349 research outputs found

    Opportunities and challenges in global quantification of RNA-protein interaction via UV cross-linking

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are key mediators of posttranscriptional gene expression control. However, the links between cell signaling on the one hand and RBP function on the other are understudied. While thousands of posttranslational modification (PTM) sites on RBPs have been identified, their functional roles are only poorly characterized. RNA-interactome capture (RIC) and cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) are attractive methods that provide information about RBP-RNA interactions on a genome-wide scale. Both approaches rely on the in situ UV cross-linking of RBPs and RNAs, biochemical enrichment and analysis by RNA-sequencing (CLIP) or mass spectrometry (RIC). In principle, RIC- and CLIP-like methods could be used to globally quantify RBP-RNA interactions in response to perturbations. However, several biases have to be taken into account to avoid misinterpretation of the results obtained. Here, we focus on RIC-like methods and discuss four key aspects relevant for quantitative interpretation: (1) the RNA isolation efficiency, (2) the inefficient and highly variable UV cross-linking, (3) the baseline RNA occupancy of RBPs, and (4) indirect factors affecting RBP-RNA interaction. We highlight these points by presenting selected examples of PTMs that might induce differential quantification in RIC-like experiments without necessarily affecting RNA-binding. We conclude that quantifying RBP-RNA interactions via RIC or CLIP-like methods should not be regarded as an end in itself but rather as starting points for deeper analysis

    Towards FAIRification of sensitive and fragmented rare disease patient data: challenges and solutions in European reference network registries

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    Introduction: Rare disease patient data are typically sensitive, present in multiple registries controlled by different custodians, and non-interoperable. Making these data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) for humans and machines at source enables federated discovery and analysis across data custodians. This facilitates accurate diagnosis, optimal clinical management, and personalised treatments. In Europe, twenty-four European Reference Networks (ERNs) work on rare disease registries in different clinical domains. The process and the implementation choices for making data FAIR (‘FAIRification’) differ among ERN registries. For example, registries use different software systems and are subject to different legal regulations. To support the ERNs in making informed decisions and to harmonise FAIRification, the FAIRification steward team was established to work as liaisons between ERNs and researchers from the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases. Results: The FAIRification steward team inventoried the FAIRification challenges of the ERN registries and proposed solutions collectively with involved stakeholders to address them. Ninety-eight FAIRification challenges from 24 ERNs’ registries were collected and categorised into “training” (31), “community” (9), “modelling” (12), “implementation” (26), and “legal” (20). After curating and aggregating highly similar challenges, 41 unique FAIRification challenges remained. The two categories with the most challenges were “training” (15) and “implementation” (9), followed by “community” (7), and then “modelling” (5) and “legal” (5). To address all challenges, eleven types of solutions were proposed. Among them, the provision of guidelines and the organisation of training activities resolved the “training” challenges, which ranged from less-technical “coffee-rounds” to technical workshops, from informal FAIR Games to formal hackathons. Obtaining implementation support from technical experts was the solution type for tackling the “implementation” challenges. Conclusion: This work shows that a dedicated team of FAIR data stewards is an asset for harmonising the various processes of making data FAIR in a large organisation with multiple stakeholders. Additionally, multi-levelled training activities are required to accommodate the diverse needs of the ERNs. Finally, the lessons learned from the experience of the FAIRification steward team described in this paper may help to increase FAIR awareness and provide insights into FAIRification challenges and solutions of rare disease registries

    Cryo-EM captures early ribosome assembly in action

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    Ribosome biogenesis is a fundamental multi-step cellular process in all domains of life that involves the production, processing, folding, and modification of ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) and ribosomal proteins. To obtain insights into the still unexplored early assembly phase of the bacterial 50S subunit, we exploited a minimal in vitro reconstitution system using purified ribosomal components and scalable reaction conditions. Time-limited assembly assays combined with cryo-EM analysis visualizes the structurally complex assembly pathway starting with a particle consisting of ordered density for only ~500 nucleotides of 23S rRNA domain I and three ribosomal proteins. In addition, our structural analysis reveals that early 50S assembly occurs in a domain-wise fashion, while late 50S assembly proceeds incrementally. Furthermore, we find that both ribosomal proteins and folded rRNA helices, occupying surface exposed regions on pre-50S particles, induce, or stabilize rRNA folds within adjacent regions, thereby creating cooperativity

    The architecture of protein synthesis in the developing neocortex at near-atomic resolution reveals Ebp1-mediated neuronal proteostasis at the 60S tunnel exit

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    Protein synthesis must be finely tuned in the nervous system, as it represents an essential feature of neurodevelopmental gene expression, and dominant pathology in neurological disease. However, the architecture of ribosomal complexes in the developing mammalian brain has not been analyzed at high resolution. This study investigates the architecture of ribosomes ex vivo from the embryonic and perinatal mouse neocortex, revealing Ebp1 as a 60S peptide tunnel exit binding factor at near-atomic resolution by multiparticle cryo-electron microscopy. The impact of Ebp1 on the neuronal proteome was analyzed by pSILAC and BONCAT coupled mass spectrometry, implicating Ebp1 in neurite outgrowth proteostasis, with in vivo embryonic Ebp1 knockdown resulting in dysregulation of neurite outgrowth. Our findings reveal Ebp1 as a central component of neocortical protein synthesis, and the 60S peptide tunnel exit as a focal point of gene expression control in the molecular specification of neuronal morphology

    HDLBP binds ER-targeted mRNAs by multivalent interactions to promote protein synthesis of transmembrane and secreted proteins

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    The biological role of RNA-binding proteins in the secretory pathway is not well established. Here, we describe that human HDLBP/Vigilin directly interacts with more than 80% of ER-localized mRNAs. PAR-CLIP analysis reveals that these transcripts represent high affinity HDLBP substrates and are specifically bound in their coding sequences (CDS), in contrast to CDS/3’UTR-bound cytosolic mRNAs. HDLBP crosslinks strongly to long CU-rich motifs, which frequently reside in CDS of ER-localized mRNAs and result in high affinity multivalent interactions. In addition to HDLBP-ncRNA interactome, quantification of HDLBP-proximal proteome confirms association with components of the translational apparatus and the signal recognition particle. Absence of HDLBP results in decreased translation efficiency of HDLBP target mRNAs, impaired protein synthesis and secretion in model cell lines, as well as decreased tumor growth in a lung cancer mouse model. These results highlight a general function for HDLBP in the translation of ER-localized mRNAs and its relevance for tumor progression
