232 research outputs found

    Dried brewers grains in growing rabbits: nutritional value and effects on performance

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    [EN] Two assays were carried out to determine i) the nutritional value of dried brewers’ grains and ii) the effects of inclusion of this ingredient in growing rabbit diets on animal performance and economic performance of the breeding unit. In the digestibility assay, a total of 28 male rabbits were distributed in 2 groups differing in the diet offered to animals: a reference diet (35.51% neutral detergent fibre and 16.50% crude protein [CP]) and a test diet (60% of reference diet and 40% of dried brewers grains). The dried brewers’ grain contained 37.9% of CP and 3371 kcal digestible energy/kg dry matter. In the performance study, 80 weaned rabbits (40 males and 40 females) were allotted at 40 d of age to 5 groups differing in the inclusion levels of dried brewers’ grains (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28%) from 40 d to 90 d of age. Inclusion of dried brewers’ grains did not affect the live weight at 90 d, the feed intake between 40 d and 90 d or the dressing percentage of rabbits (on average 223 g, 96 g/d and 51.3%, respectively). There was no effect of diet on the meat quality parameters (69.5% water holding capacity, 25.6% cooking loss, 3.4 kg/cm2 Warner-Bratzler shear force and pH 5.70) and inclusion levels above 14% reduced the feed cost (–18%; P<0.001), while inclusion above 21% improved net income (+32%; P<0.001). In conclusion, these results suggest that the use of dried brewers’ grains in diets for growing rabbits could improve the economic performance of the production system without impairing the animals’ performance.Lima, P.; Watanabe, P.; Cândido, R.; Ferreira, A.; Vieira, A.; Rodrigues, B.; Nascimento, G.... (2017). Dried brewers grains in growing rabbits: nutritional value and effects on performance. World Rabbit Science. 25(3):251-260. doi:10.4995/wrs.2017.6813.SWORD251260253Albuquerque, D. M. N., Lopes, J. B., Klein Junior, M. H., Merval, R. R., Silva, F. E. S., & Teixeira, M. P. F. (2011). Resíduo desidratado de cervejaria para suínos em terminação. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 63(2), 465-472. doi:10.1590/s0102-09352011000200026AOAC International. 2005. Official methods of analysis of Association Official Analytical Chemists International. AOAC, Arlington VA. USA.Briganó, M. V., Pacheco, G. D., Bridi, A. M., Oba, A., Fonseca, N. A. N., & Silva, C. A. da. (2008). Desempenho e características de carcaça de suínos submetidos a diferentes programas de restrição alimentar na fase dos 30 aos 118 kg. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 37(8), 1398-1404. doi:10.1590/s1516-35982008000800009De Blas, J. C., Rodriguez, C. A., Bacha, F., Fernandez, R., & Abad-Guamán, R. (2015). Nutritive value of co-products derived from olivecake in rabbit feeding. World Rabbit Science, 23(4), 255. doi:10.4995/wrs.2015.4036Etchu K.A., Humbu M.E., Ndamukong K.J.N., Agbor E.B. 2012. Effect of varying levels of brewers' dried grain on the growth performance of weaner rabbits (Oryctolagus Cuniculus). Greener J. Agric. Sci., 2: 237-245.Fazano A.R.T., Zinsly C.F., Mattos W.R.S., Packer I.H. 1986. Digestibilidade e valor biológico da proteína da levedura seca (Saccharomyces spp.) e do farelo de soja para coelhos. Boletim de Indústria Animal, 46: 185-191.Lounaouci-Ouyaed G., Lakabi-ioualitene D., Berchiche M., Lebas F. 2008. Field beans and brewers grain as protein source for growing rabbits in Algeria: first results on growth and carcass quality. Nutrition and Digestive Physiology. In: 9th World Rabbit Congress, June 10-13, Verona, Italy. 723-728.Matterson L.D., Potter L.M., Stutz M.W., Singsen E.P. 1965. The metabolizable energy of feed ingredients for chickens. Storrs: University of Connecticut; Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report, 11: 11.National Research Council. 2007. Nutrient requirements of small ruminants: sheep, goats, cervids, and New World camelids. Washington, D.C.: National Academic Press, 292.Partridge G., Wyatt C. 1995. More flexibility with new generation of enzymes. World Poultry,11: 17-21.SAS 2000. SAS/STAT User's Guide (Release 6.12). SAS Inst. Inc., Cary NC, EUA.Villamide, M. J. (1996). Methods of energy evaluation of feed ingredients for rabbits and their accuracy. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 57(3), 211-223. doi:10.1016/0377-8401(95)00855-

