33 research outputs found

    Crisis de la masculinidad y organización del trabajo: una aproximación

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    La actual crisis económica y de valores es señalada por Lia Cigarini y Carla Lonzi como una crisis de la masculinidad. Empezando por una aproximación general al análisis de la masculinidad mediante la obra de R.W. Connell, pasaremos a analizar una de las principales fuentes de subjetividad para los hombres, el trabajo. Completaremos las ideas de Victor Seidler sobre la configuración de esta subjetividad en el ámbito fordista con la exploración de Richard Sennet al respecto, cuyo estudio también atiende a las nuevas formas de trabajo fordista. Sin embargo, debido al corto alcance de algunos de sus análisis y de su propuesta, y la falta de atención de Seidler a la heterosexualidad obligatoria, señalada como elemento básico para entender la división sexual del trabajo por Gayle Rubin, pasaremos al análisis del posfordismo de Iaia Vantaggiato y Annarosa Butarelli, que entienden este como trabajo feminizado, tanto por la incorporación de las mujeres al mercado laboral, como por la reconfiguración del mercado para acoger las cualidades que estas aportan. Esto da lugar a un desplazamiento de la producción industrial hacia la relación como fuente de valor, cambiando los marcos temporales y burocráticos rígidos que servían como fuente de reconocimiento masculino por otros volátiles y cambiantes, en los que los hombres son incapaz de reconocerse, quedando sumidos en una crisis interna, pero que es percibida como externa e indisoluble. La busqueda de salidas a esta crisis de la masculinidad pasa por el reconocimiento del valor de los análisis del feminismo

    Nonsurgical Procedures for Keratoconus Management

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    Objectives. To describe the past 20 years’ correction modalities for keratoconus and their visual outcomes and possible complications. Methods. A review of the published literature related to the visual outcomes and possible complications in the context of keratoconus management using nonsurgical procedures for the last 20 years (glasses and contact lenses) was performed. Original articles that reported the outcome of any correction modalities of keratoconus management were reviewed. Results. The most nonsurgical procedure used on keratoconus management is the contact lens fitting. Soft contact lenses and soft toric contact lenses, rigid gas-permeable contact lenses, piggyback contact lens system, hybrid contact lenses, and scleral and corneoscleral contact lenses form the contemporary range of available lens types for keratoconus management with contact lenses. All of them try to restore the vision, improve the quality of life, and delay surgical procedures in patients with this disease. Complications are derived from the intolerance of using contact lens, and the use of each depends on keratoconus severity. Conclusions. In the context of nonsurgical procedures, the use of contact lenses for the management of keratoconic patients represents a good alternative to restore vision and improve the quality of live in this population

    Overview of the History of the Cranial Nerves: From Galen to the 21st Century

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    Throughout history the description and classification of the cranial nerves has been linked to the development and characteristics of anatomy and the role that it played as a tool in providing rationality to medicine, together with social, cultural, religious, and philosophical factors. Anatomists were interested in the cranial nerves, but they disagreed on their number and their paths. We can divide the history of the cranial nerves into three different periods: the first, early or macroscopic period; the second or microscopic period; and the third period or ontogenesis and genoarchitecture. The main aim of this article is to show how the description and knowledge of the cranial nerves were developed in the course of these three periods, and to highlight the main changes produced and the factors related to these changes. We describe how the first period was mainly focused on establishing the definition, number and paths of the cranial nerves, through contributions ranging from Galen’s studies in the second century to Sömmerring’s Doctoral Dissertation in 1778 that described 12 cranial nerves for the first time. Then, the microscopic period was concentrated on the identification of the real nuclei of origin of the different cranial nerves located in the brain stem. Finally came the third period, or ontogenesis and genoarchitecture of the rhombecephalic and mesencephalic cranial nerve nuclei

    Repeatability of Noninvasive Keratograph 5M Measurements Associated With Contact Lens Wear

