15 research outputs found

    Multirezolucijski valići i diskretne transformacije

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    U ovom smo radu izložili osnove teorije ortonormiranih valića u jednoj dimenziji. Prikazali smo kako konstruirati valiće na temelju multirezolucijske analize, no važno je napomenuti kako to nisu ni blizu svi ortonormirani valići u L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R}). Nakon same konstrukcije, važno je bilo uvesti jednostavnije karakterizacije kako ortonormiranih valića, tako i multirezolucijske analize i pripadne skalirajuće funkcije. U zadnjem smo poglavlju prikazali neke primjene ortonormiranih valica. Uveli smo algoritme za kompresiju i rekonstrukciju podataka bazirane na valićima koji se koriste, primjerice, u kompresiji slika. Kroz valićne pakete, koji se koriste u analizi signala, pokazali smo kako dobiti bolju lokalizaciju frekvencije, ako nam originalna valićna nije dostatna.In this thesis we have introduced basic theory of orthonormal wavelets in one dimension. We have shown how to construct wavelets from multiresolutional analysis; however, it is important to emphasise that there are wavelets that do not arise from a multiresolutional analysis on L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R}). After construction, it was important to introduce simpler characterizations of orthonormal wavelets, multiresolutional analysis and associated scaling function. In the last chapter we have shown some applications of orthonormal wavelets. We introduced algorithms for data compression and data reconstruction based on wavelets, which are used, for instance, in image compression. Using wavelet packets, which are one of the tools for signal processing, we have shown how to achieve better frequency localization, if the original wavelet frequency localization was not enough

    Multirezolucijski valići i diskretne transformacije

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    U ovom smo radu izložili osnove teorije ortonormiranih valića u jednoj dimenziji. Prikazali smo kako konstruirati valiće na temelju multirezolucijske analize, no važno je napomenuti kako to nisu ni blizu svi ortonormirani valići u L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R}). Nakon same konstrukcije, važno je bilo uvesti jednostavnije karakterizacije kako ortonormiranih valića, tako i multirezolucijske analize i pripadne skalirajuće funkcije. U zadnjem smo poglavlju prikazali neke primjene ortonormiranih valica. Uveli smo algoritme za kompresiju i rekonstrukciju podataka bazirane na valićima koji se koriste, primjerice, u kompresiji slika. Kroz valićne pakete, koji se koriste u analizi signala, pokazali smo kako dobiti bolju lokalizaciju frekvencije, ako nam originalna valićna nije dostatna.In this thesis we have introduced basic theory of orthonormal wavelets in one dimension. We have shown how to construct wavelets from multiresolutional analysis; however, it is important to emphasise that there are wavelets that do not arise from a multiresolutional analysis on L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R}). After construction, it was important to introduce simpler characterizations of orthonormal wavelets, multiresolutional analysis and associated scaling function. In the last chapter we have shown some applications of orthonormal wavelets. We introduced algorithms for data compression and data reconstruction based on wavelets, which are used, for instance, in image compression. Using wavelet packets, which are one of the tools for signal processing, we have shown how to achieve better frequency localization, if the original wavelet frequency localization was not enough

    Multirezolucijski valići i diskretne transformacije

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    U ovom smo radu izložili osnove teorije ortonormiranih valića u jednoj dimenziji. Prikazali smo kako konstruirati valiće na temelju multirezolucijske analize, no važno je napomenuti kako to nisu ni blizu svi ortonormirani valići u L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R}). Nakon same konstrukcije, važno je bilo uvesti jednostavnije karakterizacije kako ortonormiranih valića, tako i multirezolucijske analize i pripadne skalirajuće funkcije. U zadnjem smo poglavlju prikazali neke primjene ortonormiranih valica. Uveli smo algoritme za kompresiju i rekonstrukciju podataka bazirane na valićima koji se koriste, primjerice, u kompresiji slika. Kroz valićne pakete, koji se koriste u analizi signala, pokazali smo kako dobiti bolju lokalizaciju frekvencije, ako nam originalna valićna nije dostatna.In this thesis we have introduced basic theory of orthonormal wavelets in one dimension. We have shown how to construct wavelets from multiresolutional analysis; however, it is important to emphasise that there are wavelets that do not arise from a multiresolutional analysis on L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R}). After construction, it was important to introduce simpler characterizations of orthonormal wavelets, multiresolutional analysis and associated scaling function. In the last chapter we have shown some applications of orthonormal wavelets. We introduced algorithms for data compression and data reconstruction based on wavelets, which are used, for instance, in image compression. Using wavelet packets, which are one of the tools for signal processing, we have shown how to achieve better frequency localization, if the original wavelet frequency localization was not enough

