148 research outputs found
The intercultural mediation: looking to live together when we are diferent
To talk about intercultural mediation is to admit that there has to be transformations of the parties
involved, in terms of attitudes, behaviour, representations and actions, so as to find platforms of
understanding which are not fixed arithmetic points, but rather, movable third places, depending on the
themes and agreements under discussion. But this process is not linear and it does not always have a
happy ending in the story just like in the romantic films. Cultural shocks and the interpersonal shocks,
which are also cultural shocks, are always eminent as a present and future hypothesis. Hence, it is
important to reflect on the culture shocks experienced, differently, depending on the individuals that
interact, each one with their own life story. Therefore, this results in interaction processes in a more
dialogical, intercultural, mediating, creative and transformative form, or on the other hand, more
enhancers and linkers of personal and social boundaries which become ethnocultural and therefore
more monocultural.
It is understood that those who live in cultural stability with few interactions with otherness have the
tendency to have more monocultural attitudes and attitudes which are closer to the culture’s modal
behaviour in which they are naturally inserted with their peers and relatives. Those who, for various
reasons, undergo social mobility processes, whether ascendant or descendant, or cross various
sociocultural contexts in the social trajectory due to migratory processes, schooling processes or others,
are submitted to cultural metamorphosis processes and therefore reconstruct their personal identities:
the image that the self has of oneself and the one that it offers to others is reconstructed.
The intercultural mediation is presented as a social pedagogy to learn how to live together when We are
from different cultural contexts.
Although using biographical studies that we did with immigrants in Portugal, this communication has a
pedagogical intention and not just an investigative one. We intend to show, precisely, how intercultural
mediation is inscribed in a different paradigm from that of classical mediation, which is basically based
on conflict resolution techniques. On the contrary, we intend to show how in hyper multicultural societies,
what is so often called conflict, is nothing more than a clash of cultures because individuals act according
to mental frames culturally constructed throughout their life history and in the cultural contexts they
Thus, from a hermeneutic, biographical and ethnobiographical methodology, with immigrants seeking
Portugal as a host society for a future life project, we want to show that living together when we are
culturally different, implies learning interculturality as philosophy of life, on the part of those who welcome
and those who are welcomed. Such interculturality can be achieved through Intercultural mediation here
considered as a social pedagogy, as we will exemplify with life stories of Brazilian immigrants in Portugal
and with the identity strategies that they use to include themselves in Portugal, and, at the same time,
maintain a belonging to the original culture, the Brazilian, without, however, living in an ambivalent way.
Rather, interculturally, assuming a plural and composite self of diverse cultural and educational
Prevention, education and transformation versus resolution
professions, and as a hermeneutical philosophy, we assume the interpersonal and intercultural
communication as a systematic interpretation of interests of the parties in an interaction and as the will
of those involved.
In the mediation between different cultural values, the educator and social workers emerge as mediators
between social groups and the most diverse public and private institutions, relying on a multi-topical
hermeneutics for the realisation of the rights and interests of the groups and subjects involved in the
The purpose of the mediation process is to seek the autonomy of these groups and people, known today
as empowerment.
If education should be an instrument to promote equal opportunities and an instrument to favour social
justice, school should become a fundamental space to legitimize and strengthen values which structure
the State which is, however, nowadays increasingly multicultural. In this sense school has to seek forms
of intercultural translation as it not only reconstructs cognitive systems but also operates at the level of
personal and group identity processes.
So, prevention, education and transformation versus resolution is a very important way to promote the
empowerment of minorities.
The main objective of this text is of an essayistic and pedagogical nature, trying to show, using examples
of social workers and social educators who work with teachers in Portuguese schools, other ways of
socio-educational intervention besides the action at the end of the line, at the end of the process. The
main idea is to underline the importance of education as a process of (trans) formations throughout
individual and social life trajectories, seeking autonomy, underlining the importance of prevention versus
intervention that many ignore as fundamental for social and educational transformation, which implies
thinking not from the social and educational problems and how to solve them, but, on the contrary,
educating for its avoidance, educating for citizenship, for the social values how to live together and for
an ethics of welcoming and intercultural coexistence.