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    Objetive: To assess the intrarater repeatability of the measurements of tear meniscus height (TMH), noninvasive keratograph tear break-up time (NIKBUTs), and ocular redness measurements obtained with the Keratograph 5M (K5M) in a sample of soft silicone hydrogel contact lens (CL) wearers over 15 days. Methods: Prospective study over two consecutive weeks. Three measurements of TMH, NIKBUTs (NIKBUT first and NIKBUT average), and ocular redness were obtained in different sessions; the first day (baseline, at 8 hr of wear, and after lens removal) and the last day of wear-15th day (at 8 hr of wear and after lens removal). The repeatability of measurements were assessed by two intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) forms; single measurement [ICC (2,1)] and multiple measurements (k=3) [ICC (2, k)]. Results: Sixty-four eyes were analyzed. The repeatability of baseline TMH [ICC (2,1) greater than 0.90; coefficient of repeatability (CR)=0.06 mm] and after and during CL wear [ICC (2,k) greater than 0.90; CR≤0.07 mm] were excellent. The repeatability of baseline NIKBUT average [ICC (2,k)=0.89 (0.82-0.93); CR=6.07 sec] was maintained after CL removal but was poorer during CL wear. The repeatability of baseline NIKBUT first [ICC (2,k) =0.80 (0.69-0.87); CR=8.74 sec] was maintained after CL removal and during CL wear at moderate-good level. Conclusions: Intrarater repeatability of TMH, NIKBUTs, and ocular redness performed by K5M after CL wear remains stable when three measurements are performed. However, intrarater repeatability during CL wear decreased only for NIKBUT average and was not affected by time of use (15 days)

    Comparison of the impact of nesofilcon A hydrogel contact lens on the ocular surface and the comfort of presbyopic and non-presbyopic wearers

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    AIM: To assess and compare the impact of a daily disposable contact lens (CL) with high water content on the ocular surface and comfort of the presbyopic and non-presbyopic population after one day of use. METHODS: Totally 20 presbyopes and 30 non-presbyopes non-contact wearers were fitted with nesofilcon A CLs. CL thickness was measured to assess material stability during daily wear, and ocular surface parameters were also assessed. Optical quality was analyzed for all cases. In addition, CL comfort was rated. RESULTS: No significant differences were found in CL thickness, tear film osmolarity, average tear break-up time, bulbar redness, central corneal thickness, corneal volume, root-mean-square of higher-order aberrations (RMS of HOAs) and vertical and horizontal coma, either as a function of the group or time of use. A significant decrease in tear meniscus height and first break-up of the tear film was found in the presbyopic group (P=0.038; P=0.007 respectively). A decrease in spherical aberration coefficient was found after CL insertion (P=0.031 monofocal CL; P=0.023 low addition multifocal CL; P=0.016 high addition multifocal CL). Multifocal CL were thicker than monofocal CL (P=0.045). Comparison between groups showed more discomfort in presbyopes than non-presbyopes (P=0.003). CONCLUSION: This study evidence that the behavior of the daily disposable CL with high water content seems to be stable during the day of use. Ocular parameters measured during wear show that CL behavior is the same for presbyopes and non-presbyopes, being more uncomfortable for presbyopes

    Effects of Blink Rate on Tear Film Optical Quality Dynamics with Different Soft Contact Lenses

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate tear film optical quality dynamics for four types of silicone hydrogel contact lenses (SHCLs) for daily wear over a 15-day period and for different blink rate (BR) patterns. Methods. A prospective randomized, double-blind, cross-over pilot study including four SHCLs (A: lotrafilcon B (Air Optix plus HydraGlyde, Alcon Laboratories); B: samfilcon A (Ultra, Bausch & Lomb); C: comfilcon A (Biofinity, CooperVision); and D: filcom V3 (Blu:gen, Mark’Ennovy)). Serial measurements of Objective Scatter Index (OSI) using the HD Analyzer (Visiometrics S.L., Terrassa, Spain) were taken at different blinking patterns: blinking every 2.5 seconds (high BRs) and every 9 seconds (low BRs). They were performed during the first visit before CL insertion (baseline), after 20 minutes of CL wear (Day 1), and during the last visit after 8 hours of CL wear on day 15 of use (Day 15). Results. Normal young healthy subjects were recruited and fitted with the four lenses. For low BRs, the mean OSI value increased over time for all CLs and the slope of the curve also increased for all CLs, except for CL D. However, for high BRs, the mean OSI value increased only for CLs B and C and the slope of the curve did not change over time for any of them. Conclusions. These results suggest that the tear film optical quality dynamics after wearing SCHLs for 15 days seems to undergo a slight deterioration only for lowest BR

    Aplicación de un programa informatizado para emitir informes clínicos en la asignatura de Clínica Optométrica I

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    El objetivo es optimizar el uso de un programa informático de registro y almacenamiento de datos clínicos y la creación de una nueva herramienta para generar informes clínicos. Los informes clínicos forman parte de la evaluación del alumno