365 research outputs found

    Russia in War and Peace.

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    Fractality of Aging of Living Systems

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    On the basis of the basic model of the kinetic theory of aging of living systems, mathematical modeling of various characteristics of aging of mankind, state, generation, human body, organs and cells has been carried out. These results are compared with experimental and calculated data of other authors. The analysis of the works presented here and those carried out earlier gave reason to believe that the basic mathematical model of the evolution of aging of living dynamic systems of various hierarchical levels and nature is the invariant differential equation of the kinetic theory of aging, as a manifestation of the fractality property of living systems

    The Predictive Potential of the Kinetic Model of Aging of Living Systems in Demography

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    An original mathematical model, previously tested by the authors on other non-demographic objects, is proposed for describing and forecasting demographic systems — the population of the countries of the World using the examples of the USA, China and Russia, as well as the number of mice in the “mouse paradise” experiment of the American scientist John Calhoun. The proposed approach allows us to describe the stages and features of this dynamics: population growth in the USA, growth and possible decrease in the population in China, loss of a part of the population of the Russian Empire and the USSR due to two world wars and the collapse of the USSR, biological degradation of the “mouse paradise” up to its complete extinction. The use of the kinetic model of aging of various types of living systems to predict the development of the number of demographic systems is based on the assumptions that the aging and development processes are related to each other and have the same statistical regularity, reflecting the fractal principle of Nature - the unity of structure and function. The results obtained suggest that a person, a population of the World, humanity and other biological species develop and simultaneously age like each other under the conditions of the always existing syndrome of general adaptation (stress) and according to the same pattern corresponding to the mathematical model proposed here. 

    Experiment K-6-22. Growth hormone regulation, synthesis and secretion in microgravity. Part 1: Somatotroph physiology. Part 2: Immunohistochemical analysis of hypothalamic hormones. Part 3: Plasma analysis

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    The objectives of the 1887 mission were: (1) to determine if the results of the SL-3 pituitary gland experiment (1) were repeatable; and (2) to determine what effect a longer mission would have on the rat pituitary gland growth hormone (GH) system. In the 1887 experiment two issues were considered especially important. First, it was recognized that cells prepared from individual rat pituitary glands should be considered separately so that the data from the 5 glands could be analyzed in a statistically meaningful way. Second, results of the SL-3 flight involving the hollow fiber implant and HPLC GH-variant experiments suggested that the biological activity of the hormone had been negatively affected by flight. The results of the 1887 experiment documented the wisdom of addressing both issues in the protocol. Thus, the reduction in secretory capacity of flight cells during subsequent extended cell culture on Earth was documented statistically, and thereby established the validity of the SL-3 result. The results of both flight experiments thus support the contention that there is a secretory lesion in pituitary GH cells of flight animals. The primary objective of both missions was a clear definition of the effect of spaceflight on the GH cell system. There can no longer be any reasonable doubt that this system is affected in microgravity. One explanation for the reason(s) underlying the better known effects of spaceflight on organisms, viz. changes in bone, muscle and immune systems may very well rest with such changes in bGH. In spite of the fact that rats in the Cosmos 1887 flight were on Earth for two days after flight, the data show that the GH system had still not recovered from the effects of flight. Many questions remain. One of the more important concerns the GRF responsiveness of somatotrophs after flight. This will be tested in an upcoming experiment

    Those wonderful elastic waves

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    We consider in a simple and general way elastic waves in isotropic and anisotropic media, their polarization, speeds, reflection from interfaces with mode conversion, and surface waves. Reflection of quasi transverse waves in anisotropic media from a free surface is shown to be characterized by three critical angles.Comment: 11 Figures 26 page

    A proposal of a UCN experiment to check an earthquake waves model

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    Elastic waves with transverse polarization inside incidence plane can create longitudinal surface wave (LSW) after reflection from a free surface. At a critical incidence angle this LSW accumulates energy density, which can be orders of magnitude higher than energy density of the incident transverse wave. A specially arranged vessel for storage of ultracold neutrons (UCN) can be used to verify this effect.Comment: 8 pages 3 figures added a paragraph on vibrations along surface at critical angl

    Learning Maze (Juego de aprendizaje)

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    Desarrollo de un juego tipo rogue para un sistema de aprendizaje de diversas temáticas basado en flashcard. El juego ha de ser portable para un gran número de dispositivos móviles

    Design and development of a dynamic mobile guide using recommendations from affine users

