3,231 research outputs found

    Utilización de los diagnósticos enfermeros impotencia y desesperanza en cuidados paliativos

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaINTRODUCCIÓN Este trabajo pretende conocer el uso de los diagnósticos enfermeros impotencia y desesperanza en cuidados paliativos. OBJETIVO. Conocer el uso de los diagnósticos enfermeros desesperanza e impotencia en cuidados paliativos. METODOLOGÍA A través de una revisión bibliográfica, se presenta un estudio de ambos diagnósticos en el que se incluye: definición de conceptos, relación con otros procesos vitales y su abordaje como diagnóstico enfermero. Se realiza una búsqueda en diferentes bases de datos, localizándose un total de 28 artículos y trabajos de investigación de los que se escogen 9 para analizar. RESULTADOS Los resultados obtenidos indican que desesperanza e impotencia son dos diagnósticos que se confunden con frecuencia, aunque tienen notables diferencias que permiten un abordaje específico de cada uno de ellos. El conocimiento y aplicación de ambos es de suma importancia para la profesión enfermera, ya que contribuyen a mejorar las medidas de confort, la calidad asistencial de los pacientes terminales. Falta investigación desde la perspectiva enfermera

    Predictors of Behavioral Health Among Firefighters in Their Third Year of Fire Service

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    Employee turnover is expensive, as job training can cost upwards of 30% of an employee’s annual salary (not including additional onboarding expenses; Boushey & Glynn, 2012). This is especially true among high stress, dangerous occupations that require specialized training such as firefighters (Envisage Technologies, 2016; Knoll, 2011; Patterson et al., 2010). Health status is a primary reason for job concerns that may lead to decline in job performance and employment separation (Hourani, Williams, & Kress, 2006; Virtanen, Kivimäki, Vahtera, Elovainio, Sund, Virtanen, & Ferrie, 2006). Two research areas that support this notion include literature on the biopsychosocial model and occupational stress. The purpose of the current study was twofold: 1) to assess pre-academy biopsychosocial factors that may predict positive health outcomes among firefighters after 3 years of service, and 2) to determine the impact of occupational stress on health status over time. Results indicate that social support from family, number of family mental health diagnoses, depression symptoms and occupational stress were the most salient predictors of total health in the third year of fire service. By pinpointing these markers of vulnerability early in a high-risk, high-stress career, investigators aim to enhance future training and prevention efforts for those in particularly dangerous occupations. Specifically, these findings highlight potentially useful domains to help identify those who may be “at-risk” as well as areas that may be targets for early intervention

    Latent Profiles of Young Adults Based on E-Cigarette Outcome Expectancies

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    Background: While cigarette smoking has steadily declined, electronic cigarette use (e.g., e-cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery systems [ENDS]) has led a new generation to become addicted to nicotine (Cummings & Proctor, 2014; USDHHS, 2014). Some individuals believe these products have the potential to provide benefits in helping smokers quit; however, many harmful aspects have been uniquely associated with e-cigarette use (e.g., toxicity, vape-specific injuries, gateway effects, etc.). If e-cigarettes are to be established as useful cessation tools, researchers must better understand e-cigarette use beliefs and associated clinical targets. Purpose: To better inform e-cigarette prevention and intervention, investigators developed profiles of young adults with similar e-cigarette outcome expectancies and used demographic features, transdiagnostic emotional variables (i.e., anhedonia, anxiety sensitivity, and distress tolerance), and smoking status to predict participants’ group membership. Participants and Methods: Five hundred and six young adults (aged 18 to 40) were recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk to complete an anonymous survey created in Qualtrics. Nicotine users with varying nicotine use backgrounds were surveyed. The Youth E-Cigarette Outcome Expectancies Measure-Revised Long Version was used to assess participants’ e-cigarette outcome expectancies (Pokhrel et al., 2014, 2018). Based on e-cigarette expectancies, subgroups were derived using latent class analysis in Mplus Version 8.4 (Muthén & Muthén, 1998-2017). After determining latent class profiles, demographic features and transdiagnostic emotional variables, measured using the Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (Snaith et al., 1995), the Anxiety Sensitivity Inventory (Taylor et al., 2007), and the Distress Tolerance Scale (Simons & Gaher, 2005), were used to predict membership. Results: Analyses revealed three distinct classes of participants with similar e-cigarette use expectancies. Sex, race, education, smoking status, anhedonia, and anxiety sensitivity significantly predicted membership. Heightened anxiety sensitivity was associated with increased odds of “Vape Positive†group membership. Conclusions: Consistent with previous literature, identifying as female and being more educated appears to be connected to decreased positive e-cigarette expectancies. Anxiety sensitivity and anhedonia appear to be malleable clinical targets that predict young adults’ positive beliefs about e-cigarette use. Findings support conclusions that differences exist between e-cigarette use and traditional smoking patterns. Additional research will elucidate understanding of diverse groups’ e-cigarette use patterns

    Factors That Influence in the Buying Decision of the Final Internet Consumer in the Area of Mexico City

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    The present investigation has the purpose of identifying the factors that influence in the buying decision of the final Internet consumer in the area of Mexico City. The instrument used was a questionnaire applied to 426 people of the area of Mexico City with a confidence factor of .95 and a sample error of .05. The present investigation was realized as a marketing thesis and the results shown in this investigation are the final reuslts from 426 questionnaires. We identify factors that make people take the decision of purchase via web, this is because they don´t have culture of using the internet and they don´t trust the system. It is easier to buy products the traditional way than making a little effort and try new thing

