58 research outputs found

    Tito about agriculture

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    Tito has spoken and written about the problems of agriculture and village in the context of wider economic and social questions. However, his views and attitudes towards various questions had a significant influence upon the determining of directions of development of Yugoslav agriculture as well as the character of measures of agricultural policy. Constantly Tito has pointed out to the importance of agriculture in the total economic development of this country, bearing in mind the favourable natural and socio-economic conditions for the development of this field of material production. He has accentuated the part played by the village and rural population in the Yugoslav revolution, he has pointed out to the importance of unity between the working rural population and the working class in building up of the country and the socialist society, to the prospects of rural population and small commodity production in the process of socialist transformation of small commodity production. Rural households as its carriers cannot be expropriated. In the process of socialist transformation of agriculture Tito has ascribed particular importance to integration and co-operatives as to organizations, which should and can enable the development of large-scale production in the village, and which reestablish and develop the self-management socialist social relations. For a successful development of agriculture and agricultural production the volume of investments in this field of production is particulary important as well as the effective utilization of means and the presence of staff — professionally qualified and ideologically and politically clearly decisive for the development of agriculture and transformation of village upon self- -management socialist basis. Tito has seen the prospects of Yugoslav agriculture in the development of large-scale, specialized, higly-productive commodity production, which is realized through the simultaneous development of self-management socio- -economic relation, where working people independently decide upon the conditions and results of their work

    Early discontinuation of intravenous antimicrobial therapy in pediatric oncology patients with febrile neutropenia

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    BACKGROUND: There are no standard criteria for when to discontinue intravenous antimicrobial therapy (IVAMT) in children with febrile neutropenia (FN), but it is now common to discontinue IVAMT and discharge patients with an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) ≀ 500 /mm(3). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of a large cohort of children with FN who had IVAMT discontinued with an ANC ≀ 500 /mm(3) METHODS: A retrospective chart review was completed of patients in the Northern Alberta Children's Cancer Program with FN and no apparent clinical source of fever from June 1, 1997 to July 1, 2002. RESULTS: Out of a total of 275 patients, 127 (46%) had at least one episode of FN, with FN occurring in patients with sarcomas more commonly than in those with leukemia/ lymphoma and least in those with other solid tumors. In 59 of 276 episodes of FN (21%) patients had a microbiologically defined infection at admission. Of the 217 remaining episodes, 112 of 199 patients (56%) with known neutrophil counts had IVAMT discontinued before their absolute neutrophil count (ANC) reached 500 /mm(3 )at the discretion of the clinician. Fever recurred in only two of these patients after discharge, and there were no bacterial infections diagnosed after parenteral antibiotics were discontinued. CONCLUSION: Even without use of standard criteria for early discharge, clinicians appear to be skilled at selecting children with FN who can safely have IVAMT discontinued with an ANC ≀ 500 /mm(3)

    The diagnostic value of CRP, IL-8, PCT, and sTREM-1 in the detection of bacterial infections in pediatric oncology patients with febrile neutropenia

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    In this study, we evaluated C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin (IL)-8, procalcitonin (PCT), and soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) as predictors for bacterial infection in febrile neutropenia, plus their usefulness in febrile neutropenia during chemotherapy-induced gastrointestinal mucositis. Plasma was obtained from pediatric oncology patients at presentation with febrile neutropenia (n = 43) and 24-48 h later (n = 17). The patients were classified as having or not having a bacterial infection. Plasma was also obtained of patients in the absence and in the presence of mucositis (n = 26). At presentation with febrile neutropenia, median IL-8 and PCT levels were significantly increased in patients with a bacterial infection, in contrast to CRP and sTREM-1. IL-8 was the most sensitive marker for the early detection of bacterial infection, in combination with clinical parameters or PCT the sensitivity reached 100%. After 24-48 h, only PCT was significantly elevated during bacterial infection. IL-8 levels were significantly increased during mucositis. Mucositis did not cause considerable changes in PCT levels. IL-8 is the most useful marker for the early detection of bacterial infections, compared with CRP, PCT, and sTREM-1. IL-8 in combination with clinical parameters or PCT might be even more useful. Gastrointestinal mucositis alone does not affect PCT levels, in contrast to IL-8 levels, and therefore, PCT might be more useful for the detection of bacterial infections during mucositis than IL-8

