524 research outputs found

    A fast and light stream cipher for smartphones

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    We present a stream cipher based on a chaotic dynamical system. Using a chaotic trajectory sampled under certain rules in order to avoid any attempt to reconstruct the original one, we create a binary pseudo-random keystream that can only be exactly reproduced by someone that has fully knowledge of the communication system parameters formed by a transmitter and a receiver and sharing the same initial conditions. The plaintext is XORed with the keystream creating the ciphertext, the encrypted message. This keystream passes the NISTs randomness test and has been implemented in a videoconference App for smartphones, in order to show the fast and light nature of the proposed encryption system

    The literary works' adaptation into video games

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    The problem proposed by this Final Degree Project will be the process of adapting a literary work to a video game. The main objective is to address the issue of adaptation in depth, for that reason, different games that are adaptations of books will be analyzed. After these analyses, a formal document will be developed describing the steps to carry out an adaptation in an orderly and coherent manner. To finish, a practical example of an adaptation process from the book to a video game using the rubric created previously will be redacted. The main objective is to have as many references as possible about these types of adaptations to approach them from any point of view and regardless of the type of adaptation that the reader wants to do, the template is going to be generic and flexible enough for any type of methodology. Secondary objectives will be to deeply break down concepts that have high importance in the process of adaptation and know exactly how to approach them when the reader finds it in the position of having to implement the concept. The methodology used consists of three parts. Firstly, research, where books and articles about any topic that has importance within this adaptation process will be ana,yzed. Second of all, the analysis process, where all the information researched and synthesized will be put into practice when analyzing these games. Finally, in the results part, where a document will be presented with a proposal of an own adaptation from a video game, this document based on a rubric previously crafted, will be original and own final exemplification

    Knocking on heaven's door : are novel invaders necessarily facing naive native species on islands ?

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    The impact of alien predator species on insular native biota has often been attributed to island prey naivete (i.e. lack of, or inefficient, anti-predator behavior). Only rarely, however, has the concept of island prey naivete been tested, and then only a posteriori (i.e. hundreds or thousands of years after alien species introduction). The presence of native or anciently introduced predators or competitors may be crucial for the recognition and development of adaptive behavior toward unknown predators or competitors of the same archetype (i.e. a set of species that occupy a similar ecological niche and show similar morphological and behavioral traits when interacting with other species). Here, we tested whether two squamates endemic to New Caledonia, a skink, Caledoniscincus austrocaledonicus, and a gecko, Bavayia septuiclavis, recognized and responded to the odor of two major invaders introduced into the Pacific islands, but not yet into New Caledonia. We chose one predator, the small Indian mongoose Herpestes javanicus and one competitor, the cane toad Rhinella marina, which belong respectively to the same archetype as the following two species already introduced into New Caledonia in the nineteenth century: the feral cat Felis catus and the golden bell frog Litoria aurea. Our experiment reveals that geckos are naive with respect to the odors of both an unknown predator and an unknown competitor, as well as to the odors of a predator and a competitor they have lived with for centuries. In contrast, skinks seem to have lost some naivete regarding the odor of a predator they have lived with for centuries and seem "predisposed" to avoid the odor of an unknown potential competitor. These results indicate that insular species living in contact with invasive alien species for centuries may be, although not systematically, predisposed toward developing adaptive behavior with respect to species belonging to the same archetype and introduced into their native range