In terms of some results, Social Workers have, according to our study, more resolving concerns; Social
Educators seem to be more concerned with a dialogical, mediating, empowering and preventive
intervention and finally, therefore more transformative than properly resolving.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
the role of intercultural mediation
Migration is generally described as a process that is nationally specific and that have
features common to several countries. This has been shown by several authors through
comparative research that compares the migration process of the same immigrant group to
several countries (among others, Engbersen, Snel, & de Boom, 2010) or which scrutinises the
migration realities of different countries (Zimmermann, 2005). Most of these studies are about
geographically near countries, which are part of the same political system (the EU), and that
have an established (albeit differentiated) welfare system. These proximities (geographical, but
also political and social) allowed the authors of these studies to conceptualise the existence of
several migration models or regimes: the southern European model (Baldwin-Edwards, 2012),
the Iberian model of Migration (Malheiros, 2012); the intra-EU mobility regime (Engbersen
et al., 2017). These migratory regimes are intertwined by migrant integration models or by
different approaches to increasingly diverse populations. Although these are often identified
as ‘national models of integration’, they do not fail to integrate the developments that have
been recorded in the last decades in the international contexts in which the countries are
inserted. Throughout the present text, the Portuguese experience in dealing with immigrant
integration is used to reflect on the development of intercultural policies and practices, and
on the role of intercultural mediation.
The article is structured in the following way: in the introductory section we will review the
discussion on interculturalism; in a second section the Portuguese immigration context will
be presented; in a third section the integration of immigrants in the country will be analysed,
given special attention to the development of policies that support immigrants’ integration
process. In the fourth section, the role of intercultural mediation for the integration of
immigrants will be considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Paradigmas de la intervención y pedagogía social: del trabajo social biomédico a la intervención socioeducativa, mediadora y empoderadora
Face ao modelo clássico de intervenção social que parte do diagnóstico com vista à resolução de “problemas sociais”, aproximando-se do trabalho do médico, pelo que tantas vezes é classificado de paradigma biomédico, emerge, hoje, um modelo alternativo mais preocupado com a mudança, transformação, educação e autonomização dos sujeitos e comunidades intervencionadas, aqui designado de intervenção socioeducativa, assente na Pedagogia Social e na mediação intercultural. O texto começa por apresentar os paradigmas clássicos da mudança socioeducativa, tece críticas à intervenção social paliativa e assente em diagnósticos realizados por especialistas sem recurso à voz dos sujeitos, e termina apontando para uma intervenção social mediadora e empoderadora assente na Pedagogia Social e na mediação intercultural como pilares fundamentais da Educação Social.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Como me fui tornando Educador Social: Reflexividade, redescoberta de si e (trans)formações pessoais e profissionais
Este texto dá conta de como a Pedagogia Social se foi tornando fundamental numa intervenção social que seja socioeducativa e mediadora. Investe, finalmente, no modo como se faz a aprendizagem da Pedagogia Social, do ponto de vista do aprendente, ou de como se constrói a identidade profissional dum Educador Social. Com uma metodologia biográfico-narrativa, recolhem-se vozes de recém-licenciados em Educação Social, para tentar compreender como veem a articulação teoria-práxis no processo formativo no ensino superior, que sentido teórico e prático têm da profissão passados três anos de formação superior e como refletem sobre as suas motivações e predisposições para a mesma. Foram levados a pensar nas suas transformações identitárias e profissionais: quem eu era e como eu era no início do curso? Em quem me transformei durante e após o curso em termos pessoais e técnico-profissionais? O que mudou em mim com a formação em Educação Social? A análise comparativa de quatro casos biográficos mostra uma heterogeneidade de narrativas face às representações sociais sobre o trabalho do educador social e alguma fragilidade no definir o campo, bem como de o distinguir de outros no âmbito da intervenção social. Os autores concluem, também, que três anos são pouco tempo para construir uma identidade profissional tão compósita e abrangente.This text shows how Social Pedagogy has become fundamental in a social intervention that is both socio educational and mediating. Finally, it invests in the way Social Pedagogy is learned, from the learner’s point of view,
or how the professional identity of a Social Educator is constructed. With a biographical-narrative methodology, the
voices of recent graduates in Social Education are collected, in order to try to understand how they see the theory praxis articulation in the formative process in higher education, what theoretical and practical meaning the profession
has after three years of higher education and how they reflect on their motivations and predispositions towards it.
They were led to think about their identity and professional transformations: who was I and how was I at the begin ning of the course? Who did I become during and after the course in personal and technical-professional terms?
What has changed in me with training in Social Education? The comparative analysis of four biographical cases
shows a heterogeneity of narratives in the face of social representations about the social educator’s work and some
weakness in defining the field as well as distinguishing it from others in the context of social intervention. The authors
also conclude that three years is not enough time to build such a composite and comprehensive professional identity.Ce texte montre comment la Pédagogie Sociale est devenue fondamentale dans une intervention so ciale à la fois socio-éducative et médiatrice. Enfin, il investit dans la manière dont la pédagogie sociale est apprise,
du point de vue de l’apprenant, ou la manière dont l’identité professionnelle d’un éducateur social est construite.