    UtvĂ€rdering av anlagda vĂ„tmarker i ÖrupsĂ„ns avrinningsomrĂ„de - Ett arbete om anlagda vĂ„tmarkers effekt pĂ„ vattenkvaliteten i ÖrupsĂ„n, Tomelilla kommun

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    The agricultural land in Sweden is a major reason why a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus is transported to rivers, lakes and the sea. Nutrient transport has consequences for the environment as the conditions for plant organisms change and eutrophication takes place. Wetlands are a natural part of the environment that have nutrient removing properties regarding nitrogen and phosphorus. During the last century, almost a quarter of Sweden’s wetland area has been removed as a result of dewatering by trenching to convert the wetlands into agricultural land. This has led to both a greater amount of nutrients in the drainage and a reduced ability to separate nutrients in the drainage. The conversion of wetlands to agricultural lands has been particularly evident in southern Sweden where only about 10 % of the original wetlands remain as a result of dewatering. Tomelilla municipality in SkĂ„ne County has measured very high values of nitrogen and phosphorus in ÖrupsĂ„n, located in Tomelilla municipality. There are 8 constructed wetlands in the area that are intended to add biodiversity and nutrient removal. Tomelilla municipality now wants to improve their environmental work with the ÖrupsĂ„n river and its associated river basin to improve its water quality and this thesis is linked to this. In order to improve water quality, the distribution of the origin of the nutrients has been mapped in the catchment area and the landscaped wetlands have been evaluated. The evaluation of the wetlands was done by calculating their capacity to perform denitrification and sedimentation in combination with an analysis of nutrient concentrations over time as well as a mass calculation. The total nitrogen concentration has decreased by 31 % and phosphorus has decreased by 25 % during 2004 – 2019, which the implementation of wetlands accounts for 2.0 % of the reduction of nitrogen and 2.2 % of phosphorus. The total decrease is assumed to have been largely due to the uptake of surrounding land and water. To improve water quality in ÖrupsĂ„n, shallow and long wetlands can be placed adjacent to ÖrupsĂ„n to have a constant flow through wetlands with high concentrations that optimize nutrient removal.Jordbruksmarken i Sverige Ă€r en stor anledning till varför en stor mĂ€ngd kvĂ€ve och fosfor transporteras till vattendrag, sjöar och hav. NĂ€ringstransporten medför konsekvenser för miljön dĂ„ vĂ€xtorganismers förutsĂ€ttningar förĂ€ndras och övergödning sker. VĂ„tmarker Ă€r ett naturligt inslag i miljön som har nĂ€ringsrenande egenskaper gĂ€llande kvĂ€ve och fosfor. Under det senaste seklet har uppemot en fjĂ€rdedel av Sveriges vĂ„tmarksareal försvunnit till följd av utdikning för att omvandla marken till jordbruksmark. Detta har bĂ„de lett till en större mĂ€ngd nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen i avrinningen samt en minskad förmĂ„ga att avskilja nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen i avrinningen. Omvandlingen av vĂ„tmarker till jordbruksmarker har varit sĂ€rskilt tydlig i södra Sverige dĂ€r bara ca 10 % av de ursprungliga vĂ„tmarkerna Ă„terstĂ„r till följd av utdikning. Tomelilla kommun i SkĂ„ne lĂ€n har uppmĂ€tt mycket höga vĂ€rden av kvĂ€ve och fosfor i ÖrupsĂ„n som Ă€r belĂ€gen i Tomelilla kommun. I omrĂ„det finns 8 anlagda vĂ„tmarker som Ă€r tĂ€nka att tillföra biologisk mĂ„ngfald och nĂ€ringsrening. Nu vill Tomelilla kommun förbĂ€ttra sitt miljöarbete med ÖrupsĂ„n och dess tillhörande avrinningsomrĂ„de för att förbĂ€ttra dess vattenkvalitet och det hĂ€r arbetet Ă€r kopplat till detta. För att förbĂ€ttra vattenkvaliteten har fördelningen av ursprunget till nĂ€ringsĂ€mnena kartlagts i avrinningsomrĂ„det och de anlagda vĂ„tmarkerna utvĂ€rderats. UtvĂ€rderingen av vĂ„tmarkerna gjordes genom att berĂ€kna deras