513 research outputs found

    Pterodactylus scolopaciceps Meyer, 1860 (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) from the Upper Jurassic of Bavaria, Germany:the problem of Cryptic Pterosaur Taxa in early ontogeny

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    The taxonomy of the Late Jurassic pterodactyloid pterosaur Pterodactylus scolopaciceps Meyer, 1860 from the Solnhofen Limestone Formation of Bavaria, Germany is reviewed. Its nomenclatural history is long and complex, having been synonymised with both P. kochi (Wagner, 1837), and P. antiquus (Sömmerring, 1812). The majority of pterosaur species from the Solnhofen Limestone, including P. scolopaciceps are represented by juveniles. Consequently, specimens can appear remarkably similar due to juvenile characteristics detracting from taxonomic differences that are exaggerated in later ontogeny. Previous morphological and morphometric analyses have failed to separate species or even genera due to this problem, and as a result many species have been subsumed into a single taxon. A hypodigm for P. scolopaciceps, comprising of the holotype (BSP AS V 29 a/b) and material Broili referred to the taxon is described. P. scolopaciceps is found to be a valid taxon, but placement within Pterodactylus is inappropriate. Consequently, the new genus Aerodactylus is erected to accommodate it. Aerodactylus can be diagnosed on account of a unique suite of characters including jaws containing 16 teeth per-jaw, per-side, which are more sparsely distributed caudally and terminate rostral to the nasoantorbital fenestra; dorsal surface of the skull is subtly depressed rostral of the cranial table; rostrum very elongate (RI = ∼7), terminating in a point; orbits correspondingly low and elongate; elongate cervical vertebrae (approximately three times the length of their width); wing-metacarpal elongate, but still shorter than the ulna and first wing-phalanx; and pteroid approximately 65% of the total length of the ulna, straight and extremely thin (less than one third the width of the ulna). A cladistic analysis demonstrates that Aerodactylus is distinct from Pterodactylus, but close to Cycnorhamphus Seeley, 1870, Ardeadactylus Bennett, 2013a and Aurorazhdarcho Frey, Meyer and Tischlinger, 2011, consequently we erect the inclusive taxon Aurorazhdarchidae for their reception

    CEECS integration into regional production networks. Trade effects of EU-accesion

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    We estimate a gravity model that incorporates the extensive margin of trade and accounts for firm heterogeneity to evaluate the effect of the EU-accession on CEECs trade in intermediates and final goods for the period 1999-2009. The importance of production networks is captured by including imports of intermediates as a determinant of a country’s exports of final goods. We find a positive and significant effect of the EU-accession on CEECs trade in intermediate and final goods. Hence, the elimination of “behind the border” trade barriers has a positive impact on increasing not only trade volumes but also trade varieties.gravity equation; panel data; production networks; economic integration; trade flows.

    Synthesis of γ-glutamyl derivatives of sulfur-containing amino acids in a multigram scale via a two-step, one-pot procedure

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    \u3b3-Glutamyl derivatives of sulfur amino acids have been prepared in multigram scale starting from readily available starting materials. The synthesis comprises two one-pot operations, both consisting of two reactions. In the first operation, N-phtaloyl-l-glutamic acid anhydride is obtained from l-glutamic acid and phtalic anhydride. In the second one, N-phtaloyl-l-glutamic acid anhydride is used to acylate amino acids and the N-phtaloyl protecting group is removed. The described approach offers a viable entry to \u3b3-glutamyl derivatives of sulfur-containing amino acids with flavor-enhancer and nutraceutical properties

    Coherent Vector Meson Photoproduction with Nuclear Breakup in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Relativistic heavy ions are copious sources of virtual photons. The large photon flux gives rise to a substantial photonuclear interaction probability at impact parameters where no hadronic interactions can occur. Multiple photonuclear interactions in a single collision are possible. In this letter, we use mutual Coulomb excitation of both nuclei as a tag for moderate impact parameter collisions. We calculate the cross section for coherent vector meson production accompanied by mutual excitation, and show that the median impact parameter is much smaller than for untagged production. The vector meson rapidity and transverse momentum distribution are very different from untagged exclusive vector meson production.Comment: 14 pages, including 4 figure