    Personalised care approach towards patients with atrial fibrillation

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    Cilj istraživanja: Primarni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi vrstu i učestalost terapijskih problema pri otpustu hospitaliziranih pacijenata koji boluju od nekog oblika fibrilacije atrija. Sekundarni cilj bio je izraditi personalizirani plan ljekarničke skrbi za svakog pojedinog ispitanika pri otpustu iz bolnice. Ispitanici i metode: Retrospektivno opservacijsko istraživanje provedeno je u razdoblju od listopada 2014. godine do prosinca 2016. godine na odjelima Klinike za unutarnje bolesti Kliničkoj bolnici Dubrava u Zagrebu. Pacijenti kojima je postavljena dijagnoza bilo kojeg oblika fibrilacije atrija, imaju propisan barem jedan lijek u terapiji prilikom otpusta iz bolnice te su potpisali Informirani pristanak zadovoljili su uključujuće kriterije ovog istraživanja. Podaci su prikupljani intervjuiranjem pacijenata, odnosno njihovih članova obitelji ili skrbnika te uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju bolničkog informacijskog sustava. Alat za identifikaciju terapijskih problema bila je kategorizacija istih prema Cipolle i sur. (2013.). Etičko povjerenstvo Kliničke bolnice Dubrava odobrilo je provedbu ovog istraživanja. Rezultati: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 25 ispitanika s prosječnom životnom dobi od 73 godine (41-84 godine) te ukupno 151 komorbiditeta i 189 propisanih lijekova. Prosječan broj koriÅ”tenih lijekova bio je 7,6 (u rasponu od 3 do 18), a postojećih komorbiditeta 6,0 (raspon 2-10). Svaki od ispitanika imao je najmanje 3 terapijska problema, a ukupno ih je utvrđeno 136 Å”to je u prosjeku iznosilo 5,4 Ā± 2,2 po osobi. NajviÅ”e je terapijskih problema svrstano u kategoriju Preniska doza (29,4,%) te Potreba za uvođenjem dodatne terapije (25,0%). Ukupno su detektirana 23 terapijska problema vezana uz fibrilaciju atrija kod 16 ispitanika (64%). NajviÅ”e ih je detektirano u kategoriji Indikacija i Sigurnost s podjednakom zastupljenoŔću od 34,7%. Zaključak: Rezultati provedenog istraživanja ističu važnost integracije kliničkog farmaceuta u zdravstveni tim koji aktivno skrbi o pacijentu s fibrilacijom atrija, budući da je viÅ”e od polovice ispitanika imalo prisutan barem jedan terapijski problem vezan uz spomenuti komorbiditet. UzevÅ”i u obzir visoku prevalenciju terapijskih problema kod hospitaliziranih pacijenata, klinički farmaceut bi svojim znanjem i vjeÅ”tinama mogao doprinijeti unaprjeđenju njihove kvalitete života i posljedično ostvariti uÅ”tede u zdravstvu.Objectives: The primary aim of this study was to determine the frequency and categories of drug therapy problems in patients with atrial fibrillation after being discharged from hospital. The secondary aim was to create the personalized pharmaceutical care plan for each patient. Subjects and methods: An observational retrospective study was conducted at the Clinical Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Dubrava from October 2014 to December 2016. Patients with atrial fibrillation diagnosis had at least one medication prescribed at discharge and also signed the informative consent that they meet the criteria for this study. Data was collected by interviewing patients (their relatives or guardians if needed) and by accessing their medical records. Drug therapy problems were evaluated according to categories presented by Cipolle et al. (2013). Ethical Committee of University Hospital Dubrava granted the permission for this study. Results: This research included 25 patients of the average age of 73 (ranging from 41 to 84 years). There were 151 diagnosis and 189 prescribed medications detected. The average number of medications prescribed was 7,6 per patient (ranging from 3 to 18), and the average number of comorbidities was 6,0 per patient (ranging from 2 to 10). Each patient had at least 3 drug therapy problems, and there were 136 drug therapy problems in total, which is on average 5,4 Ā± 2,2 per patient. Dosage too low (29,4%) and Needs additional therapy (25,0%). were the most frequent categories of drug therapy problems. There were 23 drug therapy problems related to atrial fibrillation with 16 participants (64%), whereas categories Indication and Safety were the most prevalent with the equal frequency of 34,7% each. Conclusion: The results of this study emphasize the importance of integrating clinical pharmacists in the health care team which provides medical care to patients suffering from atrial fibrillation due to the fact that more than half of patients had at least one drug therapy problem related to this illness. In order to reduce high prevalence of drug therapy problems in hospitalized patients, clinical pharmacists should use their knowledge and skills when providing pharmaceutical care not only to improve patients' life quality but also to cut down the expenses related to their treatment

