Naučno društvo agrarnih ekonomista Balkana, Beograd, Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd i Akademija ekonomskih nauka, Bukurešt
The perspective of our society cannot be imagined without the quality production and marketing of seeds in the country and abroad. On average, seed soya bean was annually planted on area of 7,151.8 ha in the period 2002-2007. Area under NS soya bean seed showed an annual trend rate of growth (9.21% with certain oscillations). In the research period, soya bean seed yield was 2.29 t ha-1 with a highly stable growth rate of 2.66%, while NS soya bean seed production in Serbia was 15,993 t with an annual growth rate of 12.59% with certain oscillations. Permanent growing trend of soya bean production is a result of increased area and yield. The increase of production was also affected by weather conditions. Such production volume fully meets domestic needs, while significant amount of seed still remains for export. .Perspektiva našeg društva se ne može zamisliti bez kvalitetne proizvodnje i plasmana semena u zemlji i inostranstvu. U periodu 2002-2007. pod semenskim usevom soje zasejano godišnje je u proseku 7.151,8 ha. Površine pod semenom NS sorti soje beleže tendenciju rasta po stopi od 9,21% godišnje, sa oscilacijama. Prinos semena soje u posmatranom periodu iznosio je 2,29 t/ha i beleži trend rasta po stopi od 2,66% i veliku stabilnost. Proizvodnja semenske NS soje u Srbiji, u posmatranom periodu, iznosi 15.993 t sa tendencijom rasta po stopi od 12,59% godišnje i oscilacijama. Permanentna tendencija rasta proizvodnje soje rezultanta je povećanja površina i prinosa. Na rast proizvodnje delovali su i klimatskih faktori. Ovakav obim proizvodnje u potpunosti zadovoljava domaće potrebe, a značajne količine semena ostaju i za izvoz.