3 research outputs found

    Artistic synthesis of philosophy and history in Diana Ackerman’s Novel “The Zookeeper’s Wife”

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    The article is devoted to the problem of Diana Ackerman’s the creativity. She created a touching and extremely objective book ‘The Zookeeper’s Wife’ showing the people suffering from the humiliation of their human dignity. Diana Ackerman, with endless love and anxiety for her characters, describes what people close to her saw and experienced during World War II. Her novel, imbued with the intense deployment of tragic actions and deeds, does not leave indifferent neither literary scholars, nor readers. The purpose of the article is to analyze the transformation of the characters in Diana Ackerman's novel ‘The Zookeeper’s Wife’ in the context of the development of the theme of survival in ‘labor camps’, Jewish ‘ghetto’ during the occupation period in European countries. The results of the study are understanding that the novel created is not characterized by the typical image of the main character, but the sketches do not ignore the individual features in the character of the husband, son, friends, her surrounding people, reveal the national features of life. The plausibility of events in occupied Poland of historical significance is being recreated. The study concluded that the novel is the work of life-affirming, performed by a civil and patriotic pathos

    Effect of young basketball players’ self-regulation on their psychological indicators

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    One of the most important factors in the success of sports activities is the level of psychological readiness. The most significant indicator of psychological readiness is the ability to qualitatively regulate athlete’s activity, behavior, and mental state by their own psychic means (i.e., the ability to selfregulate). At the same time, there is not enough insightful research in sports science and in this area of knowledge.To determine the nature of the relationship and links between the psychological characteristics of young basketball players and the specific features of their self-regulation. A total of 160 basketball players (15-20 years old) participated in the study. The methods of selfregulation of sports activity, dispositional state of flow, basic beliefs, and dispositive optimism were used. Correlation links between the indicators of self-regulation of sports activities and the indicators of dispositional state of flow, basic beliefs, and dispositive optimism were revealed. The most significant link was defined with self-inductance and identified regulation. The differences between young basketball players with different peculiarities of self-regulation of sports activity were determined by almost all indicators of the dispositional state of flow, basic beliefs, and dispositive optimism. It was confirmed that the specificity of self-regulation of young basketball players is connected with the peculiarities of the dispositional state of flow, dispositional optimism, and basic beliefs. Through comparison, it is determined that young basketball players with autonomous sports self-regulation have the advantage of almost all indicators of the dispositional state of flow and they have more optimistic views on the future

    Le développement des compétences civiques et sociales des élèves ukrainiens en temps de guerre

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    Dans le contexte de la guerre totale menée par la Fédération de Russie contre l’Ukraine, le développement des compétences civiques et sociales des élèves revêt une importance particulière. Cet article analyse les répercussions de la guerre sur le processus de développement des compétences civiques et sociales des élèves dans les écoles ukrainiennes et examine le potentiel didactique, développemental et éducatif de la série animée Travel Book Ukraine.Le système éducatif ukrainien développe ac..