    Allergic rhinitis: a cross-sectional survey assessing the knowledge and therapeutic approach among final year medical students, pharmacy students, general practitioners and community pharmacists in Croatia

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    Objectives. To assess the current knowledge of allergic rhinitis (AR) among final year medical and pharmacy students, general practitioners (GPs) and community pharmacists in Croatia. Methods: Data were collected from September 2017 to November 2017 through an online questionnaire. Final year medical and pharmacy students (N=201), GPs and pharmacists from Croatia (N=127) were included. The two factor structured questionnaire was formed regarding general knowledge and treatment of AR. T-test and chi-square tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: Overall knowledge of AR was low among respondents (mean score among GPs: 11.4/20, pharmacists: 11.3/20, pharmacy students: 10.8/20, medical students: 10.3/20). With reference to treatment mean scores were also low; GPs 5.1/10, pharmacists: 4.9/10, pharmacy students: 4.3/10 and medical students: 4.1/10. GPs were significantly better than medical students in reference to treatment approach (p<.001) and overall knowledge (p=0.004). Pharmacists\u27 knowledge of treatment was better than pharmacy students\u27 (p=0.029), and the overall knowledge was insignificantly higher (p=0.210). The overall knowledge was insignificantly different among GPs and pharmacists (p=0.911), as was knowledge of treatment approach (p=0.335). The overall knowledge and knowledge of AR treatment was insignificantly better among pharmacy vs. medical students (p=0.252, p=0.583 respectively). Conclusion: This study indicates an inadequate level of knowledge of AR among participants. Even though GPs and pharmacistsā€™ knowledge on therapy of AR was better than among students, it was still unsatisfying. It would be advisable to introduce the changes to curriculum regarding AR, with more emphasis on treatment approach and to organize additional education for GPs and pharmacists

    Allergic rhinitis: a cross-sectional survey assessing the knowledge and therapeutic approach among final year medical students, pharmacy students, general practitioners and community pharmacists in Croatia

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    Objectives. To assess the current knowledge of allergic rhinitis (AR) among final year medical and pharmacy students, general practitioners (GPs) and community pharmacists in Croatia. Methods: Data were collected from September 2017 to November 2017 through an online questionnaire. Final year medical and pharmacy students (N=201), GPs and pharmacists from Croatia (N=127) were included. The two factor structured questionnaire was formed regarding general knowledge and treatment of AR. T-test and chi-square tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: Overall knowledge of AR was low among respondents (mean score among GPs: 11.4/20, pharmacists: 11.3/20, pharmacy students: 10.8/20, medical students: 10.3/20). With reference to treatment mean scores were also low; GPs 5.1/10, pharmacists: 4.9/10, pharmacy students: 4.3/10 and medical students: 4.1/10. GPs were significantly better than medical students in reference to treatment approach (p<.001) and overall knowledge (p=0.004). Pharmacists\u27 knowledge of treatment was better than pharmacy students\u27 (p=0.029), and the overall knowledge was insignificantly higher (p=0.210). The overall knowledge was insignificantly different among GPs and pharmacists (p=0.911), as was knowledge of treatment approach (p=0.335). The overall knowledge and knowledge of AR treatment was insignificantly better among pharmacy vs. medical students (p=0.252, p=0.583 respectively). Conclusion: This study indicates an inadequate level of knowledge of AR among participants. Even though GPs and pharmacistsā€™ knowledge on therapy of AR was better than among students, it was still unsatisfying. It would be advisable to introduce the changes to curriculum regarding AR, with more emphasis on treatment approach and to organize additional education for GPs and pharmacists

    Portals and databases on elements of cultural heritage at folklore festivals

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    Rad opisuje način prikupljanja, obrade i digitalizacije materijala o nematerijalnoj kulturnoj baÅ”tini u Bosni i Hercegovini koja se prezentira na festivalima folklora te izgradnju multimedijalnih baza podataka i portala za njihovu promociju. Navedene aktivnosti pojedine elemente nematerijalne kulturne baÅ”tine i kulturno-umjetnička druÅ”tva kao njihove baÅ”tinike čine vidljivijima i dostupnijima javnosti uz davanje dodatnoga poticaja samim baÅ”tinicima za njihovo prenoÅ”enje na mlade naraÅ”taje. Opisano provodi DruÅ”tvo za digitalizaciju tradicijske kulturne baÅ”tine iz Å irokog Brijega u suradnji s partnerima i samim baÅ”tinicima elemenata kroz dva projekta. Prvi projekt, diple.org, realizira se s Udrugom hrvatskih amaterskih kulturno-umjetničkih druÅ”tava u BiH i prezentira tradicijsku kulturnu baÅ”tinu Hrvata u BiH, a drugi projekt, tkanica.org, prezentira baÅ”tinike, njihove elemente i festivale folklora u BiH koji djeluju u okrilju međunarodne organizacije CIOFF (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts) i realizira se sa Sekcijom CIOFF-a za BiH. Projektima je do sada obuhvaćeno viÅ”e od dvije stotine baÅ”tinika. Obrađeni su detaljniji podatci o sedam kulturno-umjetničkih druÅ”tava, sedam festivala folklora, dva popisa jednog broja karakterističnih elemenata na lokalitetima kao i jedan popis vjeÅ”tina sviranja na sedam tradicijskih glazbala. Realizacija dosadaÅ”njega dijela projekta pokazala je kako su baÅ”tinici elemenata koji ulažu znatne napore u istraživanje na samom terenu o elementima nematerijalne kulturne baÅ”tine svojega kraja uspjeli održati kontinuitet u radu i dodatno skrenuti pozitivnu pozornost javnosti na svoju baÅ”tinu.The paper describes the method of collecting, processing and digitising materials on intangible cultural heritage presented at folklore festivals and the construction of multimedia databases and portals for their promotion. These activities make certain elements of intangible cultural heritage and cultural and artistic societies as their heirs more visible and accessible to the public, while giving additional incentives to the heirs themselves to pass them on to young generations. This is carried out by the Society for the Digitisation of Traditional Cultural Heritage from Å iroki Brijeg in cooperation with partners and the heirs of the elements through two projects. The first project, diple.org, is being in cooperation with the Association of Croatian Amateur Cultural and Artistic Societies in B&H and presents the traditional cultural heritage of Croats in B&H. The second project, tkanica.org, presents the heirs, their elements and folklore festivals in B&H that operate under the auspices of CIOFFĀ® and is in cooperation with the CIOFFĀ® Section for B&H. The projects have so far covered over two hundred heirs. More detailed data on seven cultural and artistic societies, seven folklore festivals, two lists of a number of characteristic elements at the sites as well as a list of playing skills on seven traditional instruments were processed. The realisation of the previous part of the project showed that the heirs of the elements that invest significant efforts in field research on the elements of intangible cultural heritage of their region managed to maintain continuity in work and further draw positive public attention to their heritage


