832 research outputs found

    Performance of high yielding drought tolerant varieties of maize and in situ moisture conservation techniques in Kandi region of Punjab, India

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    In the present investigation, 87 front line demonstrations (FLDs) of maize were conducted on farmers’ fields to demonstrate the impact of high yielding drought tolerant varieties (JH 3459, Parkash and PMH 1) and in situ moisture conservation techniques (ridge sowing, sowing across the slope, summer ploughing and earthing up) on production and economic benefits in Kandi region of Punjab state during kharif seasons from 2011 to 2013 under rainfed situation. The improved production technologies recorded additional yield ranging from 29.7 to 47.6 q/ha with a mean yield of 37.1 q/ha and 24.4 to 42.6 q/ha with a mean yield of 32.7 q/ha for drought tolerant varieties and in situ moisture conservation techniques, respectively. The per cent average increase in yield of drought tolerant varieties over local cultivars was 35.8, while 15.6 for in situ moisture conservation techniques.The average extension gap, technology gap and technology index were 9.8& 4.4 q/ha, 3.7& 6.1q/ha and 9.1& 16.7 per cent, respectively in drought tolerant varieties and in situ moisture conservation techniques. FLDs recorded higher mean net returns i.e. Rs. 36,292 and 28,234 per ha. with B:C ratio of 2.53 and 2.17 for drought tolerant varieties and in situ moisture conservation techniques, respectively. The FLDS conducted revealed that availability of suitable high yielding variety and lack of knowledge about improved production technologies is the main bottleneck in maize production, enhancement of yield and knowledge of the farmers. Hence, the productivity of maize can be increased by adoption of the recommended management practices and the study resulted in convincing the farming community about potentialities of the recommended production technologies in yield enhancement

    A New Approach to solve Fuzzy Transportation Problem for Trapezoidal Number

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    In this paper we are study on fuzzy transportation problem for industries to reduce the transportation cost of commodity from one source to another source. In this paper we are taking transportation cost, demand and supply all are in fuzzy trapezoidal number because the fuzzy number satisfy the condition of vagueness. Here we are using the propose algorithm to obtained the fuzzy optimal solution of fuzzy transportation problem with membership function. The solution procedure is illustrated with numerical example

    Razine dušikova oksida i sintaze dušikova oksida u plazmi s obzirom na steroidne hormone jajnika tijekom i oko estrusnog dijela spolnog ciklusa krava - kratko priopćenje.

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    Blood samples were collected from cycling Sahiwal cows at -2,-1, 0, +1, and +2 days of the estrus cycle and analyzed for plasma levels of Nitric oxide (NO) and Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) vis a vis ovarian steroidal hormones viz. estradiol-17β and progesterone. The results revealed a gradual increase in NO, NOS and Estradiol-17β levels from day -2 and they peaked at the day of estrus, followed by a steep fall up to day +2. The values of NO, NOS and estradiol-17β ranged between 7.93 to 18.92 μM/L, 0.39 to 0.95 U/L and 5.46 to 20.16 pg/mL, respectively. The levels of progesterone ranged from 0.15 to 0.71 ng/mL and showed a significant decline from day -2 to the day of estrus and then remained statistically parallel. In addition, levels of estradiol-17β exhibited a highly significant (P<0.01) association with levels of NO and NOS. The present study generated data on NO, NOS, estradiol-17β and progesterone at and around estrus in cows, which is of practical importance for clinical and experimental interpretation.Uzorci krvi prikupljeni su od krava Sahiwal pasmine tijekom -2, -1, 0, +1, i +2 dana estrusnog dijela spolnog ciklusa. Analizirane su razine dušikova oksida (NO) i sintaze dušikova oksida (NOS) u odnosu na steroidne hormone jajnika, posebno estradiol-17β i progesteron. Rezultati su pokazali postupno povećanje razine NO, NOS i estradiol-17β hormona počevši od dana -2. Vrhunac razine postignut je na dan estrusa, a zatim je uslijedilo strmo opadanje do dana +2. Vrijednosti promatranih pokazatelja kretale su se u rasponu od 7,93 do 18,92 μM/L za NO, od 0,39 do 0,95 U/L za NOS i od 5,46 do 20,16 pg/mL za estradiol-17β. Razine progesterona bile su u rasponu od 0,15 do 0,71 ng/mL, uz značajan pad od dana -2 do dana estrusa nakon kojeg su ostale statistički nepromijenjene. Osim toga, razina estradiola-17β hormona pokazala je visoko značajnu (P<0,01) povezanost s razinama NO i NOS. Istraživanje je pokazalo podatke o razinama NO, NOS, estradiol-17β hormona i progesterona tijekom i oko estrusa krava što je od praktičnog značenja za klinička i eksperimentalna tumačenja ovih pokazatelja

