217 research outputs found

    Recurrence rate of intervertebral disc disease in surgically treated French Bulldogs: a retrospective study (2009-2019).

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    BACKGROUND Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is a common diagnosis and well-investigated pathological condition in French Bulldogs with neurological deficiencies. However there is currently only one recently published retrospective descriptive study looking for recurrence rates of IVDD in French Bulldogs. Medical reports of French Bulldogs with a first episode of IVDD and surgical treatment were evaluated and reviewed for clinical signs of recurrence. Risk factors for Total-Recurrence, Cervical- and Thoracolumbar-Recurrence were evaluated by means of logistic regression models. The aim of this study was to assess frequency and risk factors associated with the recurrence of IVDD in French Bulldogs. RESULTS One hundred twenty-seven French Bulldogs with a first episode of IVDD and surgical treatment were evaluated. 52.7% (67/127) of these patients showed signs of recurrence. The recurrence rate in the cervical spine was slightly lower (47%) compared to the thoracolumbar spine (56.6%). A significant association with recurrence could be found for the factor age: French Bulldogs with a first episode of IVDD ≤ 3 years seem to be prone for Total-Recurrence (P = 0.002) and Cervical-Recurrence (with ORs ranging from 0.02 to 0.03 for patients older than 3 years). 50% of the recurrences (median) occurred within the first 12 month after the first episode of IVDD. CONCLUSIONS Recurrence of IVDD can be expected in more than half of French Bulldogs affected by IVDD. Especially young French Bulldogs are prone for recurrence in cervical spine. Almost every fourth patient with IVDD suffers from a recurrence within 12 months. Future dog owners should be informed about the risk of IVDD and the early onset of recurrences in French Bulldogs

    El Curso de Preparación de la Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham

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    La Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham comenzó su primer ciclo académico en el 2016. Una de las preocupaciones centrales que atraviesan nuestra corta vida institucional es como garantizar que el derecho a la educación sea una realidad efectiva, lo que significa que los/las estudiantes no sólo ingresen sino que puedan construir trayectorias sólidas y sostenidas. El ingreso a la universidad es un momento clave en el devenir de esa construcción, por lo que el armado del dispositivo de ingreso fue un proceso particularmente importante en el diseño político institucional. Un acuerdo que guía las prácticas en la UNAHUR, es que hay una responsabilidad de la universidad en ofrecer las condiciones necesarias para que los/las estudiantes puedan desplegar sus proyectos, moviendo de esa manera que sólo los/las estudiantes son los/las que deben sí o sí adecuarse a la universidad, y que si no lo logran el fracaso queda unívocamente de su lado. El Curso de Preparación es el espacio académico por el cual los/las estudiantes ingresan a la UNAHUR. Desde el principio nos propusimos disponer de un dispositivo que nos permita conocer a nuestros/as estudiantes y que en paralelo ellos/as puedan conocer a la universidad, entendiendo que de esta manera favorecemos la construcción del rol de estudiante universitario/a. En los tres talleres del Curso de Preparación: Vida Universitaria, Lectura y Escritura y Pensamiento Matemático, se trabajan contenidos ya vistos en la escuela secundaria, con el propósito de reforzar esa base ya adquirida y al mismo tiempo empezar a poder trans-poner esos saberes al ámbito universitario. Si bien a lo largo de las cinco ediciones que ya tiene el Curso no ha habido modificaciones en los objetivos, si hemos ido produciendo cambios en las estrategias y herramientas que implementamos. En este trabajo haremos foco en dos de esos cambios: 1- el acompañamiento en la inscripción a las materias del primer cuatrimestre; y 2- la revisión del enfoque de diagnóstico del Curso de Preparación. Esta presentación es el fruto de una tarea actual, ya que las experiencias que mostraremos están sucediendo en estos momentos, por lo que también nos interesa destacar el carácter de inacabado y de potencial, con errores y faltas incluidos.Trabajo publicado en Giordano, Carlos José y Morandi, Glenda (comps.). Memorias de las 2º Jornadas sobre las Prácticas Docentes en la Universidad Pública. La enseñanza universitaria a 100 años de la reforma: legados, transformaciones y compromisos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata: La Plata, 2019.Presidenci

    Owner reported clinical signs and -treatment decisions in equine pastern dermatitis.