    Environmental assessment of industrial production of microalgal biodiesel in central-south Chile

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    Biofuels from microalgae have the potential to replace fossil fuels, without competing with other products derived from crops. This study aims to perform a cradle-to-gate Life Cycle Assessment of the industrial production of microalgal biodiesel, using an autochthonous Chilean Phaeodactylum tricornutum strain, considering 1 MJ of biodiesel as the functional unit. For the compilation of the Life Cycle Inventory, real experimental data were obtained from the pilot-scale cultivation in a photobioreactor (PBR) module located in the city of Concepción, in Chile. The scale-up to the industrial plant considers that PBR modules are of the same size as those used in the pilot-scale. The Life Cycle Impacts Analysis considered the ReCiPe 2016 Endpoint (H) V1.00 method. Results show that the whole process contributes to a total of 5.74 kgCO2eq per MJ of biodiesel produced. PBR construction materials and energy consumption are the main contributors to the life cycle environmental impacts. The sensitivity analysis shows that energy consumption, water reuse and transportation distance of seawater from ocean to the industrial plant are the critical parameters that most affect the overall environmental performance of the system. The rate of water reuse is particularly critical to the global warming potential. Results also show that the valorization of co-products is an important aspect to improve the environmental performance of microalgal biodiesel production. Therefore, this study supports the decision-making process in biofuel production to promote the development of sustainable pilot and large-scale algae-based industry.publishe

    Biodiesel production by free fatty acid esterification using lanthanum (La3+) and HZSM-5 based catalysts

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    AbstractIn this work the use of the heterogeneous catalysts pure (LO) and sulfated (SLO) lanthanum oxide, pure HZSM-5 and SLO/HZSM-5 (HZSM-5 impregnated with sulfated lanthanum oxide (SO42−/La2O3)) was evaluated. The structural characterization of the materials (BET) showed that the sulfation process led to a reduction of the SLO and SLO/HZSM-5 surface area values. FTIR showed bands characteristic of the materials and, FTIR-pyridine indicated the presence of strong Brønsted sites on the sulfated material. In the catalytic tests the temperature was the parameter that most influenced the reactions. The best reaction conditions were: 10% catalyst, 100°C temperature and 1:5 mOA/mmeOH for LO, SLO, SLO/HZSM-5 and 10% catalyst, 100°C temperature and 1:20 mOA/mmeOH for HZSM-5. Under these conditions the conversions were: 67% and 96%, for LO and SLO, respectively and 80% and 100%, for HZSM-5 and SLO/HZSM-5, respectively. All catalysts deactivated after the first use, but the deactivation of SLO/HZSM-5 was smaller

    Exploring the high-temperature electrical performance of Ca3-xLaxCo4O9 thermoelectric ceramics for moderate and low substitution levels

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    Aliovalent substitutions in Ca3Co4O9 often result in complex effects on the electrical properties and the solubility, and impact of the substituting cation also depends largely on the preparation and processing method. It is also well-known that the monoclinic symmetry of this material’s composite crystal structure allows for a significant hole transfer from the rock salt-type Ca2CoO3 buffer layers to the hexagonal CoO2 ones, increasing the concentration of holes and breaking the electron-hole symmetry from the latter layers. This work explored the relevant effects of relatively low La-for-Ca substitutions, for samples prepared and processed through a conventional ceramic route, chosen for its simplicity. The obtained results show that the actual substitution level does not exceed 0.03 (x &lt; 0.03) in Ca3-xLaxCo4O9 samples with x = 0.01, 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07 and that further introduction of lanthanum results in simultaneous Ca3Co4O9 phase decomposition and secondary Ca3Co2O6 and (La, Ca)CoO3 phase formation. The microstructural effects promoted by this phase evolution have a moderate influence on the electronic transport. The electrical measurements and determined average oxidation state of cobalt at room temperature suggest that the present La substitutions might only have a minor effect on the concentration of charge carriers and/or their mobility. The electrical resistivity values of the Ca3-xLaxCo4O9 samples with x = 0.01, 0.03 and 0.05 were found to be ~1.3 times (or 24%) lower (considering mean values) than those measured for the pristine Ca3Co4O9 samples, while the changes in Seebeck coefficient values were only moderate. The highest power factor value calculated for Ca2.99La0.01Co4O9 (~0.28 mW/K2m at 800 °C) is among the best found in the literature for similar materials. The obtained results suggest that low rare-earth substitutions in the rock salt-type layers can be a promising pathway in designing and improving these p-type thermoelectric oxides, provided by the strong interplay between the mobility of charge carriers and their concentration, capable of breaking the electron-hole symmetry from the conductive layers. © 2021 by the authors

