15 research outputs found
Sketching the first 45 years of the journal Psychophysiology (1964–2008): a co-word- based analysis
This article presents a keyword-based bibliometric study of the thematic evolution of the journal Psychophysiology since its first publication in 1964 until 2008. Bibliometric maps showing the most relevant associations among the main topics treated by the journal are provided separately for the periods 1964–1978, 1979–1988, 1989–1998, and 1999–2008. These maps offer insight into the conceptual structure of psychophysiology as a research discipline and help to visualize the division of the field into several interconnected subfields. Bibliometric maps created by co-word analysis can be used by both experts and novices to understand the current state of the art of a scientific field and to predict where future research could lead
An image is worth a thousand words.
Tobacco is considered a high-risk product, associated with multiple illnesses and representing an indisputable threat for Public Health. Amongst the measures proposed by the World Health Organisation and the European Commission for controlling its use, is the employment of health warnings about the dangers of tobacco consumption. In Spain, these warnings only contain text messages. The present study focuses on assessing the efficacy of current text warnings, and on studying the potential impact of a library of images created by the European Commission on consumer behavior. This research takes place within a network of projects currently developed in France and the United Kingdom and presents results obtained in Spain by using qualitative methodology -in depth interviews-.Tobacco; visual health warnings; Social Marketing; qualitative research
Spread of a SARS-CoV-2 variant through Europe in the summer of 2020
[EN] Following its emergence in late 2019, the spread of SARS-CoV-21,2 has been tracked by phylogenetic analysis of viral genome sequences in unprecedented detail3,4,5. Although the virus spread globally in early 2020 before borders closed, intercontinental travel has since been greatly reduced. However, travel within Europe resumed in the summer of 2020. Here we report on a SARS-CoV-2 variant, 20E (EU1), that was identified in Spain in early summer 2020 and subsequently spread across Europe. We find no evidence that this variant has increased transmissibility, but instead demonstrate how rising incidence in Spain, resumption of travel, and lack of effective screening and containment may explain the variant’s success. Despite travel restrictions, we estimate that 20E (EU1) was introduced hundreds of times to European countries by summertime travellers, which is likely to have undermined local efforts to minimize infection with SARS-CoV-2. Our results illustrate how a variant can rapidly become dominant even in the absence of a substantial transmission advantage in favourable epidemiological settings. Genomic surveillance is critical for understanding how travel can affect transmission of SARS-CoV-2, and thus for informing future containment strategies as travel resumes.S
LOGOS-DEC: Desarrollo de una herramienta docente para análisis de redes sociales y su aplicación a las materias de Marketing
El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido el desarrollo de una herramienta docente a la que hemos llamado LOGOS-DEC, que
permite descargar y analizar datos procedentes de redes sociales (como por ejemplo análisis de etiquetas, usuarios,
comentarios, etc). La idea del proyecto surgió a raíz de las exigencias del nuevo marco educativo en el que se destaca el
aprendizaje autónomo del estudiante y la necesidad de aplicar los contenidos teóricos a contextos reales, fomentando de este
modo la mejora de las competencias prácticas de los estudiantes, tan importantes hoy en día para su desempeño futuro.
Esta herramienta está dirigida a estudiantes de asignaturas de marketing de diversos grados (tales como por ejemplo Grado en
Marketing e Investigación de Mercados, Grado en Economía, Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Grado en
Finanzas y Contabilidad, etc). A través de LOGOS-DEC los estudiantes tienen acceso a una serie de datos procedentes de
redes sociales a partir de los cuales pueden realizar tareas propias del marketing estratégico, así como tomar decisiones
simuladas propias del marketing operativo. La realización de este ejercicio permite que el estudiante tome conciencia de la
importancia de esta información para la gestión de marketing de las empresas. También permite fomentar el uso responsable
de esta información.
