17 research outputs found

    The Current State of Fish Marketing in Indonesia

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    EnglishFish and fish-based products are main protein sources for Indonesian. Their production and availability are so varied by provinces and major islands. Consequently, their average consumption levels are spatially different. The inequality of consumption and production is traced to the problems of marketing and distribution. By understanding and solving the problems, per capita fish consumption level may be increased. The existing marketing organizations at producer level do not provide incentives to boost the production. Meanwhile, the marketing facilities and infrastructures are limited available. For the future development, particularly for increasing per capita fish consumption, supporting marketing facilities and infrastructures should be provided by the government. Other functions of the government are to provide regulations on the management of local fish auction markets, to undertake campaign of fish consumption, to provide marketing information in order to attract private sectors into the business, and to carry out research and development in order to anticipate changes of consumption pattern. IndonesianIkan merupakan sumber protein utama bagi penduduk. Namun distribusi produksinya sangat timpang menurut wilayah. Akibatnya konsumsi ikan tidak merata.Ketidakseimbangan antara produksi dan konsumsi merupakan masalah pemasaran dan distribusi. Dengan memahami kondisi pemasaran, distribusi, serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat konsumsi maka di harapkan konsumsi ikan yang rendah dapat ditingkatkan. Organisasi pemasaran yang ada di tingkat nelayan belum sepenuhnya memberikan insentif bagi pengembangan produksi. Sarana dan prasarana pemasaran masih sangat terbatas. Ke depan, pemerintah sebaiknya mengambil bagian dalam penyediaan sarana yang cukup, penataan pemasaran di tingkat produsen melalui peraturan yang mempertimbangka kondisi lokal, pengadaa kampanye guna meningkatkan konsumsi, pemberian kesempatan bagi swasta untuk berpartisipasi secara luas melalui penyediaan informasi pasar, serta mengadakan penelitian untuk mengantisipasi dan menyikapi perubahan konsumsi yang diakibatkan oleh perubahan lingkungan di masa yang akan datang

    A partial analysis of ocean health index based on clean waters and biodiversity goals in Ambon and Baguala bays, Maluku

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    It is important to maintain a healthy marine ecosystem to support eco-friendly and sustainable fishery development. Implementation of Ocean Health Index (OHI) started globally in 2012, and it has been strongly recommended to be conducted at all levels: locally, nationally, and regionally. Indonesia has modified OHI for its national assessment, which it’s called Indeks Kesehatan Laut Indonesia (IKLI).  IKLI has been estimated since 2020 and introduction applied at the sub-national level. This study is an attempt to implement IKLI in Maluku province with the main objective is to estimate score of a partial IKLI, based on clean waters (goal no. 9) and biodiversity (goal no. 10). Samples were taken from Ambon and Baguala Bays between June and September 2022. For clean water goals, the parameters used were concentration of phosphate, nitrate, silicate, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and the number of ports that implemented green principles. The parameters of water quality of silicate, DO and pH in those two bays are within the range of government-mandated standards, except for nitrate and phosphate concentrations which are not. For the biodiversity goal, the parameters used are the species composition of mangrove, seagrass, fish, and coral. The IKLI biodiversity score was low due to the high level of human activity pressure at the two selected study sites. This study demonstrates the applicability of the IKLI in a partial analysis, and its usefulness in highlighting existing data and knowledge gaps. The study suggests that a comprehensive IKLI assessment should be conducted in Maluku Province. Meanwhile to improve the national-level IKLI assessment, actions should   prioritize improving water quality management, expanding marine protected areas, and monitoring coastal ecosystems, especially those heavily affected by human activities. Keywords Archipelago nutrient OHI IKLI Maluk


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    Indikator Kinerja Kunci (IKK) adalah indikator yang digunakan untuk melaporkan kemajuan yang diidentifikasi sebagai faktor penting untuk keberhasilan suatu organisasi yang di lihat dari tujuan dan sasaran.  IKK juga dapat berfungsi sebagai alat untuk mengubah, memberikan masukan ke dalam proses manajemen yang akan membantu pembangunan yang mengakibatkan peningkatan kinerja dalam sebuah lingkungan progresif.   IKK yang dipilih harus mencerminkan tujuan organisasi, menjadi kunci untuk keberhasilan dan dapat diukur. Indikator kinerja kunci dipakai dalam pertimbangan jangka panjang untuk sebuah organisasi. Secara umum, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan indikator kinerja kunci dalam mengembangkan penangkapan ikan tuna di Sulawesi Utara dan untuk mendapatkan pengukuran yang jelas serta memberikan informasi bagi pemerintah dalam membuat peraturan. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan metode pendekatan kualitatif.  Indikator kinerja kunci (IKK) terdiri dari indikator ekonomi, keuangan sosial, ekologis dan dimensi pemerintah, baik di tingkat nasional atau di sektor perikanan. IKK di tingkat perusahaan terdiri dari masukan, keluaran, dampak dan proses.</p


