5 research outputs found

    Bayes-menetelmiin pohjautuva bioekonominen ennustusmalli öljyvahinkojen aiheuttamien kalakantaan kohdistuvien vaikutusten arviointiin : case Itämeren silakka

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    Öljyvahingot vesiympäristöissä ovat kauheita onnettomuuksia, joilla on sekä biologisia, että taloudellisia vaikutuksia. Näiden vaikutuksien kohteina ovat muun muassa kalapopulaatiot. Öljyonnettomuuksien vaikutuksia kalapopulaatioihin on kirjallisuudessa tutkittu paljon. Käytettyjen tutkimusmenetelmien joukosta tässä tutkielmassa keskitytään Bayes-menetelmiin. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on kehitetty useita Bayes-menetelmiin perustuvia öljyvahinkojen vaikutusten arviointimalleja. Nämä mallit kuitenkin keskittyvät useimmiten menneisyydessä tapahtuneiden onnettomuuksien vaikutusten arviointiin. Kehitettyjä malleja ei ole käytetty mahdollisten tulevaisuudessa tapahtuvien onnettomuuksien vaikutusten ennustamiseen. Niissä ei myöskään ole hyödynnetty laboratoriotutkimusten avulla saatuja tuloksia vaikutusten arvioinnissa. Esimerkkejä öljyvahinkojen taloudellisia vaikutuksia arvioivista malleista on saatavilla vain vähän, eikä mikään niistä arvioi taloudellisia vaikutuksia öljyn aiheuttaman kalakannan biomassan muutoksen kautta. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on kehittää Bayes-menetelmiin perustuva bioekonominen ennustusmalli, jolla voisi ennustaa öljyvahingon vaikutuksia Itämeren pääaltaan silakkapopulaatioon, sekä näiden vaikutusten aiheuttamia taloudellisia seurauksia kalastajille. Kehitettävällä mallilla on tarkoitus ennustaa erilaisten hypoteettisten öljyvahinkojen vaikutuksia. Tutkielman tuloksena saatiin kehitettyä ennustusmalli, jolla voi ennustaa erilaisten hypoteettisten öljyvahinkojen vaikutuksia mätimunien lisäkuolleisuuden kautta sekä Itämeren pääaltaan silakkapopulaatioon, että kalastajille aiheutuviin taloudellisiin seurauksiin. Mallia voidaan soveltaa myös muihin kalapopulaatioihin muilla alueilla. Mallissa hyödynnetään laboratoriotutkimusten tuloksia öljyvahinkojen vaikutusten arvioinnissa. Mallia voidaan käyttää sekä mahdollisten tulevaisuudessa tapahtuvien öljyvahinkojen aiheuttamien riskien arviointiin, että jo tapahtuneiden onnettomuuksien jälkeen tapahtuvaan päätöksentekoon. Lisäksi mallia voidaan käyttää menneisyydessä tapahtuneiden onnettomuuksien tuntemattomien aspektien arviointiin. Taloudellisia ennusteita voidaan käyttää muun muassa kalastajille mahdollisesti maksettavien korvausten arviointiin. Tulevaisuudessa ennustusmallia tulisi kehittää erityisesti tarkentamalla kalakannan rekrytointiin liittyviä oletuksia mahdollisimman hyvin todellisuutta vastaaviksi. Lisäksi mallissa tehtyjä oletuksia liittyen öljyn aiheuttaman lisäkuolleisuuden ja taloudellisten vaikutusten laskemiseen tulisi laajentaa.Oil spills in aquatic environments are devastating disasters with both biological and economic impacts. Fish populations are among the many subjects of these impacts. In literature, there are numerous assessments of oil spill impacts on fish populations. From all applied research methods, the focus of this thesis is on Bayesian methods. In prior research, several Bayesian models have been developed for assessing oil spill impacts on fish populations. These models, however, have focused on the assessment of impacts from past spills. They have not been used for predicting impacts of possible future oil spills. Furthermore, the models have not utilized data from laboratory studies. Some examples can be found of models assessing economic impacts of oil spills on fish populations however, none of them assess the economic impacts that follow from decreases in biomass. The aim of this thesis is to develop a Bayesian bioeconomic prediction model, which would be able to predict oil spill impacts on Baltic Sea main basin herring population, and the consequential economic impacts on fishermen. The idea is to predict the impacts of several hypothetical oil spill scenarios. As a result of this thesis, a bioeconomic prediction model was developed, which can predict both biological and economic impacts of oil spills on Baltic Sea main basin herring through additional oil induced mortality of herring eggs. The model can be applied to other fish populations in other regions as well. The model utilizes laboratory studies for assessing population level impacts. The model can be used for both assessing risks of the impacts of possible future oil spills, and for decision analysis after a spill has already occurred. Furthermore, the model can be used for assessing unknown aspects of past oil spills. The economic predictions can be used, for example, to estimate the compensations that could possibly be paid to fishermen. In the future, the prediction model should be developed further, especially regarding its stock-recruitment relationship assumptions. In addition, the model’s assumptions regarding the calculation of oil induced additional mortality and the economic impacts, should be expanded

