140 research outputs found

    Nation Building: Contribution of the ruling party and the opposition

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    The direct and clear meaning of nation-building is national consciousness, national awakening. Nation-building is to bring mass consciousness and public awareness among all the people of the nation. Nation-building is to establish unity without discrimination of different types of religions, castes, languages, gender, place of residence, etc. Nation-building is the name of freedom from corruption, freedom from exploitation and injustice, freedom from nepotism, reducing unemployment, freedom, and equality, and the establishment of economic and social democracy. Nation-building is the sense of dedication of every citizen toward the nation. Nation building is the name of every citizen's security and convenience of getting opportunities. Nation building is the name of everyone working freely and living life freely. Nation-building requires the spirit of love, brotherhood, kindness, benevolence, and cooperation. The role of the youth may be needed to make India a powerful nation because 65 percent of the total population in India is the youth, which is the highest in the world. If the youth work with their skill, technology, dedication, sacrifice, and sense of coordination and understand their responsibility, then India can once again become a world guru

    Health System Using Social Network to detect the Dengue infection in the specific region

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    Background: There is law in some countries that each and every health-related event should be recorded or documented digitally and centrally. Unfortunately, this practice is not implemented due to various reasons, that is why the real ground realities differ from what agencies says. Social Network is one of the fastest and effective ways to propagate information without any discrimination and condition. Aims & Objective: By using this beauty of the social network, we proposed a Health System using twitter to detect dengue infected people in the specific region so the concerned agencies take appropriate action proactively and can avoid the epidemic like condition. Material & Methods: Using Naïve Bayes classifier we classify incoming tweets into two categories weather it is promotional tweet or it tells about a dengue infected patient. The method and the proposed health system presented in this article can be applied to another similar task, like to detect communicable disease patients in the specified location. Results: The proposed system is capable enough to give the feel of dengue in the particular region. The results show that the developed system’s efficiency is 57% when testing performs on three set of collected tweets. Conclusion: Twitter can be effectively to get the health status of the society and warned the concerned agencies before the emergency like situation

    Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers

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    The objective of this encyclopedia is to present the current state of scientific understanding of various aspects of earth’s cryosphere – snow, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, ice shelves, sea ice, river and lake ice, and permafrost – and their related interdisciplinary connections under one umbrella. Therefore, every effort has been made to provide a comprehensive coverage of cryosphere by including a broad array of topics, such as the atmospheric processes responsible for snow formation; snowfall observations; snow cover and snow surveys; transformation of snow to ice and changes in their properties; classification of ice and glaciers and their worldwide distribution; glaciation and ice ages; glacier dynamics; glacier surface and subsurface characteristics; geomorphic processes and landscape formation; hydrology and sedimentary systems; hydrochemical and isotopic properties; permafrost modeling; hazards caused by cryospheric changes; trends of glacier retreat on a global scale along with the impact of climate change; and many more quantitative estimates of various glacier parameters, such as degree-day, mass balance, extent and volume, and downwasting. Also included are articles on GPS application, and satellite image application in glaciology; GPR analysis; and sea level rise

    Adult-onset Still’s disease with secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: a case report

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    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is an aggressive and life-threatening syndrome of excessive immune activation causing multi-organ dysfunction. HLH can be inherited genetically, but can also be secondary to infections, malignancy, immunosuppression, and autoimmune conditions. Adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by fevers, arthritis, and an evanescent rash. It can rarely predispose patients to HLH. Herein, we report a case of a 20-year-old male patient who presented with fever, joint pain, and rash for 1 month. On evaluation, he was diagnosed as a case of AOSD complicated with secondary HLH. A 23-year-old male, with no significant past medical history and family history, presented to our emergency department with complaints of fever with rash for the last 1 month. He had intermittent high-grade fever with chills, which was associated with evanescent rash involving the trunk and proximal upper limbs. There was no history of joint pain, cough, sore throat, burning micturition, or weight loss. On examination, the patient was conscious and oriented with a temperature of 101 °F, pulse rate of 100/min, blood pressure of 120/84 mmHg, and SpO2 of 98% on room air. Physical examination revealed salmon-colored maculopapular rash, cervical lymphadenopathy, and mild splenomegaly. The rest of the physical examination was unremarkable. Lab investigations revealed pancytopenia, transaminitis, elevated CRP with low ESR, highly elevated ferritin, elevated LDH, hypofibrinogenemia, and sterile blood and urine cultures. ANA by ELISA, rheumatoid factor, IGRA, dengue IgM, rapid malaria Ag, typhoid IgM, Leptospira IgM and scrub IgM were reported negative. The patient met the diagnostic criteria for AOSD and HLH, and a diagnosis of HLH secondary to AOSD was made. He was given pulse iv methylprednisolone for 5 days, His general condition improved over the week. Then he was switched to oral prednisolone 60 mg once daily. There were no more episodes of fever, and he was discharged after one week on a tapering dose of steroids. AOSD is a rare autoinflammatory condition which often presents as a diagnostic challenge. A high index of suspicion is important for the diagnosis of HLH, and prompt initiation of treatment is of utmost importance, as it is a rapidly progressive life-threatening condition


