2,098 research outputs found


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    This work develops a system based on photogrammetric methodologies; such system enables us to analyse the movements of the player in team sports such US soccer, indoor soccer, handball, basketball, etc. It can also be used in individual sports such us tennis with the same aim of quantifying player's movements. This system, called "RUNNER", can quantify player movements, by obtaining several kinematic parameters useful for deducing the physical loads on the players in real conditions. In this work we present some results obtained from soccer and indoor soccer studies

    Mechanisms for AAA and QoS Interaction

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    Proceedings of Third IEEE Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, ASWN 2003. Bern, Switzerland, July 2-4, 2003.The interaction between Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) systems and the Quality of Service (QoS) infrastructure is to become a must in the near future. This interaction will allow rich control and management of both users and networks. DIAMETER and DiffServ are likely to turn into the future standards in AAA and QoS systems, but they are not designed to interact with each other. To face this, we propose a new Diameter-Diffserv interaction model and describe the Application Specific Module (ASM) implemented to allow this interaction. The ASM has been implemented and tested in a complete AAA-QoS IPv6 scenario

    Analysing a license plate-based vehicle restriction policy with optional exemption charge: The case in Cali, Colombia

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    Several cities have restricted the use of private vehicles based on the last digit of a vehicle's license plate to reduce traffic congestion and pollution. However, the effectiveness of this measure has been questioned. In 2017, a hybrid scheme, License Plate Restriction Charging (LPRC), was implemented in Cali, Colombia. With this scheme, drivers can pay a charge (monthly, quarterly, or yearly) to circumvent the restriction, while the revenue is used to subsidise the BRT System. Cali was the first city in Latin America to implement such a scheme, while Colombia's capital, Bogota, adopted a similar policy in 2020. This article analyses the evolution of the measure using official information. In addition, we conducted a stated preferences survey and estimated a choice model to evaluate the behaviour of car owners to policy variables. Results show that LPRC price is the most relevant attribute in decision-making. Increasing the number of days with traffic restrictions and extending the hours of vehicle use restriction increases drivers' probability of paying for the LPRC. As currently implemented in Cali, the LPRC is a fixed cost that does not vary according to the car use level, encouraging users who pay for the exemption to use their car as much as possible to make the most out of the payment. Furthermore, the revenue from the charge contributes only marginally to financing the BRT. Finally, we propose several changes in the policy to improve its efficiency. Among them, consider a daily payment and hardening the current driving restriction. © 2023 The Author(s)APCs y acuerdos transformativos 2023, Elsevie

    Solving axp+byp=czpax^p+by^p=cz^p with abcabc containing an arbitrary number of prime factors.

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    In this paper we prove new cases of the asymptotic Fermatequation with coefficients. This is done by solving some remarkable S-unit equations and applying a method of Frey-Kraus-Mazur

    Las enfermedades que traen las lluvias del niño costero

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    Editorial (sin resumen

    La declaración jurada de pareja sentimental y el nepotismo en los funcionarios públicos en Lima Metropolitana 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, tiene como título “La declaración jurada de pareja sentimental y el nepotismo en los funcionarios públicos en Lima Metropolitana, 2020”, tuvo como objetivo general, determinar si la declaración jurada de pareja sentimental incide en el nepotismo en los funcionarios públicos en Lima Metropolitana, 2020. En lo que concierne a la metodología se empleó el enfoque cualitativo de tipo aplicada, con un diseño de la teoría fundamentada con un alcance descriptivo e interpretativo. Por otro lado, para la obtención de resultados se utilizó como técnicas las entrevistas y análisis de fuente documental, y como instrumentos se aplicó la guía de entrevista y la guía de análisis documental. Por último, se logró determinar que la declaración de pareja sentimental incidirá en el nepotismo de manera positiva, ya que se puede advertir por medio de este documento la existencia del nepotismo, por ser un documento por el cual una persona, declara bajo promesa o juramento la veracidad de las acciones y datos que consigno, sobre la presunción del Iuris Tantum de ser verdaderos