359 research outputs found

    The evolution of the dust and gas content in galaxies

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    We use deep Herschel observations taken with both PACS and SPIRE imaging cameras to estimate the dust mass of a sample of galaxies extracted from the GOODS-S, GOODS-N and the COSMOS fields. We divide the redshift–stellar mass (Mstar)–star formation rate (SFR) parameter space into small bins and investigate average properties over this grid. In the first part of the work we investigate the scaling relations between dust mass, stellar mass and SFR out to z = 2.5. No clear evolution of the dust mass with redshift is observed at a given SFR and stellar mass. We find a tight correlation between the SFR and the dust mass, which, under reasonable assumptions, is likely a consequence of the Schmidt-Kennicutt (S-K) relation. The previously observed correlation between the stellar content and the dust content flattens or sometimes disappears when considering galaxies with the same SFR. Our finding suggests that most of the correlation between dust mass and stellar mass obtained by previous studies is likely a consequence of the correlation between the dust mass and the SFR combined with the main sequence, i.e., the tight relation observed between the stellar mass and the SFR and followed by the majority of star-forming galaxies. We then investigate the gas content as inferred from dust mass measurements. We convert the dust mass into gas mass by assuming that the dust-to-gas ratio scales linearly with the gas metallicity (as supported by many observations). For normal star-forming galaxies (on the main sequence) the inferred relation between the SFR and the gas mass (integrated S-K relation) broadly agrees with the results of previous studies based on CO measurements, despite the completely different approaches. We observe that all galaxies in the sample follow, within uncertainties, the same S-K relation. However, when investigated in redshift intervals, the S-K relation shows a moderate, but significant redshift evolution. The bulk of the galaxy population at z ~ 2 converts gas into stars with an efficiency (star formation efficiency, SFE = SFR/M_gas, equal to the inverse of the depletion time) about 5 times higher than at z ~ 0. However, it is not clear what fraction of such variation of the SFE is due to an intrinsic redshift evolution and what fraction is simply a consequence of high-z galaxies having, on average, higher SFR, combined with the super-linear slope of the S-K relation (while other studies find a linear slope). We confirm that the gas fraction (f_gas = M_gas/(M_gas + M_star)) decreases with stellar mass and increases with the SFR. We observe no evolution with redshift once M_star and SFR are fixed. We explain these trends by introducing a universal relation between gas fraction, stellar mass and SFR that does not evolve with redshift, at least out to z ~ 2.5. Galaxies move across this relation as their gas content evolves across the cosmic epochs. We use the 3D fundamental f_gas–M_star–SFR relation, along with the evolution of the main sequence with redshift, to estimate the evolution of the gas fraction in the average population of galaxies as a function of redshift and as a function of stellar mass: we find that M_star ≳ 10^11 M_⊙ galaxies show the strongest evolution at z ≳ 1.3 and a flatter trend at lower redshift, while f_gas decreases more regularly over the entire redshift range probed in Mstar ≲ 10^11 M_⊙ galaxies, in agreement with a downsizing scenario

    HerMES: Current Cosmic Infrared Background Estimates Can Be Explained by Known Galaxies and Their Faint Companions at z < 4

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    We report contributions to cosmic infrared background (CIB) intensities originating from known galaxies and their faint companions at submillimeter wavelengths. Using the publicly available UltraVISTA catalog and maps at 250, 350, and 500 μm from the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey, we perform a novel measurement that exploits the fact that uncataloged sources may bias stacked flux densities—particularly if the resolution of the image is poor—and intentionally smooth the images before stacking and summing intensities. By smoothing the maps we are capturing the contribution of faint (undetected in K_S ~ 23.4) sources that are physically associated, or correlated, with the detected sources. We find that the cumulative CIB increases with increased smoothing, reaching 9.82 ± 0.78, 5.77 ± 0.43 and 2.32 ± 0.19 nWm^(-2) sr^(-1) at 250, 350, and 500 μm at 300 arscec FWHM. This corresponds to a fraction of the fiducial CIB of 0.94 ± 0.23, 1.07 ± 0.31, and 0.97 ± 0.26 at 250, 350, and 500 μm, where the uncertainties are dominated by those of the absolute CIB. We then propose, with a simple model combining parametric descriptions for stacked flux densities and stellar mass functions, that emission from galaxies with log(M/M⊙) > 8.5 can account for most of the measured total intensities and argue against contributions from extended, diffuse emission. Finally, we discuss prospects for future survey instruments to improve the estimates of the absolute CIB levels, and observe any potentially remaining emission at z > 4

    γ-Hemolysin oligomeric structure and effect of its formation on supported lipid bilayers: An AFM Investigation.