Avec une méthodologie biographique-narrative, les voix de récents diplômés en éducation sociale sont recueillies,
afin d’essayer de comprendre comment ils voient l’articulation théorie-praxie dans le processus de formation dans
l’enseignement supérieur, quel sens théorique et pratique la profession a après trois années d’études supérieures
et comment ils réfléchissent à leurs motivations et à leurs prédispositions à cet égard. Ils ont été amenés à réfléchir
sur leur identité et leurs transformations professionnelles : qui étais-je et comment étais-je au début du cursus ? Qui
suis-je devenu pendant et après le cours sur le plan personnel et technico-professionnel ? Qu’est-ce qui a changé
en moi avec la formation en Education Sociale ? L’analyse comparative de quatre cas biographiques montre une
hétérogénéité des récits face aux représentations sociales sur le travail de l’éducateur social et une certaine fragilité
dans la définition du champ ainsi que dans sa distinction des autres dans le cadre de l’intervention sociale. Les au teurs concluent également que trois ans ne suffisent pas pour construire une identité professionnelle aussi composite
et complète.Este texto muestra cómo la Pedagogía Social se ha convertido en fundamental en una intervención
social a la vez socioeducativa y mediadora. Por último, invierte en cómo se aprende la Pedagogía Social, desde el
punto de vista del aprendiz, o cómo se construye la identidad profesional de un Educador Social. Con una meto dología biográfico-narrativa, se recogen las voces de los recién graduados en Educación Social, con el fin de tratar
de comprender cómo ven la articulación teoría-praxis en el proceso formativo en la educación superior, qué sentido
teórico y práctico tiene la profesión después de tres años. años de educación superior y cómo reflexionan sobre sus
motivaciones y predisposiciones hacia ella. Se les llevó a reflexionar sobre su identidad y transformaciones profesio nales: ¿quién era yo y cómo era al inicio del curso? ¿En quién me convertí durante y después del curso en términos
personales y técnico-profesionales? ¿Qué ha cambiado en mí con la formación en Educación Social? El análisis
comparativo de cuatro casos biográficos muestra una heterogeneidad de narrativas frente a las representaciones
sociales sobre el trabajo del educador social y cierta fragilidad a la hora de definir el campo así como distinguirlo de
otros en el contexto de la intervención social. Los autores también concluyen que tres años no es tiempo suficiente
para construir una identidad profesional tan compuesta y completa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Between knowledge and identities, school and socio-pedagogical mediation
Este texto discute o papel da escola que se diz para todos e sua articulação com a cultura local, seus
etnossaberes e a cultura legítima do Estado-Nação. Procura demonstrar como o conhecimento nunca é neutro
e como todo a aprendizagem é feita sob uma base cultural, uma mente cultural. Conscientes de que todo o
ensino-aprendizagem produz alterações culturais e identitárias, os autores defendem o papel de uma escola e
de um professor mediador de culturas, saberes e identidades, sob pena de que o sucesso escolar signifique a
adoção de uma cultura monolítica tida como universalizável e a morte das culturas locais tornando-se os
alunos indivíduos oblatos na medida em que rejeitem as suas pertenças e culturas de origem. As etnobiografias surgem neste ensaio como um bom exemplo da mediação intercultural na descoberta de si e dos outros e poderão ser úteis numa gestão escolar inclusiva e plural.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Estar dentro e estar fora para mediar e intervir
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ; Instituto Politécnico de Leiriainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Emerge nce and development of social pedagogy in schools: the portuguese case
Lidar com toda a diversidade que está patente hoje nas escolas contemporâneas
implica recorrer a ferramentas da pedagogia social e, particularmente, da mediação
intercultural ao serviço da mediação escolar e/ou sociopedagógica. Só desta forma a escola
poderá responder à crescente heterogeneidade da sociedade contemporânea que se
visibiliza cada vez mais na escola, isto se não se pretender enveredar por atitudes e práticas
uniformizadoras e assimilacionistas.
Na escola refletem-se muitos dos problemas sociais do mundo de hoje. A escola é, ela
própria, parte da realidade social. Consequentemente, muitas das questões que surgem na
escola, em consequência do aumento substancial da multiculturalidade dos seus públicos,
fogem à função tradicional do professor. É por isso que é importante pensar que o espaço
escolar não deverá ser um território exclusivo de professores e alunos, mas que deverá ser
também dinamizado e intervencionado com educadores sociais que atuem em vertentes mais
socioculturais e sociopedagógicas, que cultivem outro tipo de relacionamento com os alunos,
que tenham uma perspetiva diferente das realidades de cada um, e que procurem, fora da
escola, também, a compreensão e a ajuda para a resolução desses mesmos problemas. Estes
profissionais especializados são fulcrais para que se faça um trabalho de prevenção e de
mediação, no sentido de evitar situações que poderiam ser evitadas antes das situações
extremadas como sejam o bullying ou a indisciplina na escola.