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    Desarrollo de guía turística dinámica sobre dispositivos móviles. Soporte de geolocalización, sistema de recomendación y afinidad entre usuarios.[ANGLÈS] This project describes the development of LiveGuide, a touristic guide for mobile devices focused on dynamic information and personalized recommendations of new locations. With LiveGuide, people will carry the guide content within their mobile phones or tablets and will have to interact with it, by means of comments, ratings and real GPS position in order to progress and unlock new content. The guide information is stored in a central server and can be easily expanded and modified, allowing clients to synchronize their local databases against it. In addition, the information from affine users is analyzed and, using a recommendation system, users will get a proposal of new places that may find interesting. This feature, linked to a self-categorization of the users, provides a personalized experience for every client. The mobile software is developed with a higher layer framework that abstracts the native layer (PhoneGap), allowing portability to any platform, and includes a native background service for controlling the GPS position of the client.[CASTELLÀ] En este proyecto se desarrolla LiveGuide, una guía turística para dispositivos móviles que hace especial énfasis en el dinamismo y personalización de las localizaciones recomendadas a los usuarios. Con LiveGuide, las personas tendrán el contenido de la guía en sus teléfonos móviles o tablets y deberán interactuar con él, mediante comentarios, puntuaciones y posicionamiento real GPS para avanzar y desbloquear nuevos contenidos. La información de la guía es almacenada en un servidor central y puede ser expandida y modificada fácilmente, posibilitando a los clientes sincronizar sus versiones locales. Los usuarios participan con un sistema de puntuación y opiniones que determina en todo momento la valoración de cada localización individual. Además, la información enviada por usuarios afines es analizada y, a través de un sistema de recomendaciones, a los clientes se les proponen nuevos sitios que podrían ser de su interés. El software móvil se ha desarrollado con un framework de alto nivel que abstrae la capa nativa (PhoneGap), permitiendo la portabilidad a cualquier plataforma, y mediante un servicio nativo que se ejecuta en segundo plano y controla la posición GPS del cliente.[CATALÀ] Aquest projecte descriu LiveGuide, una guia turística per dispositius mòbils amb especial èmfasi en el dinamisme i personalització de les localitzacions recomanades als usuaris. Amb LiveGuide els clients tindran accés al contingut de la guia en el seus telèfons o tablets i, mitjançant comentaris, votacions i posicionament, podran desbloquejar noves localitzacions al seu abast. Les dades de la guia son emmagatzemades en un servidor central, que pot actualitzar-les fàcilment i sincronitzar les versions locals dels usuaris. Els usuaris participen amb un sistema de puntuació i opinions que determina la valoració de cadascun dels llocs. A més a mes, les dades enviades pels usuaris afins són analitzades i, mitjançant el sistema de recomanacions, els clients reben propostes de llocs més adients que potser seran del seu interès. El software mòbil s'ha desenvolupat amb un framework d'alt nivell (PhoneGap) que permet la potabilitat senzilla a qualsevol plataforma mòbil amb un mínim d'esforç. Finalment, un servei natiu s'executarà en segon pla per controlar la posició GPS del client

    Социальное неравенство: философская и социологическая рефлексия

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    Social inequality is the phenomena that is hypothetically the base for first human communities genesis. Modern model for capitalist society as market relations form fails to satisfy the needs of society’s social development, and strongly requires to create new social knowledge structure and new approach for inequality sociology theory development. Our study conceptual logic comprises routine, philosophic and ideological reflexions analysis to create new social inequality definition in the context of new sociologic knowledge structure. Social inequality is the one of key problems in global sociology; the need is obvious to extract social inequality into separate discipline. Inequality sociology target is the decision of theoretical and practical problems in the formation of comprehensive knowledge about inequality phenomena in modern community, and in the development of common and specialized theoretical-methodological base for inequality study.Социальное неравенство - это феномен, который гипотетически лежит в основе появления первых человеческих сообществ. Нынешняя модель капиталистического общества в форме глобально-рыночных отношений не отвечает потребностям социального развития общества и с необходимостью требует создания новой структуры социологического знания и нового подхода в разработке теории социологии неравенства. Концептуальная логика нашего исследования складывается из анализа повседневной, философской, идеологической рефлексий, на основе чего конструируется новое определение социального неравенства в контексте новой структуры социологического знания. Социальное неравенство выступает одной из важнейших проблем глобальной социологии, поэтому возникает необходимость выделения социологии неравенства в отдельную дисциплинарную область. Целевая задача социологии неравенства - это решение теоретических и практических задач, связанных с формированием целостного знания о феномене неравенства в современном обществе, разработкой общей и специальной теоретико-методологической основы изучения неравенства

    Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Transducers for the Detection of Defects in Plates

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    In order to minimise the problems due to the acoustic impedance mismatch between solids and air, the non destructive testing of materials using ultrasonic transducers generally requires either contact transducers or immersion transducers to be used [1]. Air-coupled transducers however would be very advantageous for testing structures which must be not contaminated with couplant and also for all in-situ industrial applications. Although the propagation of ultrasonic waves from laser generation [2] involves air-coupling, the difficulties due to the experimental set-up of this technique and the financial investment it implies are two major disadvantages