    Dynamics of two coupled chaotic systems driven by external signals

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    Setting-up a controlled or synchronized state in a space-time chaotic structure targeting an unstable periodic orbit is a key feature of many problems in high dimensional physical, electronics, biological and ecological systems (among others). Formerly, we have shown numerically and experimentally that phase synchronization [M.G. Rosenblum, A.S. Pikovsky, J. Kurths, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4193 (1997)] can be achieved in time dependent hydrodynamic flows [D. Maza, A. Vallone, H.L. Mancini, S. Boccaletti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5567 (2000)]. In that case the flow was generated in a small container with inhomogeneous heating in order to have a single roll structure produced by a B´enard-Marangoni instability [E.L. Koshmieder, B´enard Cells and Taylor Vortices (Cambridge University Press, 1993)]. Phase synchronization was achieved by a small amplitude signal injected at a subharmonic frequency obtained from the measured Fourier temperature spectrum. In this work, we analyze numerically the effects of driving two previously synchronized chaotic oscillators by an external signal. The numerical system represents a convective experiment in a small container with square symmetry, where boundary layer instabilities are coupled by a common flow. This work is an attempt to control this situation and overcome some difficulties to select useful frequency values for the driving force, analyzing the influence of different harmonic injection signals on the synchronization in a system composed by two identical chaotic Takens-Bogdanov equations (TBA and TBB) bidirectionally coupled

    Complexity control in a synchronized complex system

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    We numerically analyze the problem of how to drive a synchronized state in a complex system to other state with diferent complexity, keeping synchronization. The complex system used is obtained by synchronizing two identical chaotic Takens-Bogdanov sub-systems specially coupled to recover in the global system the symmetries of each oscillator. The global state is adjusted to have an initial synchronized hyperchaotic state (with two positive Lyapunov exponents). This work is an attempt, using small amplitude external signals, to drive the global system to other complex state keeping the synchronized state. The method used to overcome the problems that we had to select a useful frequency value for the driving signal will be discussed, together with a possible experiment in a thermo-convective flow for validating the results obtained

    Avaluació de processos de reconeixement d’entitats (NER) com a complement a interfícies de recuperació d’informació en dipòsits digitals complexos

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    The aim of the study is to explore the use of unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition (NER) processes to generate descriptive metadata capable to assist information retrieval interfaces in large-scaled digital collections and support the construction of of more diverse knowledge representation models in academic libraries. For this purpose the study reviews some experiences and canonical literature in the use of automatized subject headings creation in libraries and archives environments as a leveraging tool in the overexploited use of search engines as main access points to retrieve assets in their catalogs and digital collections., focusing on the guidelines established by two articles that address this task from two complementary points of view: • van Hooland S, de Wilde M, Verborgh R, Steiner T, Van de Walle R. Exploring entity recognition and disambiguation for cultural heritage collections. DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP IN THE HUMANITIES. 2013 Nov 1;30(2):262–79. • Zeng M. Using a Semantic Analysis Tool to Generate Subject Access Points: A Study Using Panofsky’s Theory and Two Research Samples. Knowledge Organization. 2014 Jan 1;440–51. The first one, provides the tools to generate named-entities in large scale samples of text and establishes the parameters to assess the suitability of this entities in a quantitative level. The second one provides the guidelines to analyze the quality of those results by developing a 3 layered framework (identification-description-interpretation) based on Edward Panofsky’s work in the analysis and interpretation of pictorial works. A work environment is built on this premise to extract and analyze the entities detected by DBPedia Spotlight (the NER service used for extraction) in a random collection of bibliographic records extracted from a thesis aggregator (Open Acces Thesis & Dissertations). The results shows the great improve on descriptive access points provided by this processes at a quantitative basis, allowing users to browse more effectively in better contextualized records if combined with the keywords already indexed, despite not having the necessary consistency to successfully surpass the quality filter established in the evaluation table. This setback, however, conditions in a relative way the possibility of improving the visibility of record in large collections by these means if the logical constructions from the semantic basis that manages the extraction service is taken into consideration on iterative cataloging processes, establishing a iterative and cost-effective way of constructing more diverse maps of knowledge graphs connecting manual or self-generated indexed keywords to others nodes in the linked open data (LOD) cloud

    Avaluació de processos de reconeixement d’entitats (NER) com a complement a interfícies de recuperació d’informació en dipòsits digitals complexos

