542 research outputs found

    Numerical control of laser processing and simulation of microstructures and temperature profiles - a fuzzy approach

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    The use of high power density laser beam for surface modification of many important alloys often leads to appreciable changes in the composition & tribological properties. These changes are dependent on process variables such as beam size, energy, scan rate, laser mode and the Chemistry and metallurgy of steel. Appro-ximate solutions to heat flow equations are combined with kinetic models to predict the microstructures and temperature distributions. A transient fuzzy logic based heat flow model is developed to predict temperature zones instead of discrete temperature calculations. A set of separate membership functions are formulated for dete-rmining temperature zones by means of continuous iteration process the same method is adopted to evaluate micro-structures for a specific temperature zone by incorporat-ing the kinetic and thermal datas available. Alloy steel of CK45 grade and stainless steel of 316 grade are used for this investigations and the results obtained are compared with the temperature profiles obtained from conventional methods and hence their microstructures. An attempt is also made to compute the dendrite cell width distribution during laser melt solidification of 316 LN steel by means of the above mentioned method

    Semi-automatic determination of elemental sulphur in rubber

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    Electro-active elemental sulphur dissolved in hydrazine hydrate solvent was studied by d.c. polarography, cyclic voltammetry and millicoulometry in sodium acetate, ammonium tartrate and sodium phosphate buffers in an aqueous medium. The method, which uses a mercury electrode, is highly sensitive with less interference than other polarographic methods. The method was extended to the determination of sulphur in pressure rubber tubing. This paper also suggests a mechanism of electrode reaction


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    Objective: This study was conducted to assess the phytochemical constituents in Punica granatum L. Leaf extracts (PGLE) using standard methods.Methods: The leaf powder was extracted using solvents namely aqueous, hydroalcohol, ethanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane. Qualitative and Quantitative phytochemical screenings of PGLE were assessed by standard methods.Results: All the leaf extracts were positive for a wide range of bio-active compounds except n-hexane. The result has showed that the maximum amount of total phenols (394.16 mg/g DW of extract), total tannins (210.5 mg/g DW of extract), flavanoids (147.4 mg/g DW of extract) and total triterpenoids (112 mg/g DW of extract) were noted in ethanolic extract of P. granatum leaf (EPGL). The biological assay revealed that relevant amount of carbohydrate, protein, lipid and alkaloid in EPGL.Conclusion: The findings of this study concluded that the EPGL had potential bioactive substances that may be used as pharmaceutical ingredients for formulation of new or prospective potent drug to cure wide range of metabolic diseases


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    Genetically engineered plants and their residues may pose direct or indirect impacts on different ecosystem functions. The aim of this experiment was to determine the amount of Bt toxin (Cry 1 Ac δ endotoxin) present in the rhizosphere of Bt cotton during the crop period at regular intervals. Bt toxin was estimated from the rhizospheric soils of near isogenic Non Bt cotton crop for as a control. Cry 1 Ac δ endotoxin was estimated using Envirologix Quanti Kit plate (ELISA) method. The soil samples were collected in which Bt cotton was cultivating for more than ten years as monocrop, similarly Non Bt cotton fields where never cultivated transgenic crop were selected for this study. The quantity of the Cry 1Ac toxin levels in the rhizosphere of Bt cotton was estimated at different crop stages and it was 41.13 ppb at pre cultivation stage which is higher than that of Non Bt rhizosphere soil i.e.15.3 ppb. The toxin concentration increased gradually during different crop stages i.e 69.32 ppb, 95.24 ppb, 103.35 ppb at 30, 60,90 days crop stages respectively. It was decreased to 92.37 ppb at harvest stage and shown higher levels (173.24 ppb) at postharvest stage. But in case of Non Bt rhizosphere it is almost same at all the stages of crop. The results suggests that there is a significant difference between the Bt and Non Bt soils with respect to quantity of Cry toxin and there is also significant difference between different crop stages of Bt cotton with respect to Non Bt cotto

    A study of lipid parameters among GDM and non GDM pregnant women: a hospital based study

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    Background: Altered maternal lipid metabolism is common in pregnancy. In women with GDM physiological changes in insulin and lipid levels are exaggerated during pregnancy, leading to significant alterations in lipid levels compared to normal pregnancy. Assessment of raise in certain lipid parameters in pregnant women with GDM and non GDM.Methods: A hospital based case control study done in the Department of OBG AIMS Bellur, Mandya, Karnataka, with sample size of 100 pregnant women. 50 cases of GDM (confirmed by OGCT) and 50 controls (non GDM cases) pregnant women were taken during 1 year study period from June 2015 to June 2016. Mean age of presentation of women was 20-25 yrs. Ethical committee clearance was taken and consent from control and cases was taken. Fasting lipid profile was sent. Parameters obtained were analyzed using student t test for statistical significance.Results: There was no statistical difference in age and parity between control and case group. Triglyceride (cases- 286.4±77.60 mg/dl) (controls-166±26mg/dl), total cholesterol (cases-256.5±41.7 mg/dl) (controls -202.5±20.18mg/dl), VLDL (cases-53.4±13.2 mg/dl) (controls-46.6±13.1mg/dl) showed statistically significant values (p value0.5) among GDM and non GDM group. Lipid profile was performed predominately in women in II trimester.Conclusions: Serum triglyceride, total cholesterol and VLDL level are significantly higher among woman with GDM compared to non GDM pregnant women, where in the lipid profile can be used as predictor for gestational diabetes mellitus in future which needs further research

