1,827 research outputs found

    Noncommutative sedeons and their application in field theory

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    We present sixteen-component values "sedeons", generating associative noncommutative space-time algebra. The generalized second-order and first-order equations of relativistic quantum mechanics based on sedeonic wave function and sedeonic space-time operators are proposed. We also discuss the description of fields with massive quantum on the basis of second-order and first-order equations for sedeonic potentials.Comment: 18 pages, 2 table

    Reformulation of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Equations with Non-Commutative Sedeons

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    Octonic Electrodynamics

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    In this paper we present eight-component values "octons", generating associative noncommutative algebra. It is shown that the electromagnetic field in a vacuum can be described by a generalized octonic equation, which leads both to the wave equations for potentials and fields and to the system of Maxwell's equations. The octonic algebra allows one to perform compact combined calculations simultaneously with scalars, vectors, pseudoscalars and pseudovectors. Examples of such calculations are demonstrated by deriving the relations for energy, momentum and Lorentz invariants of the electromagnetic field. The generalized octonic equation for electromagnetic field in a matter is formulated.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Sedeonic relativistic quantum mechanics

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    We represent sixteen-component values "sedeons", generating associative noncommutative space-time algebra. We demonstrate a generalization of relativistic quantum mechanics using sedeonic wave functions and sedeonic space-time operators. It is shown that the sedeonic second-order equation for the sedeonic wave function, obtained from the Einstein relation for energy and momentum, describes particles with spin 1/2. We show that for the special types of wave functions the sedeonic second-order equation can be reduced to the set of sedeonic first-order equations analogous to the Dirac equation. At the same time it is shown that these sedeonic equations differ in space-time properties and describe several types of massive and corresponding massless particles. In particular we proposed four different equations, which could describe four types of neutrinos.Comment: 22 pages, 3 table

    Stabilization of higher-order vortices and multi-hump solitons in media with synthetic nonlocal nonlinearities

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    We address the evolution of higher-order excited states, such as vortex and multi-hump solitons, in nonlocal media with synthetic, competing focusing and defocusing nonlinearities with different nonlocal transverse scales. We reveal that introduction of suitable competing effects makes possible the stabilization of vortex solitons with topological charge m>2, as well as one-dimensional multi-hump solitons with number of humps p>4, all of which are highly unstable in natural nonlocal materials with focusing nonlinearities.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Крушение Британской империи и начало европейской интеграции. Рец. на кн.: Хахалкина Е. В. Великобритания и проблемы интеграции, безопасности и деколонизации во второй половине 1940-х — начале 1960-х гг. / Е. В. Хахалкина. — Томск : Изд-во Том. ун-та, 2017. — 384 с.

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    This paper provides a critical review of the monograph Great Britain and Issues of Integration, Security, and Decolonisation in the Second Half of the 1940s — Early 1960s, published by Tomsk University Press in 2017. The book analyses the main changes in the foreign policy of the British Governments after World War II in the context of issues of European integration, new aspects of security, and the appearance of immigration policy. The Cold War transformed the traditional priorities of British foreign policy from the defence of the colonial empire to a “special relationship” with the United States of America and then to the integration policy with European countries. At the same time, there were some crises in the UK, the 1956 Suez Crisis being the most well-known of them. In the book reviewed, the author tries to put forward the study of different aspects of British foreign policy of the period both by means of developing the traditional system of approaches, and by introducing new sources which demonstrate the evolution of these different interconnected processes. The review considers some of the results of this approach.Данная работа посвящена критическому обзору монографии «Великобритания и проблемы интеграции, безопасности и деколонизации во второй половине 1940-х  — начале 1960-х гг.», опубликованной издательством Томского государственного университета в 2017 г. В работе рассматриваются главные изменения во внешней политике британских правительств после Второй мировой войны в контексте проблем европейской интеграции, новых аспектов безопасности и появления миграционной политики. Холодная война трансформировала традиционные приоритеты британской внешней политики от защиты колониальной империи к «особым отношениям» с Соединенными Штатами Америки, а затем к политике интеграции с европейскими странами. Одновременно происходил ряд кризисов внутри Соединенного Королевства. Суэцкий кризис 1956 г. — самый известный среди них. В рецензируемой книге автор пытается продвинуть вперед изучение различных аспектов британской внешней политики этого периода, как через развитие традиционной системы взглядов, так и включая в исследовательскую повестку новые оригинальные источники, показывающие эволюцию этих различных, но взаимосвязанных процессов. Некоторые из результатов такого подхода исследуются в рецензии

    Technology of receiving fresh water from forcedly saturated air through the use of solar energy

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    At present, as a result of climate change and man-caused impact on the environment, fresh drinking quality water deficit is observed in many regions of the world. The sufficiency of fresh water provides high quality of living, the stabilization of the internal and foreign political situation, especially in developing countries. A lot of fresh drinking quality water production technologies are known today. Most of them consume a significant amount of energy and pose a considerable danger to the environment. As a source of energy, as a rule, hydrocarbon raw material is used, which is an exhaustible resource. The authors developed a technology for obtaining fresh water of drinking quality from atmospheric air using the solar energy. The article provides a substantiation of the way of fresh water production from air and also describes the energy balance in its implementation