a partir de macroquistes provenientes de carnes tratadas y no tratadas, que fue inoculado en 30 conejos (100 μg/kg de peso vivo en forma subcutánea). Los conejos del grupo curado húmedo y control positivo presentaron signos clínicos de toxicidad llegando a morir entre las 8 y 12 horas de la inoculación. Así mismo, 12 perros de 4-6 meses de edad recibieron la carne (150-200 macroquistes por animal) previamente tratada con uno de los métodos químicos bajo evaluación (un grupo de canes quedó como control positivo). Solamente los perros del grupo control eliminaron esporoquistes a partir del día 14 post-ingestión. Los resultados demuestran que los tratamientos marinado, ahumado y curado seco lograron sanear y detoxificar la carne de llama parasitada con Sarcocystis aucheniae.The sanitation and disinfecting of lama meat naturally infected with macrocysts of Sarcocystis aucheniae through any of four chemical methods (marinated, smoked, dry cured and wet cured) was evaluated. In addition, a positive control group (non-treated meat) was included. A lisis of macrocysts from treated and non-treated meats was prepared and inoculated into 30 rabbits (100 μg/kg of body weigh, subcutaneously). Rabbits of the humid cured and positive control groups showed clinical signs of toxicity and died within 8-12 hours post-inoculation. Furthermore, 12 puppies of 4-6 months of age were fed with the infected lama meat (150-200 macrocysts per puppy) previously treated with one of the chemical methods under evaluation (one group was kept as a positive control one). Solely dogs of the positive control group eliminated sporocysts after 14 days of ingestion. The results showed that marinated, smoked and dry cured methods were able to clean and disinfect lama meat infected with macrocysts of Sarcocystis aucheniae


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of faecal contamination in three vegetables of major raw consumption that are sold in four large wholesale markets in Lima, Peru. A total of 180 samples, 15 lettuce (Lactuca sativa), 15 cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and 15 spinach (Spinacea oleracea) from La Parada, Ramón Castilla, Ceres and Caquetá markets were collected within a year. Samples were processed using the Most Probable Number method for faecal coliform and E. coli Type I (Typical) detection and count, plus the Absence/Presence test for Salmonella. In the study, 18.9% of all vegetables and 22.2% of vegetables from La Parada market had faecal coliform levels higher than those established by the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF). In addition, 2.2% vegetables from Caquetá market had high levels of E. coli Type I (Typical), where spinach showed the highest contamination. Ten percent of vegetables had Salmonella spp, where cabbage had the highest levels.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el grado de contaminación fecal en tres verduras de mayor consumo crudo que se expenden en cuatro mercados mayoristas de Lima, Perú: La Parada, Ramón Castilla, Ceres y Caquetá. Se recolectaron 15 muestras de lechuga (Lactuca sativa), 15 de col (Brassica oleracea) y 15 de espinaca (Spinacea oleracea) por mercado en un año (n=180). Las muestras fueron procesadas por el método del Número más Probable para la detección y recuento de coliformes fecales y E. coli Tipo I (Típico), así como por la prueba de Ausencia/Presencia para Salmonella. El estudio demostró que el 18.9% del total de verduras y el 22.2% de verduras provenientes del mercado de La Parada presentaron niveles de coli fecales superiores a lo establecido por la International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF), siendo la espinaca la más contaminada. Además, el 2.2% de verduras del mercado Caquetá presentó niveles elevados de E. coli Tipo I (Típico) y el 10% de las verduras presentó contaminación por Salmonella spp, especialmente la col

    Measurement Invariance of the Short UCLA Loneliness Scale in Spanish and Peruvian Old People: Latent Mean Differences and Evidence for Differential Effects on Perceived Health

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    The objectives of this study are to evaluate the measurement invariance of the University of California Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (UCLA-LS) three-item version (UCLA-LS-3) in older adults in Peru and Spain, to compare the latent means of loneliness, and to evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale with Item Response Theory (IRT) models, and evaluate the possible moderating effects of the country on loneliness-health relationships. Peruvian sample was composed of 235 old adults from the city of Lima. The Spanish sample was composed of 443 old adults. The three-factor structure of RUCLA-3 anchored to the health measure fitted the data reasonably well in Spain and Peru. The R-UCLA-3 may be considered invariant for these two samples. The latent means of loneliness are different, the Peruvian average of loneliness being greater than that of Spain. The R-UCLA-3 is an invariant measure in older adults in Peru and Spain, with adequate psychometric properties through IRT models

    Impact of COVID-19 on quality of life in Peruvian older adults: construct validity, reliability and invariance of the COV19-Impact on Quality of Life (COV19-QoL) measurement

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    The aim of the present study was to translate into Spanish and evaluate the psychometric evidence of the Impact on Quality of Life (COV19-QoL) applied to a sample of Peruvian older adults (N = 298; 58.1% women, 41.9% men, mean age 65.34 years [SD = 11.33]). The study used techniques from the Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT). The findings confirmed the single factor structure of the COV19-QoL, high internal consistency reliability, measurement invariance by gender, and all items demonstrated adequate discrimination and difficulty indices. In this sense, the items allow adequate discrimination between low, medium and high levels of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on quality of life. In addition, a greater perceived impact of the pandemic on quality of life is necessary to answer the higher response options of the COV19-QoL. In conclusion, the COV19-QoL is a valid measurement scale of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of Peruvian older adults


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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue demostrar que la estimulación eléctrica tiene un efecto significativo sobre la calidad de la carne de la alpaca en los aspectos de terneza, jugosidad, sabor y olor; y que además influye en la capacidad de su conservación. Se utilizó 12 alpacas hembras adultas de 4-4.5 años de edad y 50-60 kg p.v. Las canales fueron estimuladas eléctricamente a los 60 minutos del sacrificio, usando electrodos colocados en el tejido muscular. A cada media canal tratada se le estimuló con 500 voltios por 60 (T1) ó 30 segundos (T2), y con 600 voltios por 60 (T3) ó 30 segundos (T4); dejando sin estimulación eléctrica a las medias canales control. El tratamiento tuvo un efecto significativo (p=0.00) sobre el pH de la carne tratada, produciendo un menor crecimiento microbiano a las 24 horas post estimulación (p=0.004), especialmente en el tratamiento T2. En las características organolépticas se obtuvo un efecto significativo para el olor con el tratamiento T1 (p=0.009), sabor con el tratamiento T4 (p=0.002), terneza con los tratamientos T2 (p=0.023) y T3 (p=0.004), y jugosidad con el tratamiento T4 (p=0.005).Electrical stimulation is a technique that may reduce the lenght of maturity, rigor mortis and acidity of meat, as well as improving sensory characteristics. The objetive of the study was to show that the electrical stimulation has a significant effect on the quality of alpaca meat such as tenderness, juiceness, flavor, odor and sanitary condition. Twelve female alpacas from 4 to 5 year old and 50-60 kg of body weight were used. They were slaughtered and electrically stimulated 60 minutes later using electrodes on muscular tissue. All half carcasses were stimulated with 500 v per 60 s (T1), 500 v per 30 s (T2), 600 v per 60 s (T3), and 600 v per 30 s (T4). All other half carcasses were kept without electrically stimulation. The results indicated that the electrical stimulation had a significant effect (p=0.00) on the pH alpaca meat reducing microbial growth 24 h after stimulation (p=0.004), where treatment T2 (500 v/60s) showed the best effect. The evaluation of sensory characteristics showed a significant effect for odor on treatment T1 (p=0.009), flavor on treatment T4 (p=0.002), tenderness on treatments T2 (p=0.023) and T3 (p=0.004), and juiceness on treatment T4 (p=0.005)