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    In cellular communication networks, the geographical area is divided into smaller regions, called cells. In each cell, there is one Mobile Service Station (MSS) as well as a number of Mobile Hosts (MH). The communication between MSSs is, in general, through wired links, while the links between an MH and MSS is wireless. A Mobile Host can communicate with other Mobile Hosts in the system only through the Mobile Service Station in its cell. This kind of architecture is shown in Fig. 1. There are two kinds of channels available to an MH: communication channel and control channel. The former is used to support communication between an MH and the MSS in its cell, while the latter is set aside to be used exclusively to send control messages that are generated by the channel allocation algorithm

    Right sided infective endocarditis: a forgotten complication of septic abortion

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    Right-sided native valve infective endocarditis (IE) refers to IE involving the tricuspid or pulmonic valve. In developing countries, septic abortion is still prevalent due to instrumental delivery by untrained personnel. We report a case of a 22-year-old lady with right-sided IE and pulmonary septic embolization complicating septic abortion. The patient was treated with IV antibiotics, however, she succumbed to the illness following worsening respiratory distress and cardiac arrest

    An unusual case of hypopituitarism

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    Lymphocytic hypophysitis represents a difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The clinical presentation of this inflammatory condition may mimic that of a pituitary adenoma with apoplexy. We report a case of a 45 years old male patient with acute adrenal crisis complicating chronic hypopituitarism secondary to lymphocytic hypophysitis. The patient was managed acutely with high dose steroids and supportive measures, and is currently doing well

    Peri-Operative Cataract Surgery Complications associated with Hepatitis C: an observational study

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     Introduction: Small Incision Cataract surgery (SICS) is one of the most commonly performed surgery and the Hepatitis C virus infection in the country like ours is an upcoming health hazard. Undiagnosed asymptomatic HCV sero-positive cases outnumber the diagnosed cases. Hypocoagulability because of hepatitis, can cause detrimental effect on cataract surgery.  Objective: To analyze the cataract surgery complications in HCV infected cases. Methods: This was a prospective, observational study conducted in the department of Ophthalmology of Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Uttar Pradesh from January 2019 to January 2020. After taking permission from the ethical committee and informed-written consent from the patients, total 200 eyes of 158 patients having (116 unilateral and 42 bilateral) cataract and incidentally diagnosed positive for HCV infection were enrolled in the study.Results: Out of 200 eyes, 48 eyes had no complications and 152 (76%) eyes had one or more complications like intra-operative bleed (68%), difficulty in wound closure (19.5%), post-operative AC reaction (61.5%), delayed healing (49%), hyphema (48%), leaky wound (37%) and keratitis (34%).Conclusion: Significant number of asymptomatic HCV sero-positive patients undergoing cataract surgery had peri-operative complications. It is recommended that pre-operative viral marker screening of all cataract patients should be done and measures to combat the difficulties during and after the surgery should be taken care of.&nbsp


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    A field experiment was conducted at the Indo Gangetic plain of Varanasi in 2017 during the rainy season. The study was conducted in a split-plot design with three main plots treatments viz. three rice varieties (V1- BPT-5204, V2- Rajendra Kasturi and V3- HUBR 2-1) and four subplots treatments viz. nitrogen levels (N1- 100, N2- 120, N3- 140 and N4- 160 kg ha-1). Each treatment was replicated three times. The results of the study revealed that the BPT-5204 variety had significantly higher growth attributes as compared to the other two varieties, including plant height (104.92 cm), leaf area index (5.26),  tiller hill-1 (8.25), and dry matter production  (46.59 g hill-1), similarly yield and yield parameters were highest in BPT- 5204 rice variety viz. the number of panicles m-2 (352.50), grains panicle-1 (177.08), panicles weight (3.51g), panicle length (23.67 cm), grain yield (50.73q ha-1), biological yield (112.90 q ha-1) and harvest index (0.45) but HUBR 2-1 variety gave significantly higher straw yields (62.17q ha-1) and test weight (20.91 g). For the subplots treatments, nitrogen (N) level 160 kg ha-1 gave the significantly highest growth parameters, yield and yield parameters
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