10 research outputs found


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    Informasi genetik babi Landrace menentukan strategi pemuliaan di masamendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai heritabilitas, korelasi genetik, dannilai pemuliaan babi Landrace. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Pembibitan Ternak Ungguldan Hijauan Pakan Ternak Desa Siaro Kecamatan Siborongborong Kabupaten TapanuliUtara pada bulan Juni 2015. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah pola tersarang data tidakseimbang. Materi penelitian merupakan data produksi dari 465 ekor Babi Landracedengan jantan sebanyak 245 ekor dan betina sebanyak 220 ekor. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan nilai heritabilitas bobot lahir dan bobot sapih berturut-turut adalah 0.14 dan0.36. Nilai korelasi genetik (bobot lahir-bobot sapih) (jumlah anak sekelahiran-bobotlahir) (jumlah anak sekelahiran-bobot sapih) dengan nilai masing-masing adalah: 0.24%;-0.06% dan -0.14%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah nilai koefisien keragaman sifatpertumbuhan pada babi Landrace memiliki keragaman yang tinggi namun korelasigenetiknya rendah. Kriteria terhadap seleksi sifat pertumbuhan pada babi Landracedidasarkan pada bobot lahir dan bobot sapih

    Body Size of Aceh Cattle in Smallholder Farm Level and in Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul Dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak Indrapuri Aceh

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    The study aimed to identify the body size differences of Aceh Cattle maintained in smallholder farm level and Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak (BPTU HPT)  Indrapuri  Aceh.  The research  was  conducted  in  North Aceh  Regency  for  smallholder  farm  level  and  at  BPTU  HPT Indrapuri from December 2016 until January 2017. Data were collected  by  measurements  of  70  head  Aceh  Cattle,  35  head from  the  smallholder  farmers  and  35  head  from  BPTU HPT Indrapuri  respectively.  Aceh  cattle  were  categorized  by  age and sex as young male and female (aged 1.5 until 3 years) and adult male and female (aged above 3 years). The data of body size are body length, chest girth, and shoulder height, the data were analyzed  using  a  T-test.  The  results  showed  that  young male  Aceh  Cattle  maintained  in  the  BPTU  HPT  Indrapuri Aceh was significantly (P<0.05) having higher shoulder height (101.95±2.08  vs  92.76±5.11  cm)  and  higher  chest  girth (124.60±5.48  vs  115.40±6.93  cm),  whereas,  in  females,  the shoulder  height  was  also  significantly  higher  (P<0.05).  On adult Aceh Cattle, female Aceh Cattle that were maintained on smallholder farms was significantly (P<0.05) had a longer body size (107.41±3.82 vs 100.50±1.31 cm), but lower shoulder height (95.28±4.26  vs  101.33±2.79  cm)  compared  to  Aceh  Cattle  in BPTU HPT Indrapuri Aceh. It was concluded that Aceh cattle maintained in BPTU HPT Indrapuri Aceh had better body size than  those  maintained  on  smallholder  farms,  especially  in young males and female


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    Isolation, Identification, and Critical Points of Risk of

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    This study was aimed to identify possible critical points of Escherichia coli (E. coli ) O157:H7, a pathogenic agent, contamination in aceh cattle breeding centre. For this purpose, samples were collected from cattle faeces, hand of workers (animal keepers), and water sources in the farm using cross-sectional approach. A number of 85 samples of cattle faecal swab were collected randomly from the animals in the breeding centre. The samples of swab of hand of all workers (15 persons) were collected before and after work. Then, the water sources from 11 cattle house locations in the breeding centre were collected. The water sources were divided into three different locations, namely the water containers, taps, and water puddle on the floors. At each source a number of 11 samples were collected. Isolation of E. coli was conducted on Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMBA), followed by identification on Sorbitol MacConkey Agar (SMAC). Then Molecular subtyping of E. coli O157:H7 genes was conducted using multiplex-PCR analysis. Data were analysed descriptively. The results of this study showed that 72 samples (85 %) among 85 samples were positive for E. coli and the rest of samples were positive for other types of bacteria. Sample isolation from swabs of hand was found 3 positive E. coli before work and 1 positive E. coli after work from 15 workers. The most potential water sources for E. coli contamination were the water in taps, and water puddle on the floor of cattle houses. Then, two of samples of E. coli isolated from rectal swab were confirmed as E. coli O157:H7 using PCR test, based on the presence of stx2 gene. In conclusion, the risk of presence of E. coli as zoonotic agents of E. coli O157:H7 in aceh cattle as well as from the farm workers and surrounding area are high. An appropriate control strategy is needed to apply in the aceh cattle farm to prevent from E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in the future