77 research outputs found
Otpornost soje prema patogenima
This paper presents an overview of the research on soybean resistance to pathogens. The review included most harmful agents of soybean diseases in Serbia, as well as those that are potentially harmful. Development and cultivation of resistant cultivars is the most efficient, economical and environmentally acceptable control measure for plant disease. It points to the variability in pathogenicity (physiological races) of parasites, especially expressed in Phytophthora sojae, Peronospora manshurica and Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea, which requires continuous breeding for resistance. Resistant, partially resistant and moderately susceptible genotypes, which are used as donors of resistance genes to different pathogens, are listed in this paper. Also, avirulent genes in the parasite and resistance genes in soybean are indicated. Gene mapping significantly contributes to better understanding of the mode of inheritance and consequently, more efficient breeding for disease resistance. Significant improvement is expected by using molecular techniques, especially in dealing with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea and Phomopsis longicolla. For these parasites only partial resistance has been reported but not complete resistance.Na osnovu višegodišnjih istraživanja utvrđeno je da su najštetniji i najrasprostranjeniji paraziti soje u Srbiji Peronospora manshurica (prouzrokovač plamenjače), Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea (bakteriozna pegavost), Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (bela trulež), Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora (rak stabla), Macrophomina phaseolina (ugljenasta trulež) i Phomopsis spp. (trulež semena). Postoji realna opasnost da se na soji u našoj zemlji pojave i dva veoma destruktivna parazita; Phytophthora sojae, prouzrokovač fitoftorozne truleži i Diaporthe phaseolorum var. meridionalis prouzrokovač 'južnog' raka stabla. Unošenje otpornosti prema najznačajnijim parazitima u nove sorte soje je jedan od prioritetnih zadataka svih oplemenjivačkih programa. Najpre je potrebno iznaći odgovarajući izvor otpornosti, zatim obaviti povratna ukrštanja i u kasnijim generacijama identifikovati otporne genotipove. Uspeh u radu na stvaranju otpornih sorti soje uslovljen je postojanjem dobrih izvora rezistentnosti, kao i poznavanjem prirode otpornosti i načina nasleđivanja. Rezistentnost prema P. manshurica evidentirana je u više genotipova soje, a najčešće je uslovljena jednim dominantnim genom (Rpm). Ova otpornost je potpuna, ali nije trajna, jer se postepeno gubi usled pojave novih fizioloških rasa. Rasa br. 4 P. syringae pv. glycinea je dominantna na soji u svetu i kod nas. Ne postoje potpuno otporni genotipovi prema ovoj rasi, ali su prisutne značajne razlike u stepenu osetljivosti. Parcijalna otpornost kontrolisana je od strane jednog ili nekoliko Rpg gena. Mehanizmi izbegavanja oboljenja i parcijalna fiziološka rezistentnost uslovljavljaju razlike u reakciji sorti soje prema S. sclerotiorum. Mapirana su dva lokusa koji kontrolišu mehanizme izbegavanja bolesti i jedan lokus, najverovatnije odgovoran za parcijalnu fiziološku rezistentnost. Parcijalna rezistentnost utvrđena je kod nekoliko introdukovanih (PI) genotipova soje. U našim agroekološkim uslovima ranostasni genotipovi izbegavaju napad ovog oboljenja. Nije evidentirana potpuna otpornost prema D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, prouzrokovaču 'severnog' tipa raka stabla. Prouzrokovač 'južnog' tipa raka stabla D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis nije prisutan na soji u Srbiji. Otpornost prema ovoj gljivi nađena je u nekoliko genotipova soje, a uslovljavaju je dva (delimična otpornost), odnosno, četiri (potpuna) major gena. Pripadnici roda Diaporthe/Phomopsis su najštetniji paraziti semena soje, a vrsta P. longicolla je najzastupljenija. Zadovoljavajući nivo rezistentnosti prema ovom parazitu semena poseduje nekoliko genotipova soje. Priroda otpornosti nije u potpunosti razjašnjena, a novija istraživanja ukazuju da se radi o kvantitativnom svojstvu. Brojna istraživanja posvećena su proučavanju Phytophthora sojae (fitoftorozna trulež), veoma štetnog parazita soje. Opisano je više od 70 fizioloških rasa, identifikovani su avirulentni geni (Avr) u pojedinim rasama i pronađeni su geni rezistentnosti (Rps) u sortama soje. Tako je omogućeno uspešno oplemenjivanje soje na otpornost prema ovom parazitu