kapacitet att utföra denitrifikation och sedimentering i kombination med en analys av nĂ€ringskoncentrationer över tid samt en massberĂ€kning. Den totala kvĂ€vekoncentrationen har minskat med 31 % och fosfor har minskat med 25 % under 2004 – 2019, vilket anlĂ€ggandet av vĂ„tmarkerna stĂ„r för 2,0 % av minskningen av kvĂ€ve och 2,2 % av fosfor. Den totala minskningen antas ha skett till största del genom upptag av kringliggande mark och vattendrag. För att förbĂ€ttra vattenkvaliteten i ÖrupsĂ„n ytterligare föreslĂ„s att anlĂ€gga grunda och lĂ„nga vĂ„tmarker i anslutning till ÖrupsĂ„n för att erhĂ„lla ett konstant flöde genom vĂ„tmarkerna med höga koncentrationer som optimerar nĂ€ringsreningen.VĂ„tmarker i jordbruksomrĂ„den kan förbĂ€ttra vattenkvaliteten i vattendrag I jordbruksomrĂ„den uppstĂ„r lĂ€tt problem med övergödning i nĂ€rliggande vattendrag dĂ„ nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen frĂ„n gödsling spolas undan Ă„kermarker nĂ€r det regnar. För att minska övergödningen och förbĂ€ttra vattenkvaliteten kan avrinningen ledas via vĂ„tmarker. I ÖrupsĂ„ns avrinningsomrĂ„de som ligger i Tomelilla kommun har 8st vĂ„tmarker anlagts mellan 2002 - 2019. VĂ„tmarkerna har haft en liten inverkan pĂ„ vattenkvaliteten i ÖrupsĂ„n genom att fungera som nĂ€ringsfĂ€llor dĂ€r kvĂ€ve och fosfor fĂ„ngats upp. Mellan perioden 2004 – 2019 sĂ„ Ă„stadkom de 8 vĂ„tmarkerna en reningsförmĂ„ga pĂ„ 2,0 respektive 2,2 % för kvĂ€ve och fosfor i avrinningsomrĂ„det. Resultaten som arbetet kommit fram till visar att vĂ„tmarkerna har en positiv inverkan pĂ„ vattenkvaliteten och Ă€r ett gott tecken pĂ„ att anlĂ€ggning av vĂ„tmarker fungerar i syftet att förbĂ€ttra miljön. I framtiden kan förhoppningsvis fler kommuner implementera vĂ„tmarker som en naturliga del i deras arbete med förbĂ€ttring av vattenkvaliteten i vattendrag. I vĂ„tmarkernas vatten skapas förutsĂ€ttningar för bakterier som konsumerar syret i kvĂ€vehaltiga molekyler och sĂ„ledes frigör kvĂ€vgas som sedan gĂ„r ut i atmosfĂ€ren istĂ€llet för att fungera som nĂ€ring för alger. Fosforhaltiga partiklar sjunker Ă€ven till botten och stannar i vĂ„tmarken. Genom att lĂ„ta nĂ€ringsrikt vatten som kommer frĂ„n jordbruksmark rinna genom vĂ„tmarkerna och genomgĂ„ dessa processer kan övergödning i nĂ€rliggande vattendrag förebyggas. Höga vĂ€rden av nĂ€ringskoncentrationer har uppmĂ€tts i ÖrupsĂ„n som Ă€r belĂ€gen i ett omrĂ„de med stor andel jordbruksmark och hĂ€r finns sĂ„ledes ett stort behov av vĂ„tmarkernas effekter pĂ„ vattenkvaliteten. Även LĂ€nsstyrelsen har klassat ÖrupsĂ„n som att den har en otillfredsstĂ€llande status gĂ€llande nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen. För att kunna komma till rĂ€tta med de höga nĂ€ringskoncentrationerna och förebygga övergödning i vattendraget samt nedströms liggande vattendrag sĂ„ Ă€r ett alternativ just att anlĂ€gga vĂ„tmarker som renar vattnet. Genom att förbĂ€ttra vattenkvaliteten sĂ„ kan det naturliga ekosystemets balans bibehĂ„llas och naturligt förekommande vĂ€xter och djurs förutsĂ€ttningar bevaras. Arbetet pĂ„börjades först med att utreda varifrĂ„n ÖrupsĂ„n har sitt största tillskott av nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen för att kunna identifiera om jordbruksmarken stĂ„r för det största tillskottet eller ifall reningsverket i omrĂ„det har en större inverkan. DĂ€refter fortsatte arbetet med att berĂ€kna den reningsförmĂ„ga samtliga vĂ„tmarker i avrinningsomrĂ„de har som sedan jĂ€mförts med nĂ€ringskoncentrationerna i ÖrupsĂ„n över tid. Slutligen gjordes en berĂ€kning pĂ„ hur stor nĂ€ringsmassa som transporterats Ă„rligen i avrinningsomrĂ„det och hur stor nĂ€ringsmassa som tagits upp av vĂ„tmarkerna. Fortsatt arbete som kan göras utifrĂ„n examensarbetet Ă€r att göra en mer omfattande kartlĂ€ggning av utslĂ€ppskĂ€llor i avrinningsomrĂ„det samt att insamla mer detaljerad data pĂ„ vĂ„tmarkerna för att göra mer detaljerade berĂ€kningar pĂ„ deras reningskapacitet. Emil WidĂ©n, Master’s programme in Water Resources Engineering, LT