    Interference in Exclusive Vector Meson Production in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Photons emitted from the electromagnetic fields of relativistic heavy ions can fluctuate into quark anti-quark pairs and scatter from a target nucleus, emerging as vector mesons. These coherent interactions are identifiable by final states consisting of the two nuclei and a vector meson with a small transverse momentum. The emitters and targets can switch roles, and the two possibilities are indistinguishable, so interference may occur. Vector mesons are negative parity so the amplitudes have opposite signs. When the meson transverse wavelength is larger than the impact parameter, the interference is large and destructive. The short-lived vector mesons decay before amplitudes from the two sources can overlap, and so cannot interfere directly. However, the decay products are emitted in an entangled state, and the interference depends on observing the complete final state. The non-local wave function is an example of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox.Comment: 13 pages with 3 figures; submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Eriophyid mites in classical biological control of weeds: Progress and challenges

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    A classical biological control agent is an exotic host-specific natural enemy, which is intentionally introduced to obtain long-term control of an alien invasive species. Among the arthropods considered for this role, eriophyid mites are likely to possess the main attributes required: Host specificity, efficacy, and long-lasting effects. However, so far, only a few species have been approved for release. Due to their microscopic size and the general lack of knowledge regarding their biology and behavior, working with eriophyids is particularly challenging. Furthermore, mites disperse in wind, and little is known about biotic and abiotic constraints to their population growth. All these aspects pose challenges that, if not properly dealt with, can make it particularly difficult to evaluate eriophyids as prospective biological control agents and jeopardize the general success of control programs. We identified some of the critical aspects of working with eriophyids in classical biological control of weeds and focused on how they have been or may be addressed. In particular, we analyzed the importance of accurate mite identification, the difficulties faced in the evaluation of their host specificity, risk assessment of nontarget species, their impact on the weed, and the final steps of mite release and post-release monitoring

    The oldest Jurassic dinosaur:a Basal Neotheropod from the Hettangian of Great Britain

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    Approximately 40% of a skeleton including cranial and postcranial remains representing a new genus and species of basal neotheropod dinosaur is described. It was collected from fallen blocks from a sea cliff that exposes Late Triassic and Early Jurassic marine and quasi marine strata on the south Wales coast near the city of Cardiff. Matrix comparisons indicate that the specimen is from the lithological Jurassic part of the sequence, below the first occurrence of the index ammonite Psiloceras planorbis and above the last occurrence of the Rhaetian conodont Chirodella verecunda. Associated fauna of echinoderms and bivalves indicate that the specimen had drifted out to sea, presumably from the nearby Welsh Massif and associated islands (St David's Archipelago). Its occurrence close to the base of the Blue Lias Formation (Lower Jurassic, Hettangian) makes it the oldest known Jurassic dinosaur and it represents the first dinosaur skeleton from the Jurassic of Wales. A cladistic analysis indicates basal neotheropodan affinities, but the specimen retains plesiomorphic characters which it shares with Tawa and Daemonosaurus

    Inclusive meson production in peripheral collisions of ultrarelativistic heavy ions

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    There exist several proposals to use Weizs\"{a}cker-Williams photons generated by ultrarelativistic heavy ions to produce exotic particles in γγ\gamma\gamma fusion reactions. To estimate the background conditions for such reactions we analyze various mechanisms of meson production in very peripheral collisions of ultrarelativistic heavy ions at RHIC and LHC energies. Besides γγ\gamma\gamma fusion they include also electromagnetic γA\gamma A interactions and strong nucleon-nucleon interactions in grazing AAAA collisions. All these processes are characterised by low multiplicities of produced particles. γA\gamma A and AAAA events are simulated by corresponding Monte Carlo codes, RELDIS and FRITIOF. In each of these processes a certain fraction of pions is produced close to the mid-rapidity region that gives a background for the γγ\gamma\gamma events. The possibility of selecting mesons produced in γγ\gamma\gamma fusion events via different ptp_t cut procedures is demonstrated.Comment: 27 pages with 4 eps-figures included, uses axodraw.sty Tab.2 and 3 correcte
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