Patogenost Fusarum vrsta na soji
The paper describes the symptoms of the Fusarium wilt and necrosis of root and lower stem of soybean, which include leaf chlorosis, wilt of the apical portion of the plant, necrosis of the root and lower stem, and wilting of the whole plant. The pods are often poorly developed. The seeds may be smaller and lighter in the weight and infected, as well. Isolated from diseased soybean plants were the species Fusarium avenaceum, F. equiseti, F. oxysporum and F. poae. Pathogenicity tests under artificial infection conditions showed F. oxysporum (isolate S/1) to be the most pathogenic among of the four investigated species. The other species proved much less pathogenic.Fuzariozna uvelost, nekroza korena i prizemnog dela stabla soje pojedinih godina se javlja i u našoj zemlji u većoj ili manjoj meri. Ovo oboljenje se intenzivnije javlja u godinama sa toplim i suvim letima, pogodnim za razvoj uvelosti soje, prouzrokovane vrstama iz roda Fusarium. Iz uzoraka obolelih biljaka sa simptomima oboljenja su izolovane i determinisane vrste Fusarium avenaceum, F. equiseti, F. oxysporum i F. poae. U ogledima sa veštačkom inokulacijom soje najveću patogenost ispoljavao je izolat S/1 F. oxysporum. F. oxysporum (S/1) je značajno smanjio klijavost i nicanje biljaka soje, a povećao broj trulih zrna. Ostale vrste ispoljile su znatno slabiju patogenost. Problemu fuzariozne uvelosti, nekroze korena i prizemnog dela stabla soje trebalo bi posvetiti veću pažnju zbog mogućnosti uvećanja značaja ovog oboljenja usled sve češće pojave toplih i suvih leta, povoljnih za razvoj bolesti
Subunit composition of seed storage proteins in high-protein soybean genotypes
The objective of this work was to quantify the accumulation of the major seed storage protein subunits, beta-conglycinin and glycinin, and how they influence yield and protein and oil contents in high-protein soybean genotypes. The relative accumulation of subunits was calculated by scanning SDS-PAGE gels using densitometry. The protein content of the tested genotypes was higher than control cultivar in the same maturity group. Several genotypes with improved protein content and with unchanged yield or oil content were developed as a result of new breeding initiatives. This research confirmed that high-protein cultivars accumulate higher amounts of glycinin and beta-conglycinin. Genotypes KO5427, KO5428, and KO5429, which accumulated lower quantities of all subunits of glycinin and beta-conglycinin, were the only exceptions. Attention should be given to genotypes KO5314 and KO5317, which accumulated significantly higher amounts of both subunits of glycinin, and to genotypes KO5425, KO5319, KO539 and KO536, which accumulated significantly higher amounts of beta-conglycinin subunits. These findings suggest that some of the tested genotypes could be beneficial in different breeding programs aimed at the production of agronomically viable plants, yielding high-protein seed with specific composition of storage proteins for specific food applications
New trends in plant breeding - example of soybean
Soybean breeding and selection is a continual process designed to increase yield levels and improve resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Soybean breeders have been successful in producing a large number of varieties using conventional breeding methods, the Single Seed Descent method in particular. In recent decades, with the increased use of genetic transformations, backcrossing is more frequent though the only trait that has been commercialized is glyphosate tolerance. Physiological breeding poses a particular challenge, as well as phenotyping and development of useful criteria and techniques suitable for plant breeding. Using modern remote sensing techniques provides great opportunity for collecting a large amount of physiological data in real environment, which is necessary for physiological breeding. Molecular based plant breeding methods and techniques are a conceptual part of any serious breeding program. Among those methods, the most extensively used is marker-assisted selection, as a supplement to conventional breeding methods