A partir da análise da literatura relevante, o artigo tem como objetivo explorar e comparar
a emergência da pedagogia social e da mediação intercultural nas escolas contemporâneas
em vários países e, particularmente, em Portugal, como estratégia disciplinar e/ou profissional
de educadores socais na promoção da inclusão social, convivência e trabalho em rede entre
a escola, famílias e comunidades.Dealing with the increasing diversity evident in contemporary schools implies the
use of tools from the field of social pedagogy, specifically intercultural mediation, to support
educational and socio-pedagogical mediation. In this way it will be possible to respond to
the growing heterogeneity of contemporary society that is increasingly visible in the school
environment, without resorting to uniform and assimilationist attitudes and practices.
Many of the complex societal challenges prevalent in today’s world find their reflection
within these educational environments which are an integral part of the broader social
landscape. Consequently, numerous issues that arise within them, stemming from the
substantial increase in the multicultural composition of their student body, extend beyond
the conventional roles of teachers. It is therefore vital to consider the school not merely
as an exclusive domain for teachers and students, but as a space that can be enriched
and intervened upon by social educators, whose expertise lies in socio-cultural and socio pedagogical dimensions. These professionals cultivate distinctive relationships with students,
offering a unique perspective on the diverse realities each individual faces. Moreover, they
extend their reach beyond the school, seeking to understand and provide assistance in
resolving these issues. These specialized professionals play a crucial role in implementing
preventive and mediation efforts, aimed at averting situations that could potentially escalate
into serious problems such as bullying or disciplinary issues.
Based on an analysis of the literature, the article aims to explore and compare the
emergence of social pedagogy and intercultural mediation in contemporary schools in various
countries, and particularly in Portugal, as a disciplinary and/or professional strategy for social
educators to promote social inclusion, coexistence and networking between schools, families
and communitiesAbordar toda la diversidad que hoy se evidencia en las escuelas contemporáneas
implica utilizar las herramientas de la pedagogía social y, en particular, la mediación intercultural
al servicio de la mediación escolar y/o sociopedagógica. Sólo así la escuela podrá responder
a la creciente heterogeneidad de la sociedad contemporánea que es cada vez más visible en
la escuela, si no pretende adoptar actitudes y prácticas normalizadoras y asimilacionistas.
En la escuela se reflejan muchos de los problemas sociales del mundo actual. La escuela
es en sí misma parte de la realidad social. En consecuencia, muchos de los problemas que
surgen en ámbito escolar, como resultado del aumento sustancial del multiculturalismo de
sus públicos, van más allá del papel tradicional del profesorado. Por eso es importante pensar
que el espacio escolar no debe ser un territorio exclusivo de docentes y estudiantes, sino
que también debe ser dinamizado e intervenido con educadores sociales que trabajen en
aspectos más socioculturales y sociopedagógicos, que cultiven otro tipo de relación. con
estudiantes, estudiantes, que tienen una perspectiva diferente sobre las realidades de los
demás, y que también buscan, fuera de la escuela, comprensión y ayuda para resolver estos
mismos problemas. Estos profesionales especializados son cruciales a la hora de realizar una
labor de prevención y mediación, con el fin de evitar situaciones que podrían evitarse ante
situaciones extremas como el acoso escolar o la indisciplina en el colegio.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Migrações, Minorias Étnicas, Políticas Sociais e (Trans)Formações. Mediação Intercultural e Intervenção Social
Hand hygiene: a review of understanding and attitudes of healthcare professionals
Objective: Evaluate hand hygiene performed by health professionals in a public hospital and identify non-adherence factors for the correct technique. Methods: The professionals were submitted to a questionnaire, testing their knowledge of hand hygiene compliance for health professionals and were observed while hand washing. Results: 62,5% received training either during undergraduation course, or by the hospital, while 37,5% did not know how to do the technique. Regarding the reason for the noncompliance of proper hygiene techniques, 61,1% of professionals said that excessive professional activity, and insufficient time are the main causes. 44,4% mentioned the lack of priority of the institution as to the procedure and 16,6% lack the time to perform the technique. Conclusion: It appears that most of the professionals interviewed did not obey the rules recommended hand hygiene and the main reason is no time due to excessive workload
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