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    The aim of the study is to explore the use of unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition (NER) processes to generate descriptive metadata capable to assist information retrieval interfaces in large-scaled digital collections and support the construction of of more diverse knowledge representation models in academic libraries. For this purpose the study reviews some experiences and canonical literature in the use of automatized subject headings creation in libraries and archives environments as a leveraging tool in the overexploited use of search engines as main access points to retrieve assets in their catalogs and digital collections., focusing on the guidelines established by two articles that address this task from two complementary points of view: • van Hooland S, de Wilde M, Verborgh R, Steiner T, Van de Walle R. Exploring entity recognition and disambiguation for cultural heritage collections. DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP IN THE HUMANITIES. 2013 Nov 1;30(2):262–79. • Zeng M. Using a Semantic Analysis Tool to Generate Subject Access Points: A Study Using Panofsky’s Theory and Two Research Samples. Knowledge Organization. 2014 Jan 1;440–51. The first one, provides the tools to generate named-entities in large scale samples of text and establishes the parameters to assess the suitability of this entities in a quantitative level. The second one provides the guidelines to analyze the quality of those results by developing a 3 layered framework (identification-description-interpretation) based on Edward Panofsky’s work in the analysis and interpretation of pictorial works. A work environment is built on this premise to extract and analyze the entities detected by DBPedia Spotlight (the NER service used for extraction) in a random collection of bibliographic records extracted from a thesis aggregator (Open Acces Thesis & Dissertations). The results shows the great improve on descriptive access points provided by this processes at a quantitative basis, allowing users to browse more effectively in better contextualized records if combined with the keywords already indexed, despite not having the necessary consistency to successfully surpass the quality filter established in the evaluation table. This setback, however, conditions in a relative way the possibility of improving the visibility of record in large collections by these means if the logical constructions from the semantic basis that manages the extraction service is taken into consideration on iterative cataloging processes, establishing a iterative and cost-effective way of constructing more diverse maps of knowledge graphs connecting manual or self-generated indexed keywords to others nodes in the linked open data (LOD) cloud

    Creació de prototip de plataforma de difusió cultural per a web estàtica i integració de visors d’imatge i notació musical basats en esquemes IIIF i MEI

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    Màster d'Humanitats Digitals, Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2021-2022. Tutor: Miquel Centelles Velilla.Aquest treball analitza els models actuals de construcció de col·leccions digitals de patrimoni musical i realitza una proposta de disseny i implementació d'un projecte de digitalització de la obra Cancionero musical popular español en les següents fases: 1. La transformació per mètodes de reconeixement òptic de caràcters (OCR) per a la part textual de l'obra a un símil digital que adapta l'experiència de lectura de l'obra a un entorn digital 2. La disposició d'una edició facsímil que se sustenta en l'ús dels estàndards de la International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) 3. La transformació de les partitures musicals a notació musical digital per mètodes de reconeixement òptic musical (OMR) i la seva transformació segons el model promogut per la Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) 4. implementació d'una plataforma d'infraestructura mínima per a l'accés en línia dels derivats d'aquestes transformacions en una plataforma de web estàtica basada en Jekyll. Enllaç a la plataforma en línia: https://ficus.maadix.org/CancioneroDigital/This work analyses the current models of construction of digital collections of musical heritage and describes a proposal for the design and implementation of a digitization project for the work Cancionero musical popular Español in the following phases: 1. The transformation by optical recognition of characters (OCR) methods for the textual part of the work to a digital simile that adapts the experience of reading the work in a digital environment 2. The creation of a facsimile edition based on the standards of the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) 3. The transformation of musical scores to digital musical notation by optical musical recognition (OMR) methods and its transformation according to the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) model 4. Deployment of a minimum infrastructure platform for online access to the derivatives of these transformations into a static web platform based on Jekyll. Link to the online platform: https://ficus.maadix.org/CancioneroDigital

    Avaluació de processos de reconeixement d’entitats (NER) com a complement a interfícies de recuperació d’informació en dipòsits digitals complexos