    Magnetic ordering in Co2+-containing layered double hydroxides via the low-temperature heat capacity and magnetisation study

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    The low-temperature heat capacity and the magnetisation of Co2+ n Al3+ layered double hydroxides (LDH) with the cobalt-to-aluminium ratio n = 2 and 3 and intercalated with different anions have been studied in a wide range of magnetic fields up to 50 kOe. The heat capacity, C(T), was found to demonstrate a Schottky-like anomaly observed as a broad local maximum in the temperature dependence below 10 K. The effect is caused by a splitting of the ground-state Kramers doublet of Co2+ in the internal exchange field and correlates with magnetic ordering in these LDH. In low applied fields, the temperature-dependent dc magnetic susceptibility demonstrates a pronounced rise, which is associated with an onset of magnetic ordering. Both the heat capacity anomaly and the magnetic susceptibility peak are more pronounced for the LDH with n = 2 than for those with n = 3. This feature is associated with an excess of the honeycomb-like Co–Al coordination (which corresponds to a 2:1 Co–Al ordering) over the statistical cation distribution in Co2Al LDH, while a rather random cobalt-aluminium distribution is typical for Co3Al LDH. The temperature of the Schottky-like anomaly measured in a zero field is independent of the interlayer distance. Application of the magnetic field results in a widening of the anomaly range and a shift to higher temperatures. The observed experimental data are typical for a cluster spin glass ground state.publishe

    Single-channel transmission in gold one-atom contacts and chains

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    We induce superconductivity by proximity effect in thin layers of gold and study the number of conduction channels which contribute to the current in one-atom contacts and atomic wires. The atomic contacts and wires are fabricated with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope. The set of transmission probabilities of the conduction channels is obtained from the analysis of the I(V)I(V) characteristic curve which is highly non-linear due to multiple Andreev reflections. In agreement with theoretical calculations we find that there is only one channel which is almost completely open.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications (2003

    Magnetic field-induced dissipation-free state in superconducting nanostructures

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    A superconductor in a magnetic field acquires a finite electrical resistance caused by vortex motion. A quest to immobilize vortices and recover zero resistance at high fields made intense studies of vortex pinning one of the mainstreams of superconducting research. Yet, the decades of efforts resulted in a realization that even promising nanostructures, utilizing vortex matching, cannot withstand high vortex density at large magnetic fields. Here, we report a giant reentrance of vortex pinning induced by increasing magnetic field in a W-based nanowire and a TiN-perforated film densely populated with vortices. We find an extended range of zero resistance with vortex motion arrested by self-induced collective traps. The latter emerge due to order parameter suppression by vortices confined in narrow constrictions by surface superconductivity. Our findings show that geometric restrictions can radically change magnetic properties of superconductors and reverse detrimental effects of magnetic field

    The all loop AdS4/CFT3 Bethe ansatz

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    We propose a set of Bethe equations yielding the full asymptotic spectrum of the AdS4/CFT3 duality proposed in arXiv:0806.1218 to all orders in the t'Hooft coupling. These equations interpolate between the 2-loop Bethe ansatz of Minahan and Zarembo arXiv:0806.3951 and the string algebraic curve of arXiv:0807.0437. The several SU(2|2) symmetries of the theory seem to highly constrain the form of the Bethe equations up to a dressing factor whose form we also conjecture.Comment: References added. Factor of 2 in the discussion of the (generalized) scaling function fixe

    Thermostatistics of deformed bosons and fermions

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    Based on the q-deformed oscillator algebra, we study the behavior of the mean occupation number and its analogies with intermediate statistics and we obtain an expression in terms of an infinite continued fraction, thus clarifying successive approximations. In this framework, we study the thermostatistics of q-deformed bosons and fermions and show that thermodynamics can be built on the formalism of q-calculus. The entire structure of thermodynamics is preserved if ordinary derivatives are replaced by the use of an appropriate Jackson derivative and q-integral. Moreover, we derive the most important thermodynamic functions and we study the q-boson and q-fermion ideal gas in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure