8 research outputs found

    Teachers role in the application and development of multimodal learning in foreign language teaching Роль преподавателей в применении и развитии мультимодального обучения в обучении иностранному языку

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    Predmet naučnog istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje uloge multimodalnog učenja na časovima stranih jezika. Ispituje se na koji način multimodalne aktivnosti utiču na učenike u skladu sa njihovim znanjem stranog jezika i stepenom digitalne pismenosti. Istraživanje, najpre, kreće od ispitivanja uloge nastavnika, njihovih stavova i uverenja u vezi sa primenom savremenih tehnologija na časovima stranih jezika. Naime, multimodalno učenje predstavlja interdisciplinarni način učenja koje podrazumeva upotrebu modova nalik tekstu, slikama, video i audio sadržaja, grafikona i ostalo. Kako bi se multimodalno učenje razvijalo u nastavi stranih jezika, neophodna je razvijena digitalna pismenost koja obuhvata sposobnost selekcije, analize i adekvatne upotrebe digitalnih informacija. Cilj doktorske disertacije jeste da se ispita uloga nastavnika u multimodalnoj nastavi stranih jezika i na koji način multimodalne aktivnosti utiču na učenike. Sa ciljem dobijanja verodostojnih rezultata istraživanja, korišćene su kvantitativne metode u vidu upitnika i kvalitativne metode koje podrazumevaju dubinske intervjue sa nastavnicima i analizu multimodalnih aktivnosti studenata. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da unapređenje digitalnih kompetencija čini organizaciju nastavnog procesa uspešnijom, da nastavnici stiču pozitivne stavove kada se usavršavaju za primenu novih tehnologija, kao i da nastavnici sa razvijenom multimodalnom pismenošću predstavljaju model učenicima jer koriste modove u pripremi nastavnih materijala i podstiču učenike da kreiraju multimodalne projekte. Takođe, utvrđeno je da studenti prepoznaju vrednost digitalnih alata u radu kao i da imaju aktivnu ulogu istraživača u kreiranju onlajn projektnih zadataka što i jeste u osnovi multimodalnog učenja.The subject of scientific research of this doctoral dissertation is the exploration of the role of multimodal learning in foreign language classes. It researches how multimodal activities affect students in accordance with their knowledge of a foreign language and developed digital literacy. Primarily, the research starts from exploring the role of teachers, their attitudes and beliefs regarding the application of modern technologies in foreign language classes. Namely, multimodal learning is an interdisciplinary way of learning that involves the use of modes such as texts, images, video and audio contents, charts and more. With the aim of developing multimodal learning in foreign language teaching, it is necessary to develop digital literacy that includes the ability to select, analyze and adequately use digital information. The aim of the doctoral dissertation is to research the role of teachers in multimodal foreign language teaching and how multimodal activities affect students language learning. In order to obtain credible research results both quantitative and qualitative methods were used: quantitative methods in the form of questionnaires and qualitative methods that include in-depth interviews with teachers and analysis of multimodal student activities. The results of the research showed that the improvement of digital competencies makes the organization of the teaching process more successful, that teachers acquire positive attitudes when they improve for the application of new technologies, and that teachers with developed multimodal literacy represent a model to students because they use mods in multimodal projects. Also, it was determined that students recognize the value of digital tools in their work and that they have an active role of researchers in creating online project tasks, which is the basis of multimodal learning

    Influence of dietary carrot and paprika on egg physical characteristics and yolk color

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    For many consumers egg yolk color is a very important characteristic of egg quality. Since hens are not able to synthesize coloring pigments, the intensity of the yolk color depends directly on the content and profile of pigmenting carotenoids present in their feed. The aim of this study was to assess the combined pigmenting effect of paprika and carrot and their ability to achieve egg yolks in the desired color range. Biological tests lasted for 30 days and were conducted on 180 Lohmann Brown layers. The laying hens were divided in six groups. Every group was assigned to one of six possible treatments, control 1 (C1) treatment without any pigments added, control 2 (C2) treatment with synthetic pigments added and four experimental diets (D1, D2, D3, D4) with the addition of natural color sources (paprika and carrot). After experimental period collected eggs were analyzed regarding physical characteristics of eggs, content of β-carotene and yolk color of eggs. Obtained results has shown that dried carrot and milled paprika can successfully replace synthetic pigments, with no negative effects on physical characteristics of produced eggs, egg yolk color, acceptability or β-carotene content

    Teachers role in the application and development of multimodal learning in foreign language teaching Роль преподавателей в применении и развитии мультимодального обучения в обучении иностранному языку

