6 research outputs found

    Visualization of text documents based on conceptual spaces

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    In my thesis I am presenting an approach of conceptual spaces for vizulalization of text corpora. Thesis is divided into two parts. First part is overview of methods for text corpora analysis and the second one presents some ways for result vizualization. Due to increasing number of eletronic data, we tend to automatic analisys and organisation of this data into various, pre-unknown groups. Some algorithms, that are providing us ways to do this, are presented (such as latent semantic analysis, probabilistic latent semantic analysis, latend Dirichlet Allocartion) further on in thesis.. We are looking for unknown topics, that arise in the text corpora. Text corpora is then analyzed with selected algorithm and presented in conceptual space. Conceptual space represents information by geometric structures: semantics of words are represented by points and relations between them are represented with regions. This suggests that word semantics is generated from concepts, that are represented as regions in conceptual space. For vizualization of conceptual space of text corpora, I decided to use three dimensional representation with self-organizing maps and two dimensional representation with Voronoi diagram. Both representations allow spatial interaction, which can offer us easier way to imagine the conceptual space

    Scientific review of psychophysiological detection of deceit

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    Zanimanje za psihofiziološko ugotavljanje zavajanja se je v zadnjem desetletju povečalo, kar je povezano s povečanimi varnostnimi tveganji, s katerimi se soočamo. Članek razpravlja o primernosti uporabe poligrafa pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj z vidika znanosti, predvsem psihologije. Predstavlja, oceni in primerja dve najbolj uporabljeni tehniki ugotavljanja zavajanja: Test primerjalnih vprašanj (CQT) in Test prikritih informacij (CIT). Pri obeh tehnikah preuči njuno teoretično ozadje, objektivnost in standardiziranost testnih postopkov, točnost (veljavnost) tehnik ter predstavi etične in druge praktične pomisleke. Test primerjalnih vprašanj po desetletjih raziskav in razvoja ni razrešil svojih temeljnih težav in omejitev. Ostaja neznanstven in nestandardiziran test, ki si ločen od znanosti niti ne prizadeva k izhodu iz slepe ulice. Članek predstavi vplivnejše teorije, na katerih skušajo zagovorniki utemeljiti poligrafsko testiranje. Kritična analiza kaže, da nobena od teorij ne predstavlja zadovoljivega teoretičnega temelja tehnike. Zaradi odsotnosti znanstveno-teoretične utemeljitve ostaja tehnika primerjalnih vprašanj sporna in ujeta v samozadostnost. Ta se napaja predvsem iz metodološko vprašljivih raziskovalnih ugotovitev zagovornikov tehnike. Nasprotno pa tehnika prikritih informacij doživlja raziskovalni razcvet, predvsem na področju nevrologije, in velja za etično manj sporno in delno znanstveno utemeljeno s teorijo orientacijskega odziva. Z njo se nekoliko naivno in sporno ugotavljanje laži nadomešča z iskanjem podatkov, ki so prikriti v spominu testirancev. A tudi ta tehnika ima resne pomanjkljivosti in omejitve, zaradi katerih se postavlja vprašanje o smiselnosti uporabe poligrafa pri ugotavljanju zavajanja.Psychophysiological detection of deceit has been in the centre of attention in the recent decade, which correlates with heightened security challenges of a modern world. The article provides scientific discussion about polygraph that is used in criminal investigation. Two most employed polygraph techniques are critically presented, examined and compared: the Comparison Question Test (CQT) and the Concealed Information Test (CIT). Theoretical foundations, objectivity and standardization of testing procedures, ethical and practical issues are analysed. Proponents of the Comparison Question Test have not been successful in their efforts to resolve fundamental problems and limitations with which the technique is challenged. It remains unstandardized and unscientific, separated from science and mainly without attempts to escape from the dead-end. The most influential theoretical backgrounds of CQT technique are examinedhowever, none of them represents a satisfactory scientific foundation of the technique. Without being scientifically grounded in a verifiable theory, it remains controversial and caught into self-sufficiency, mostly supported by methodologically questionable research findings gained by proponents. To the contrary, the Concealed Information Test is associated with fast development, particularly in the field of neurology, and is considered to be less disputed and to be partly supported by a sound scientific ground. Applying the Concealed Question Test, somewhat naïve and disputable detection of lies typical of the Comparison Question Test is replaced by a search for information that lies concealed in the suspects’ memory. However, the Concealed Information Test also has been challenged by serious deficiencies, which bring forward a question about justification of the use of the polygraph

    0:1 virtual-real duel

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    In this paper we will present a complex system of new technology uses in dance and video. It is a system that allows interaction between the recorded videos and dancing with the help of two computers, four monitors, webcam, projector and Wii remote. The interaction is happening through the temporal and spatial manipulation of video outputs and real-time processing of followed movements. For realisation of this project we used the existing systems, enabling the creation of diversified forms of VJ-ing (Visual Jockey methods), especially important is the VJ-ing on several monitors at once. Dancers entrance to the video space is allowed with the interaction through Wii remote, mobile multi-monitors and through the program, which tracks dancers motion through five markers

    What about topography? Status and quality of topographic data in Slovenia

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    Topografski podatki, kot pomemben del Nacionalne prostorske podatkovne infrastrukture, so bili v letih po osamosvojitvi Slovenije deležni velike pozornosti, postali so splošno dostopni, bili so dopolnjeni in medsebojno usklajeni. V zadnjem desetletju pa se je vlaganje v topografske podatke v Sloveniji zelo omejilo, zato danes nikakor več ne moremo biti zadovoljni z njihovim stanjem. V prispevku pregledno predstavljamo stanje topografskih podatkov v Sloveniji, analiziramo njihovo kakovost in ustreznost za potencialne in dejanske uporabnike. Posvetimo se izvornim posnetkom stanja, kot je sistemsko ciklično aerosnemanje (CAS), in iz njega izvedenemu proizvodu, ortofotu. Kakovost ortofota je precej odvisna od kakovosti modela reliefa. Topografski podatki so vodeni posamično v sklopu posameznih vsebinskih baz (REZI, ZK GJI, grafični del katastra stavb) ter združeno v topografskih bazah in kartah različnih ravni podrobnosti (DTK 5, DTK 25, DTK 50, sistem DPK). Analizirano stanje primerjamo s stanjem v nekaterih sosednjih ali primerljivih državah.Topographic data, an important part of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, have been given serious attention since Slovenia\u27s independence. It has become publicly available, updated and harmonised. Financing of topographic data in Slovenia has significantly decreased over the previous decade. As a result, the present status is far from acceptable or expected. The current status of the topographic data, as well as its quality and usability for potential users is discussed in this article. The overview starts with basic source data, aerial surveys, photographs and orthophotos. The quality of orthophotos largely depends on the DTM quality. Topographic data is nowadays organised in thematic datasets (geographical names, building cadastre, etc.) or joined in datasets of different levels of accuracy and details. The status in Slovenia is compared to those in some neighbouring and other comparable countries