    Substrate Current Evaluation for Lightly and Heavily Doped MOSFETs at 45 Nm Process Using Physical Models

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    Substrate noise is a major integration issue in mixed signal circuits; particularly at radio frequency (RF) it becomes a key issue. In deep sub micron MOSFETs hot carrier effect induces device degradation. The impact ionization phenomenon is one of the main hot carrier effects. The paper covers the process and device level simulation of MOSFETs by TCAD and the substrate current comparison in lightly and heavily doped MOS. PMOS and NMOS devices are virtually fabricated with the help of ATHENA process simulator. The modeled devices include the hot carrier effects. The MOS devices are implemented on lightly and heavily doped substrates and substrate current is evaluated and compared with the help of ATLAS device simulator. Substrate current is better in lightly doped substrate than in heavily doped one. Drain current is also better in lightly doped than heavily doped substrates. Silvaco TCAD Tool is used for Virtual fabrication and simulation. ATHENA process simulator is used for virtual fabrication and ATLAS device simulator is used for device characterization

    Study of the impact of tourists and local visitors / feeders on free-ranging Hanuman langur population in and around Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India)

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    The Jodhpur city of Rajasthan has many tourist places where Hanuman langurs habitually feed on the food given by the visitors to them. The interactions were studied between Hanuman langurs and the visitors in and around Jodhpur by means of interviewing the visitors and direct observations of the behaviour of Hanuman langurs and visitors. Most (82.2%) of the observed interactions involved the presence of food; only in 17.8% of the interactions we observed langurs threatening or chasing the visitors. Some differences, however, emerged between what the visitors reported in the interviews and what we observed. Most respondents (76.1%) reported in the interviews that hostile interactions were started by monkeys, whereas analysis of the direct interactions showed that 47.3% of such interactions were initiated by visitors and only 39.6% by Hanuman langurs. Moreover, 83.9% of the visitors affirm them to feed Hanuman langurs, while 70.2% of them report having seen other visitors feeding them. On the basis of the above results, it would be beneficial to establish an educational program, providing information about the behaviour of Hanuman langurs and the consequences that feeding them could have on their behaviour and on their interactions with visitors

    Diagnostic Imaging of Canine Hepatobiliary Affections: A Review

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    Hepatic disease is often treatable and has a predictable prognosis when a definitive diagnosis is made. The aim of clinicopathological evaluation of hepatobiliary affections is to identify and characterize hepatic damage and dysfunction, identify possible primary causes of secondary liver disease, differentiate causes of icterus, evaluate potential anaesthetic risks, assess prognosis and response to xenobiotics, and monitor response to therapy. This paper describes the different diagnostic methods and imaging techniques employed in diagnosis of hepatobiliary affections in dogs. Besides reviewing the significant clinical manifestations and imaging structural abnormalities in diagnostic approach to different hepatic affections, it also depicts radiographic, ultrasonographic, and wherever applicable, the laparoscopic characterization of different hepatic affections and target lesions encountered in clinical cases presented in the Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, COVAS, Palampur in the year 2007-2008

    Effect of Soil and Foliar Application of Nutrients on Growth and Yield in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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    An experiment was conducted to study the effect of foliar feeding of water- soluble fertilizers in combination with soil-applied fertilizers on growth, yield and quality attributes in tomato cv. Pant T-3. The experiment was laid out during 2009-10 in a randomized block design with four replications and six treatments. Water-soluble fertilizers were sprayed along with different levels of soil-applied fertilizers. Results of the experiments revealed that among the treatments, 87.5% recommended dose of NPK + foliar spray of water-soluble fertilizers recorded tallest plants, higher number of primary and secondary branches, more fruits per cluster, fruits per plant, fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit pericarp thickness, highest fruit yield per plant and fruit-yield per hectare. However, early flowering and fruiting were observed in the Control (100% recommended dose of fertilizer). Economically, 87.5% recommended dose of NPK + foliar spray of water-soluble fertilizers was recorded highest net return of, Rs.1,25,890.05 and highest benefit:cost ratio of 2.73, in our trial