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    Hashimotov tireoiditis je kronična autoimuna upala Å”titne žlijezde koja se najčeŔće javlja u žena srednje i starije životne dobi, a smatra se za najčeŔću autoimunu bolest i jedan od najučestalijih endokrinih poremećaja. NajčeŔće se prezentira simptomima hipotireoze kao Å”to su umor, suhoća kože, konstipacija, grčevi u miÅ”ićima i povećana osjetljivost na hladnoću, a vrlo se često javlja zajedno s drugim AI bolestima te tada govorimo o poliautoimunosti. Takva povezanost objaÅ”njava se pojačanom imunosenzitivnoŔću kod pacijenata s deficijencijom mikronutrijenata te s postojanjem autoantitijela protiv različitih tkiva. U početnoj fazi liječenja potrebno nadomjestiti hormone Å”titnjače koji su u manjku, a nakon toga je potrebno pristupiti liječenju tako da pacijent uzima svu potrebnu suplementaciju: selen, cink, jod, probiotike, vitamin D, vitamine B, omega 3 i dr. Pacijente treba motivirati i poticati na promjenu životnog stila kroz promjenu prehrane u smislu konzumacije protuupalnih namirnica te bezglutenske prehrane, Å”to je i najznačajnije u samom terapijskom pristupu. Da bi se to sve ostvarilo potrebno je pacijentu pružati podrÅ”ku u životnoj promjeni, koja je prijeko potrebna da bi uopće moglo doći do zadovoljavajuće kontrole bolesti i smanjenja simptoma. Preporuča se koriÅ”tenje viÅ”e pravaca u psiholoÅ”kom pristupu da se u pacijentu probudi motivacija i želja za promjenom koja će moguće dovesti do značajnog poboljÅ”anja, ako ne i do izlječenja od Hashimotove bolesti.Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a chronic autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland which most commonly occurs in the middle-aged and elderly women, being considered the most common autoimmune disease and one of the most common endocrine disorders in general. Most often HT presents with symptoms of hypothyroidism such as fatigue, dry skin, constipation, muscle cramps and increased sensitivity to coldness. Very often it occurs together with other AI diseases, which is known as polyautoimmunity. Such an association is explained by increased immunosensitivity in patients with micronutrient deficiency and the presence of autoantibodies against various tissues. In the initial phase of treatment it is important to replace the deficient thyroid hormones with levothyroxine. Furthermore, the therapeutic approach should be upgraded with all necessary supplements: selenium, zinc, iodine, probiotics, vitamin D, vitamins B, omega 3, etc. The patients have to be motivated to change their lifestyle through dietary modifications and encouraged to follow the anti-inflammatory and gluten-free diet, representing the most important part of the therapeutic approach . Moreover, it is necessary to insist in developing patientā€™s ability to achieve better control of the disease and reduction of symptoms. It is recommended to use multiple directions in the psychological approach to achieve motivation and desire to change that will possibly lead to significant improvement, if not the complete healing from Hashimotoā€™s disease


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    Hashimotov tireoiditis je kronična autoimuna upala Å”titne žlijezde koja se najčeŔće javlja u žena srednje i starije životne dobi, a smatra se za najčeŔću autoimunu bolest i jedan od najučestalijih endokrinih poremećaja. NajčeŔće se prezentira simptomima hipotireoze kao Å”to su umor, suhoća kože, konstipacija, grčevi u miÅ”ićima i povećana osjetljivost na hladnoću, a vrlo se često javlja zajedno s drugim AI bolestima te tada govorimo o poliautoimunosti. Takva povezanost objaÅ”njava se pojačanom imunosenzitivnoŔću kod pacijenata s deficijencijom mikronutrijenata te s postojanjem autoantitijela protiv različitih tkiva. U početnoj fazi liječenja potrebno nadomjestiti hormone Å”titnjače koji su u manjku, a nakon toga je potrebno pristupiti liječenju tako da pacijent uzima svu potrebnu suplementaciju: selen, cink, jod, probiotike, vitamin D, vitamine B, omega 3 i dr. Pacijente treba motivirati i poticati na promjenu životnog stila kroz promjenu prehrane u smislu konzumacije protuupalnih namirnica te bezglutenske prehrane, Å”to je i najznačajnije u samom terapijskom pristupu. Da bi se to sve ostvarilo potrebno je pacijentu pružati podrÅ”ku u životnoj promjeni, koja je prijeko potrebna da bi uopće moglo doći do zadovoljavajuće kontrole bolesti i smanjenja simptoma. Preporuča se koriÅ”tenje viÅ”e pravaca u psiholoÅ”kom pristupu da se u pacijentu probudi motivacija i želja za promjenom koja će moguće dovesti do značajnog poboljÅ”anja, ako ne i do izlječenja od Hashimotove bolesti.Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a chronic autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland which most commonly occurs in the middle-aged and elderly women, being considered the most common autoimmune disease and one of the most common endocrine disorders in general. Most often HT presents with symptoms of hypothyroidism such as fatigue, dry skin, constipation, muscle cramps and increased sensitivity to coldness. Very often it occurs together with other AI diseases, which is known as polyautoimmunity. Such an association is explained by increased immunosensitivity in patients with micronutrient deficiency and the presence of autoantibodies against various tissues. In the initial phase of treatment it is important to replace the deficient thyroid hormones with levothyroxine. Furthermore, the therapeutic approach should be upgraded with all necessary supplements: selenium, zinc, iodine, probiotics, vitamin D, vitamins B, omega 3, etc. The patients have to be motivated to change their lifestyle through dietary modifications and encouraged to follow the anti-inflammatory and gluten-free diet, representing the most important part of the therapeutic approach . Moreover, it is necessary to insist in developing patientā€™s ability to achieve better control of the disease and reduction of symptoms. It is recommended to use multiple directions in the psychological approach to achieve motivation and desire to change that will possibly lead to significant improvement, if not the complete healing from Hashimotoā€™s disease