    Die Auswirkung fĂŒnf unterschiedlicher Dentinversiegler auf die Haftung von einem Zwei-Komponenten-AdhĂ€siv fĂŒr die Self-Etch-Technik mit bovinem Dentin

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    Ziel: In der vorliegenden Studie wurde der Einfluss von fĂŒnf verschiedenen Dentinversieglern auf die Haftwerte eines Zwei-Komponenten-AdhĂ€siv-Systems fĂŒr die Self-Etch-Technik (OptiBond XTR) auf bovinen DentinoberflĂ€chen erhoben. Material und Methoden Es wurde ein Kollektiv von 240 bovinen Inzisiven der Mandibula ohne Pulpa untersucht. DafĂŒr wurde bei allen SchneidezĂ€hnen an der vestibulĂ€ren FlĂ€che eine DentinflĂ€che in der GrĂ¶ĂŸe von etwa 1 cm2 prĂ€pariert. Es wurden fĂŒnf unterschiedliche Dentinversiegler verglichen, welche durch eine Vorauswahl bestimmt wurden: GLUMA Desensitizer (GD), Dentin-Versieglungsliquid (DV), TEETHMATE DESENSITIZER (TD), Smart Protect Desensitizer (SD) und VivaSens (VS). Als AdhĂ€sivsystem wurde OptiBond XTR und als Komposit CeramX verwendet. Die 240 PrĂŒfkörper wurden in 6 Gruppen mit jeweils 40 StĂŒck pro Dentinversiegler und in eine Kontrollgruppe (KG) ohne Dentinversiegler aufgeteilt. Der Versuch wurde auf zwei Experimentatorinnen zu je 120 PrĂŒfkörper aufgeteilt. Die Verarbeitung der Dentinversiegler, des AdhĂ€sivsystems und des Komposits erfolgten gemĂ€ĂŸ den Herstellerangaben. Nach dem Verkleben der Kompositzylinder auf die entsprechend vorbehandelten DentinflĂ€chen, wurden die PrĂŒfkörper vor der Testung, 24 Stunden lang in einem Wasserglas bei 37 C gelagert. Die Haftwerte wurden anschließend mittels Scherkraftversuch unter zu Hilfenahme der Universaltestmaschine Z101 ermittelt. Resultate Durch den Scherkraftversuch wurden die durchschnittlichen Ergebnisse der Haftwerte von 21,65 MPa fĂŒr GD; 20,81 MPa fĂŒr DV; 22,23 MPa fĂŒr TD; 22,34 MPa fĂŒr SD; 20,95 MPa fĂŒr VS und 23,54 MPa fĂŒr KG erhoben. Nur die Gruppen DV und VS wiesen geringfĂŒgig niedrigere Haftwerte im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe auf. Die Gruppen GD, TD und SD zeigten keine signifikanten Unterschiede verglichen mit der KG. Ein Vergleich der erhobenen Daten der beiden Experimentatorinnen, konnte keinen signifikanten Unterschied bei den Ergebnissen der Haftwerte aufzeigen. Bei der Analyse der Brucharten konnte festgestellt werden, dass KohĂ€sionsbrĂŒche mit 94,2% fast alle BrĂŒche beim durchgefĂŒhrten Scherkraftversuch darstellten, nur 5,8% entfielen dabei auf AdhĂ€sionsbrĂŒche. Schlussfolgerung Die vorliegende Studie konnte nachweisen, dass die Dentinversiegler DV und VS in Kombination mit dem AdhĂ€sivsystem OptiBond XTR die Haftung an bovinem Dentin geringfĂŒgig reduzieren. Die Art des verwendeten Dentinversieglers und des kombinierten AdhĂ€sivsystems spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Haftung einer Komposit Restauration an DentinoberflĂ€chen. Der Vergleich zwischen den zwei Experimentatorinnen ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede.Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate if variances in the adhesion values of a two-component adhesive for the self-etch technique (OptiBond XTR) with five different pre-determined dentin desensitizers, using bovine dentin models, exist. Material and Methods 240 bovine mandibular incisors without pulp were used. For the purpose of this study, a dentin surface area of about 1 cm2 was exposed and prepared on the vestibular surface of these incisors. The five different pre-selected dentin desensitizers that were assessed in this analysis, were: GLUMA Desensitizer (GD), Dentin-Versieglungsliquid (DV), TEETHMATE DESENSITIZER (TD), SmartProtect Desensitizer (SD) and VivaSens (VS). The same adhesive system (OptiBond XTR ) and composite (CeramX) were used in all groups. The 240 specimens were divided into 6 groups each containing 40 samples per dentin desensitizer, and a control group (KG) without dentin desensitizer. The experiment was then divided into two where each experimenter had 120 specimens. The dentin desensitizers, the adhesive system and the composite were applied according to manufacturers instructions. After bonding the composite cylinders to the corresponding pretreated dentin surfaces, the specimens were stored for 24 hours in a jar filled up with water at 37 C. The adhesion values were then determined by means of a shear strength test using the universal testing machine Z101. Results The shear strength test resulted in average adhesion values of 21.65 MPa for GD, 20.81 MPa for DV, 22.23 MPa for TD, 22.34 MPa for SD, 20.95 MPa for VS and 23.54 MPa for KG. While the groups DV and VS showed slightly lower adhesion values compared to the control group, groups GD, TD and SD showed no significant differences compared to the control group. Similarly, when comparing the collected adhesion values of both experimenters no significant differences were seen as well. Regarding fracturing pattern, it was found that 94.2% showed cohesive fractures, whereas only 5.8% were adhesive fractures. Conclusion The present study demonstrated that the dentin desensitizers DV and VS with the adhesive system OptiBond XTR on bovine dentin have a slight effect on reducing the adhesion quality. Consequently, the type of dentin desensitizer selected in combination with a bonding system plays an important role in the quality of adhesion of a composite restoration. The comparison between the two experimenters revealed no significant differences.eingereicht von Nina VidenParalleltitel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersMedizinische UniversitĂ€t Wien, Diplomarbeit, 201

    ZytotoxizitÀt von modellierbaren Bulk Fill Kompositmaterialien im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen modellierbaren Kompositmaterialien