    Challenges in materials research for sustainable nuclear energy

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    Global energy demand is expected to increase steeply, creating an urgent need to evolve a judicious global energy policy, exploiting the potential of all available energy resources, including nuclear energy. With increasing awareness of environmental issues, nuclear energy is expected to play an important role on the energy scenario in the coming decades. The immediate thrust in the science and technology of nuclear materials is to realize a robust reactor technology with associated fuel cycle and ensure the cost competitiveness of nuclear power and to extend the service life of reactors to 100 years. Accordingly, the present-generation materials need to be modified to meet the demands of prolonged exposure to irradiation and extended service life for the reactor. Emerging nuclear systems incorporate features to ensure environmental friendliness, effective waste management, enhanced safety, and proliferation resistance and require development of high-temperature materials and the associated technologies. Fusion, on a longer horizon of about fve decades, also requires the development of a new spectrum of materials. The development of next-generation materials technology is expected to occur in short times and is likely to be further accelerated by strong international collaborations

    Investigation of nano lipid vesicles of methotrexate for anti-rheumatoid activity

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    Prabhakara Prabhu1, Rakshith Shetty1, Marina Koland1, K Vijayanarayana3, KK Vijayalakshmi2, M Harish Nairy1, GS Nisha11Department of Pharmaceutics, Nitte University, NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Paneer, Deralakatte, Mangalore, Karnataka, India; 2Department of Applied Zoology, Mangalore University, Konaje, Mangalore, Karnataka, India; 3Department of Pharmacy Practice, Manipal University, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, IndiaBackground: The purpose of this study was to formulate and evaluate nano lipid vesicles of methotrexate (MTX) for its anti-rheumatoid activity.Methods: In this study the principle of both active as well as passive targeting using MTX-loaded stealth liposomes as per the magic gun approach was followed. Stealth liposomes of MTX were prepared by thin-film hydration method using a PEGylated phospholipid-like DSPE-MPEG 2000. Similarly, conventional liposomes were prepared using phospholipids like DPPC and DSPC. Conventional liposomes were coated with a hydrophilic biocompatible polymer like chitosan. They were investigated for their physical properties and in vitro release profile. Further, in vivo screening of the formulations for their anti-rheumatoid efficacy was carried out in rats. Rheumatoid arthritis was induced in male Wistar-Lewis rats using complete Freund’s adjuvant (1 mg/mL Mycobacterium tuberculosis, heat killed in mineral oil).Results: It was found that chitosan coating of the conventional liposomes increased the physical stability of the liposomal suspension as well as its entrapment efficiency. The size of the unsonicated lipid vesicles was found to be in the range of 8–10 µm, and the sonicated lipid vesicles in the range of 210–260 nm, with good polydispersity index. Further, chitosan-coated conventional liposomes and the PEGylated liposomes released the drug for a prolonged period of time, compared to the uncoated conventional liposomes. It was found that there was a significant reduction in edema volume in the rat group administered with the test stealth liposomal formulations and chitosan-coated conventional liposomes (PEGylated and chitosan-coated conventional) compared to that of the control and standard (administered with free MTX) group of rats. PEGylated liposomes showed almost equal efficacy as that of the chitosan-coated conventional liposomes.Conclusion: Lipid nano vesicles of MTX can be administered by intravenous route, whereby the drug selectively reaches the target site with reduced toxicity to other organs.Keywords: methotrexate, stealth liposomes, conventional liposomes, chitosan coating, targeted delivery, anti-rheumatoid efficac

    GGN repeat length and GGN/CAG haplotype variations in the androgen receptor gene and prostrate cancer risk in south Indian men

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    The ethnic variation in the GGN and CAG microsatellites of the androgen receptor (AR) gene suggests their role in the substantial racial difference in prostate cancer risk. Hence, we performed a casecontrol study to assess whether GGN repeats independently or in combination with CAG repeats were associated with prostate cancer risk in South Indian men. The repeat lengths of the AR gene determined by Gene scan analysis, revealed that men with GGN repeats £21 had no significant risk compared to those with >21 repeats (OR 0.91 at 95% CI-0.52–1.58). However, when CAG repeats of our earlier study was combined with the GGN repeat data, the cases exhibited significantly higher frequency of the haplotypes CAG £19/GGN £21 (OR-5.2 at 95% CI-2.17– 12.48, P 21(OR-6.9 at 95%CI-2.85–17.01, P < 0.001) compared to the controls. No significant association was observed between GGN repeats and prostate-specific antigen levels and the age at diagnosis. Although a trend of short GGN repeats length in high-grade was observed, it was not significant (P = 0.09). Overall, our data reveals that specific GGN/CAG haplotypes (CAG £19/GGN £21 and CAG £19/GGN > 21) of AR gene increase the risk of prostate cancer and thus could serve as susceptibility marker for prostate cancer in South Indian men

    Production pattern in the marine fisheries of Kerala

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    Fisheries play a crucial role in the Kerala economy. Although the coastline is only about one tenth of the coastline of India, landings in Kerala constitute more than 30 pet of the country's total marine fish production. This sector provides the main source of income for about 147900 active fishermen and for almost an equal number engaged in the activities of processing and marketing. Earnings from export of marine production from Kerala have during the past two decades increased considerably. The marine fisheries sector is therefore one of the major concerns of the economic planners in the state of Kerala and the object of A various development programmes