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    INTRODUCTION Equine pastern dermatitis has a high prevalence in the equine population, especially in draft breeds. This skin condition is difficult to treat, and it is suspected that owners often decide on a treatment without consulting a veterinarian. The objectives of this study were to describe owner-reported clinical signs, severity, and reasons to consult a veterinarian. Moreover, we inquired about preventive measures and treatments, both instituted by owners without previous consultation or prescribed by their veterinarians. A total of 123 horses (owners recruited over social media) were included in the study. All horses suffered from equine pastern dermatitis at least once in the two years preceding the study. Standardized questionnaires collecting information on management, housing conditions, clinical signs as well as preventive measures and treatments were filled out by participants. The data was recorded, and descriptive statistics were performed. Most horses (71 out of 115 available answers, 62 %) had shown clinical signs of equine pastern dermatitis at least four times in their lives. A total of 113 horses (92 % of all included horses) were affected by equine pastern dermatitis at the time of the interview. For 37 horses (32 %) out of 114 available answers the owners consulted their veterinarian only after the horse showed signs of pain or lameness. Usually, treatments that did not require a medical prescription were applied without consulting their veterinarian (e. g. only 9 % (14 out of 150 prescriptions) of topical creams promoting wound healing were prescribed by a veterinarian). A total of 31 treatment decisions (55 %) with creams containing anti-bacterial, anti-mycotic and/or anti-inflammatory agents and 100 % of systemic medications containing anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic or anti-inflammatory agents were prescribed by veterinarians. Overall, 69 % of treatment decisions were made without consulting a veterinarian, making it then more difficult to determine underlying causes for the pastern dermatitis and rendering the treatment often longer and more onerous. To raise owner awareness of possible consequences if a veterinarian is consulted too late in the disease process, specific information campaigns to improve animal welfare should be considered

    Finding and removing highly connected individuals using suboptimal vaccines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Social networks are often highly skewed, meaning that the vast majority of the population has only few contacts whereas a small minority has a large number of contacts. These highly connected individuals may play an important role in case of an infectious disease outbreak.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We propose a novel strategy of finding and immunizing highly connected individuals and evaluate this strategy by computer simulations, using a stochastic, individual-and network-based simulation approach. A small random sample of the population is asked to list their acquaintances, and those who are mentioned most frequently are offered vaccination. This intervention is combined with case isolation and contact tracing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Asking only 10% of the population for 10 acquaintances each and vaccinating the most frequently named people strongly diminishes the magnitude of an outbreak which would otherwise have exhausted the available isolation units and gone out of control. It is extremely important to immunize all identified highly connected individuals. Omitting a few of them because of unsuccessful vaccination jeopardizes the overall success, unless non-immunized individuals are taken under surveillance.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The strategy proposed in this paper is particularly successful because it attacks the very point from which the transmission network draws its strength: the highly connected individuals. Current preparedness and containment plans for smallpox and other infectious diseases may benefit from such knowledge.</p

    Radiographic pelvimetry in free-ranging Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx carpathicus) from Switzerland

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    The observation of pelvic anomalies in two Eurasian lynx (subspecies Lynx lynx carpathicus) from a population reintroduced to Switzerland raised the question of the frequency of such anomalies, but no anatomical reference values were available for comparison. This study aimed at providing baseline data on the pelvic morphology of Carpathian lynx from Switzerland, and at detecting potential pelvic anomalies. Measurements of 10 pelvic parameters were performed on the radiographs of 56 lynx taken from 1997–2015. Two ratios (vertical diameter/acetabula; sagittal diameter/transversal diameter) and two areas (pelvic outlet and inlet) were calculated to describe pelvic shape. The results showed that the Eurasian lynx has a mesatipellic pelvis, with a pelvic length corresponding to approximatively 20% of the body length. We found growth-related pelvis size diferences among age classes and evidence of sexual dimorphism in adults: two parameters refecting pelvic width were larger in females, likely to meet the physiological requirements of parturition. By contrast, pelvis length, conjugata vera, diagonal conjugata, sagittal diameter, and tendentially also vertical diameter, were larger in males, in agreement with their larger body size. Outliers were found in fve individuals but apparently without clinical signifcance. Extreme values were likely due to inter-individual diferences and the limited sample size rather than to possible congenital or developmental pathological morphology of the pelvic cavity. We present baseline data of the pelvic morphology, including growth and sexual dimorphism, which may be useful for health monitoring and for determination of age and sex in skeletal remains of Carpathian lynx