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    Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es die ToxizitĂ€t von zwei herkömmlichen modellierbaren Kompositmaterialien und zwei modellierbaren „Bulk-Fill“-Kompositen zu vergleichen. Als herkömmliche Kompositmaterialien wurden Tetric EvoCeramÂź und Ceram XÂź mono gewĂ€hlt, als „Bulk-Fill“-Komposite wurden Sonic FillTM und Tetric EvoCeramÂź Bulk Fill verwendet. Aus diesen Materialien wurden zylinderförmige PrĂŒfkörper in verschiedenen Schichtdicken und mittels drei unterschiedlicher HĂ€rtelampen mit unterschiedlicher Lichtleistung ausgehĂ€rtet. Als Dimension fĂŒr die „Bulk-Fill“-Komposite wurde ein Durchmesser von fĂŒnf mm und eine Schichtdicke von vier mm gewĂ€hlt und von einer Seite gehĂ€rtet. Eine weitere PrĂŒfkörperserie dieser Materialien mit der gleichen Schichtdicke und dem gleichen Durchmesser wurde hergestellt, diesmal jedoch von zwei Seiten gehĂ€rtet. Dies entspricht einer SchichtstĂ€rke von zwei mm.^ ^Die dritte PrĂŒfkörperserie umfasste zylindrische PrĂŒfkörper der herkömmlichen Kompositmaterialien mit einem Durchmesser von fĂŒnf mm und einer Schichtdicke von zwei mm, einseitig gehĂ€rtet. Von jeder PrĂŒfkörperserie wurden 18 Wiederholungen angefertigt, dies entspricht 432 PrĂŒfkörpern. Eine Randomisierungsliste des Institutes fĂŒr medizinische Statistik entschied, in welcher Reihenfolge die Materialien fĂŒr die Herstellung der PrĂŒfkörper zu wĂ€hlen waren. FĂŒr die HĂ€rtung der PrĂŒfkörper wurden die drei Lampen, ValoÂź (Ultradent, Lichtleistung 3200mW/cm), BluephaseÂź 20i (Ivoclar Vivadent, Lichtleistung 2000mW/cm) und EliparTM S10 (3M ESPE, 1200mW/cm) verwendet.^ ^Die Negativkontrollen waren PrĂŒfkörper aus Glas, als Positivkontrolle wurden PrĂŒfkörper aus Carboxylatzement verwendet. Weiters wurden die PrĂŒfkörper beidseits jeweils 40 Minuten mit UV-Licht bestrahlt und danach fĂŒr 72 Stunden mit L-929 Mausfibroblasten in fĂŒnf mm NĂ€hrmedium inkubiert. Die Messung der Zellzahl erfolgte mittels Durchflusszytometrie. Anhand der statistischen Evaluation mittels ANOVA konnten zwischen den HĂ€rtelampen und auch zwischen den Schichtdicken kein signifikanter Unterschied festgestellt werden. Sonic Fill und Ceram XÂź mono schienen ingesamt die geringsten zytotoxischen Effekte aufzuweisen, wĂ€hrend die geringen Werte von Tetric Evoceram und Tetric Evoceram Bulk Fill auf höhere ToxizitĂ€t hinweisen. Insgesamt variierte die ZytotoxizitĂ€t in AbhĂ€ngigkeit der verwendeten Kompositmaterialien. Im Gegensatz dazu schienen HĂ€rtelampen und unterschiedliche Schichtdicken keinen Einfluss auf die ToxizitĂ€t zu haben.The aim of this thesis is to compare the toxicity between two conventional packable composites and two non packable ‘Bulk-Fill composites. As the conventional composite materials, Tetric EvoCeramÂź and Ceram XÂź mono were selected; for the ‘Bulk-Fill composites, Sonic FillTM and Tetric EvoCeramÂź Bulk Fill were used. Cylindrical speciments were made out of these materials in two different layers of thickness and cured using three different curing lamps of varying light intensity. The ‘Bulk-Fill composite specimens were five mm in diameter and four mm thick, they were cured from one side. A second series of specimens were produced with the same layer thickness and the same diameter, however this time specimens were cured from both sides. This corresponds to a layer thickness of two mm. The third series of specimens included conventional composite materials which were five mm in diameter and two mm thick, cured from one side.^ ^The sample size for each of the materials was n=18, resulting in a total of 432 specimens. The sequence of manufacture of specimens was performed according to a randomization list provided from the Institute of Medical Statistics. Three lamps were used for the curing of the speciments, ValoÂź (Ultradent, light output 3200mW/cm2), BluephaseÂź 20i (Ivoclar, Vivadent, light output 2000mW/cm2) and EliparTM S10 (3M ESPE, light output 1200W/cm2). Glas specimens were used as negative controls, whilst for each positive control three specimens of carboxylate cement were used. Specimens were then irradiated from both sides with UV-light, each side for 40 minutes. Afterwards specimens were incubated with L-929 mouse fibroblasts for 72 hours in five mm of culture medium and cell numbers were determined using flow cytometry. Results: according to curing devices there were no significant differences found in their least squares estimates.^ ^Concerning increment thickness the study showed that it did not have a significant impact on cytotoxicity. It has been shown that cytotoxicity mainly depended on the composites and that Sonic FillTM and Ceram XÂź mono reached the highest values and therefore showing the least cytotoxicity.Paralleltitel laut Übersetzung der VerfasserinMedizinische UniversitĂ€t Wien, Diplomarbeit, 201