La metodología seguida está basada en las TIC a través del uso de una herramienta web que permite descargar y analizar datos
de redes sociales. A partir de estos datos reales, se pone a los estudiantes en una situación simulada en la que tienen que tomar
decisiones como si fuesen los responsables de marketing de una empresa. Esta metodología además se apoya en otros pilares
básicos hoy en día como son la diversión del estudiantado, para despertar el interés y una motivación más intrínseca por el
aprendizaje, y el trabajo en equipo, para potenciar el trabajo autónomo así como la reflexión y el pensamiento crítico. Además,
las redes sociales forman parte de la vida de nuestros jóvenes, por lo que al plantear un ejercicio basado en éstas, el
estudiantado se siente más motivado.
En definitiva, con este proyecto hemos conseguido:
a) ofrecer a la comunidad educativa una herramienta de análisis de datos de redes sociales gratuita y con aplicaciones
b) implicar y motivar más al estudiantado de asignaturas de marketing mediante estrategias de simulación con datos reales procedentes de redes sociales, lo que les permite aplicar los conocimientos teóricos a la práctica de la gestión
de marketing;
c) mejorar competencias de los estudiantes como el trabajo autónomo y el trabajo en equipo;
d) concienciar al estudiantado de la importancia del uso responsable de la información procedente de redes sociales.The objective of this project has been the development of a teaching tool, LOGOS-DEC, which allows downloading and
analyzing data from social networks (such as analysis of tags, users, comments, etc.). The idea of the project arose from the
demands of the new educational framework, which emphasizes the autonomous learning of the student and the need to apply
theoretical content to real contexts, thus promoting the improvement of practical skills of students, so important today for their
future performance.
This tool is aimed at students of marketing subjects of various degrees (such as Degree in Marketing and Market Research,
Degree in Economics, Degree in Business Administration and Management, Degree in Finance and Accounting, etc). Through
LOGOS-DEC, students have access to a series of data from social networks from which they can perform strategic marketing
tasks, as well as make simulated operational marketing decisions. The realization of this exercise allows the student to become
aware of the importance of this information for the marketing management of companies. It also encourages the responsible
use of this information.
The methodology followed is based on TIC through the use of a web tool that allows downloading and analyzing data from
social networks. From this real data, students are involved in a simulated situation in which they have to make decisions as if
they were the marketing managers of a company. This methodology also relies on other basic aspects nowadays, such as the
students' enjoyment, to awaken interest and a more intrinsic motivation for learning, and teamwork, to promote autonomous
work as well as reflection and critical thinking. In addition, social networks are part of the lives of our young people, so that
by proposing an exercise based on them, students feel more motivated.
In brief, with this project we have achieved:
a) offer the educational community a free social network data analysis tool with teaching applications;
b) to involve and motivate students of marketing subjects through simulation strategies with real data from social networks,
allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to the practice of marketing management;
c) improve students' skills such as autonomous work and teamwork;
d) raise students' awareness of the importance of the responsible use of information from social networks
Mecanismos psicofisiológicos de la ansiedad patológica: implicaciones clínicas
Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico. Leída el 22 de septiembre de 200
New learning methods: looking for enjoyable experiences
[ES] Este trabajo presenta una innovación docente que surge de la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y que
tiene como objetivo impulsar a los universitarios a alcanzar competencias fundamentales en el contexto educativo actual. Para ello propone la
utilización de imágenes didácticas creadas por los propios estudiantes a través de fotografías como material para realizar distintas actividades
prácticas. El diseño de esta innovadora experiencia docente persigue que los estudiantes perciban la actividad como algo innovador y divertido,
pretendiendo estimular de esta manera la motivación, participación y creatividad de los universitarios. La finalidad de esta innovación docente
es que los estudiantes perciban que los conocimientos y las competencias adquiridas con esta actividad superan a los adquiridos con la
realización de casos prácticos tradicionales.[EN] This paper puts forward an educational innovation arising from the use of new technologies in the teaching-learning process and aims to
encourage university students to achieve fundamental competences in the present educational context. For that purpose, the use of didactic or
instructional pictures created by the students through photographs is proposed to be used like teaching material to do different practical
activities. The design of this innovative teaching experience aims to get students to perceive the activity as something innovative and enjoyable,
with the desire of stimulating the motivation, participation and creativity of university students. With this teaching innovation students are
expected to perceive that the knowledge and competences acquired with this innovative activity improve the knowledge and competences
acquired with the realization of traditional practical cases