568 research outputs found

    Teachers' Perceptions in Implementing Technologies In Language Teaching and Learning in Indonesia

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    Technologies have swept the world in every aspect of life including the education system. And therefore, the purpose of this research is to find the Challenges Encountered in implementing technologies in Language Teaching and Learning in Indonesia. This study was a quantitative method in nature. The participants of the study were randomly chosen 30 teachers from Bandung in the rural area. The data were collected by using questionnaires and were analyzed by using mix method that is quantitative and qualitative procedures. The result showed that using technology in the classroom was helpful. In addition to that, more tools and facilities provided by schools are increasingly helping them improve their ability to use technology. Though the school has prepared facilities there were several challenges found in the implementation of technologies in the Language Learning classrooms. Additional results of this study give meaningful insights for policymakers in relation to the implementation of ICT for teaching and learning in the classroom

    Enhancing Vocabulary Performance Through Mobile Assisted Language Learning at a Rural School in Indonesia

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    Living in this era of globalization and in the 4.0 industrial revolution, we cannot get away from technology because it has integrated into our lives and has penetrated the educational system. There were studies done on the use of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) to improve students’ vocabulary achievement in other parts of the world and also in some urban schools in Indonesia, but this study seeks to find whether the students’ vocabulary improved through the use of MALL at rural school in Bandung- Indonesia. This study was carried out to find the enhancement of using MALL in vocabulary teaching to 79 grade 8 students in Bandung. This study was designed for quantitative and experimental research. The students were separated into two groups, experimental and control groups. A day before coming to class, 15-20 words to learn the following day was sent to the experimental group through a short messages system (SMS) for them to read, find the synonyms and meanings of those words before coming to the class.   The result of the study showed that students in the experimental group performed better than the control group. It also proves that technology makes a significant difference in the learning of vocabulary in school

    Luxembourg in the European Union: The smallest member state in the council of ministers

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    The present M.A. thesis deals with the status and the distinct role that Luxembourg can carve out for itself in the current, post-Maastricht institutional and decision-making framework of the European Union (EU). Our aim is to understand the way Luxembourg operates in the EU's central decision-making body, the Council of Ministers. We do not analyse the policy output and its effects on Luxembourg but the formal and informal features of the Council of Ministers and Luxembourg's interaction with it. hi view of the weaknesses that small-state status confers on Luxembourg, the small state has a persistent interest in finding strategies for managing smallness. Like other small states, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg sees its small-state predicament best resolved by coperating at international level. In this respect the institutional and legal framework of the European Union offers unique benefits. The Council of Ministers is the central decision-making institution of the European Union and the institution via which Luxembourg’s negotiating status and behaviour is analysed. The principle of equality of states and federal-type overrepresentation place Luxembourg in a particularly advantageous situation. Not only is the small state overrepresented but it also enjoys a disproportionately high influence under the current Council voting system. Things look different when it comes to exerting political weight. Still, Luxembourg has adopted a behaviour and strategies allowing it to overcome the weaknesses derived from its small size. It will be shown that the small state has important opportunities of action both when it acts in a neutral way and when it needs to defend important national interests

    Nogent-le-Rotrou – Château Saint-Jean

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    Lien Atlas (MCC) : http://atlas.patrimoines.culture.fr/atlas/trunk/index.php?ap_theme=DOM_2.01.02&ap_bbox=0.756;48.290;0.859;48.349 Le risque d'effondrement d'une portion de la courtine de la cour du château Saint-Jean a requis la réalisation de travaux de consolidation d'urgence nécessitant le creusement d'une profonde tranchée dans le sous-sol de la cour. La surveillance archéologique de ces travaux a apporté de nombreux renseignements concernant la stratification complexe de la cour. Plusi..

    Meobecq – Abbaye Saint-Pierre, logements des officiers claustraux

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    Lien Atlas (MCC) : http://atlas.patrimoines.culture.fr/atlas/trunk/index.php?ap_theme=DOM_2.01.02&ap_bbox=1.361;46.708;1.461;46.783 En préalable à un projet de réhabilitation, plusieurs bâtiments de la basse-cour de l'abbaye de Méobecq, inscrits à l'Inventaire supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques, font l'objet d'un programme de recherche d'archéologie du bâti depuis 1996 (voir BSR 1996). La campagne 1997 s'est attachée à la compréhension de l'enceinte de la basse-cour. La corrélation des ..

    Meobecq – Abbaye Saint-Pierre, logements des officiers claustraux

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    Lien Atlas (MCC) : http://atlas.patrimoines.culture.fr/atlas/trunk/index.php?ap_theme=DOM_2.01.02&ap_bbox=1.361;46.708;1.461;46.783 En préalable à un projet de réhabilitation, plusieurs bâtiments de la basse-cour de l'abbaye de Méobecq, inscrits à l'Inventaire supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques, font l'objet d'un programme de recherche d'archéologie du bâti depuis 1996 (voir BSR 1996). La campagne 1997 s'est attachée à la compréhension de l'enceinte de la basse-cour. La corrélation des ..

    Naissance et évolution de l’ensemble castral de Vesvre

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    Le site castral de Vesvre se situe dans le nord du département du Cher, en limite sud du Pays-Fort, le long de l’axe de circulation médiéval entre Sancerre et les Aix-d’Angillon. Ce site est mis en place dès la fin du ixe s. et connaît plusieurs phases importantes d’aménagement. La première organisation semble avoir été celle d’un site bi-polaire incluant motte, plate-forme et vaste basse-cour centrale (fig. 1). Au début du xiiie s., cette organisation est entièrement revue, alors que le terr..

    A Comparison of the Opportunities Offered in Negro and White Senior High Schools in the Field of Commerce in West Virginia

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    Commercial education is relatively a newcomer in our schools, as compared with the College Preparatory Course. Because of the demands of business and society the content of the commercial course has been largely increased to include such subjects as commercial law, salesmanship, consumer economics, insurance, business machines, office practice, and other subjects, to meet these new demands. Since the field of commercial education is still newer in the Negro high schools it seems to the writer to be necessary that a comparison of situations will be the basis for determining future needs and equipment in the Negro and white high schools. With the introduction of the County Unit System in our state, many schools have been discontinued and in most instances only one high school for Negro youth exists in a county. The writer felt that a study should be made to find out whether the opportunities in commercial education are comparable to those offered in the white high school and if the courses are being used by pupils vocationally or merely for personal use. In other words, if the commercial facilities in the Negro high schools of adequate. The purpose of this study is to determine the opportunities offered in the Negro high schools and deals primarily with the number of Negro high schools and a comparison with a comparable number of white high schools, offering commercial work, the number of teachers employed, a comparison of subjects, the number of units to be earned, size of classes, equipment, and a follow-up of the commercial graduates in so far as possible. The data presented in this study were obtained from the following sources: Questionnaires were circulated among 34 Negro and 34 white senior high schools, listed in the West Virginia Educational directory for the school year 1944-1945; from the published records of the West Virginia State Department of Education; from the published records of the Bureau of Negro Welfare and Statistics; and from the principals in schools where there were no commercial courses given. Replies were received from 70.6 per cent of the Negro schools and 67.7 per cent of the white schools investigated. This represents a fair sampling on the basis of comparable enrollments and also represents each county in which there is a Negro high school
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