    Tito about agriculture

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    Tito has spoken and written about the problems of agriculture and village in the context of wider economic and social questions. However, his views and attitudes towards various questions had a significant influence upon the determining of directions of development of Yugoslav agriculture as well as the character of measures of agricultural policy. Constantly Tito has pointed out to the importance of agriculture in the total economic development of this country, bearing in mind the favourable natural and socio-economic conditions for the development of this field of material production. He has accentuated the part played by the village and rural population in the Yugoslav revolution, he has pointed out to the importance of unity between the working rural population and the working class in building up of the country and the socialist society, to the prospects of rural population and small commodity production in the process of socialist transformation of small commodity production. Rural households as its carriers cannot be expropriated. In the process of socialist transformation of agriculture Tito has ascribed particular importance to integration and co-operatives as to organizations, which should and can enable the development of large-scale production in the village, and which reestablish and develop the self-management socialist social relations. For a successful development of agriculture and agricultural production the volume of investments in this field of production is particulary important as well as the effective utilization of means and the presence of staff — professionally qualified and ideologically and politically clearly decisive for the development of agriculture and transformation of village upon self- -management socialist basis. Tito has seen the prospects of Yugoslav agriculture in the development of large-scale, specialized, higly-productive commodity production, which is realized through the simultaneous development of self-management socio- -economic relation, where working people independently decide upon the conditions and results of their work

    How does being more accessible through digitalization effect the work-life balance? : A qualitative interview study

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    Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka vilken pĂ„verkan ökad tillgĂ€nglighet i samband med digitaliseringen har pĂ„ balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Vidare avsĂ„g studien att undersöka dess eventuella pĂ„verkan pĂ„ stress. Studien var av en kvalitativ karaktĂ€r dĂ€r datainsamlingsprocessen bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Ett mĂ„linriktat bekvĂ€mlighetsurval tillĂ€mpades och totalt deltog 10 respondenter, 5 mĂ€n och 5 kvinnor. Åldern varierade mellan 25 och 50. Det insamlade materialet analyserades genom en tematisk analys. I analysen framkom att majoriteten av respondenterna ansĂ„g att tillgĂ€ngligheten frĂ€mjade en balans, dĂ„ de kunde förvalta sin tillgĂ€nglighet utifrĂ„n sin egen livssituation. Majoriteten av respondenterna ansĂ„g Ă€ven att tillgĂ€ngligheten i sig inte gav upphov till stress, utan snarare berodde pĂ„ arbetsbelastning. Det egna ansvaret var en Ă„terkommande faktor bland respondenternas svar gĂ€llande grĂ€nsdragning och nivĂ„n pĂ„ tillgĂ€nglighet. Det egna ansvaret ansĂ„gs Ă€ven bidra till en ökad kontroll i arbetet, vilket i sin tur minskade kĂ€nslan av upplevd stress