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    γ-Hemolysins are bicomponent β-barrel pore forming toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus as water-soluble monomers, which assemble into oligomeric pores on the surface of lipid bilayers. Here, after investigating the oligomeric structure of γ-hemolysins on supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) by atomic force microscopy (AFM), we studied the effect produced by this toxin on the structure of SLBs. We found that oligomeric structures with different number of monomers can assemble on the lipid bilayer being the octameric form the most stable one. Moreover, in this membrane model we found that γ-hemolysins can form clusters of oligomers inducing a curvature in the lipid bilayer, which could probably enhance the aggressiveness of these toxins at high concentrations

    A Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing Mass Map and Its Correlation with the Cosmic Infrared Background

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    We use a temperature map of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) obtained using the South Pole Telescope at 150 GHz to construct a map of the gravitational convergence to z ~ 1100, revealing the fluctuations in the projected mass density. This map shows individual features that are significant at the ~4σ level, providing the first image of CMB lensing convergence. We cross-correlate this map with Herschel/SPIRE maps covering 90 deg2 at wavelengths of 500, 350, and 250 μm. We show that these submillimeter (submm) wavelength maps are strongly correlated with the lensing convergence map, with detection significances in each of the three submm bands ranging from 6.7σ to 8.8σ. We fit the measurement of the cross power spectrum assuming a simple constant bias model and infer bias factors of b = 1.3-1.8, with a statistical uncertainty of 15%, depending on the assumed model for the redshift distribution of the dusty galaxies that are contributing to the Herschel/SPIRE maps

    Remote sensing for optimal estimation of water temperature dynamics in shallow tidal environments

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    Given the increasing anthropogenic pressures on lagoons, estuaries, and lakes and considering the highly dynamic behavior of these systems, methods for the continuous and spatially distributed retrieval of water quality are becoming vital for their correct monitoring and management. Water temperature is certainly one of the most important drivers that influence the overall state of coastal systems. Traditionally, lake, estuarine, and lagoon temperatures are observed through point measurements carried out during field campaigns or through a network of sensors. However, sporadic measuring campaigns or probe networks rarely attain a density sufficient for process understanding, model development/validation, or integrated assessment. Here, we develop and apply an integrated approach for water temperature monitoring in a shallow lagoon which incorporates satellite and in-situ data into a mathematical model. Specifically, we use remote sensing information to constrain large-scale patterns of water temperature and high-frequency in situ observations to provide proper time constraints. A coupled hydrodynamic circulation-heat transport model is then used to propagate the state of the system forward in time between subsequent remote sensing observations. Exploiting the satellite data high spatial resolution and the in situ measurements high temporal resolution, the model may act a physical interpolator filling the gap intrinsically characterizing the two monitoring techniques

    Consideration of the Mechanisms for Tidal Bore Formation in an Idealized Planform Geometry

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    A tidal bore is a positive wave traveling upstream along the estuary of a river, generated by a relatively rapid rise of the tide, often enhanced by the funneling shape of the estuary. The swell produced by the tide grows and its front steepens as the flooding tide advances inland, promoting the formation of a sharp front wave, i.e., the tidal bore. Because of the many mechanisms and conditions involved in the process, it is difficult to formulate an effective criterion to predict the bore formation. In this preliminary analysis, aimed at bringing out the main processes and parameters that control tidal bore formation, the degrees of freedom of the problem are largely reduced by considering a rectangular channel of constant width with uniform flow, forced downstream by rising the water level at a constant rate. The framework used in this study is extremely simple, yet the problem is still complex and the solution is far from being trivial. From the results of numerical simulations, three distinctive behaviors emerged related to conditions in which a tidal bore forms, a tidal bore does not form, and a weak bore forms; the latter has a weakly steep front and after the bore formed it rapidly vanishes. Based on these behaviors, some criteria to predict the bore formation are proposed and discussed. The more effective criterion, suitably rearranged, is checked against data from real estuaries and the predictions are found to compare favorably with the available data

    The Herschel Stripe 82 Survey (HerS): maps and early catalog

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    We present the first set of maps and band-merged catalog from the Herschel Stripe 82 Survey (HerS). Observations at 250, 350, and 500μm were taken with the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver instrument aboard the Herschel Space Observatory. HerS covers 79deg 2 along the SDSS Stripe 82 to an average depth of 13.0, 12.9, and 14.8mJybeam −1 (including confusion) at 250, 350, and 500μm, respectively. HerS was designed to measure correlations with external tracers of the dark matter density field—either point-like (i.e., galaxies selected from radio to X-ray) or extended (i.e., clusters and gravitational lensing)—in order to measure the bias and redshift distribution of intensities of infrared-emitting dusty star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei. By locating HerS in Stripe 82, we maximize the overlap with available and upcoming cosmological surveys. The band-merged catalog contains 3.3 × 10 4 sources detected at a significance of ?3σ (including confusion noise). The maps and catalog are available at http://www.astro.caltech.edu/hers/

    Measurements of the Cross-spectra of the Cosmic Infrared and Microwave Backgrounds from 95 to 1200 GHz

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    We present measurements of the power spectra of cosmic infrared background (CIB) and cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations in six frequency bands. Maps at the lower three frequency bands, 95, 150, and 220 GHz (3330, 2000, and 1360 μm) are from the South Pole Telescope, while the upper three frequency bands, 600, 857, and 1200 GHz (500, 350, 250 μm) are observed with Herschel/SPIRE. From these data, we produce 21 angular power spectra (6 auto- and 15 cross-frequency) spanning the multipole range 600 ≤ ℓ≤ 11,000. Our measurements are the first to cross-correlate measurements near the peak of the CIB spectrum with maps at 95 GHz, complementing and extending the measurements from Planck Collaboration et al. at 143–857 GHz. The observed fluctuations originate largely from clustered, infrared-emitting, dusty star-forming galaxies, the CMB, and to a lesser extent radio galaxies, active galactic nuclei, and the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect