186 research outputs found

    Comparing Kaniyan Koothu (Dramatic Dance) art with Marxist Theory

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    The Marxist type of materialism is a sociological study based on historical context. These include family, property, state, caste, religion, rituals, art, literature, classes, and social divisions. In a world of biodiversity, the environment in which humans live is extensive. Only men can speak of trades, religions, and castes. When it is accepted that history is for men, riots arise within religion itself. There are divisions, and some communities are oppressed. The oppressed tribes find God through KalaikKoothu and identify their races. Man-made art and literature operate with various techniques. Man is the one who creates the world according to himself. Divisions and rifts arose in society. Society gave way to ups and downs

    Intravitreal triamcinolone and its effect on intraocular pressure

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    INTRODUCTION: Periocular and Orbital injections of long-acting corticosteroids are being used to treat inflammatory conditions of the eye for many years. However it has been suggested that peribulbar injection may not be adequate to treat chronic ocular disease because their action is partly due to systemic absorption of the drug and their effectiveness lasts only for a few days to weeks. Intraocular administration has the potential to deliver steroids at high local concentrations. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To study the effect of intravitreal triamcinolone on intraocular pressure in eyes with no preexisting evidence of glaucoma. INCLUSION CRITERIA: Patients with progressive decrease in visual acuity due to 1. Exudative age related macular degeneration with subfoveal neovascularisation 2. Diffuse diabetic macular edema 3. Macular edema due to central retinal vein occlusion, branch retinal vein occlusion. 4. Cystoid macular edema following cataract surgery. 5. Macular edema following laser treatment. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Patients with pre existing glaucoma and others like irregular cornea. MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was a prospective consecutive non comparative interventional case series study conducted in Aravind eye hospital and includes all patients with diffuse diabetic macular edema, cystoid macular edema following cataract surgery, macular edema due to central retinal vein occlusion ,branch retinal vein occlusion, macular edema following laser treatment, exudative age related macular degeneration with sub foveal neovascularisation. Treatment was with intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide after obtaining informed consent from all the patients. Intraocular pressure measured before the procedure and after the procedure and at one month, three months and six months by Goldman applanation tonometer. RESULTS: In the study group mean intraocular pressure increased significantly (p=0.000) after the intravitreal triamcinolone injection from 15.03 ± 2.989 mm Hg to 23.65 ± 11.226 mm Hg, during follow up. The mean rise in intraocular pressure was 8.62 ± 10.647 mm Hg, with the proportion increase being 59.03% Rise in intraocular pressure is defined as measurements outside the normal range at least one IOP measurement higher than 21 mm Hg. Increased IOP was observed in 31 patients in this series. Increase in IOP is defined as the difference between maximal postoperative IOP and baseline IOP. Mean increase in IOP for the entire study group was 8.62 ± 10.647 mm Hg. DISCUSSION: The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of intravitreal triamcinolone on IOP and to find out the baseline characteristics that can cause increase in IOP. Variables that were analyzed in this study included age gender systemic disease, ocular condition for which the drug was administered, baseline IOP. Age proved to be an important determinant in the development of increased intraocular pressure (p=0.005) increased IOP tend to occur in younger age group than the older age group and persists for a longer time. At the end of one month follow up 40% of the patients aged less than or equal to 45 years showed an increase in IOP. At the end of 3 months 50% had increase in IOP, and at 6 months 30% had increase in IOP. The mean age of triamcinolone responders in other studies were relatively high compared to this study group. Though Jonas et al., found a tendency of increased IOP in younger age group their mean age of triamcinolone responders was 71.3 ± 9.9 years which was very high compared to this study. Smithen et al., did not find any correlation with age. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: 1. Small sample size. Though there was significant variation with age and occurrence of increased IOP, since the no. of patients were very less the results could not be generalized and further studies are required to determine the age limit for intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide. 2. Baseline IOP Since baseline IOP was determined on a single measurement taken by different persons at different time of time of the day which might not reflect the true baseline IOP. 3. Follow up period Follow up period was 6 months while intravitreal triamcinolone might persist in the eye for more than 9 months. CONCLUSION: A prospective study on 94 eyes after the administration of a single dose of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide showed that 1. Incidence of IOP elevation was 33% 2. Mean time of increase of IOP was 2.9 months. 3. Incidence of ocular hypertension in 1st month was 24% 4. Age and baseline IOP could be the positive predictive factors. 5. 90% of the cases were controlled with medical therapy. IOP elevation was transient and 90% of cases did not have optic nerve head changes and elevated IOP was controlled with medications

    Prognóstico de exploração no Chat GPT com ética de inteligência artificial

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    Natural language processing innovations in the past few decades have made it feasible to synthesis and comprehend coherent text in a variety of ways, turning theoretical techniques into practical implementations. Both report summarizing software and sectors like content writers have been significantly impacted by the extensive Language-model. A huge language model, however, could show evidence of social prejudice, giving moral as well as environmental hazards from negligence, according to observations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop comprehensive guidelines for responsible LLM (Large Language Models). Despite the fact that numerous empirical investigations show that sophisticated large language models has very few ethical difficulties, there isn't a thorough investigation and consumers study of the legality of present large language model use. We use a qualitative study method on OpenAI's ChatGPT3 to solution-focus the real-world ethical risks in current large language models in order to further guide ongoing efforts on responsibly constructing ethical large language models. We carefully review ChatGPT3 from the four perspectives of bias and robustness. According to our stated opinions, we objectively benchmark ChatGPT3 on a number of sample datasets. In this work, it was found that a substantial fraction of principled problems are not solved by the current benchmarks; therefore new case examples were provided to support this. Additionally discussed were the importance of the findings regarding ChatGPT3's AI ethics, potential problems in the future, and helpful design considerations for big language models. This study may provide some guidance for future investigations into and mitigation of the ethical risks offered by technology in large Language Models applications.Las innovaciones en el procesamiento del lenguaje natural en las últimas décadas han hecho posible sintetizar y comprender textos coherentes en una variedad de formas, transformando las técnicas teóricas en implementaciones prácticas. Ambos informan que el software extenso y las industrias como la de los creadores de contenido se han visto significativamente afectadas por el modelo de lenguaje extensivo. Sin embargo, un modelo de lenguaje enorme podría mostrar evidencia de sesgo social, dando riesgos morales y ambientales por negligencia, según las observaciones. Por lo tanto, es necesario desarrollar lineamientos completos para los LLM (Modelos de Lenguaje Grandes) responsables. A pesar de que numerosas investigaciones empíricas muestran que los modelos sofisticados de lenguaje amplio tienen muy pocas dificultades éticas, no existe una investigación exhaustiva y un estudio del consumidor sobre la legalidad del uso actual de modelos de lenguaje amplio. Usamos un método de estudio cualitativo en ChatGPT3 de OpenAI para enfocarnos en resolver los riesgos éticos del mundo real en los modelos actuales de lenguaje amplio para guiar aún más los esfuerzos en curso en la construcción responsable de modelos éticos de lenguaje amplio. Analizamos cuidadosamente ChatGPT3 desde las cuatro perspectivas de sesgo y robustez. De acuerdo con nuestras opiniones expresadas, comparamos ChatGPT3 objetivamente en múltiples conjuntos de datos de muestra. En este trabajo se encontró que una fracción sustancial de los problemas de principios no son resueltos por los marcos actuales; por lo tanto, se han proporcionado nuevos ejemplos de casos para respaldar esto. Además, se discutió la importancia de los hallazgos sobre la ética de la IA de ChatGPT3, los problemas potenciales en el futuro y las consideraciones de diseño útiles para modelos de lenguaje grandes. Este estudio puede proporcionar algunas pautas para futuras investigaciones y mitigación de los riesgos éticos que ofrece la tecnología en grandes aplicaciones de Language Models.As inovações de processamento de linguagem natural nas últimas décadas tornaram possível sintetizar e compreender textos coerentes de várias maneiras, transformando técnicas teóricas em implementações práticas. Ambos relatam que softwares resumidos e setores como criadores de conteúdo foram significativamente afetados pelo extenso modelo de linguagem. Um enorme modelo de linguagem, no entanto, poderia mostrar evidências de preconceito social, dando riscos morais e ambientais por negligência, de acordo com as observações. Portanto, é necessário desenvolver diretrizes abrangentes para LLM (Large Language Models) responsáveis. Apesar do fato de numerosas investigações empíricas mostrarem que modelos sofisticados de linguagem ampla têm muito poucas dificuldades éticas, não há uma investigação completa e estudo de consumidores sobre a legalidade do uso atual de modelos de linguagem ampla. Usamos um método de estudo qualitativo no ChatGPT3 da OpenAI para focar na solução os riscos éticos do mundo real nos atuais modelos de linguagem ampla, a fim de orientar ainda mais os esforços contínuos na construção responsável de modelos éticos de linguagem ampla. Analisamos cuidadosamente o ChatGPT3 a partir das quatro perspectivas de viés e robustez. De acordo com nossas opiniões declaradas, comparamos objetivamente o ChatGPT3 em vários conjuntos de dados de amostra. Neste trabalho, constatou-se que uma fração substancial dos problemas de princípios não é resolvida pelos referenciais atuais; portanto, novos exemplos de casos foram fornecidos para apoiar isso. Além disso, foram discutidas a importância das descobertas sobre a ética de IA do ChatGPT3, possíveis problemas no futuro e considerações de design úteis para grandes modelos de linguagem. Este estudo pode fornecer algumas orientações para futuras investigações e mitigação dos riscos éticos oferecidos pela tecnologia em grandes aplicações de Modelos de Linguagem

    Organosolv process for deconstruction of highly recalcitrant cotton stalks

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    Burning crop residues in a cotton fields adds to environmental pollution and it demands a sustainable solution. As an alternative to burning, cotton biomass can be fractionated into sugars which would not only mitigate the pollution concern but also bring value addition. Here, we propose a process for deconstruction of the highly recalcitrant cotton stalk using a combination of organic and mineral acid fractionation. It includes treatment with formic acid (67 wt. %) at a solid to liquid ratio of 1:4 for 30 min at 130°C. Subsequent treatment with 2% (w/w) nitric acid and de-esterification with 0.5 % (w/v) sodium carbonate resulted in delignification of about 89.01%. The enzymatic hydrolysis using 25 FPU of Cellic Ctec3 at a biomass load of 5% (w/v) gave a glucan yield of 68% in 48 h. This is one of the few studies on deconstruction of a highly recalcitrant biomass with high lignin content

    Organosolv process for deconstruction of highly recalcitrant cotton stalks

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    64-71Burning crop residues in a cotton fields adds to environmental pollution and it demands a sustainable solution. As an alternative to burning, cotton biomass can be fractionated into sugars which would not only mitigate the pollution concern but also bring value addition. Here, we propose a process for deconstruction of the highly recalcitrant cotton stalk using a combination of organic and mineral acid fractionation. It includes treatment with formic acid (67 wt. %) at a solid to liquid ratio of 1:4 for 30 min at 130°C. Subsequent treatment with 2% (w/w) nitric acid and de-esterification with 0.5 % (w/v) sodium carbonate resulted in delignification of about 89.01%. The enzymatic hydrolysis using 25 FPU of Cellic Ctec3 at a biomass load of 5% (w/v) gave a glucan yield of 68% in 48 h. This is one of the few studies on deconstruction of a highly recalcitrant biomass with high lignin content


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    The importance of medicinal plants in traditional health-care practices provides clues to new areas of research and in the biodiversity of conservation. Right from the beginning, the documentation of traditional knowledge, especially on the medicinal uses of plants, has provided many important drugs for the modern day. Even today, this area holds much more hidden treasure as almost 80% of the human population in developing countries depend on plant resources for health care. Keeping this in view, the present study was initiated to document the traditionally used tribal plants and their inborn antimicrobial activity which is enhanced on the synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles

    Thanatophoric dysplasia: A case report with probable recurrence

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    Thanatophoric dysplasia (TD) is a congenital, sporadic, and the most lethal skeletal dysplasia caused by new mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene. At birth, it is characterized by shortening of the limbs (micromelia), small conical thorax, platyspondyly (flat vertebral bodies), and macrocephaly. TD is divided into two clinically defined subtypes: Type I and II which can be differentiated by the skull shape and femur morphology. Ultrasound examination in the second trimester is often straight forward in diagnosing the congenital anomaly. We report a case of preterm stillborn female baby with dysmorphic facies, macrocephaly, micromelia with short stubby fingers and deep skin creases, short limbs, narrow thorax, and protuberant abdomen delivered at our hospital to a 24-year-old multigravida mother with the previous history of first-trimester abortion. The antenatal ultrasound examination showed shortening of long bones with femur-shaped like a telephone receiver. Dysmorphic facial feature, skeletal abnormalities, and histopathological examination lead us to make the diagnosis of TD Type I. We report this case of TD in view of recurrence risk of around 1%, occurring mostly through autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, which may be the possibility in this case

    Frequent Itemset Generation using Double Hashing Technique

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    AbstractIn data mining, frequent itemsets plays an important role which is used to identify the correlations among the fields of database.In this paper, we propose a new association rule mining algorithm called Double Hashing Based Frequent Itemsets, (DHBFI) in which hashing technology is used to store the database in vertical data format. This double hashing technique is mainly preferred for avoiding the major issues of hash collision and secondary clustering problem in frequent itemset generation. Hence this proposed hashing technique makes the computation easier, faster and more efficient.Also this algorithm eliminates unnecessary redundant scans in the database and candidate itemset generation which leads to less space and time complexity

    3′-Benz­yloxy-3-hydr­oxy-3,3′-bi-1H-indole-2,2′(3H,3′H)-dione monohydrate

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    In the title compound, C23H18N2O4·H2O, the two oxindole rings subtend a dihedral angle of 54.29 (5)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by intermolecular N—H⋯O, O—H⋯O and C—H⋯π inter­actions