    Un programa para trabajar las emociones en Educación Infantil

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    La educación emocional es un proceso educativo continuo y permanente que pretende potenciar el desarrollo de las habilidades emocionales como elemento esencial del desarrollo integral de la persona, desde la infancia hasta la vida adulta. El propósito fundamental de este trabajo es elaborar un programa de actividades para trabajar las emociones básicas: alegría, tristeza, enfado, miedo, sorpresa y asco, según la clasificación de Ekman (1972), en la etapa de Educación Infantil. Dicho programa se ha basado en el modelo de Salovey y Mayer (1997) que concibe la inteligencia emocional como una estructura con cuatro habilidades básicas (percepción, facilitación, comprensión y regulación). Educar la inteligencia emocional en el alumnado se ha convertido en una tarea cada vez más necesaria en el ámbito educativo, debido al aumento de estudios científicos que así lo defiendenEmozio-hezkuntza hezkuntza-prozesu iraunkor eta etengabea da, zeinak pertsonaren garapen integralerako, haurtzarotik heldutasunera, funtsezko elementu gisa den emozio-gaitasunen garapena sustatzeko nahia duen. Lan honen helburu nagusia jarduera programa bat egitea da oinarrizko emozioak lantzeko Haur Hezkuntzan: poza, tristura, haserrea, beldurra, harridura eta nazka, Ekman-ek (1972) sailkatu zuen bezala. Programa hau Salovey eta Mayer-ren (1997) ereduan oinarritzen da, zeinak adimen emozionala oinarrizko lau gaitasun (pertzepzioa, erreztasuna, ulermena eta erregulazioa) dituen egitura bat bezala ulertzen duen. Adimen emozionala ikasleetan heztea gero eta beharrezkoa bihurtu egin den zeregina dugu hezkuntza esparruan, horrela argudiatzen duten zientzia ikerlanen gehitzea dela etaEmotional education is a constant and ongoing educational process that aims to strengthen the development of emotional skills as an essential element of the integral development of the person, from childhood to adulthood. The main purpose of this programme is to develop a working program for the basic emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust, as rated by Ekman (1972), in early Childhood Education. This program is based on the model of Salovey and Mayer (1997), which conceives emotional intelligence as a structure with four basic skills (perception, facilitation, understanding and regulation). Educating emotional intelligence on students has become an increasingly necessary task in the educational field due to the increase in scientific studies that argue soGraduado o Graduada en Maestro en Educación Infantil por la Universidad Pública de NavarraHaur Hezkuntzako Irakasletzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Grading of oligodendroglioma in dogs based on magnetic resonance imaging.

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    BACKGROUND Oligodendroglioma (OG) accounts for 22% of primary brain tumors in dogs. Oligodendroglioma in dogs is graded as low-grade (II) or high-grade (III), based on the presence of microvascular proliferation and necrosis. OBJECTIVE To investigate if magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features differ between OG II and III in dogs. ANIMALS Thirty-two dogs with histological diagnosis of intracranial OG and MRI. METHODS Retrospective descriptive study. Histology was reviewed to grade OG according to the revised classification. Brain MRI results were reviewed following criteria including contrast enhancement (CE) pattern, presence of cystic structures, gradient-recalled-echo (GRE) signal voids, and necrosis based on signal intensity, as well as diffusion-weighted imaging characteristics. The MRI features were compared between OG II and III using Fisher's exact tests and logistic regression models. RESULTS Histology identified 8 dogs with OG II (25%) and 24 with OG III (75%). All OG III showed moderate-to-marked CE including 18/24 (75%) with a ring pattern. These features were not seen in OG II. Heterogeneity, cystic structures, GRE signal voids, and necrosis were associated with OG III. No difference in diffusion characteristics was detected between OG II and III. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Moderate-to-marked CE and ring pattern were present in dogs with OG III but not in OG II. The presence of cystic structures, GRE signal voids, and necrosis was strongly associated with OG III. Although the importance of brain tumor grading in dogs with regard to prognosis and treatment options remains unknown, the results indicate that MRI reflects the histological features used for grading OG in dogs
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