75 research outputs found

    Multivariate to Bivariate Reduction for Noncommutative Polynomial Factorization

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    The Evolution of Farm Income Statistics in India: A Review Allowance Programme in Rural Areas

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    This article reviews studies on farm business incomes in India from the colonial period to the present with a focus on the evolution of methodology and process of estimation of farm incomes, and classifies the development of such studies into four phases. Concepts and definitions of costs of cultivation are investigated as these have significant implications for the study of crop incomes, and determine the suitability of data sources for studying the economics of household farming

    A Clinical Study on Changes in Symptoms and Sings of Kirigai on full and New Moon Days

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    The Tamil Medicinal contains three elements of medicine, alchemy and yogam. In chronic and incurable disease the siddha system utilised three type of methods there are medicine, astrology and incantation. The astrology plays an important role of siddha medicinal system. It gave more important to full moon days and new moon days. In those days some of diseases affected the people more and more and affected them unbearable eg. psychiatric and skin disease. From this factor the author analyse above the psychiatric symptoms and relation between the full moon day & new moon days. AIM : A clinical study on standardization of changes in symptoms and signs of KIRIGAI on full and new moon days. OBJECTIVES : Primary : To compare the behavioural variations of KIRIGAI patients on new moon day and full moon day with those of other lunar days. Secondary : To compare the symptomatic variations of KIRIGAI patients on New moon day and full moon day with those of other lunar days. To collect the literature of both siddha and modern aspects of the disease KIRIGAI. To study the clinical course of the disease with observation on the etiology, classification pathology, complications and treatment by siddha aspect. To have an idea about the incidence of disease with age, occupation, marital status, habits, religion, family history and economical conditions. To expose the clinical diagnostic methods mentioned by siddhars to know how the disease manifest due to deranged mukkutram, pori pulangal, ezhu udal thathukkal and koshangal. To frame the diagnosis based on Iympull Iyakka vidhi. To establish a line of treatment and dietary regimen. CONCLUSION : The disease Kirigai is characterized by Paleness of the conjunctiva Yawning, Frequent lacrimation from the eyes, Tapping the floor with hand, Blabbering, Lamenting, Doing antics Wandering in the streets, Getting confusion,Biting others,Wallowing on the ash,Spray the slush over its head,Frothy excretory mouth,Singing and dancing and etc. The study on changes in signs and symtoms of kirigai on full and new moon days was done in this dissertation, which gives importance to the changes in Udal thathukkal, Uyir thathukkal etc. The changes in Udal thathukkal Uyir thathkkal were assessed by Siddha Parameters like Ennvagai Thervugal, Poriyal therdhal, Pulanal therdhal,Thegyin Ilakkanam and Iympull iyakka vidhi. The Conclusion of this study was made from the following datas. Female patients are predominantly affected The age group between 26 to 35 years are mostly affected Maximum numbers of cases were from rural and Maximum were from Marutha nilam Most of the nuclear family was affected. The prevalence of the disease was high among Lower class populations 62.5% Out of 40 patients, 60% of patients were labour. Among Dhasa Vayukkal Pranan,Abaanan, Udhaanan, Viyaanan, Samaanan,Koorman, Kirukaran and devathathan were affected in all cases. Anarpitham, Ranjagapitham, Sathagapitham,Prasagapitham, Aalosagapitham were affected in all cases. Sleeplessness present in 100% of the cases. Mood Swings was noted in all of cases. In the Iympull iyakka vidhi,in Mukkutram almost Vatham 56.6% affected,in Aatharam almost Manipooragam affected. Out of 50 patients, 40 patients have KIRIGAI, Others donot have such symptoms

    Efficient Identity Testing and Polynomial Factorization in Nonassociative Free Rings

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    In this paper we study arithmetic computations in the nonassociative, and noncommutative free polynomial ring F{X}. Prior to this work, nonassociative arithmetic computation was considered by Hrubes, Wigderson, and Yehudayoff, and they showed lower bounds and proved completeness results. We consider Polynomial Identity Testing and Polynomial Factorization in F{X} and show the following results. 1. Given an arithmetic circuit C computing a polynomial f in F{X} of degree d, we give a deterministic polynomial algorithm to decide if f is identically zero. Our result is obtained by a suitable adaptation of the PIT algorithm of Raz and Shpilka for noncommutative ABPs. 2. Given an arithmetic circuit C computing a polynomial f in F{X} of degree d, we give an efficient deterministic algorithm to compute circuits for the irreducible factors of f in polynomial time when F is the field of rationals. Over finite fields of characteristic p, our algorithm runs in time polynomial in input size and p