    Balanced Scorecard with integrated corporate social responsibility - Case: 3StepIT Oy

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a company level Balanced Scorecard as an assignment for 3StepIT Oy. The Balanced Scorecard had to illustrate the critical success factors of creating value to shareholders and function as a tool for implementing strategy. Communication of strategy and aligning employee behaviour to strategy also had to be improved with the scorecard. Due to characteristics of the case company's strategy, goal was also to integrate corporate social responsibility into the scorecard. Data for the theoretical part was collected from literature regarding basic characteristics of the Balanced Scorecard, its implementation and integration of corporate social responsibility. For the empirical part, data was also collected from informal unstructured interviews, internal documents and website of the case company and discussions with people involved in the Balanced Scorecard project. This research is in nature a qualitative single case study. The information sources of the empirical part were used to explore the specific context of the case company, its strategy and organizational structure. The information gathered in the empirical part was combined with the data gathered in the theoretical part and used in the development of the Balanced Scorecard. As a result, a company level Balanced Scorecard was constructed for the case company that partially achieved the objectives set for it in the beginning. It didn't achieve the objective of being a tool for implementing strategy, which also impaired its ability to communicate and align to strategy. According to the data collected, recommendations were made for future development of the Balanced Scorecard, so that it could fully achieve its objectives. The results are not generalizable since the research only concentrates on a context of a single company

    Whole exome sequencing identifies mutations in 10% of patients with familial non-syndromic cleft lip and/or palate in genes mutated in well-known syndromes.

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    Oral clefts, that is, clefts of the lip and/or cleft palate (CL/P), are the most common craniofacial birth defects with an approximate incidence of ~1/700. To date, physicians stratify patients with oral clefts into either syndromic CL/P (syCL/P) or non-syndromic CL/P (nsCL/P) depending on whether the CL/P is associated with another anomaly or not. In general, patients with syCL/P follow Mendelian inheritance, while those with nsCL/P have a complex aetiology and, as such, do not adhere to Mendelian inheritance. Genome-wide association studies have identified approximately 30 risk loci for nsCL/P, which could explain a small fraction of heritability. To identify variants causing nsCL/P, we conducted whole exome sequencing on 84 individuals with nsCL/P, drawn from multiplex families (n=46). We identified rare damaging variants in four genes known to be mutated in syCL/P: (one family), (one family), (one family) and (two families), and clinical reassessment confirmed the isolated nature of their CL/P. These data demonstrate that patients with CL/P without cardinal signs of a syndrome may still carry a mutation in a gene linked to syCL/P. Rare coding and non-coding variants in syCL/P genes could in part explain the controversial question of 'missing heritability' for nsCL/P. Therefore, gene panels designed for diagnostic testing of syCL/P should be used for patients with nsCL/P, especially when there is at least third-degree family history. This would allow a more precise management, follow-up and genetic counselling. Moreover, stratified cohorts would allow hunting for genetic modifiers

    La fente labiopalatine et/ou palatine : signe d’appel d’un syndrome rare

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    Les fentes labiales, labiopalatines et palatines isolées sont les malformations cranio-faciales les plus fréquentes, de l’ordre de 1/700 à 1/1000 naissances avec des variations importantes en fonction du type de fente, du sexe et de l’origine ethnique. Elles peuvent être sporadiques ou familiales, isolées ou syndromiques. Plus de 500 syndromes rares associant une fente ont été identifiés jusqu’à présent (par exemple, syndrome de Van der Woude, microdélétion 22q11.2, syndrome de CHARGE, syndrome de Treacher Collins, etc). Environ 30% des fentes labiopalatines et 50% des fentes palatines sont syndromiques : le patient présente une ou plusieurs malformations associées. Le plus souvent ces syndromes sont causés soit par la mutation d’un gène soit par une anomalie chromosomique. Une fente doit faire rechercher des malformations associées (Figure 1). La prise en charge des enfants avec une fente labiopalatine ou palatine isolée est multidisciplinaire. Ils présentent des difficultés d’alimentation, d’élocution, d’audition et des anomalies dentaires et de croissance maxillaire (1). De plus, les patients avec une fente syndromique nécessitent une prise en charge adaptée à leurs besoins spécifiques