Uticaj Trichoderma spp. na klijavost semena soje i potencijalni antagonistički efekat na Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Trichoderma species have been registered as species with important plant growth promoting potential and antagonistic effect against various phytopathogens. Trichoderma isolates originating from different soil types from the Vojvodina region (Serbia) were screened using dual culture test for their antagonistic effect against the pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. All tested isolates had high radial growth inhibition (RGI) factors of the pathogen and high colonization percentage. Growth promoting activity of Trichoderma isolates on soybean seeds was tested under glasshouse conditions. Soybean seeds were coated with suspensions of different Trichoderma isolates and seed germination percentage, root and shoot length were measured. According to data analysed in Statistica 10, using Duncan's test, there were no significant effects on shoot length among the tested isolates, compared to the control. The four tested Trichoderma isolates showed significant positive effects on germination, root length and vigour index, while two isolates exhibited no significant effect on any of the measured parameters.Vrste roda Trichoderma su poznate po svom antagonističkom efektu na veliki broj fitopatogenih organizama kao i po stimulativnom efektu za rast biljke. Izolati Trichoderma spp. testirani u ovom istraživanju su izolovani iz različitih tipova zemljišta u Vojvodini (Srbija). Test dvojnih kultura je korišćen za testiranje antagonističkog dejstva izolata na patogena Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Svi testirani izolati su imali visok RGI (faktor inhibicije porasta micelije patogena) i visok procenat kolonizacije patogena. Stimulativni efekat rasta Trichoderma izolata na seme soje je testiran u uslovima staklenika, i sedmog dana su mereni dužina korena, izdanka i klijavost semena tretiranih suspenzijom različitih izolata Trichoderma spp. Svi podaci su analizirani primenom Duncan testa u programu Statistica 10, i ukazuju da nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u dužini izdanaka tretiranih semena i kontrole. Četiri izolata su statistički značajno uticala na povećanje dužine korena, klijavosti i vigor indeksa u odnosu na kontrolu, dok dva izolata nisu statistički značajno uticala ni na jedan od merenih parametara
Nove sorte soje
Soybean was grown in our country since nineteen seventies. Around the same time, work on the development of domestic soybean varieties, adapted to the local agroecological conditions, began at die Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. Before that, introduced foreign varieties had been grown. The main breeding targets at that time were to develop varieties with high genetic yield potential, specified vegetation period, resistance to lodging, pod shattering and the major diseases. As the soybean acreage expanded, specific demands appeared extremely short vegetation period for soybean growing as a second crop, increased protein content, changed oil composition, etc. Thus far, 66 Institutes varieties were registered in our country and 10 abroad. In mid-eighties, soybean breeding programs commenced at Uljarice in Belgrade, which produced 8 soybean varieties, and at the Maize Institute in Zemun Polje, which rendered 3 varieties.Površine pod sojom su u našoj zemlji u poslednje tri decenije u stalnom porastu. Nedostatak kvalitetnih domaćih sorti u početku je prevaziđen uvozom prvenstveno američkih sorti. Intenziviranjem programa oplemenjivanja soje, naročito u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sodu, u proizvodnju ulaze prve domaće sorte koje su bile ravne introdukovanim. Novostvorene sorte priznate devedesetih godina šupo svojim agronomskim karakteristikama znatno nadmašile strane sorte i sada čine osnovu domaćeg sortimenta i značajno doprinose stabilnosti proizvodnje
Vrste roda Diaporthe/Phomopsis na soji u Srbiji