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    Predmet naučnog istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje uloge multimodalnog učenja na časovima stranih jezika. Ispituje se na koji način multimodalne aktivnosti utiču na učenike u skladu sa njihovim znanjem stranog jezika i stepenom digitalne pismenosti. Istraživanje, najpre, kreće od ispitivanja uloge nastavnika, njihovih stavova i uverenja u vezi sa primenom savremenih tehnologija na časovima stranih jezika. Naime, multimodalno učenje predstavlja interdisciplinarni način učenja koje podrazumeva upotrebu modova nalik tekstu, slikama, video i audio sadržaja, grafikona i ostalo. Kako bi se multimodalno učenje razvijalo u nastavi stranih jezika, neophodna je razvijena digitalna pismenost koja obuhvata sposobnost selekcije, analize i adekvatne upotrebe digitalnih informacija. Cilj doktorske disertacije jeste da se ispita uloga nastavnika u multimodalnoj nastavi stranih jezika i na koji način multimodalne aktivnosti utiču na učenike. Sa ciljem dobijanja verodostojnih rezultata istraživanja, korišćene su kvantitativne metode u vidu upitnika i kvalitativne metode koje podrazumevaju dubinske intervjue sa nastavnicima i analizu multimodalnih aktivnosti studenata. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da unapređenje digitalnih kompetencija čini organizaciju nastavnog procesa uspešnijom, da nastavnici stiču pozitivne stavove kada se usavršavaju za primenu novih tehnologija, kao i da nastavnici sa razvijenom multimodalnom pismenošću predstavljaju model učenicima jer koriste modove u pripremi nastavnih materijala i podstiču učenike da kreiraju multimodalne projekte. Takođe, utvrđeno je da studenti prepoznaju vrednost digitalnih alata u radu kao i da imaju aktivnu ulogu istraživača u kreiranju onlajn projektnih zadataka što i jeste u osnovi multimodalnog učenja.The subject of scientific research of this doctoral dissertation is the exploration of the role of multimodal learning in foreign language classes. It researches how multimodal activities affect students in accordance with their knowledge of a foreign language and developed digital literacy. Primarily, the research starts from exploring the role of teachers, their attitudes and beliefs regarding the application of modern technologies in foreign language classes. Namely, multimodal learning is an interdisciplinary way of learning that involves the use of modes such as texts, images, video and audio contents, charts and more. With the aim of developing multimodal learning in foreign language teaching, it is necessary to develop digital literacy that includes the ability to select, analyze and adequately use digital information. The aim of the doctoral dissertation is to research the role of teachers in multimodal foreign language teaching and how multimodal activities affect students language learning. In order to obtain credible research results both quantitative and qualitative methods were used: quantitative methods in the form of questionnaires and qualitative methods that include in-depth interviews with teachers and analysis of multimodal student activities. The results of the research showed that the improvement of digital competencies makes the organization of the teaching process more successful, that teachers acquire positive attitudes when they improve for the application of new technologies, and that teachers with developed multimodal literacy represent a model to students because they use mods in multimodal projects. Also, it was determined that students recognize the value of digital tools in their work and that they have an active role of researchers in creating online project tasks, which is the basis of multimodal learning

    Biological Outcomes of γ\gamma-radiation Induced DNA Damages in Breast and Lung Cancer Cells Pretreated with Free Radical Scavengers

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    Purpose: Investigation of effects on DNA of γ-irradiated human cancer cells pretreated with free radical scavengers is aimed to create reference data which would enable assessment of the relative efficiency of high LET radiations used in hadron therapy, i.e., protons and carbon ions.Materials and Methods: MCF-7 breast and HTB177 lung cancer cells are irradiated with γ-rays. To minimize indirect effects of irradiation, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or glycerol are applied as free radical scavengers. Biological response to irradiation is evaluated through clonogenic cell survival, immunocytochemical and cell cycle analysis, as well as expression of proteins involved in DNA damage response.Results: Examined cell lines reveal similar level of radioresistance. Application of scavengers leads to the rise of cell survival and decreases the number of DNA double strand breaks in irradiated cells. Differences in cell cycle and protein expression between the two cell lines are probably caused by different DNA damage repair mechanisms that are activated.Conclusion: The obtained results show that DMSO and glycerol have good scavenging capacity, and may be used to minimize DNA damage induced by free radicals. Therefore, they will be used as the reference for comparison with high LET irradiations, as well as good experimental data suitable for validation of numerical simulations

    Changes in the Lower Drava River Water Quality Parameters Over 24 Years

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    The goal of this study was to analyse 13 physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the Drava River water at three sampling sites in the lower Drava region (eastern Croatia) over two distinct periods: the pre-war period between 1985 and 1992 and the post-war period between 1993 and 2008. Over both periods, most parameters kept within the tolerable water quality limits, while NO3-N, NH4-N and BOD5 were higher. The lower Drava showed slight organic pollution with high concentrations of dissolved oxygen. High levels of total coliforms and heterotrophic bacteria in the post-war period were only found downstream of the town of Osijek. Upstream of Osijek, the river showed a tendency for improvement.prostornih i vremenskih promjena tijekom perioda od 24 godine. Analizirali smo 13 fi zikalno-kemijskih i mikrobioloških parametara vode rijeke Drave na tri mjerne postaje smještene na području donjeg toka Drave (istočna Hrvatska) tijekom dvaju različitih razdoblja: 1985.-1992. (period prije rata) i 1993.-2008. (period poslije rata). Iako su vrijednosti većine podataka prikupljenih tijekom dvaju promatranih razdoblja oscilirale, vrijednosti su im se još uvijek nalazile u granicama za I. i II. vrstu voda. Vrijednosti nekih fi zikalno-kemijskih varijabla, kao što su NO3-N, NH4-N i BPK5 još su uvijek iznad granice za II. vrstu. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su blago organsko onečišćenje vode rijeke Drave s visokim koncentracijama otopljenog kisika. Povećanje broja ukupnih koliformnih i heterotrofnih bakterija u poslijeratnom razdoblju veliki je problem u području nizvodno od Osijeka pri čemu njihov broj katkad dostiže i vrijednosti za V. skupinu površinskih voda. Rezultati analize kvalitete vode rijeke Drave u dva različita razdoblja na dva mjerna mjesta uzvodno od Osijeka upućuju na tendenciju poboljšanja, iako neki od promatranih parametara pokazuju vrijednosti više od onih za II. skupinu riječnih voda. Različitosti, odnosno sličnosti među mjernim postajama istražene su metodom klasterske analize