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    The aim of the study is to explore the use of unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition (NER) processes to generate descriptive metadata capable to assist information retrieval interfaces in large-scaled digital collections and support the construction of of more diverse knowledge representation models in academic libraries. For this purpose the study reviews some experiences and canonical literature in the use of automatized subject headings creation in libraries and archives environments as a leveraging tool in the overexploited use of search engines as main access points to retrieve assets in their catalogs and digital collections., focusing on the guidelines established by two articles that address this task from two complementary points of view: • van Hooland S, de Wilde M, Verborgh R, Steiner T, Van de Walle R. Exploring entity recognition and disambiguation for cultural heritage collections. DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP IN THE HUMANITIES. 2013 Nov 1;30(2):262–79. • Zeng M. Using a Semantic Analysis Tool to Generate Subject Access Points: A Study Using Panofsky’s Theory and Two Research Samples. Knowledge Organization. 2014 Jan 1;440–51. The first one, provides the tools to generate named-entities in large scale samples of text and establishes the parameters to assess the suitability of this entities in a quantitative level. The second one provides the guidelines to analyze the quality of those results by developing a 3 layered framework (identification-description-interpretation) based on Edward Panofsky’s work in the analysis and interpretation of pictorial works. A work environment is built on this premise to extract and analyze the entities detected by DBPedia Spotlight (the NER service used for extraction) in a random collection of bibliographic records extracted from a thesis aggregator (Open Acces Thesis & Dissertations). The results shows the great improve on descriptive access points provided by this processes at a quantitative basis, allowing users to browse more effectively in better contextualized records if combined with the keywords already indexed, despite not having the necessary consistency to successfully surpass the quality filter established in the evaluation table. This setback, however, conditions in a relative way the possibility of improving the visibility of record in large collections by these means if the logical constructions from the semantic basis that manages the extraction service is taken into consideration on iterative cataloging processes, establishing a iterative and cost-effective way of constructing more diverse maps of knowledge graphs connecting manual or self-generated indexed keywords to others nodes in the linked open data (LOD) cloud

    Avaluació de processos de reconeixement d’entitats (NER) com a complement a interfícies de recuperació d’informació en dipòsits digitals complexos

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    The aim of the study is to explore the use of unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition (NER) processes to generate descriptive metadata capable to assist information retrieval interfaces in large-scaled digital collections and support the construction of of more diverse knowledge representation models in academic libraries. For this purpose the study reviews some experiences and canonical literature in the use of automatized subject headings creation in libraries and archives environments as a leveraging tool in the overexploited use of search engines as main access points to retrieve assets in their catalogs and digital collections., focusing on the guidelines established by two articles that address this task from two complementary points of view: • van Hooland S, de Wilde M, Verborgh R, Steiner T, Van de Walle R. Exploring entity recognition and disambiguation for cultural heritage collections. DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP IN THE HUMANITIES. 2013 Nov 1;30(2):262–79. • Zeng M. Using a Semantic Analysis Tool to Generate Subject Access Points: A Study Using Panofsky’s Theory and Two Research Samples. Knowledge Organization. 2014 Jan 1;440–51. The first one, provides the tools to generate named-entities in large scale samples of text and establishes the parameters to assess the suitability of this entities in a quantitative level. The second one provides the guidelines to analyze the quality of those results by developing a 3 layered framework (identification-description-interpretation) based on Edward Panofsky’s work in the analysis and interpretation of pictorial works. A work environment is built on this premise to extract and analyze the entities detected by DBPedia Spotlight (the NER service used for extraction) in a random collection of bibliographic records extracted from a thesis aggregator (Open Acces Thesis & Dissertations). The results shows the great improve on descriptive access points provided by this processes at a quantitative basis, allowing users to browse more effectively in better contextualized records if combined with the keywords already indexed, despite not having the necessary consistency to successfully surpass the quality filter established in the evaluation table. This setback, however, conditions in a relative way the possibility of improving the visibility of record in large collections by these means if the logical constructions from the semantic basis that manages the extraction service is taken into consideration on iterative cataloging processes, establishing a iterative and cost-effective way of constructing more diverse maps of knowledge graphs connecting manual or self-generated indexed keywords to others nodes in the linked open data (LOD) cloud