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    Kegiatan illegal fishing pada dasarnya tidak saja dilakukan oleh nelayan asing tetapi juga dilakukan oleh nelayan-nelayan Indonesia dengan ukuran kapal yang relatif kecil yaitu dibawah 30 Gross Tone (GT).&nbsp; Ukuran kapal yang kecil lepas dari analisis kegiatan ilegal, padahal dalam jumlah kapal yang banyak dengan kapasitas yang kecil tentu akan memberikan masalah besar bagi pengelolaan sumber daya ikan di Indonesia. Nelayan yang bermukim di Brondong Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu contoh yang lebih memiliki untuk melakukan kegiatan illegal fishing dengan menurunkan ukuran kapal yaitu menurunkan GT.&nbsp; Kegiatan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal dilakukan karena beban ekonomi untuk pengurusan yang cukup tinggi dan tata cara pemgurusan perijinan yang sangat merepotkan merupakan alasan utama nelayan Brondong.Illegal fishing activities are basically not just done by foreign fisherman but also carried out by fisherman of Indonesia but they are using the size are smaller that is under 30 gross tonage. Due to the size a small fishing vessels are often allowed by the law enforcement officers due to the influence that is relatively small, whereas in the number of ships that are much smaller of course though its capacity would provide a major problem for the management of fish resources in Indonesia. Fishermen who settled in Brondong East Java is an example of illegal fishing activities as offeriders by loweinr the size of the ship that is lowering the gross tonage. These activities were carried out because the cost of maintaining a very troublesome permission and expensive

    Rezim pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan

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    xv, 254 hal; 21 c


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    Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk melihat proses terjadinya pengelolaan sumber daya alam secara bersama (komanajemen). Komanajemen oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat dianggap sebagai tipe pengelolaan yang cukup efektif di Desa Jungut Batu, Nusa Penida, Bali. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya pendapatan dan kesempatan kerja di bidang budidaya rumput laut


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    Development of fish processing industry in Indonesia obtain a new momentum since issuing the act No. 31/2004 regarding fisheries and determining of agriculture revitalization in the National Development Agenda 2004-2009. The strategy that can be carried out to accelerate development of fish processing industry is development of Prime Fishery Products, those are high quality, safety, competitive and high value added fishery products. The aim of research is to improve quality of public policies in development of fish processing industry, by analyzing factors those have role to Prime Fishery Products, which are (1) public policy related to quality and safety assurance, (2) entrepreneurial orientation, and (3) human resource competency. The research sample is frozen fish processing plants located in Banten Province, Jakarta Province, West Java Province, Central Java Province, Yogyakarta Province and East Java Province. The research is used the descriptive method survey and compiled data are analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The result of research is point out criteria of Prime Fishery Products that strongly influence is competitiveness, followed by quality and safety assurance. While value adding is not significantly influence. All determinant factors of Prime Fishery Products are significantly having roles. The leading role is entrepreneurial orientation, followed by public policy and human resource competency


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    Development of fish processing industry in Indonesia obtain a new momentum since issuing the act No. 31/2004 regarding fisheries and determining of agriculture revitalization in the National Development Agenda 2004-2009. The strategy that can be carried out to accelerate development of fish processing industry is development of Prime Fishery Products, those are high quality, safety, competitive and high value added fishery products. The aim of research is to improve quality of public policies in development of fish processing industry, by analyzing factors those have role to Prime Fishery Products, which are (1) public policy related to quality and safety assurance, (2) entrepreneurial orientation, and (3) human resource competency. The research sample is frozen fish processing plants located in Banten Province, Jakarta Province, West Java Province, Central Java Province, Yogyakarta Province and East Java Province. The research is used the descriptive method survey and compiled data are analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The result of research is point out criteria of Prime Fishery Products that strongly influence is competitiveness, followed by quality and safety assurance. While value adding is not significantly influence. All determinant factors of Prime Fishery Products are significantly having roles. The leading role is entrepreneurial orientation, followed by public policy and human resource competency