    SemEval 2017 Task 10: ScienceIE - Extracting Keyphrases and Relations from Scientific Publications

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    We describe the SemEval task of extracting keyphrases and relations between them from scientific documents, which is crucial for understanding which publications describe which processes, tasks and materials. Although this was a new task, we had a total of 26 submissions across 3 evaluation scenarios. We expect the task and the findings reported in this paper to be relevant for researchers working on understanding scientific content, as well as the broader knowledge base population and information extraction communities

    Strategic assessment of research priorities for sweetpotato.

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    The following report presents an ex‐ante evaluation of priority research options for sweetpotato carried out in the scope of the strategic assessment of research priorities for the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB). It contains the results from the economic surplus model used for the assessment, which are extended to include estimations of the number of beneficiaries and poverty reduction effects. The report identifies and describes the sweetpotato research options taken into consideration for and included into the assessment. The socioeconomic and technological parameters used as input data for the analysis are described and information on the elicitation process and data sources is provided. Results are presented so as to explain the outputs obtained and interpreted with respect to the relevant differences between research option

    Complexity in Technology Choices and Market Access for Pigeon Pea Growers in Semi-Arid Tropics of India

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    India, being the largest producer, consumer and importer of pulses, its demand and supply influences global pulses sector significantly. For several years, there has been consistent import of different types of pulse-grains by India, despite having the largest area under cultivation and their total production. This paper focuses mainly on the production of pigeon pea, second most produced and consumed pulse after chickpea. There has been a major shift in the pigeon pea production in the country. The study is an attempt to examine the adoption of modern variety and other production practices in the highest pigeon pea producing state of India viz. Maharashtra. The marketing behaviour of the pigeon pea growers is also the focus area of this study. The pigeon pea production in India varied dramatically over the last five decades, in terms of its spread, productivity and its importance as an intercrop. At the farmers’ level, there is a need for proper intervention in cropping patterns through new and improved crop varieties, information dissemination to farmers, mechanization and service support in reducing operational costs of farmers so as to increase the profitability from pigeon pea cultivation. The lot size and conveniences in terms of distance and time flexibility are some of the major influencers to decide about the marketing destination for the pigeon pea growers in the region

    Truncated Access to Institutional Agricultural Credit as a Major Constraint for Rural Transformation: Insights from Longitudinal Village Studies

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    The study has examined the trend of formal credit growth and its influence on rural transformation in terms of accelerating growth in household income levels. It has also identified the factors influencing the access to formal agricultural credit in the study regions, viz. eastern and semi-arid tropics (SAT) of India. The longitudinal household level data of about 1200 households in three states each in these two regions have been analysed for the period 2010 to 2013. The study has observed that the poor access to formal credit has compelled these households to take loan from informal sources who sometimes charge interest @ 60 to 120 per cent per annum, threatening the livelihoods of these smallholders and poor households. During the study period of three years (2010 - 2013), no change in situation was visible in these villages and the access to formal sources of agricultural credit seems to remain truncated. The main reasons for this disturbing trend is the lack of institutional framework to provide cheap and subsidized credit to these marginal and landless households, who take land on lease for cultivation. The Tobit model has been fitted to determine the accessibility to formal agricultural credit in these regions. The study has highlighted the need of building a strong and inclusive financial infrastructure to provide necessary credit support to the smallholder farmers in the eastern and SAT regions for bringing a rapid rural transformation

    Reinstatement and Lectotypification of Memecylon deccanense (Melastomataceae): An Endemic Species of the Western Ghats, India.

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    As part of the ex-situ conservation of the wild ornamental plants at JNTBGRI, several species of Memecylon were collected and introduced from the Western Ghats. While working on the taxonomy of the collected plants, it was found that a well defined species Memecylon deccanense C.B.Clarke  has been reduced recently to the synonym of M.heyneanum Benth. ex Wight & Arn. A detailed study by relevant literature, live and herbarium specimens, and type specimens housed at different herbaria, it is reinstated as a distinct species and a lectotype is designated here. Relevant photographs and images of type specimens of M.deccanense and M.heyneanum also provided to facilitate its easy identification