984 research outputs found

    Designing a Belief Function-Based Accessibility Indicator to Improve Web Browsing for Disabled People

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    The purpose of this study is to provide an accessibility measure of web-pages, in order to draw disabled users to the pages that have been designed to be ac-cessible to them. Our approach is based on the theory of belief functions, using data which are supplied by reports produced by automatic web content assessors that test the validity of criteria defined by the WCAG 2.0 guidelines proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) organization. These tools detect errors with gradual degrees of certainty and their results do not always converge. For these reasons, to fuse information coming from the reports, we choose to use an information fusion framework which can take into account the uncertainty and imprecision of infor-mation as well as divergences between sources. Our accessibility indicator covers four categories of deficiencies. To validate the theoretical approach in this context, we propose an evaluation completed on a corpus of 100 most visited French news websites, and 2 evaluation tools. The results obtained illustrate the interest of our accessibility indicator

    A new approach for the ortho-positronium lifetime determination in a vacuum cavity

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    Currently, the experimental uncertainty for the determination of the ortho-positronium (o-Ps) decay rate is at 150 ppm precision; this is two orders of magnitude lower than the theoretical one, at 1 ppm level. Here we propose a new proof of concept experiment aiming for an accuracy of 100 ppm to be able to test the second-order correction in the calculations, which is ≃45(απ)2≈200\simeq 45\left(\frac{\alpha}{\pi}\right)^2\approx 200 ppm. The improvement relies on a new technique to confine the o-Ps in a vacuum cavity. Moreover, a new method was developed to subtract the time dependent pick-off annihilation rate of the fast backscattered positronium from the o-Ps decay rate prior to fitting the distribution. Therefore, this measurement will be free from the systematic errors present in the previous experiments. The same experimental setup developed for our recent search for invisible decay of ortho-positronium is being used. The precision will be limited by the statistical uncertainty, thus, if the expectations are fulfilled, this experiment could pave the way to reach the ultimate accuracy of a few ppm level to confirm or confront directly the higher order QED corrections. This will provide a sensitive test for new physics, e.g. a discrepancy between theoretical prediction and measurements could hint the existence of an hidden sector which is a possible dark matter candidate.Comment: 12 pages, 8 Figures, prepared for the proceedings of the PSAS2018 conference, Vienna (Austria

    Intense beam of metastable Muonium

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    Precision spectroscopy of the Muonium Lamb shift and fine structure requires a robust source of 2S Muonium. To date, the beam-foil technique is the only demonstrated method for creating such a beam in vacuum. Previous experiments using this technique were statistics limited, and new measurements would benefit tremendously from the efficient 2S production at a low energy muon (<20<20 keV) facility. Such a source of abundant low energy μ+\mathrm{\mu^+} has only become available in recent years, e.g. at the Low-Energy Muon beamline at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Using this source, we report on the successful creation of an intense, directed beam of metastable Muonium. We find that even though the theoretical Muonium fraction is maximal in the low energy range of 2−52-5 keV, scattering by the foil and transport characteristics of the beamline favor slightly higher μ+\mathrm{\mu^+} energies of 7−107-10 keV. We estimate that an event detection rate of a few events per second for a future Lamb shift measurement is feasible, enabling an increase in precision by two orders of magnitude over previous determinations

    Pentraxin 3 is up-regulated in epithelial mammary cells during Staphylococcus aureus intra-mammary infection in goat

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    Pentraxin 3 is the prototypic long pentraxin and is produced by different cell populations (dendritic cells, monocytes/macrophages, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts) after pro-inflammatory stimulation. Different studies demonstrated the up-regulation of PTX3 during mastitis in ruminants, but its role is still unknown. We first investigated the conservation of PTX3 sequence among different species and its pattern of expression in a wide panel of organs from healthy goats. We studied the role modulation of PTX3 during natural and experimental mammary infection, comparing its expression in blood, milk and mammary tissues from healthy and Staphylococcus aureus infected animals. We confirmed the high conservation of the molecule among the different species. Goat PTX3 was expressed at high levels in bone marrow, mammary gland, aorta, rectum, pancreas, skin and lungs. PTX3 was up-regulated in epithelial mammary cells and in milk cells after S. aureus infection, suggesting that it represents a first line of defense in goat udder
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