84 research outputs found

    Efficacy of biomaterials for lateral bone augmentation performed with guided bone regeneration. A network meta-analysis.

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    Bone regeneration is often required concomitant with implant placement to treat a bone fenestration, a dehiscence, and for contouring. This systematic review assessed the impact of different biomaterials employed for guided bone regeneration (GBR) simultaneous to implant placement on the stability of radiographic peri-implant bone levels at ≥12 months of follow-up (focused question 1), as well as on bone defect dimension (width/height) changes at re-assessment after ≥4 months (focused question 2). Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials (CCTs) that compared different biomaterials for GBR were considered. A Bayesian network meta-analysis (NMA) was performed using a random-effects model. A ranking probability between treatments was obtained, as well as an estimation of the surface under the cumulative ranking value (SUCRA). Overall, whenever the biological principle of GBR was followed, regeneration occurred in a predictable way, irrespective of the type of biomaterial used. A lower efficacy of GBR treatments was suggested for initially large defects, despite the trend did not reach statistical significance. Regardless of the biomaterial employed, a certain resorption of the augmented bone was observed overtime. While GBR was shown to be a safe and predictable treatment, several complications (including exposure, infection, and soft tissue dehiscence) were reported, which tend to be higher when using cross-linked collagen membranes

    Novo neonicotinóide associado a regulador de crescimento de insetos, no controle da mosca-branca e do pulgão na cultura do algodão.

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da nova molécula química dinotefuram, pertencente ao grupo dos neonicotinóides, associada a um análogo do hormônio juvenil (piriproxifem), em aplicação foliar, no controle da mosca-branca B. tabaci Biótipo B e do pulgão A. gossypii, em algodoeiro. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: testemunha, dinotefuram + piriproxifem a 25 + 12,5; 50 + 12,5; 75 + 12,5; 25 + 25; 50 + 25; 75 + 25 e dinotefuram a 75 g i.a./ha. Cada parcela foi de 48m2. Para aplicação foliar, utilizou-se um pulverizador costal equipado com barra contendo seis pontas cônicas (TXVK-8), propelido por CO2 e volume de 200 L/ha. Foram realizadas avaliações de eficiência dos tratamentos aos 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20 dias após a aplicação, contando-se o número de ninfas de mosca-branca e o número de pulgões em 10 folhas por parcela. Pela análise dos resultados, concluiu-se que o inseticida dinotefuram associado ao piriproxifem, foi eficiente no controle de ninfas de mosca-branca e do pulgão, igualando-se aos padrões já utilizados

    Longitudinal analysis of DC subsets in patients with ovarian cancer: Implications for immunotherapy.

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    The use of circulating cDC1 to generate anti-cancer vaccines is among the most promising approaches to overcome the limited immunogenicity and clinical efficacy of monocyte-derived DC. However, the recurrent lymphopenia and the reduction of DC numbers and functionality in patients with cancer may represent an important limitation of such approach. In patients with ovarian cancer (OvC) that had received chemotherapy, we previously showed that cDC1 frequency and function were reduced. We recruited healthy donors (HD, n=7) and patients with OvC at diagnosis and undergoing interval debulking surgery (IDS, n=6), primary debulking surgery (PDS, n=6) or at relapse (n=8). We characterized longitudinally phenotypic and functional properties of peripheral DC subsets by multiparametric flow cytometry. We show that the frequency of cDC1 and the total CD141+ DC capacity to take up antigen are not reduced at the diagnosis, while their TLR3 responsiveness is partially impaired in comparison with HD. Chemotherapy causes cDC1 depletion and increase in cDC2 frequency, but mainly in patients belonging to the PDS group, while in the IDS group both total lymphocytes and cDC1 are preserved. The capacity of total CD141 <sup>+</sup> DC and cDC2 to take up antigen is not impacted by chemotherapy, while the activation capacity upon Poly(I:C) (TLR3L) stimulation is further decreased. Our study provides new information about the impact of chemotherapy on the immune system of patients with OvC and sheds a new light on the importance of considering timing with respect to chemotherapy when designing new vaccination strategies that aim at withdrawing or targeting specific DC subsets

    Combining eutectic solvents and pressurized liquid extraction coupled in-line with solid-phase extraction to recover, purify and stabilize anthocyanins from Brazilian berry waste

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    Pressurized techniques are straightforward for high-scale applications and highly controllable, which seems an excellent strategy for recovering unstable natural compounds. In this work, the main advance was the development of a platform based on the pressurized liquid extraction coupled in-line with a solid-phase extraction step (PLE-SPE) combined with the use of eutectic mixtures as solvents to promote an efficient extraction and purification of natural pigments from food wastes. Eutectic mixtures, conventionally known as (deep) eutectic solvents – (D)ES, are combinations of two or more substances with a lower melting point than any of their components. (D)ES are often referred as “green solvents” because they can potentially be more environmentally friendly than other solvents, especially volatile organic solvents (VOSs). Overall, (D)ES have the potential to contribute to the achievement of several of the SDGs (especially 3, 13, and 14) through their positive impacts on health, environment, and sustainable production and consumption practices. Thus, in this work, (D)ES were used as solvents to valorize Brazilian berry waste (Plinia cauliflora). Anthocyanins are the biomass's main compounds of commercial interest, mainly for food and cosmetic applications. However, there are several technological issues regarding color control due to their high sensitivity to light, heat, oxygen, and pH variations. Thus, the data achieved in this work highlighted the high efficiency and low environmental footprint of the PLE-SPE-(D)ES platform developed. The success of the downstream process here developed was proved by the high extraction efficiency and the purity level of the anthocyanins obtained. Besides, thermal stability analysis was evaluated, demonstrating that (D)ES are not only solvents but also stabilizing agents, improving the shelf-life of the extracted colorants.publishe

    The STRIP instrument of the Large Scale Polarization Explorer: microwave eyes to map the Galactic polarized foregrounds

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    In this paper we discuss the latest developments of the STRIP instrument of the "Large Scale Polarization Explorer" (LSPE) experiment. LSPE is a novel project that combines ground-based (STRIP) and balloon-borne (SWIPE) polarization measurements of the microwave sky on large angular scales to attempt a detection of the "B-modes" of the Cosmic Microwave Background polarization. STRIP will observe approximately 25% of the Northern sky from the "Observatorio del Teide" in Tenerife, using an array of forty-nine coherent polarimeters at 43 GHz, coupled to a 1.5 m fully rotating crossed-Dragone telescope. A second frequency channel with six-elements at 95 GHz will be exploited as an atmospheric monitor. At present, most of the hardware of the STRIP instrument has been developed and tested at sub-system level. System-level characterization, starting in July 2018, will lead STRIP to be shipped and installed at the observation site within the end of the year. The on-site verification and calibration of the whole instrument will prepare STRIP for a 2-years campaign for the observation of the CMB polarization.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, proceedings of the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation conference "Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX", on June 15th, 2018, Austin (TX

    Tomosipo: fast, flexible, and convenient 3D tomography for complex scanning geometries in Python

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    Tomography is a powerful tool for reconstructing the interior of an object from a series of projection images. Typically, the source and detector traverse a standard path (e.g., circular, helical). Recently, various techniques have emerged that use more complex acquisition geometries. Current software packages require significant handwork, or lack the flexibility to handle such geometries. Therefore, software is needed that can concisely represent, visualize, and compute reconstructions of complex acquisition geometries. We present tomosipo, a Python package that provides these capabilities in a concise and intuitive way. Case studies demonstrate the power and flexibility of tomosipo

    New proposal of silver diamine fluoride use in arresting approximal caries: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Approximal surfaces are a challenge to caries lesions control. Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a simple,low-cost and promisor intervention for arresting caries lesions, but it has never been tested on approximal surfaces. Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy and cost-efficacy of SDF in arresting initial lesions compared to resin infiltration and exclusively flossing (control group). Our second aim is to assess discomfort and satisfaction regarding interventions.\ud \ud \ud Methods/design\ud This is a randomized clinical trial, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. Children/adolescents presenting at least one approximal initial caries lesion in primary molars/permanent premolars and molars will be included. Surfaces with advanced dentine lesions identified by radiography and participants who refuse to participate or present negative behaviors will be excluded. A minimum sample size of 504 surfaces will be required for each subgroup. Individuals will be randomly allocated in three groups of interventions: SDF, resin infiltration, and control group. Depending on the allocation, the patients will receive the active treatment and respective placebo therapies. All patients will be oriented to daily flossing the included surfaces. Our primary outcome will be caries progression by clinical and radiographic examinations. Appointments will be timed and costs of materials will be considered to calculate cost-efficacy. Patient discomfort will be assessed after interventions. Parent and patient satisfaction with the treatment will be collected after treatment and in the last follow-up visit. Individuals will be assessed at 1 and 3 months after treatment to evaluate dental biofilm and at 6, 12, and 24 months to assess caries progression by visual examination and/or radiography. Multilevel analyses will be used to verify if the type of treatment influenced on the tested outcomes. Costs will be compared and analyses of cost-efficacy will be performed. Poisson analysis will test the association between intervention and reported discomfort and satisfaction.\ud \ud \ud Discussion\ud Our hypothesis is that SDF is the most cost-efficacious option from all tested interventions. If our hypothesis is confirmed, the use of SDF in private and public contexts could represent an easier and effective option in the treatment of enamel approximal caries in children/adolescents.\ud \ud \ud Trial registration\ud ClinicalTrials.gov (\ud NCT01477385\ud \ud ), Initial release: 11/16/2011: last update: 06/02/2014.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – FAPESP (Protocols 2012/50716-0 and 2014/00271-7)CNPQCape