    Spanish Translation of the Children's Hope Scale Using Quantitative Methods for Verifying Semantic Equivalence

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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to translate the Children's Hope Scale (CHS) from English to Spanish using quantitative methods in order to verify semantic equivalence of the adapted measure. The study utilized bilingual, English and Spanish-speaking children between the ages of 8 and 16 from different school districts across Kansas (N=161). Results indicated semantic equivalence between the English and the Spanish Children's Hope Scale. The creation of a linguistically and culturally competent scale will increase the involvement of Spanish speaking children in the measure of positive psychological constructs such as hope. This study contributes to the literature on multicultural assessment competency and the procedures of translating measures from English to Spanish using quantitative methods for verifying semantic equivalence. Because of the steadily growing Spanish speaking population in the U.S., it is imperative to teach children the concept of Esperanza (Hope). By introducing to Spanish speaking children the main components of Hope (Agency thinking and Pathways thinking), a practical method to reach their goals and aspirations in life can also be introduced

    Effect of the use of lipoxygenase-free soybean line on the sensory attributes of soymilk and tofu

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    Flavor is the most important factor limiting consumption of soy foods in Western markets. Soybean lines lacking one or several of the lipoxygenase isozymes involved in flavor have been developed. Sensory evaluation provides relevant information related to actual perception and also presents some challenges that must be addressed. Perception of flavor by people varies according to people\u27s background. The use of terminology to describe the sensory attributes must be addressed. Also, the dynamism of the perceived intensity of some sensory attributes must be considered for evaluation of soy products;In the first part of this study, three groups of panelists from the U.S., Japan and China were trained to describe and compare soymilk or tofu made from lipoxygenase-free and normal lines. Soymilk made from lipoxygenase-free soybeans had less cooked beany aroma, less cooked beany flavor and less astringency. Panelists noted no differences between lipoxygenase-free and normal soybeans for milky flavor, wheat flavor, thickness, chalkiness or aftertaste. Tofu made from lipoxygenase-free soybeans had less cooked beany flavor than that made from normal soybeans. There were no differences in cooked beany aroma, raw beany aroma, raw beany flavor, wheat flavor, astringency, hardness, darkness or yellowness;The second part of the research comprised the description of the concept related to the \u27beany\u27 attributes. A panel of five judges was intensively trained to describe and evaluate different soymilks. Descriptors used to describe \u27beaniness\u27 were \u27raw as hexanal\u27 for flavor or aroma, \u27grassy\u27 flavor, and \u27sweet as green floral\u27 flavor. Significant differences (p \u3c 0.01) were found among commercial soymilk and soymilks processed from normal or lipoxygenase-free soybean lines and lipoxygenase-free soybeans stored for 1 yr at 4°C;The third part of the study addressed the changes in perception with time for bitterness and beaniness in soymilk. Time intensity was used to evaluate the effect of sugar (0, 2.5% and 5%), temperature (25°C and 5°C) and soybean line (normal and lipoxygenase-free) on the intensity of bitterness and beaniness of soymilk. Temperature did not have any important effect on bitterness or beaniness. Total intensity of bitterness was significantly reduced by the use of lipoxygenase-free soybeans or addition of sugar to the 2.5% level. Beaniness maximum intensity was reduced with the combined effect of using lipoxygenase-free soybeans and 2.5% sugar

    Desenvolupament embrionari i fotosíntesi en mans d'un sol gen

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    Un grup d'investigació del CRAG ha descobert que un gen d'Arabidopsis thaliana codifica per a dues proteïnes essencials, una per a la fotosíntesi i una altra per al desenvolupament embrionari. Ara analitzarà si aquest mecanisme es dóna també en altres espècies d'interès agronòmic, perquè podria ajudar a millorar la qualitat de les llavors o el creixement de les plantes.Un grupo de investigación del Centro de Investigación en Agrigenòmica (CRAG) ha descubierto que un gen de Arabidopsis thaliana codifica para dos proteínas esenciales, una para la fotosíntesis y otra para el desarrollo embrionario. Ahora analizará si este mecanismo se da también en otras especies de interés agronómico, porque podría ayudar a mejorar la calidad de las semillas o el crecimiento de las plantas.A research group from CRAG discovers that one gene from Arabidopsis thaliana encodes for two essential proteins, one necessary for photosynthesis and another one necessary for embryo development. The next step for the research team will be to analyze if this mechanism is replicated in species of agronomic interest, which it could have a great impact in improving seed quality and plant growth

    Cuidados de enfermería aplicados a pacientes pediátricos con diálisis peritoneal

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    La diálisis peritoneal es un procedimiento que permite depurar líquidos y electrolitos en pacientes pediátricos que sufren insuficiencia renal aguda de distinta etiología y en otras patologías como alteraciones metabólicas e intoxicaciones. Este procedimiento requiere cuidados exhaustivos de enfermería para evitar alteraciones hemodinámicas e infecciones. El siguiente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo conocer el nivel de conocimiento del personal de enfermería sobre los cuidados aplicados a pacientes pediátricos con diálisis peritoneal en el Servicio de Unidad de Terapia Intensiva del Hospital Humberto Notti en el año 2014 e investigar cuales son las complicaciones más comunes en dicho procedimiento. Es un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y de corte transversal. Los datos fueron obtenidos de un universo de 32 encuestas personales y anónimas de enfermeros de dicho servicio de los turnos matutino, vespertino y nocturno.Fil: Tarqui, Zenaida Victoria. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Torres, Cintia Silvina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.