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    Hashimotov tireoiditis je kronična autoimuna upala Å”titne žlijezde koja se najčeŔće javlja u žena srednje i starije životne dobi, a smatra se za najčeŔću autoimunu bolest i jedan od najučestalijih endokrinih poremećaja. NajčeŔće se prezentira simptomima hipotireoze kao Å”to su umor, suhoća kože, konstipacija, grčevi u miÅ”ićima i povećana osjetljivost na hladnoću, a vrlo se često javlja zajedno s drugim AI bolestima te tada govorimo o poliautoimunosti. Takva povezanost objaÅ”njava se pojačanom imunosenzitivnoŔću kod pacijenata s deficijencijom mikronutrijenata te s postojanjem autoantitijela protiv različitih tkiva. U početnoj fazi liječenja potrebno nadomjestiti hormone Å”titnjače koji su u manjku, a nakon toga je potrebno pristupiti liječenju tako da pacijent uzima svu potrebnu suplementaciju: selen, cink, jod, probiotike, vitamin D, vitamine B, omega 3 i dr. Pacijente treba motivirati i poticati na promjenu životnog stila kroz promjenu prehrane u smislu konzumacije protuupalnih namirnica te bezglutenske prehrane, Å”to je i najznačajnije u samom terapijskom pristupu. Da bi se to sve ostvarilo potrebno je pacijentu pružati podrÅ”ku u životnoj promjeni, koja je prijeko potrebna da bi uopće moglo doći do zadovoljavajuće kontrole bolesti i smanjenja simptoma. Preporuča se koriÅ”tenje viÅ”e pravaca u psiholoÅ”kom pristupu da se u pacijentu probudi motivacija i želja za promjenom koja će moguće dovesti do značajnog poboljÅ”anja, ako ne i do izlječenja od Hashimotove bolesti.Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a chronic autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland which most commonly occurs in the middle-aged and elderly women, being considered the most common autoimmune disease and one of the most common endocrine disorders in general. Most often HT presents with symptoms of hypothyroidism such as fatigue, dry skin, constipation, muscle cramps and increased sensitivity to coldness. Very often it occurs together with other AI diseases, which is known as polyautoimmunity. Such an association is explained by increased immunosensitivity in patients with micronutrient deficiency and the presence of autoantibodies against various tissues. In the initial phase of treatment it is important to replace the deficient thyroid hormones with levothyroxine. Furthermore, the therapeutic approach should be upgraded with all necessary supplements: selenium, zinc, iodine, probiotics, vitamin D, vitamins B, omega 3, etc. The patients have to be motivated to change their lifestyle through dietary modifications and encouraged to follow the anti-inflammatory and gluten-free diet, representing the most important part of the therapeutic approach . Moreover, it is necessary to insist in developing patientā€™s ability to achieve better control of the disease and reduction of symptoms. It is recommended to use multiple directions in the psychological approach to achieve motivation and desire to change that will possibly lead to significant improvement, if not the complete healing from Hashimotoā€™s disease