A complex of soybean diseases is caused by species from the genus Diaporthe /Phomopsis. Diaporthe phaseolorum (anamorph Phomopsis phaseoli) and Phomopsis longicolla (teleomorph unknown) are described as soybean pathogens. The first species includes three varieties: D. phaseolorum var. sojae, anamorph Phomopsis sojae, the causal agent of pod and stem blight, and D. phaseolorum var. caulivora and D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis, agents of northern and southern stem canker. The species P. longicolla is the most common and most damaging agent of soybean seed decay. The diseases caused by parasites from this genus were first observed and described on soybean in the USA. Presently they are widespread in most soybean-growing regions around the world. Soybean in Serbia is attacked by all pathogens mentioned above, except for D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis, the causal agent of the southern stem canker. D. phaseolorum var. caulivora (northern stem canker) has the greatest economic importance because it causes wilt and drying of plants during pod development and grain filling. Most intensive outbreaks of the disease occurred in the 1980s in southern and southeastern Banat, southern Bačka and Srem. Prematurely wilted plants yielded 50% to 62% (depending on variety) less than healthy plants. Such heavy losses raised the question of the profitability of soybean growing. P. sojae and P. longicolla are less important in Serbia at the moment. Intensive infections of soybean seed break out occasionally. It was found that P. longicolla is the primary agent of seed decay and latent infections of seed in our country, although the other members of this genus may cause identical symptoms. Sexual cycle of development (teleomorph stage) of the fungi of the genus Diaporthe /Phomopsis form perithecia with asci and ascospores, while in the asexual cycle (anamorph stage) various types of conidia (α and β) are formed in pycnidia. The species P. longicolla has no teleomorph stage. Infected harvest residues and soybean seeds are main sources of the inoculum. D. phaseolorum var. caulivora forms perithecia with ascospores on overwintered harvest residues. During growing season, ascospores infect leaf laminas, petioles, or injured plant parts. P. sojae and P. longicolla form pycnidia (P. sojae sometimes forms perithecia), and they infect plants by means of conidia. Seed infection by conidia or ascospores unfolds via pods. Infected crop residues are the main source of the inoculum, while infected seeds help the parasites spread over large distances. Humidity and temperature (soil and air) are the mains factors that affect the dynamics of fruiting body formation, spore release, establishment of infection and the development of disease symptoms on soybean plants. Considerable attention is devoted to finding effective sources of resistance to the disease complex caused by species from the genus Diaporthe/Phomopsis. Resistance to the agents of seed decay was found in several introduced (PI) genotypes. This resistance is controlled by one or two pairs of dominant genes. Some cultivars are resistant to D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis (southern stem canker). Their resistance is controlled by two or four pairs of genes (Rdc). There is no physiological resistance to D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, the agent of northern stem canker, but significant differences in susceptibility level exist among soybean genotypes. Molecular techniques (RAPD, PCR-RFLP) showed that significant variability was present within the population of D. phaseolorum var. sojae. Other species of fungi were suspected to exist within that population, which could not be distinguished on the basis of their morphological characteristics. This was subsequently confirmed by the sequencing of different regions of ribosomal DNA.Kompleks oboljenja na soji izazivaju gljive iz roda Diaporthe/Phomopsis. Kao paraziti soje opisana su tri varijeteta vrste Diaporthe phaseolorum (anamorf Phomopsis phaseoli), i to: D. phaseolorum var. sojae (syn. P. sojae), prouzrokovač paleži mahuna i stabla (pod and stem blight), zatim D. phaseolorum var. caulivora i D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis prouzrokovači 'severnog' i 'južnog' tipa raka stabla (soybean stem canker). Phomopsis longicolla (teleomorf nepoznat) je najčešći prouzrokovač truleži semena (soybean seed decay), mada ovo oboljenje izazivaju i sva tri varijeteta gljive D. phaseolorum. Svi pomenuti pripadnici roda, izuzev D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis, prisutni su na soji u Srbiji, a najveći značaj ima D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, prouzrokovač raka stabla. Poslednjih nekoliko decenija sprovedena su brojna, sveobuhvatna proučavanja parazita roda Diaporthe/ Phomopsis na soji u našoj zemlji. Nedavno započeta istraživanja na molekularnom nivou ukazuju da su pored pomenutih na soji prisutne i druge vrste ovog roda. U ovom radu su analizirani rezultati višegodišnjih istraživanja u svetu i kod nas
Stabilnost prinosa i sadržaj ulja i proteina u novim i gajenim genotipovima soje
During 1999 and 2000, investigations were conducted in order to evaluate yield stability and oil and protein content in new and grown soybean genotypes, and to establish correlation's between investigated traits. It has been established that the influence of agroecological conditions on grain yield was high, and only a small number of newly created genotypes surpassed standard varieties. Variability is particularly marked in unfavorable year which was indicated by high coefficient of variation. Oil and protein content mainly depends on agroecological conditions during beginning seed and seed filling period. Few newly created genotypes had higher protein content, which, aside of yield, was main breeding goal. Significantly negative correlation between grain yield and protein content cumbers creation of high-yielding genotypes with high protein content.Istraživanja sprovedena tokom 1999. i 2000. godine imala su za cilj proveru stabilnosti prinosa, sadržaja ulja i proteina u novim i gajenim genotipovima soje i utvrde korelacije između ispitivanih svojstava. Ustanovljeno je da je uticaj ekoloških činilaca na prinos veoma izražen, te da je mali broj novostvorenih genotipova po prinosu dostigao ili nadmašio standarde. Varijabilnost je naročito izražena u nepovoljnoj godini, na šta ukazuje visok koeficijent varijacije. Sadržaj proteina i ulja u zrnu soje u velikoj meri su zavisni od agroekoloških uslova tokom formiranja i nalivanja zrna. Nekoliko novostvorenih genotipova imaju viši sadržaj proteina od standarda, što je pored prinosa bio glavni cilj selekcije. Izrazito negativna korelacija između prinosa i sadržaja proteina otežava stvaranje visokoprinosnih genotipova sa visokim sadržajem proteina
Uticaj meteoroloških uslova na proizvodnju semena NS sorti soje
The perspective of our society cannot be imagined without the quality production and marketing of seeds in the country and abroad. On average, seed soya bean was annually planted on area of 7,151.8 ha in the period 2002-2007. Area under NS soya bean seed showed an annual trend rate of growth (9.21% with certain oscillations). In the research period, soya bean seed yield was 2.29 t ha-1 with a highly stable growth rate of 2.66%, while NS soya bean seed production in Serbia was 15,993 t with an annual growth rate of 12.59% with certain oscillations. Permanent growing trend of soya bean production is a result of increased area and yield. The increase of production was also affected by weather conditions. Such production volume fully meets domestic needs, while significant amount of seed still remains for export. .Perspektiva našeg društva se ne može zamisliti bez kvalitetne proizvodnje i plasmana semena u zemlji i inostranstvu. U periodu 2002-2007. pod semenskim usevom soje zasejano godišnje je u proseku 7.151,8 ha. Površine pod semenom NS sorti soje beleže tendenciju rasta po stopi od 9,21% godišnje, sa oscilacijama. Prinos semena soje u posmatranom periodu iznosio je 2,29 t/ha i beleži trend rasta po stopi od 2,66% i veliku stabilnost. Proizvodnja semenske NS soje u Srbiji, u posmatranom periodu, iznosi 15.993 t sa tendencijom rasta po stopi od 12,59% godišnje i oscilacijama. Permanentna tendencija rasta proizvodnje soje rezultanta je povećanja površina i prinosa. Na rast proizvodnje delovali su i klimatskih faktori. Ovakav obim proizvodnje u potpunosti zadovoljava domaće potrebe, a značajne količine semena ostaju i za izvoz.
Pravci u selekciji i proizvodnji soje
Metodi stvaranja varijabilnosti kao i selekcione tehnike su brojni i zavise od biljne vrste i cilia oplemenjivanja. Donedavno je cilj oplemenjivackih pro- grama za bilo koju biljnu vrstu bio visok potencijal za rodnost i otpornost prema najrasprostranjenijim bolestima. Multidisciplinarna istrazivanja, kao i napredal u nizu naucnih oblasti dovela su do primene genetskog inZenjeringa, nove metode u oplemenjivanju biljaka. Genetski inZenjering podrazumeva proces prenosa DNK iz jednog organizma u drugi i ekpresiju u biljci domacdinu. Tako se u savremenoj bilinoj proizvodnji pojavljuje novi termin genetski modi- fikovani organizam. Genetski modifikovana soja spada u red gajenih biljnih vrsta koje su medu prvima osvojile znacajne povriine u proizvodnji
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